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第25讲 触发器的类型建立修改删除应用Word文件下载.docx

1、4) AFTER 触发器:在insert, update, delete 语句之后运行。OLD.字段名NEW.字段名在审计应用程序中经常使用AFTER行级触发器,因为直到行被修改才触发这些触发器。行的成功修改表明数据已经通过表的各种约束。5) INSTEAD OF触发器:使用INSTEAD OF 触发器,告诉Oracle要作的事情,而不是执行调用触发器的操作。6) 模式触发器 (Schema trigger)可以在模式级操作上建立触发器,如:create table, alter table, drop table, rename, revoke, grant 等操作上建立触发器。模式级触发器

2、的作用为: 阻止执行DDL操作 或发生DDL操作时进行额外的安全监控。7) 数据库级触发器 (Database Level Trigger )可以在数据库级事件上建立触发器,如错误,注册,注销,关闭,启动等事件。使用数据库级触发器进行自动的数据库维护,或审计活动。4. 触发器创建和修改语法:(只给出最常用的触发器类型定义)CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER schema_name.trigger_name BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF delete | insert | update of column_name, or delete | insert

3、 | update of column, . ON table_name FOR EACH ROW WHEN condition DECLARE 变量定义;BEGIN 语句; 。END;1) 触发器的名字在方案下必须唯一。不能与表,视图,存储过程,函数等同名。2) 触发器的名字必须时合法的Oracle标识,长度为30字符以内。3) 使用FOR EACH ROW为行级触发器,否则为语句级触发器。4) 使用WHEN 子句进一步限定触发器执行,当满足条件时才执行触发器。5) WHEN子句的条件中可以使用新值,旧值。在WHEN 条件中引用新值和旧值不用使用 :OLD, :NEW, 直接使用 NEW.字

4、段名, OLD.字段名。6) 在PL/SQL中使用新值和旧值,必须使用 冒号开头的NEW 和OLD. :NEW, :OLD。7) 触发器中的事务处理类型为: inserting, deleting, updating. 当在一个触发器中同时使用2种以上的DML语句时,应该判断执行的是什么操作。如果是insert 语句,则 INSERTING为true, 如果是update语句,则UPDATING为true, 如果执行DELETE语句,则DELETING为true. 一般使用 IF inserting THEN 语句进行判断。8) 不要在触发器中编写大段的代码,应该将代码写在存储过程中,在触发器

5、中调用存储过程。 Call 存储过程名(参数,。);最简单的触发器创建语法:create or replace trigger document_insert_eventafter insert on Documentfor each rowdeclarebeginend;触发器创建的例子:create or replace trigger Trigger_001before updateon empwhen (new.salold.sal) insert into TEMP001 (no, name) values(:old.ename, :old.sal);5. 创建DDL级触发器:1)

6、建立在DDL操作上的触发器。2) 可以利用DDL事件触发器来执行在簇,函数,索引,包,过程,角色,序列,同义词,表,表空间,触发器,类型,用户,视图上执行create, alter 和drop命令时的执行代码。3) 创建DDL级触发器的例子:create or replace trigger TT02after create on schema call insert_audit_record(ora.dict_obj_name);6. 创建数据库级的触发器 Table 16-1 System Defined Event Attributes AttributeTypeDescriptionE

7、xampleora_client_ip_addressVARCHAR2Returns the IP address of the client in a LOGON event, when the underlying protocol is TCP/IPif (ora_sysevent = LOGON) then addr := ora_client_ip_address;end if;ora_database_nameVARCHAR2(50)Database name.DECLARE db_name VARCHAR2(50); db_name := ora_database_name;or

8、a_des_encrypted_passwordThe DES encrypted password of the user being created or altered.IF (ora_dict_obj_type = USER THEN INSERT INTO event_table(ora_des_encrypted_password);END IF;ora_dict_obj_nameVARCHAR(30)Name of the dictionary object on which the DDL operation occurred.INSERT INTO event_table (

9、Changed object is | ora_dict_obj_name);ora_dict_obj_name_list (name_list OUT ora_name_list_t)BINARY_INTEGERReturn the list of object names of objects being modified in the event.ASSOCIATE STATISTICS then number_modified :(name_list);ora_dict_obj_ownerOwner of the dictionary object on which the DDL o

10、peration occurred.INSERT INTO event_table (object owner isora_dict_obj_ownerora_dict_obj_owner_list(owner_list OUT ora_name_list_t)Returns the list of object owners of objects being modified in the event. then number_of_modified_objects :ora_dict_obj_owner_list(owner_list);ora_dict_obj_typeVARCHAR(2

