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1、(D) Although.formidable(E) Because.dwindling5. A _ glance pays _ attention to details. (A) furtive.meticulous(B) cursory.little(C) cryptic.close(D) keen.scanty(E) fleeting.vigilant6. A _ person is one who will _ something on the slightest of evidence. (A) restive.forget(B) garrulous.criticize(C) mau

2、dlin.censure(D) phlegmatic.condemn(E) credulous.believe7. A New World lizard, the basilisk, occasionally does something that seems to _ physics: it runs across the surface of water for distances of up to thirty feet. (A) defy(B) quantify(C) assess(D) exemplify(E) corroborate8. A born teller of tales

3、, Olsen used her impressive _ skills to advantage in her story “I Stand Here Ironing. “(A) domestic(B) metaphysical(C) narrative(D) diagnostic(E) argumentative9. A code of ethics governing the behavior of physicians during epidemics did not exist until 1846 when it was _ by the American Medical Asso

4、ciation. (A) rescinded(B) promulgated(C) presupposed(D) depreciated(E) implied10. A diligent scholar, she devoted herself _ to the completion of the book. (A) assiduously(B) ingenuously(C) theoretically(D) voluminously(E) sporadically11. A hypothesis must not only account for what we already know, b

5、ut it must also be _ by continued observation. (A) refuted(B) interrupted(C) verified(D) discredited(E) outmoded12. A journalist rather than a scholar, Mr. Cose seems nevertheless to be _ most of the serious studies relevant to his topic. (A) overawed by(B) ignorant of(C) associated with(D) wearied

6、by(E) familiar with13. A leading philosopher of our time, Ludwig Wittgenstein, laid down a _ to which good historians _ : “Of that of which nothing is known nothing can be said. “(A) burden.protest(B) law.amend(C) rule.adhere(D) maxim.succumb(E) weapon.surrender14. A major outbreak of food poisoning

7、 in 1993 underlined the serious _ in the then-current system of food inspection. (A) expectations(B) innovations(C) objectivity(D) deficiencies(E) uniformity15. A man incapable of _ action, he never had an opinion about something that he had not worked up beforehand, fashioning it with lengthy care.

8、 (A) premeditated(B) coherent(C) spontaneous(D) calculated(E) self-conscious16. A sense of fairness _ that the punishment should fit the crime; yet, in actual practice, judicial decisions _ greatly for the same type of criminal offense. (A) assumes.coincide(B) relegates.deviate(C) accumulates.simpli

9、fy(D) promise(E) dictates.vary17. A subway modernization program intended to _ a host of problems ranging from dangerous tracks to overcrowded stairwells has failed to meet its schedule for repairs. (A) augment(B) initiate(C) deplore(D) disclose(E) eliminate18. Abandoning the moral principles of his

10、 youth, the aging emperor Tiberius led a _ , wanton life. (A) celibate(B) rudimentary(C) debauched(D) circumspect(E) peripatetic19. According to Lionel Trilling, the paradox of liberalism was that in its quest for freedom it must move toward greater organization, stricter legislation, and increasing

11、 _ . (A) anarchy(B) self-realization(C) stagnation(D) control(E) levity20. According to a noted art critic, one would have to be completely immune to the sensuous pleasures of painting to be _ Lucien Freuds mesmerizing art. (A) drawn to (B) overcome by(C) enamored of(D) unaffected by(E) consistent a

12、bout21. According to poet John Berryman, there were so many ways to _ a poem that it was quite amazing good ones ever gotwritten. (A) dedicate(B) begin(C) ruin(D) recite(E) categorize22. According to the Senator, it was not _ for a politician in search of votes to _ a mother on the beauty of her pla

13、in child; it was merely sound political common sense. (A) kindness.ridicule(B) folly.intimidate(C) pliment(D) sensitivity.evaluate(E) wisdom.reprimand23. Achaeologists are involved in _ Mayan temples in Central America, uncovering the old ruins in order to learn more about the civilization they repr

