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3、听写我们可以当作一篇Cloze来做,通过对语篇的理解来猜测空格处有可能填的词汇和要点。在播放directions的时候做个小小的分析,可以让我们在听的时候更加有目的性,在这里我就对六级中出现的一次听写做一个简单的分析,供大家参考。最后再强调一下,大家要学会充分利用放Direction的时间,这个时候可以用来分析选项,对将要听到的内容进行一些猜测和分析;另外在每道题目之间有约20秒钟的间隔,希望也能充分运用,来分析下一道题目的选项。第二部分 解题技巧与规律从考试的角度来说,听力小对话中存在着大量的美式思维跟规律,在考生实力不足以把握每一个信息点的情况下,适当的运用美式思维和一些规律,可以起到事半

4、功倍的作用,但是思路必须紧跟主题,即多想想会出现什么样的情况,尤其是沿着国外学生的思维去想想。才能得到解题的正确思路。常见特色规律:1. 老师要求严格在听力小对话的学校上课场景里面经常会涉及到对于老师的对话,无外乎对于上课的评价,对于讲座的评价,对老师要求的评价这么几种。而在听力里面出现的老师总是要求很严格的,不仅仅对学生,对自己也是要求严格,主要体现在:对学生要求严格,上课准时,讲座很精彩等,但有时候也会有学生说课程很难,讲座听不懂等情况。典型题目M: Erh-erh Looks like Im going to be a little late for class. I hope Pro.

5、 Clark doesnt start on time today. W: Are you kidding? You can set your watch by the time he starts his class. Q: What can be inferred about Pro. Clark?A) He wants his students to be on time for class. B) He doesnt allow his students to tell jokes in class. C) He is always punctual for his class. D)

6、 He rarely notices which students are late.解析:这一场景,在对话中男生说:可能我得迟到一会儿了,我希望Clark教授今天没有准点开课。女生回答:开玩笑吧,他每次开始上课你都可以对你的表。因此答案选C Professor Smith, I really need the credits to graduate this summer. Here at this school the credits are earned, not given. What do we learn from the conversation?A) The man think

7、s the woman can earn the credits. B) The woman is begging the man to let her pass the exam. C) The woman has to attend a summer course to graduate.D) The woman is going to graduate from summer school. 这一场景,在对话中女生说:教授,我需要这些学分才能暑假顺利毕业。男生回答:这个学校的学分是挣来的而不是给的。因此答案选B2. 作业又难又做不完毫不夸张的说,作业是每一个学生的噩梦所在,不论对于中国学

8、生还是国外学生,因此听力小对话中往往出现大量学生对于作业的抱怨,而无一例外的总是抱怨作业多,做不完;作业难,不会做;做作业的时候问题很多,有时候需要两人达成一致等。需要了解的是作业包括各种各样的assignment 和 homework 以及reading list。 Im getting absolutely nowhere with these physics problems. How about my going through them with you? What does the woman mean?A) She could help him with the problems

9、.B) He should go out for a while.C) She could go out together with him. D) He should do the problems himself.这是一个典型的作业又难又做不完场景,在对话中男生说:我实在不知道这些物理题怎么做。我来帮你一起做怎么样?因此答案选A, How do you like Professor Bock mans course on the History of Philosophy? He is a distinguished scholar on that subject. He is a gre

10、at teacher, but Im having a hard time with the reading list. I feel I cant ever finish it. What problem does the woman have with the course?A) She is not interested in the course. B) She doesnt like the way the professor lectures.C) Shes having a hard time following the professors lectures.D) Shes h

11、aving difficulty with the heavy reading assignments.这是一个典型的作业多规律,在对话中男生说:你喜欢教授Bock的课么?他是这个方面著名的学者。她是个很棒的老师,但是他列出的阅读资料很多,我想我很难完成。因此答案选D My chemistry project is in trouble. My partner and I have totally different ideas about how to proceed. You should try to meet each other half way. What does the wom

12、an suggest?A) The man should work with somebody else.B) The man should meet his partners needs.C) They should come to a compromise.D) They should find a better lab for the project.这是一个典型的作业,在对话中男生说:我的化学项目遇到问题了。我和我的合作伙伴对接下来怎么做个持己见。你们应该试图。 Mr. Smith, our history professor, announced we would be doing

13、two papers and three exams this semester. I wonder how Im going to pull through when two other courses have similar requirements. Well, cant you drop one course and pick it up next semester? What does the woman suggest the man do?A) Do the assignments towards the end of the semester. B) Quit the his

14、tory course and choose another one instead. C) Drop one course and do it next semester. D) Take courses with a lighter workload. 典型的作业繁重规律,对话中男生抱怨道我们的历史老师Smith宣称这个学期我们要搞定两份论文三次考试。可是别的课程也有类似的要求,我都不知道我该怎么去应付了。女生建议道那你为什么不退一门课呢?下学期再选也不迟啊。因此答案选C。除了在此需要把握pick up的第五种意思:学习之外,还有两个考点,分别为短语pull through 以及小词dro

15、p,对它们的解析请参考相应词条。同时,此题也暗含有女生责怪男生不应该选课太多的语气。可根据规律迅速作出。 The assignment on physics is a real challenge. I dont think I can finish it on time or by myself. Why dont we join our feet together? It may be easier then.此处缺选项和正确答案A)They join the physics club.B)They ask for an extension of the deadline.C)They w

16、ork on the assignment together.D)They choose an easier assignment.男生觉得物理作业实在太难了,自己一人肯定不能完成,女生(热心地):我们一起来做吧,总比你一人作要好。注意到assignment, join ones feet together都是常考的知识点。答案选c3、考试总是难就像作业一样,考试也是学生往往无奈的话题之一,学生会喜欢考试吗?毫无疑问不喜欢,考试会容易吗?问问学生自己就知道了,总是觉得考试很棘手。通过都往往很困难,更别提得高分了。 How did you do on the maths exam, John?

