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2、.oversleep(v.)睡过头;睡得太久33.burn(v.)着火;燃烧34.cancel(v.)取消;终止35.disappear(v.)消失;不见36.pale(adj.)苍白的;灰白的37.grey(adj.)(天空)阴沉的;昏暗的;灰色的38.unexpected(adj.)出乎意料的;始料不及的39.alive(adj.)活着;有生气的40.west(adj.)向西的;西部的(n.)西;西方41.believable (adj.)可相信的;可信任的性转换开车;迫使drove(过去式)driven(过去分词)2.friendship(n.)友谊friend(n

3、.)朋友friendly(adj.)友好的3.examine(v.)检查;检验examination(n.)考试;检查4.power(n.)权力;力量powerful(adj.) 有权势的;强大的5.wealth(n.)财富wealthy(adj.)富裕的;有钱的6.weight(n.)重量;分量weigh(v.)称重量;7.pull(v.)拉;拖push推(反义词)8.nod(v.) 点头nodded(过去式/过去分词)9.agreement(n.)一致;同意agree(v.) 同意10.disappoint(v.)使失望disappointed(adj.)感到失望的disappointin

4、g(adj.)令人失望的11.oversleep(v.)睡过头;睡得太久overslept(过去式/过去分词)12.worker(n.)工人work(n.)工作13.above(prep.)在上面;在上面below在下面(反义词) 14.burn(v.)燃烧burnt /burned(过去式/过去分词)15.discovery(n.)发现discover(v.)发现16.lady(n.)女士;女子ladies(复数)17.officer(n.)军官;官员office(n.)办公室18.believable(adj.)believe(v.)相信unbelievable(adj.)难以置信的(反义

5、词)19.disappear(v.)消失appear(v.)出现(反义词) 短语 1.让某人做某事make sth.2.宁愿would rather(通常缩写为d rather)3.越越;愈愈the more the more 4.忽略;不提及;不包括leave out5.成为某人的朋友be friends with sb.6.感到被忽略feel left out7.召来;叫来call in8.既不也不neithernor9.起初;开始时to start with10.使失望letdown11.开除某人kick sb.off12.齐心协力;通力合作pull together13.对

6、某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉be hard on sb.14.使某人发疯/发狂drive sb.crazy/mad15.让某人感到欣慰的是to ones relief16.取代某人的工作take ones position17.在以前by the time18.捎一程givea lift19.与成一排in line with20.赶到;露面show up21.在(某时间点)以前by the end of22.化装舞会costume party23.卖光sell out24.盯着某人stare at sb.25.怀疑in disbelief句子1.Soft and quiet music _make

7、s_me_relax_.轻柔安静的音乐让我感到放松。2.Well,_the_more_I_get_to_know_ Julie,_the_more_I_realize_ that we have a lot in common.嗯,我越了解朱莉,越发现我们有很多共同点。3._Neither_ medicine _nor_ rest can help him.药物与休养对他都没有效果。4.I have a lot of wealth,but Im always _worried_about_ losing my money.我腰缠万贯,但我一直担心失去我的钱财。5.Peters feelings

8、 _were_written_ all over his face.彼得的情绪全部显现在他的脸上。6.He was really worried that his coach might _kick_him_off_ the team.他真的担心他的教练可能会将他开除出队。7._Besides_,_winning_or_losing_ is only half the game.而且,输赢只是比赛的一半。8.When I _got_ to school,I realized that I _had_left_ my backpack at home.当我到达学校时,我才意识到我把书包落在家了。

9、9._By_the_time_ I _got_ back to school,the bell _had_rung_.当我返回学校时,铃声已经响了。10.But _before_ I _got_ to the bus stop,the bus _had_already_left_.但在我到达汽车站之前,公交车已经开走了。续表11.I _was_about_to_ go up to my office when I _decided_ to get a coffee first.我正要上楼,这时我决定先去买杯咖啡。12._As_ I was waiting _in_line_with_ othe

10、r office workers,I heard a loud sound.当我正在和办公室其他同事一起排队时,我听到了一声巨响。13.We _stared_in_disbelief_at_ the black smoke rising above the burning building.我们直愣愣地盯着燃烧着的大楼上升起的黑烟,无法相信这一切。14.Many April Fools jokes may _end_up_being_ not very funny.许多愚人节玩笑的结局并不是那么有趣。语法1.make的使役用法2.过去完成时(详见第二编P136)话题Unit 11 Feelin

11、gs(感受)Unit 12 Unexpected events(出人意料的事)单元重难点突破would rather (九全册Unit 11 P81)【举例透析】Hed rather join in the English group.他宁愿加入英语组。(would rather 表示“宁愿”,表示句子主语的愿望与选择;宁愿做某事:would_rather_do_sth.)I would rather not tell you.我宁愿不告诉你。(宁愿不做某事的结构为:would_rather_not_do_sth.)He would rather work than play on weeke

12、nds.他周末宁愿工作而不愿玩。(宁愿做某事而不愿做某事的结构为:would_rather_do_sth.than_do_sth.prefer_to_do_sth.rather_than_do_sth.)I think you should call him up rather_than send an email.I think you should call him up instead_of sending an email.我认为你应该给他打电话,而不是发邮件。(rather than 有时可以与 instead of 互换,但instead of 后面常接名词或动名词即doing的形

13、式。)(D)1.Lets watch the movie.Its too boring.I would rather _ a book than _ it.A.reading;to watch B.reading; read;to watch;watch(B)2.Many children would ask their parents to give money to charity _ buy them snacks.A.instead of B.rather order to that辨析above,on与over (九全