14、esent. (A) demolishing(B) incapacitating(C) excavating(D) worshiping(E) adapting24. Actors fade out of view with depressing frequency; the theater is a _ profession at best. (A) romantic(B) demanding(C) chancy(D) disinterested(E) degenerate25. Advances in health care have lengthened life spans, lowe

15、red infant mortality rates, and, thus, _ the overpopulation problem. (A) eliminated(B) aggravated(C) minimized(D) distorted(E) discouraged26. Afraid that the _ nature of the plays being presented would corrupt the morals of their audiences, the Puritans closed the theaters in 1642. (A) mediocre(B) f

16、antastic(C) profound(D) lewd(E) witty27. After reading numbers of biographies recounting dysfunctions and disasters, failed marriages and failed careers, Joyce Carol Oates _ a word to _ the genre:pathography, the story of diseased lives. (A) invented.curtail(B) reiterated.criticize(C) hypothesized.i

17、ndict(D) dismissed.obscure(E) coined.describe28. After the lonely rigors of writing, Mr. Doyle enjoys the _ aspects of filmmaking. (A) impersonal(B) transitory(D) social(E) profitable29. Aimed at curbing European attempts to seize territory in the Americas, the Monroe Doctrine was a warning to _ for

18、eign powers. (A) magnanimous(B) credulous(C) reticent(D) predatory(E) allied30. All critics have agreed that the operas score is _ , but, curiously, no two critics haye agreed which passages to praise and which to damn. (A) intolerable (B) melodious(C) unsurpassed (D) conventional(E) uneven31. Altho

19、ugh Barbara Tuchman never earned a graduate degree, she nonetheless _ a scholarly career as a historian noted for her vivid style and _ erudition. (A) interrupted.deficient(B) relinquished.immense(C) abandoned.capricious(D) pursued.prodigious(E) followed.scanty32. Although Britains film makers often

20、 produce fine films, they are studiously _ and rarely aim at a mass market. (A) commercial (B) viable(C) derivative(D) elitist(E) collaborative33. Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he would feel a touch of _ for the old days and would contemplate making a brief excurs

21、ion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends. (A) exasperation(B) chagrin(C) nostalgia(D) lethargy(E) anxiety34. Although I have always been confused by our _ system, I _ traveling on the subways occasionally. (A) mercantile.remember(B) monetary.deplore(C) social.ponder(D) transit.relish(E) revolu

22、tionary.prefer35. Although Josephine Tey is arguably as good a mystery writer as Agatha Christie, she is clearly far less _ than Christie, having written only six books in comparison to Christies sixty. (A) coherent(B) prolific(C) equivocal(D) pretentious(E) gripping36. Although Roman original contr

23、ibutions to government, jurisprudence, and engineering are commonly acknowledged, the artistic legacy of the Roman world continues to be judged widely as _ the magnificent Greek traditions that preceded it. (A) an improvement on(B) an echo of(C) a resolution of(D) a precursor of(E) a consummation of

24、37. Although a few of her contemporaries _ her book, most either ignored it or mocked it. (A) dismissed(B) disregarded(C) deprecated(D) misconstrued(E) appreciated38. Although gregarious by nature, Lisa became quiet and _ after she was unexpectedly laid off from work. (A) autonomous(B) susceptible(C

25、) assertive(D) withdrawn(E) composed39. Although he generally observed the adage “Look before you leap,” in this instance he was _ acting in an unconsidered fashion. (A) chary of(B) impervious to(C) precipitate in(D) hesitant about(E) conventional in40. Although he had spent many hours at the comput

26、er trying to solve the problem, he was the first to admit that the final solution was _ and not the _ of his labor. (A) trivial.cause(B) incomplete.intent(C) adequate.concern(D) schematic.fault(E) fortuitous.result41. Although he had the numerous films to his credit and a reputation for technical _ , the moviemaker lacked originality; all his films were sadly _ of the work of others. (A) skill.independent(B) ability.unconscious(C) expertise.derivative(D) competence.contradictory(E) blunders.enamored42. Although he is _ about the problems that still confront blacks in ballet,

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