17、I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected. A) John didnt pass, although he had tried his best. B) John did better than he thought he was able to. C) John got an excellent score, which was unexpected. D) John was disappointed at his maths score.这是一个典型的考试总是很难场景,在对话中女

18、生说:你数学考试怎么样?做的很差,刚及格但是比我预想的好。因此答案选B,值得一提的是I barely made it表示我勉强通过的意思。 How many students passed the final physics exam in your class? Forty. But still as many as 20 percent of the class failed. Quite disappointing, isnt it? What does the woman think the exam?A) Its results were just as expected. B) I

19、t wasnt very well designed. C) It fully reflected the students ability. D) Its results fell short of her expectations. 这是一个典型的考试总是很难场景,在对话中男生说:物理期末考试有多少同学通过了。 女生回答:40个。但是还有20的同学不及格。很令人失望吧? Oh dear!m afraid Ill fail again in the national test. Its the third time I took it. Dont be too upset. I have t

20、he same fate. Lets try a fourth time. What does the man mean?A) He felt upset because of her failure.B) He believes she will pass the test this time. C) He is sure they will succeed in the next test. D) He did no better than the woman in the test. 天!我害怕我这次考试又要不及格了。不要太紧张,我跟你一样,让我们再试第四次。4、订房订票总是定不上在听力

21、的小对话中总是有一些不尽如人意的情况发生,只要留心就会发现处处体现出来“sorry”(遗憾)的情形。比如订房订票在六级里面总是买不到,定不上。典型题目:d like to make two reservations on Flight 651 for June 8th. m sorry, were booked up on the 8th. But we still have a few seats available on the 9th. When does the man want to leave?A) On the 6th of June. B) On the 8th of June

22、.C) On the 9th of June.D) On the 19th of June.这是一个典型的订房订票订不上场景,在对话中男生说:我想预定6月8号651航班 ,女生回答:对不起,我们8号的航班定完了,但是我们还有9号的。 I wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single rooms. Sorry, sir. All the single rooms are occupied. But if you like, I can check with Imperial Hotel t

23、o see if they have any. Whats the woman going to do for the man?A) Let him move to a room with two single beds. B) Check to see if there are any vacancies in her hotel. C) Try to help him find rooms in another hotel. D) Show him the way to Imperial Hotel.我不知道能不能把这个双人间换成两个单人间。对不起先生,所有的单人间都订满了。如果你想要的话

24、,我可以给你查查帝国饭店看看它们有没有。因此答案选C。 Fridays speaker is supposed to be wonderful. Are you going to attend the seminar that day? Yes. But I havent been able to get the ticket yet. Since the lecture is open to the public, I imagine that the tickets may have already been sold out. Why is the man afraid he wont

25、be able to attend the seminar?A) He thinks that there wont be enough seats for everybody. B) He thinks that the speaker wont show up. C) He thinks the seminar wont be open to the public. D) He thinks that there might not be any more tickets available.这是一个典型的订房订票订不上场景,在对话中女生说:星期五的演讲人会很棒。你想去参加那天的讨论会么?

26、是啊,但是我现在还没搞到票。因为这个讲座是公众性的,我想票可能已经卖光了。 Hurry up, Linda! I hear that there arent many tickets left for the football match. I am ready now. Lets go. It is the early bird that catches the worm. Why did the man ask the woman to hurry up?解题:第一个男人说hurry up不是很清楚,但是原因却是非常清楚的一句:I hear that there arent many ti

27、ckets left for the football match,得赶紧去买票啊,这是一种隐含的因果关系。5、男生对于比赛(如足球赛等)永远狂热从任何一个学生的角度去考虑这都是一个非常正常的思维,在听力小对话里面出现的比赛总会受到男生极大的关注。如果比赛和其他活动(比如concert)冲突,男生一定会选择看比赛,如果比赛没有看成,则有可能是生病了。 Did you watch the game last night? I wouldnt have missed it for anything! Did the man watch the game last night?A) No, he m

28、issed it.B) Yes, he did.C) No, he didnt. D) Yes, he probably did.这是一个典型的男生对比赛狂热的场景,在对话中女生说:昨晚你看比赛了? 男生回答:不论有什么事我也不会错过它的。因此答案选B,值得一提的是男生的回答 Its a pity you missed the concert yesterday evening. It was wonderful. I didnt want to miss the football game. Well, Im not a classical music fan anyway. What do we learn from the

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