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1、5. A1 mobile phone /m.balfn/ n. 手机a small phone you carry with youe.g. Just now, his mobile phone rang.拓展: mobile phone = cell phoneCity TheatreYou mustnt takeNo cameras or mobile phones pictures here.6. A2 MP3 player /em.piriple.r/ n. MP3 播放器a thing that can play musice.g. His latest toy is an MP3

2、player. Write about your favorite music and you could win anMP3 player.7. A1 camera /km.r/ n. 照相机; 摄像机a machine that you use for taking photose.g. I forgot to take my camera with me, so I couldnt takeany photos.You cannot use a camera to take photographs in themuseum.8. A2 printer / n. 打印机a m

3、achine connected to your computer that makes copies ofpictures or wordse.g. I use the printer to print a piece of newspaper.39. A2 cheap /tip/ adj. 便宜的costing little moneye.g. Food is usually cheaper in supermarkets.Which is the cheaper?10. A1 expensive / adj. 昂贵的costing a lot of moneye.g.

4、Big houses are very expensive.Theres a fast train but its too expensive for me.11. A1 fast /fst/ adj. 快的quicke.g. The fast train to London takes less than an hour.12. A1 slow /sl/ adj. 慢的not quicke.g. Shes a very slow eater.You should notVILLAGE SCHOOL SLOW DOWHdrive fast here.阅读词汇1. A2 suppose /spz

5、/ v. 猜想2. A2 download /danld/ v. 下载3. B2 try /tra/ v. 试用相关话题词汇复习1. money n. 钱2. market n. 市场3. shopping centre n. 购物中心4. CD n. 唱片5. watch n. 手表6. alarm clock n. 闹钟Your notes:_5二、语法复习:A. 形容词比较级1. 用法:我们用形容词的比较级来比较两个人,动物,事物,地点等的丌同。中文释义:比更2. 结构:例:The Z6 is bigger than the Z5. (big)(Z6比Z5更大。)The Z6 is ne

6、wer than the Z5. (new)A is + 形容词比较级 + than + B (Z6比Z5更新。I find writing English is more difficultthan speaking it.(我发现写英语要比说英语更难。Health and happiness are moreimportant than money.As are + 形容词比较级 + than +(健康和快乐比金钱更重要。Bs (s表复数形式) 例:The buses are faster than the trains.(汽车比火车更快。They are taller than us.(

7、他们比我们更高。其他情况Tom is taller than Rick and Mark.(Tom 比 Rick 和 Mark 都高。注: be动词的单复数由be动词前面的词的决定记得在形容词后加than。3. 形容词比较级变化规则:分类 变化规则 比较级单音节形容词 直接加 -er fast - faster以“辅音字母+元音字母+双写最后的辅音big - bigger辅音字母”结尾的单音节形容词加 -er以-y结尾的双音节形容词 变y为i加 -er funny - funnier双音节戒多音节形容词 在前面加more expensive - more expensive丌规则变化 good

8、 - betterbad - worse7三、课文复述:9四、家庭作业:1. 背诵Lesson 26 单词、语法和课文。2. 完成Lesson 26 练习册作业。3. 完成Hello Library绘本阅读:As Small as a Palm第27讲 知识清单What a great city!1. A2 high /ha/ adj. 高的far from or far above the grounde.g. Ive put the cake on a high shelf where he cant get at it.Beautiful! We were high up in the

9、mountains.2. A2 modern /md.n/ adj. 现代的very new, or using all the newest idease.g. Were in a very modern-looking building.KET真题:Were very lucky to have a modern sports centre for you touse.3. A2 wide /wad/ adj. 宽的having a larger distance from one side to the other sidee.g. The swimming pool is five m

10、etres wide.It is eighty kilometers wide.114. A2 large /ld/ adj. 大的big in size or amounte.g. We need a large house. large可用来表示大杯(飢料)戒大份(食物)My old T-shirt was a little small but Im a lot bigger now, socould you buy me a large one, please?5. A2 crowded /kra.dd/ adj. 拥挤的if there are a lot of people in a

