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1、of Dassist;from答案B解析assist sb.with sth.或to do sth.或in doing sth.帮助某人做某事,故选B项。3Many journalists were sent to_the terrible disaster immediately the earthquake broke out in Sichuan Province on May 12th,2008.Ainterview Binvestigate C catch Dcover答案D 解析句意为:2008年5月12号四川一发生地震,许多记者就被派往那里对这一可怕的灾难进行报道。cover报道

2、,采访新闻。4Last night I watched Milan AC._football on TV.Awere playing Bto play Cplayed Dplay答案D昨天晚上我在电视上全程观看了A.C米兰队踢球的过程。watch sth.观看某人干某事的整个过程。故选D项。5It was raining heavily.Little Mary felt cold,so she stood_to her mother.A close Bclosely C closed Dclosing答案A天下着大雨,小玛丽感到很冷,因此她紧挨着母亲站着。close (adj./a

3、dv.)距离近的(地);closely (adv.)严密地,密切地;closed (adj.)关闭的,封闭的;不公开的,保密的,故选A项。6With his attention_on the shops along the roadside,he knocked an old man down while riding to school. A concentrating Bconcentrated Cto concentrate Dconcentrates解析考查词组concentrate ones attention on sth.把注意力集中在上,concentrate与attentio

4、n之间存在着动宾关系,故选B项。7We didnt feel surprised when we found he fixed his eyes on the food with a(n)_expression on his face,for we knew that he hadnt eaten anything for 3 days.Aanxious Bworried Ceager Dcurious 当我们发现他脸上带着渴望的表情盯着食物的时候,我们不感到惊讶,因为我们知道,他已经三天没吃东西了。eager渴望的,热切的;anxious担心的,焦虑的;worried烦恼的;焦虑的,担心的;

5、curious好奇的。8I have ever found such a case_the son refused to support his mother when she became too old to feed herself.Athat Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich我从未遇到过这种情况,当母亲太老了不能养活自己时,儿子却拒绝赡养她。当先行词是case,situation,stage,point等表示“情形;阶段;程度”时,引导定语从句的词多用where。9He may be_of playing his radio too loudly by law,especiall

6、y when it is time for sleeping.Adefended BaccusedCreminded Dinformed解析accuse sb. of sth./doing sth.指控(告发,指责)某人(干)某事,故选B项。10Hardly_of the room when it began to rain.Ahe had gone out Bwas he about to go outC had he gone out Dhe was about to go out解析本句考查“hardly.when.一就”的句型。hardly放句首时,本句倒装,并且多用过去完成时态,no

7、 sooner.than的句型与此完全相同,故选C项。11Only when he put his foot into the river_that the water was too cold to swim in.Ahe realized Bdid he realizeChad he realized Dhe had realized解析only状语(状语从句)放句首时,主句要用倒装语序。12Our government_the measures put forward by some experts at the meeting and decided to carry them out

8、 at once to prevent further air pollution in this area.Aagreed BapprovedCabsorbed Dallowed解析approve批准;通过;赞成;agree to/with/on sth.同意,在上达成一致;absorb吸收;吸取;吸引;allow允许,准许。句意为:为了阻止这个地区空气的进一步污染,政府批准了会上一些专家提出的措施并且决定立即实施。13Jack sent for a doctor after we met with the accident._I stayed there with the injured

9、old woman.AMeanwhile BHoweverCFurthermore DTherefore杰克在我们遇到事故后派人去叫医生,而我则陪着那位受伤的老人。14Its a long way to go!We must take a taxi._for a taxi.The underground can save money.ANo use BNo wonderCNo need DNo problem没有必要打的,地铁可以节省钱。no use没用;no wonder难怪;no need没有必要;no problem没问题。15He can speak English,German,Fr

10、ench and Japanese.He is nearly a man with a(an)_for languages.Agift BpresentCability Dwish他会说英语、德语、法语和日语。他是一个对语言有天赋的人。have a gife for.对有天赋;a man with a gift for.对有天赋的人。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。My husband used to be a workaholic(工作狂)Nothing seemed to

11、be more _16_ to him than his work,not even his family.He usually _17_at 6 oclock,and our _18_ and I were still asleep then,and then left _19_ having breakfast.I asked him to have breakfast _20_,but he said its a waste of _21_.I didnt know what kept him so_22_.He even couldnt finish all his work in t

12、he office.He came back at ten at night.However,I never expected that he would give me a kiss._23_he got home,he would start to_24_.The kids had already been in bed,of course.“Mom,where is Dad?Why I _25_ see him?”the kids often asked.“Well,Dad has to work.He is busy,”I always_26_like this.As time wen

13、t by,they didnt ask where their dad was again.Perhaps they had_27_that they had a dad.However,the situation changed several months ago.Jenny,our daughter,suddenly became_28_.I sent her to the hospital.The_29_told me that she was seriously ill and that she was calling_30_all the time.Tears burst into

14、 my eyes when I_31_that.I finally called my _32_and told him about that.Half an hour later,he came to the hospital and held Jennys little hands.He_33_another job two weeks later.“I just wanted to make as much_34_as possible for you and our kids.But now,I just want to_35_as much time as possible with

