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3、32位,这样输出信号的频率分辨率大大提高了。 运用DDS技术生产的DDS任意波型信号发生器是较新的一类信号源,并且已经广泛投入使用。它不仅能产生传统函数信号发生器能产生的正弦波、方波、三角波、锯齿波,还可以产生任意编辑的波形。由于DDS的自身特点,还可以很容易的产生一些数字调制信号,如FSK、PSK等。一些高端的信号发生器甚至可以产生通讯信号。同时输出波形的频率分辨率、频率精度等指标也有很大的提高。如HP公司的HP33120可以产生lOmHz-15MHz的正弦波和方波,同时还可以产生lOmHz-5MHz的任意波形,还具备调制功能,可以产生AM、FM、FSK、猝发、扫频等信号。HP公司的HP33

4、250可以产生1uHz-80MHz的正弦波和方波,产生1uHz到25MHz的任意波形。BK PRECISION公司的4070A型函数级任意波形发生器产生的正弦波和方波输出频率DC-215MHz,频率分辨率10mHZ。同时还具有AM、FM、PM、SSB、BPSK、FSK、猝发、DTMFGeneration和DTMFDetection的功能。并且具有了和PC机良好的接口,可以通过WINDOWS界面的程序进行任意波形的编辑。除了在仪器中的应用外,DDS在通信系统和雷达系统中也有很重要的用途。通过DDS可以比较容易的产生一些通信中常用的调制信号如:频移键控(FSK)、二进制相移键控(BPSK)和正交相


6、出,具有频率切换速度快、体积小、价格便宜的特点,是一种很有发展前途的信号源。所以本设计采用此方案。近年来,随着可编程逻辑器件(FPGA、CPLD等)的广泛应用,功能的不断强大,以及快速算法的不断出现,任意波形发生器也向自动化、数字化、高精度化方向发展。早期的DDS系统使用分离的数字器件搭接,随着整个电路系统运行频率的提高,采用分离器件构建的DDS电路有其自身无法克服的缺点,主要表现在电磁兼容和系统工作频率上。后来出现的专用DDS芯片极大的推动了DDS技术的发展,但专用DDS芯片价格昂贵,且无法实现任意波形输出,而CPLD及FPGA的发展为实现DDS提供了更好的技术手段。FPGA(Field P

7、rogrammable Gate Array)是目前广泛采用的一种可编程器件,它的应用不仅使数字电路系统的设计非常方便,并且还大大缩短了系统研制的周期,缩小了数字电路系统的体积和所用芯片的品种,它的时钟频率可达到几百兆赫兹,加上它的灵活性和高可靠性,非常适合用于实现波形发生器的数字电路部分。SummaryWaveform generator is a widely used in electronic circuits, automatic control and scientific experiments in areas such as the signal source. For ex

8、ample, the measurement of electrical parameters, radar, communications, electronic warfare and electronic systems, aerospace and strictly controlling telemetry, etc., in a sense of high-quality signal source is the key to the achievement of performance indicators, The features of many modern electro

9、nic devices and systems are directly dependent on the signal source that used in the performance , Therefore, high-quality signal source was described as a large number of electronic systems heart.With communication, the continuous development of radar, multi-signal sources, frequency stability, spe

10、ctral purity, frequency range and the number of output frequencies, as well as the shape of the signal waveform to a growing number of requests. In order to improve the signal source output frequency stability, such as crystal oscillator can be used to resolve this issue. In order to meet the requir

11、ements of multi-frequency number, frequency synthesis technology can be used, that is, addition and subtraction through multiplication and division of the frequency of operation can be seen from a high stability and high accuracy of the standard frequency source, resulting in a large number of have

12、the same stability and accuracy of different frequencies. The use of DDS technology is the design of a common waveform generator means, DDS not only can produce sine wave at the same time can generate arbitrary wave, this is the manner in which the other frequency synthesizer does not have the chara

13、cteristics of any wave in all fields have a wide range of applications. Through the DDS arbitrary wave of such methods is a simple, low-cost way to increase the output waveform points can be achieving a high degree of accuracy, by other means this is second to none. Since the 80s from all countries

14、in the development of DDS products, and are widely used in various fields. AD in which the companys products more representative. Such as the AD7008, AD9850, AD9851, AD9852, AD9858 and so on. The system clock frequency ranging from 30MHz to 300MHz, in which the system clock of the AD9858 is reached

15、lGHz. The chips also have the modem function. Such as the AD7008 quadrature modulation signal can be generated, while the AD9852 can also be generated FSK, PSK, amplitude modulation and linear frequency modulation signal. These highly integrated chips, are integrated within the D / A converter, the