11、 place, we say its very crowdede.g. As Christmas gets closer, the shops get more and morecrowded.I went swimming there on Saturday with my dad, but it wasreally crowded.6. A2 noisy /n.zi/ adj. 喧闹的,嘈杂的making a lot of noisee.g. It was so noisy that we couldnt hear ourselves speak.My younger brother wa

12、s noisy so I asked him to playsomewhere else.7. A2 rich /rt/ adj. 富有的having a lot of money.e.g. He got rich quickly.The drink was expensive, so only rich people can enjoy lt.8. A1 poor /pr/ adj. 贫穷的having little moneye.g. He came from a poor family.Childrens Voice is only for children from poorer fa

13、milies.9. A2 dangerous /den.dr.s/ adj. 危险的a person or thing that can hurt you is thise.g. She walked home by herself, although she knew that it wasdangerous.1310. A1 safe /sef/ adj. 安全的the opposite of dangerouse.g. It isnt safe to leave the house after dark.11. A2 heavy /hev.i/ adj. 重的if something i

14、s heavy, it weighs a lote.g. These books are too heavy for me to carry.You will need to takeTODAY a heavy sweater orDay trip to the mountains jacket with you.Wear something warm!12. A2 loud /lad/ adj. 大声的e.g. Could you speak a little louder, please? The music was very loud so we couldnt chat to onea

15、nother.阅读词汇:1. A2 capital / n. 首都2. A2 mind /mand/ v. 介意1. unhappy adj. 丌开心的2. noisy adj. 嘈杂的3. bored adj. 无聊的4. excited adj. 激动的5. tired adj. 劳累的6. worried adj. 担心的7. afraid adj. 害怕的8. brave adj. 勇敢的9. busy adj. 忙碌的最高级我们用形容词的最高级来比较三个戒三个以上的人、动15物、事物、地点等的丌同。最Nanjing Road is the busiest street i

16、nShanghai.(南京路是上海最繁忙的一条街。A is the + 形容词最高级Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.+ in / of(昨天是今年最热的一天。Whats the longest river in the world?(世界上最长的河是什么河?Cats are the most popular pets inAmerican.(猫在美国是最受欢迎的宠物。A are the + 形容词最高Video games are the most popular toys in级 + in / ofthe United States.(在美

17、国,电子游戏是最流行的玩具。What are the most popular sports in yourcountry?(在你们国家最受欢迎的运动项目是什么?3. 形容词最高级变化规则:分类 规则 最高级单音节形容词 加 -est tall the tallest以丌发音的 e 结尾的加 -st large the largest单音节形容词以“辅音字母+元音字母 双写最后的辅big the biggest+辅音字母”结尾的单音音加 -est节形容词以-y结尾的双音节形容 把y变i 再加busy the busiest词-est双音节戒多音节形容词 在前面加most important t

18、he mostimportant丌规则变化 good the bestbad the worst17三、课文复述1. 背诵Lesson 27 单词、语法和课文。2. 完成Lesson 27 练习册作业。19第28讲 知识清单We wont do any housework!1. A2 cooker /kk.r/ n. 厨灶;炉具you can use this to cook foode.g. We bought a new cooker.Once, l forgot the cooker was hot and burnt my hand.2. do the cooking /du. . k

19、k. / phr. 做飡this is what you do when you prepare hot foode.g. Who does the cooking in your house?3. A2 washing machine /w. min/ n. 洗衣机a machine you use to wash your clothese.g. I put my dirty clothes into the washing machine.My washing machine is broken.4. do the washing-up /du. w.p / phr. 洗飠具you do

20、 this after a meal to clean dirty platese.g. I often do the washing-up after dinner.5. A2 fridge /frd/ n. 冰箱a place where you keep food colde.g. Dont forget to put the milk back in the fridge.If we wanted to get a drink from the fridge, we had to go to ourparents room. fridge = refrigerator /rfrd.r.

21、 A2 heating /hi.t/ n. 供暖系统,供暖设备you need this to make your house warme.g. The house soon warms up with the heating on.There was a problem with the heating, so it was closed.7. A2 lights /lats/ n. 灯;灯光21you need these to be able to see when it is darke.g. The room is too dark without lights.we have to turn left at the next traff

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