15、 you and the kids,”he said and thats what he is doing now.16A. possible BinterestingCimportant Drelaxing解析根据“My husband used to be a workaholic.”的语境可知作者的丈夫似乎把工作看得比一切都重要,甚至超过家庭。17A. sat down Bgot upCstoop up Dcame up解析根据语境可知这里是指作者的丈夫6点起床。18A. kids BpetsCneighbors Dparents解析根据语境可知当作者的丈夫起床去上班的时候,她和孩子们还

16、在睡觉。19A. on Bwith Cwithout Dafter解析根据“I asked him to have breakfast.”可知作者的丈夫没吃早餐就去上班了。20A. in the office Bon the wayCin school Dat home解析根据语境可知作者叫丈夫在家里吃了早餐再去上班。21A. money BtimeCenergy Dfood解析根据作者的丈夫是工作狂的语境可知他认为在家里吃早餐是浪费时间。22A. tired BbusyCfast Dexcited解析根据后文的语境可知作者不知道丈夫为什么会这么忙。23A .As soon as BIn th

17、e endCLong before DLong after解析根据语境可知作者的丈夫一回到家就立即开始工作了。24A. eat Bsleep Cwork Dwrite解析作者的丈夫一回到家就立即着手工作了。25A. often BneverCsometimes Dcheated解析根据作者的丈夫总是早晨在孩子们还没醒的时候就去上班,在孩子们睡觉之后才回来的语境可知,孩子们是问为什么他们从来见不到爸爸。26A. shouted BaskedCreplied Dcheated解析根据孩子们问为什么他们从来见不到爸爸的语境可知作者回答了孩子们的提问,告诉孩子们父亲很忙。27A. thought Bf

18、orgottenCignored Dminded解析孩子们后来就不问了,在作者看来,或许孩子们已经忘记他们有一个爸爸。28A. fine Bworse Cill Dangry解析根据后文的语境可知作者的女儿Jenny突然生病了。29A. teacher BbossCofficer Ddoctor解析根据是在医院的语境可知是位医生告诉作者。30A. mom BsirCdad Dmadam解析根据作者打电话给丈夫的语境可知女儿一直在叫“爸爸”。31A. noticed BrealizedCheard Dfelt答案C 解析当作者听到医生的话后,眼泪忍不住流了下来。32A. mother Bchil

19、dCbrother Dhusband解析根据后文的语境可知作者打了丈夫的电话,告诉了Jenny一直在叫爸爸一事。33A. received BlostC changed Dfound解析根据语境可知作者的丈夫找到了一份新的工作。34A. money BhappinessCvalue Dlaughter解析根据语境可知作者的丈夫这么努力地工作,是想为妻子和孩子们多挣些钱。35A. spend BmakeCset Dsteal解析根据语境可知作者的丈夫现在只想多花些时间和妻子以及孩子们在一起。第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所

20、给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AKate Anderson became an accidental car thief when she went to pick up her daughters car near an Ohio University building last week.Anderson saw the nickelgray Toyota Camry and used her daughters key to unlock the car,start the engine and drive home.When Charlie Vansant left

21、class a short time later,he found only an empty parking spot.He first assumed the car had been towed,but when the police couldnt find a record of it,they took a theft report.The morning after Anderson took back the car,her daughter discovered the Camry in the driveway wasnt hers.She found Vansants n

22、ame on paperwork in the glove compartment and looked up his phone number on the Website for the university.When she told Vansant the car was in her driveway,“It sounded real fishy at first,like maybe she wanted to hold the thing for ransom,”Vansant said! He eventually went to the house with a police

23、 officer,where he was reunited with his car.According to a police report,the case was closed “because of the mistaken car identity.”Anderson wasnt charged.Vansant seemed to blame the car company more than the “thief”“Her key fit not only my lock,but my ignition as wellso highfive for Toyota,I guess,

24、”he said.Toyota spokesman Bill Kwong said key technology wasnt as sophisticated as two decades ago,and there were so many ways to cut a key,making it possible for such a mixup to occur.He said the company now has a microchip embedded(嵌入)in the keys for 90 percent of its vehicles that allows them to

25、start only with the correct key.36We can learn from the story that Kate Anderson_ _.Awas an experienced but unlucky thiefBtook Vansants car away by chance fould unlock any car with her special key Dwas accused of theft and put into prison解析推理判断题。由第一段的描述可以看出,Kate Anderson开走别人的车纯属意外,因为两辆车一样,她误以为是自己女儿的

26、,用自己女儿的钥匙打开,开走了。所以选B项,D项干扰最强,这可以根据倒数第三段最后一句排除。37When Charlie Vansant received the phone call,he_.Aran as fast as he could to the police stationBfelt someone was playing a joke on himCsuspected he would be forced to pay for the carDwent directly to Anderson and collected his car由倒数第四段他所说的话“.like mayb

27、e she wanted to hold the thing for ransom”,可以看出,刚接到电话时,他以为对方是偷走车后对他进行敲诈勒索。解答此题的关键在于知道ransom的含义。38Who should be responsible for the accident?AToyota Camry. BCharlie Vansant.CToyota Company. DThe police.解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段的第一句可以看出,是这家车辆公司 ,也就是Toyota制造商对这件事件负责任。39According to the passage,it can be learned that_.Athe daughter is more honest than her motherBmany thefts occurred because the same keys were usedCToyota Camry is a kind of car,which is easier to unlockDthe car producers should pay more at

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