11、0)Type of the dictionary object on which the DDL operation occurred.This object is a ora_dict_obj_type);ora_grantee( user_list OUT ora_name_list_t)Returns the grantees of a grant event in the OUT parameter; returns the number of grantees in the return value.GRANT) thennumber_of_users :ora_grantee(us

12、er_list);ora_instance_numNUMBERInstance number.IF (ora_instance_num = 1) THEN INSERT INTO event_table 1ora_is_alter_column( column_name IN VARCHAR2)BOOLEANReturns true if the specified column is altered.ALTER andora_dict_obj_type = TABLE then alter_column :ora_is_alter_column(FOOora_is_creating_nest

13、ed_tableReturn TRUE if the current event is creating a nested tableCREATE and ora_is_creating_nested_table) then insert into event_tab values (A nested table is createdora_is_drop_column( Returns true if the specified column is dropped. then drop_column :ora_is_drop_column(ora_is_servererrorReturns

14、TRUE if given error is on error stack, FALSE otherwise.IF (ora_is_servererror(error_number)Server error!ora_login_userVARCHAR2(30)Login user name.SELECT ora_login_user FROM dual;ora_partition_posIn an INSTEAD OF trigger for CREATE TABLE, the position within the SQL text where you could insert a PART

15、ITION clause.- Retrieve ora_sql_txt into- sql_text variable first.n := ora_partition_pos;new_stmt :substr(sql_text, 1, n-1) | | my_partition_clause | | substr(sql_text, n);ora_privilege_list(privilege_list OUT Returns the list of privileges being granted by the grantee or the list of privileges revo

16、ked from the revokee in the OUT parameter; returns the number of privileges in the return value. or ora_sysevent = REVOKE then number_of_privileges :ora_privilege_list(priv_list);ora_revokee (user_list OUT Returns the revokees of a revoke event in the OUT parameter; returns the number of revokees in

17、 the return value.) thenora_revokee(user_list);ora_server_errorGiven a position (1 for top of stack), it returns the error number at that position on error stacktop stack error ora_server_error(1);ora_server_error_depthReturns the total number of error messages on the error stack.= ora_server_error_

18、depth;- This value is used with- other functions such as- ora_server_errorora_server_error_msg (position in binary_integer)Given a position (1 for top of stack), it returns the error message at that position on error stackstack error messageora_server_error_msg(1);ora_server_error_num_params Given a

19、 position (1 for top of stack), it returns the number of strings that have been substituted into the error message using a format like %s.ora_server_error_num_params(1);ora_server_error_param (position in binary_integer, param in binary_integer)Given a position (1 for top of stack) and a parameter n

20、umber, returns the matching , %d, and so on substitution value in the error message.- E.g. the 2rd %s in a message- like Expected %s, found %sparam :ora_server_error_param(1,2);ora_sql_txt (sql_text out Returns the SQL text of the triggering statement in the OUT parameter. If the statement is long,

21、it is broken up into multiple PL/SQL table elements. The function return value specifies how many elements are in the PL/SQL table.sql_text ora_name_list_t;stmt VARCHAR2(2000);.= ora_sql_txt(sql_text);FOR i IN 1.n LOOP stmt := stmt | sql_text(i);END LOOP;text of triggering statement:stmt);ora_syseve

22、ntVARCHAR2(20)System event firing the trigger: Event name is same as that in the syntax.(ora_sysevent);ora_with_grant_optionReturns true if the privileges are granted with grant option.ora_with_grant_option = TRUE) then insert into event_table with grant optionspace_error_info(error_number OUT NUMBE

23、R,error_type OUT VARCHAR2,object_owner OUT VARCHAR2,table_space_name OUT VARCHAR2,object_name OUT VARCHAR2,sub_object_name OUT VARCHAR2)Returns true if the error is related to an out-of-space condition, and fills in the OUT parameters with information about the object that caused the error.if (space

24、_error_info(eno, typ, owner, ts, obj, subobj) = TRUE) dbms_output.put_line(The object | obj | owned by | owner | has run out of space.创建数据库级触发器的例子:create or replace trigger TT003_ON_DATABASEafter startup on database null;Client EventsClient events are the events related to user logon/logoff, DML, and DDL operations. For example:CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER On_Logon AFTER LOGON ON The_user.Schema BEGIN Do_Something;7. 触发器删除DROP TRIGGER trigger_name触发器删除例子:drop trigger TT0018.

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