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1、广州中考英语完成句子练习广州中考完成句子练习(一)重要句型考点一:宾语从句:引导词+主语+谓语+其他 疑问词+(not) to do.73. 我想知道我们明天应什么时候到白云机场。I want to know _ _ _ _ at the Bai Yun Airport tomorrow.75. 我不清楚下一步该做什么。让我先给Lily打个电话吧。I dont know _ _ _ next. Let me call Lily first.71、你能告诉我怎样解答这道数学题吗?Could you tell me _ _ work out the maths problem?71. 我为那男孩难

2、过,但不知道怎么帮他。I felt sorry for the boy, but I didnt know _ _ _ _ him.73. 他问我是否会放风筝。He asked me _ _ _ fly a kite.74. 请问广州塔怎么走?Excuse me, could you tell me_ _ _ _ the Canton Tower?72. 我不知道怎样回答她的问题。I dont know _ _ _ her question.74. 我不知道我的梦想已经成为了现实。I dont know _ my dream _already _ _.74. 今年暑假,你决定去哪里度假了吗?H

3、ave you decided _ _ _ you holiday this summer?74. 你能告诉我你昨晚干了什么?Can you tell me _ _ _ last night?74 .打扰了!您能告诉我可以在哪里买到这本书吗?Excuse me. Could you tell me _ _ _ _ this book?75. 他们还没有决定在什么地方举行足球赛。They havent decided _ _ _ _ the football match.考点三:so +adj/adv +that sb cant/couldt do.too+adj/adv +(for sb) t

4、o do (主从句主语不一致时用for sb)Not.enough +(for sb) to do.(主从句主语不一致时用for sb)72. 她说得那么快,我几乎听不清她所说的话。She spoke _ fast _ I could hardly hear what she said clearly.72. 这个电视节目如此有趣,妈妈每晚都看。This TV programme is _ interesting _ Mum enjoys it every night.75. 这个小女孩够年龄去上学了。The little girl is _ _ to go to school.74. 彼此见

5、面的时候,他们太激动了以致说不出一句话来。They were _ _ _ _ a word when they met each other.考点四:(1)sb spend .on sth /(in) doing sth ; (2)sb pay.for sth/to do sth(3)It takes do sth (4)sth cost sb.74、从你家步行到学校需要花费多长时间?How long does it _ you _ _ from your home to school?71. 我每天花费两小时做家庭作业。Every day I _ two hours _ _my

6、homework.He _ an hour repairing his broken bike yesterday.It _ him the whole day to help his grandparents do the housework last Sunday.The book _ me 20 yuan.The boy _ 20 dollars for the flowers and sent them to his mother.Will you _ so much money _ this car?考点六:both.and.( both of.) not only.but also

7、. as well asNeither.nor.( neither of.) either.or. Not.but.74.在学校老师们不仅给我们传播知识而且还教我们如何做人。At school teachers teach us _ _ knowledge_ _ how to be good.72广州不仅历史悠久,而且风景优美。Guangzhou has _ _ a long history, _ _ beautiful scenery.73. 只有一张入场券,杰克和你当中只能一个人去看时装展。There is only one ticket. _ Jack _ you will go to

8、the fashion show.72. 肯特和孩子们都不想去动物园。_ Kent _ the children wanted to go to the zoo.72. 他不仅会说英语,还会说汉语。He can speak _ _ English _ _ Chinese.考点七:被动语态75. 室内不允许吸烟。Smoking _ _ _ in the room.74. 校运会将在下周四上午举行。The school sports meeting _ _ _ next Thursday morning.72、我们学校即将在下周五晚上举行一场音乐会。A concernt _ _ _ in our

9、school next Friday evening.74. 现在,很多人用手机代替相机拍照。Nowadays, mobile phones _ _ to take photos instead of cameras.74. 这些食物应该放在冰箱里保存。The food _ _ _ in the fridge.75. 离开之前所有的灯必须关掉。All the lights _ _ _ _ before leaving.73. 地震发生后,许多医生和药物被送到了雅安.After the earthquake, a lot of medicine and doctors _ _ to Ya An.

10、75. 2015前,广州将要建三个新的主题公园。Three new Theme Parks _ _ _ in Guangzhou before 2015.76. 昨天我收到了一部新手机作为生日礼物。A new mobile phone _ _ to me as my birthday present yesterday.73. 上学期图书馆买来了许多图书。Last term, many books _ _ back to the library.考点八:what a/an +adj+n(单数)+主语+谓语+其他。What adj+n(复数/不可数)+主语+谓语+其他。How +adj/adv+

11、主语+谓语+其他。71. 这起交通事故多可怕呀!_ _ this traffic accident is!73. 多么令人兴奋的消息啊!_ _ the news is!73、多么激动人心的一场足球比赛啊!_ _ exciting football match it is!77. 天气真好!我们去散步吧!_ _ weather it is! Lets go for a walk.72. 这部电影真令人激动啊!_ _ exciting film it is!75. 到处湿漉漉的,天气真糟糕!Its wet everywhere. weather it is!73. 多么有趣的游戏啊!_ _ _ g

12、ame it is!75天气真糟糕啊!又开始下雨了。_ _ the weather is! It is going to rain again.73.多么乏味的电影,我看到一半就睡着了。_ _ boring movie! I fell asleep half way.73. 多么聪明的小男孩啊!_ _ the little boy is!75. 今天天气多好啊!去划船怎样?_ _ weather it is! Shall we go boating?73. 他是一个多么成功的人啊!_ _ _ _ he is!考点十:not.until.;until.71. 昨晚,直到爸爸回来我才睡觉。I _ _ to bed _ my father came back home.状语从句72. 如果你想保持健康,最好不要吃太多垃圾食品。_ _ want to _ _, youd better not eat

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