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高中英语必修四强化练习unit 5 section 3Word格式.docx

1、因John作主语,故应用单数谓语动词;根据句意应是“到美国去了”,故用has gone to;has been to表示“曾经去过某地”。3The old lady was visited by four lovely kids, whose laughter made the empty big house _ immediately.Aget close to life Bbring back to lifeCcome to life Dwas close to lifeC考查短语及语态的辨析。四个可爱的孩子来看这位老妇人,孩子们的笑声使得空荡荡的大房子顿时恢复了生机。come to li

2、fe活跃起来;苏醒过来;B项应为被动语态。4(2014杭州高一检测)Not only _ his own work, but he helped others.Ahe finished Bhad he finishedCdid he finish Dhe had finishedC考查倒装结构。他不仅完成自己的工作还帮了别人。not only放到句首,句子要用部分倒装,同时通过but后面的句子看,该句应用一般过去时。5(2014岳阳高一检测)At this time of year, all the restaurants are full, so we need to reserve _.A

3、before Bin advanceCin advance of DaheadB句意:在一年中的这个时期,所有的餐馆都客满,所以我们要提前预订。in advance提前,预先,符合句意。6(2014济南高一检测)John is the only one of the students in our class that never _ a mistake even when it is pointed out to him.Aadmit making Badmits makingCadmit to make Dadmits to makeB考查admit的用法。约翰是我们班里唯一一个从不承认错

4、误的学生,即使给他指出来。admit后接doing sth.,表示承认做过某事,不能接不定式,admit后面还可接名词或者名词短语。admit的主语为John,一般现在时态的单数第三人称后的动词应加s,故选B。7As the light turned red, I stood there to wait for it to turn green, not _.Amoved BmovingCto move Dbeing movedB考查非谓语动词。当交通信号灯变红时,我站在那儿等着交通信号灯变绿,没有移动。本题中stood为谓语动词;主语I与move之间是主谓关系,应用动词ing形式作状语,表示

5、伴随情况。8Please try using this kind of products. Its a new _.Atheme BtopicCfun DbrandD句意:请尝试用一用这种产品。这是新牌子的。theme主题,topic话题; fun娱乐,快乐;brand商标,牌子。9Only a _ of the children are fond of doing housework while most of them enjoy playing games.Apart BminorityCfew Dmost只有少数孩子喜欢做家务,而大多数喜欢玩游戏。while表示对比关系,minorit

6、y(少数)和most相对应。part of前不加a;a few后直接加名词;most前不加冠词a。10(2014南京高一检测)What is known to us all is that the old worker, for _ life was hard in the past, still works hard in his seventies.Awho BwhoseCwhich DwhomD考查定语从句。我们所有人都知道那个过去生活艰辛的老工人在他七十多岁的时候仍然在努力工作;whom代替老工人,作for的宾语,表示“对他来说生活艰难”。.完成句子1The discussion _

7、as soon as he joined in.(come)他一加入,讨论变得活跃起来。2The boy _ to take a picture.(close)男孩更靠近鹿,便于拍照。3Not only _,but also is a way to have fun.(useful)手机不仅是一个有用的工具,而且也是娱乐的一种方式。4_ we wont charge you for delivery.(advance)只要你提前付钱,我们会免费送到。5He _ by working hard.(admission)他通过努力学习被这所名校录取。6Only a minority of peopl

8、e _.(against)只有少数人反对这项新法令。7The boss together with his assistants _.(attend) 老板和他的助手们计划参加这个重要的会议。8John is so active that he usually _.(part)约翰非常活跃,他通常参加学校里的很多活动。9_are enjoying themselves in the big city.(come)那些来自城外的游客在这座大城市正玩得尽兴。10The storm _.(advance v)暴风雨正向这座城市袭来。1.came to closer to the

9、 the cell phone a useful tool4.As long as youve paid in advance5.gained admission into this famous against the new to go to attend the important meeting8takes part in many school activities9.Those travellers coming from out of advancing towards/on/upon th

10、e city.完形填空The United States Botanic Garden in Washington, DC. is one of the oldest botanical gardens(植物园)in the country. Botanical gardens provide a_1_area for green plants, flowing plants and trees. They are also places for education and scientific_2_.The thin green leaves of fern(蕨类)plants seem t

11、o reach out to_3_visitors as they enter the United States Botanic Garden. The Botanic Garden is just a_4_walk from the United States Capitol building. Plants from around the world grow there. Plants also_5_across the street in the Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Park.People come to the Botanic Garden to

12、see its large_6_of flowers, trees and other plants. It is_7_one of the most beautiful places to see in Washington.From early April through early June, the Botanic Garden is_8_an exhibit that honors its beginnings. The show will be_9_about the United States Exploring Expedition. The expedition was a

13、naval(海军的)trip made for_10_research in the 19th century. Some educators say it was Americas most important scientific_11_exploration before the Civil War.The_12_began on August eighth, 1838. At the time, a Navy officer_13_Charles Wilkes led ships from the eastern state of Virginia on scientific trav

14、els.Wilkes directed the flagship Vincennes. Five other ships started_14_with the Vincennes. Wilkess group_15_South America and the west coast of North America. It also traveled to Southeast Asia, the southern Pacific Ocean and even South Africa. The 140000kilometer trip became_16_as the Wilkes Exped