16、accuracy of up to 12bit. At the same time have adopted a number of optimization designed to improve performance. because these chips are mostly used in water technology, water technology through the use of the phase accumulator to increase the operating frequency, allowing the output frequency of DD

17、S chip can be further improved. Water through the use of technology in the phase accumulator to ensure that the premise of the operating frequency, the phase accumulator word length can be designed for longer, such as the AD9852 has reached the phase accumulator 48. Models rather than 32 before, so

18、that the output signal of the frequency resolution significantly improved. The use of DDS technology to produce the DDS arbitrary waveform signal generator is a relatively new type of signal source, and has been widely put into use. It is not only capable of producing the traditional function of the

19、 signal generator can produce sine, square, triangle wave, sawtooth wave, but also can generate arbitrary waveform editor. Due to the characteristics of the DDS can also be very easy to produce some digital modulation signals, such as FSK, PSK, etc. Some high-end signal generator can even have a com

20、munication signal. At the same time, the frequency resolution of the output waveform, frequency and other indicators of accuracy are greatly improved. HP33120 companies such as HP can generate the lOmHz-15MHz sine and square wave, but also can produce lOmHz-5MHz of arbitrary waveform, but also have

21、the modulation function, can be AM, FM, FSK, Burst, Sweep signal. HPs HP33250 can have the 1uHz-80MHz sine and square wave, resulting in the 1uHz to 25MHz arbitrary waveform. BK PRECISION company level 4070A Arbitrary Waveform function generator sine wave and square wave output frequency DC-21.5MHz,

22、 frequency resolution 10mHZ. At the same time, also has AM, FM, PM, SSB, BPSK, FSK, Burst, DTMFGeneration and DTMFDetection function. And have a good machine and the PC interface, the interface can process WINDOWS arbitrary waveform editor. In addition to the application of instruments, DDS in commu

23、nications systems and radar systems are also very important purposes. DDS can be more easily adopted by some of the commonly used modulation communication signal, such as: frequency shift keying (FSK), binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and so on. DDS can gener

24、ate two quadrature phase signal strictly in the quadrature modulator and demodulator in a wide range of applications, this is a good local oscillator. In addition with the integrated circuit manufacturing process of gradual improvement through the use of advanced technology and low-power design, dig

25、ital integrated circuits have a speed greatly improved. Now, its latest operating frequency of the DDS chip can reach 1GHz, so that could have a relatively wide frequency band of the output signal. To further enhance the DDS output frequency, resulting in a lot of DDS technology and other methods of

26、 frequency synthesis. Such as when the output signal is a high-frequency narrow-band signal can be used when the method of filtering expansion mixer output DDS, the DDS can also be used to generate high-frequency spectral characteristics of signals, such as the use of high frequency output of the mi

27、rror. Can be seen, based on the DDS waveform generator technology to achieve high stability, high accuracy, high-resolution output of the waveform, with frequency switching speed, small size, the characteristics of prices is a very promising signal source. Therefore, the design of this program. In r

28、ecent years, with programmable logic device (FPGA, CPLD, etc.) a wide range of applications, functions from strength to strength, as well as the continual emergence of fast algorithm, arbitrary waveform generator to the automatic, digital, high-precision of direction. DDS system, the use of early se

29、paration of overlapping digital devices, with an operating frequency of the entire circuit system improvement of the separation device used to build the DDS circuit has its own can not overcome the shortcomings, mainly in the electromagnetic compatibility and system frequency. Later, there dedicated

30、 DDS chip greatly promoted the development of DDS technology, but dedicated DDS chip is expensive, and can not achieve the arbitrary waveform output, and the CPLD and FPGA development for the realization of DDS technology to provide a better means. FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is widely used

31、 as a programmable device, which not only makes the application of digital circuit design is very convenient, but also greatly shorten the system development cycle, reducing the size of the digital circuit system and varieties used in the chip, its clock frequency can reach several hundreds Hz, toge

32、ther with its flexibility and high reliability, very suitable for the realization of the digital waveform generator circuit part.1 波形发生器的实现方式波形发生器在生产实践和科技领域中有着广泛的应用。各种波形曲线均可以用三角函数方程式来表示。能够产生多种波形,如三角波、锯齿波、矩形波(含方波)、正弦波的电路被称为波形发生器。波形发生器在电路实验和设备检测中具有十分广泛的用途。例如在通信、广播、电视系统中,都需要射频(高频)发射,这里的射频波就是载波,把音频(低频)、视频信号或脉冲信号运载出去,就需要能够产生高频的振荡器。在工业、农业、生物医学等领域内,如高频感应加热、熔炼、淬火、超声诊断、核磁共振成像等,都需要功率或大或小

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