14、册Unit 12 P91)The plane is flying above the clouds.飞机正在云上飞行。(above表示一物在另一物的侧上方的含义。There are five books on the desk.桌上有五本书。(on指两个物体面上互相接触的情况,表示“在上面”。There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。He traveled all over the Europe.他游遍了全欧洲。(over通常指“正对的上方”,表示两个物体垂直的相对位置。同时over还可以表示“(大范围)笼罩;遍及”之意。选用on,over,above填空

15、。1.The little girl put the picture she drew _on_ the wall.2.The spider put a web _over_ the hole.3.The temperature is 3 degrees _above_ zero.高频话题写作指导调查问卷话题解读分析全国近5年中考作文,调查问卷这一写作形式也是较为流行的一种考法。调查问卷这一写作形式比较灵活多样,可以调查日常生活,也可以对某个具体事件进行询问,这一写作主题可以是: 1.就某个观点进行意见统计(2017年四川乐山);2.就某件事情进行咨询(2016年山东潍坊);3.写一份调查报告

16、(2016年四川达州)等。写作素材包常用作文开头语:1.Do you agree that we should have a study plan during the summer vacation?2.I want to know more information about the journey that you organize.(know sth.about了解关于的信息)【试一试】他对这位新老师一无所知。_He_knows_nothing_about_the_new_teacher._3.We made a survey about the ways to spend the f

17、ree time.常用作文中间语:1.Different students have different opinions.2.About thirtyfive percent of the students like eating out.3.But girls have totally different choices.4.In my opinion,I prefer reading to doing sports.(in ones opinion根据某人的观点)【试一试】根据他们的观点,他们会比我们走的更快。_In_their_opinion,they_will_walk_faster

18、_than_us._5.Also Id like to get more information about the food there.常用作文结束语:1.Im looking forward to your reply.(look forward to期待)2.No matter what the result is,we should respect it.典例剖析(原创题)读书是一种陶冶情操的事。古往今来,许多人都喜欢读书,把读书当作自己的爱好。尤其是各种小说。初中生学习任务重,应该花大量时间去读小说吗?下面是一则校园调查结果,请根据表格里的提示,结合你自己的观点写一篇调查短文。赞成

19、反对开阔眼界时间不够增强写作能力有的不适合学生休闲要求:词数6080个。语意通顺,意思连贯。【审题指导】这是一篇介绍观点性质的作文。写作时必须包含表格中提到的五点,还需要表达出自己的观点。全文在写作时以一般现在时为主,以第一人称的口吻进行叙述。【写作导图】【参考范文】A Survey About Reading NovelsRecently,we made a survey in our school about reading novels.Many students have their different ideas.Many students love reading.They thi

20、nk that reading novels can open their eyes and improve their ability of writing and imagining.Some students believe that if they can read some novels,they would be relaxed.But some other students disagree.They think that now students have too much schoolwork to do,and they shouldnt waste their time

21、on reading novels.Also,they think some novels are not suitable for students to read.In my opinion,I think if I have time,I can read some classic novels.They are good and helpful.【名师点评】本文的亮点之处有:1.内容符合主题及相关要求,完整无遗漏;2.句子表达正确,运用了复合句;3.句子结构正确,如使用了动名词短语作句子主语等;4.词汇丰富、生动;如使用了love doing;be good for;in ones o

22、pinion等短语搭配。模拟写作(2019预测)阳光中学英语教研组本周进行了一次关于英语写作的问卷调查,这是你班的调查结果。请你将这份结果用英语写成短文交给你的英语老师。Are you interested in English writing?Yes(92%)No(8%)Do you have the habit of writing in English after class?Yes(45%)No(55%)Do you often rewrite your short passage after your teacher corrects it?Yes(68%)No(32%)Are yo

23、u satisfied with your English writing?Yes(70%)No(30%)Which do you think is the most difficult?Words and expressions(35%)Sentence structure(55%)Grammar(20%)1.词数6080个(开头已给出,不计入总词数);2.内容完整,语言流畅,可适当发挥;3.不能使用真实的学校或自己的名称。A Survey ResultThis is the result of the survey we had yesterday about the English wr



26、Thats_terrible._直 击 中 考一、单项选择。(A)1.(2018武威中考)In every _ there has to be giveandtake.A.friendship B.instrumentC.attention D.blackboard(A)2.(2018包头中考)Has your daughter come back from Australia?Yes.She _ there for three years.A.has stayed B.staysC.had stayed D.stayed(D)3.(扬州中考)I dont have the _ to tell

27、 him the bad news.Never mind.He is brave enough to face it.A.encouragement B.resultC.secret D.courage(A)4.(2018兰州中考)Neither Tom nor I_ interested in playing C.are东营中考)The 119 passengers are _ Liu Chuanjian.Without him,they would probably have lost their lives.A.hard o

28、n B.thankful toC.friendly to D.responsible for二、(2018邵阳中考改编)完形填空。Mr.White lived in a house less than two miles from his office,so he could_1_ home for lunch every day.Every time he drove back home,_2_ cars were parked outside his house and there was no room for his car.He had to park his car somewhere else,and then walked back home.This made him very _3_.Then he wrote “NO PARKING”_4_ a small board in the garden facing the road,but it didnt work.People seem to obey only a public notice.Mrs.White asked him to _5_ a police notice.But he was afraid to do so.Then Mrs.White asked him to make_6_ ju

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