15、ition. Artists and scientists_17_the group of the Wilkes Expedition. Crew(乘务员)members_18_the scientists. The sailors called them insect catchers._19_these insect catchers did important work. They_20_more than 60 000 kinds of plants and birds.1A.guardedBguardingCprotected DprotectingCguard表示“警戒”;prot

16、ect则表示“保护”,根据语境排除A和B项;又因area与protect存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词形式。2A.observation BdiscoveryCexplanation DresearchD根据第四段的最后两句可以推断出research“研究”。observation“观察”;discovery“发现”;explanation“解释”。3A.welcome BgreetCwave DrefuseAwelcome表示“欢迎”,符合语境。greet则表示“问候”,而植物很显然是不能发出问候的;wave“挥手”;refuse“拒绝”,不合语境。4A.long BshortCnear

17、 DcloseB根据just可以判断其距离不远,所以选short。5A.plant BraiseCsee DgrowD根据also来判断与上一句中的谓语动词一致,即选grow。如果选A项或B项,则应使用被动形式。6A.kind BcollectionCadmission DsouvenirBlarge不能修饰kind,故排除A项。a large collection of“大量的”,符合句意。admission“入场费”;souvenir“纪念品”。7A.simply BtotallyCprobably DoftenC这个植物园“有可能”是华盛顿最美丽的地方之一。simply“仅仅”;tota

18、lly“完全地”;often“常常”。8A.holding BtakingCputting DmakingAhold an exhibit“主办展览”。9A.usually BhardlyCmainly DquicklyC这次展览“主要”是有关美国远征探险的。其他选项不合上下文逻辑。10A.native BmodernCtopic DscientificD根据下一句中的“it was Americas most important scientific_11_exploration”的提示可知选D项。11A.hard BnavalCeasy DdangerousB根据上一句中的“The exp

19、edition was a naval trip.”可知选B项。12A.deed BfantasyCtrip DshuttleC根据上一段的“The expedition was a naval trip made for _10_research in the 19th century”可知选trip“旅行”。deed“行动;事迹”;fantasy“幻想”;shuttle“往返汽车,航天飞机”。 name BnamesCnaming DnamedD动词name与officer构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用表示被动的过去分词,表示“一个叫的人”。14A.traveling Bargui

20、ngCintending DdeliveringA由上文中“Charles Wilkes led ships from the eastern state of Virginia on scientific travels”的提示推测选A,表示另外五艘船和“文斯尼斯号”一起航行。argue“争论”;intend“打算”;deliver“递送”。15A.went BvisitedCdiscovered DinventedB根据下一句话“It also traveled to Southeast Asia”可判断选B,visit相当于travel to。discover“发现”;invent“发明

21、”均无此意。go为不及物动词,接宾语时,需在其后跟介词to。16A.known BsatisfiedCcrowded DsupportedAbecome/be known as.“以而著名”,为固定搭配。17A.joined BattendedCdefended DwelcomedA艺术家和科学家纷纷加入威尔克斯远征队。join表示参加某一团体、组织、机构,并成为其中一员。attend“出席会议/婚礼”;defend“保卫”;welcome“欢迎”。18A.had fun with Bgot close toCfelt content with Dmade fun ofD根据下一句话“The

22、sailors called them insect catchers(水手们叫这些科学家为“捉虫子的”)”可推断出选made fun of“取笑”。have fun with“玩得开心”;get close to“接近”;feel content with“对满意”。19A.Or BButCSo DAndB前后句意为转折关系。20A.planted BdiscoveredCcollected DfoundC根据前文的描述应为collect,即“他们一共收集了六万多种植物和鸟类”。collect“收集”;符合句意。.阅读理解Richard Rodriguez from the United S

23、tates is a great roller coaster fan. Recently he broke his 15th world record after he spent 104 days riding the worlds largest roller coaster.“It got more difficult to ride and ride because of the muscle tiredness.” Rodriguez, a teacher at the University of Chicago, said as he stepped down from the

24、ride in a German park. He spent 10 hours a day on the roller coaster.Rodriguez tried to keep himself busy during the rides on the big roller coaster in a southwestern town in Germany. “I read the newspapers. I have a walkman, I have my cellphone, so I try to talk to people and message people during

25、the day,” he said.Although the 42yearold man said he felt sick on the first few days, he said he soon got over the problem.“My face hurts sharply and I have a little backache, but I am good.”The “Expedition GeForce” is one of the worlds biggest roller coasters. It measures 62 meters at its highest p

26、oint.On his 95th day on the coaster, after travelling over 25,000 kilometers, Rodriguez had a toothache and was treated by a local dentist. He went on after that and succeeded in breaking the record.Rodriguez celebrated with members of the park staff and his supporters, who had sent him postcards an

27、d emails encouraging him not to give up.文章大意:你体验过坐过山车吗?坐过山车打破过世界纪录吗?本文就是与你分享这样的过程。1What do we know about Expedition GeForce?AIt once ran for 104 days nonstop.BIt is the most difficult one to ride.CIt is most modernly equipped.DIt is in a German town.D细节理解题。由第二段的in a German park可知,这部过山车在德国。第三段中也提到a southwestern town in Germany。2Rodriguez kept on riding that long because _. Abe wante

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