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1、1Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.被称为晶体管的半导体装置正在许多应用中取代电子管。2Cramped conditions mean that passengers legs cannot move around freely.狭窄的情况下乘客无法自由走动。3All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.所有的身体都有重量,占据空间。简洁明晰Samples 3It is forbidden to

2、 dismantle it without permission so as to avoid any damage to its parts.It should be realized that magnetic forces and electric forces are not the same.All living things must, by reason of physiological limitations, die. Translate by yourself 3:1The removal of minerals from water is called softening

3、.去除矿物的水被称为软水。2The smelting reduction process can be applied for the production of iron as well as ferroalloys.未经熔炼的铁也被称为铁合金。二、翻译的一般方法1、直译与意译2、合译与分译3、增译与省译4、顺译与倒译直译与意译Samples 4Read a book on a new subject and change your daily newspaper.The combustion often produces hot condensed particles.We can get

4、 more current from cells connected in parallel.If the rate of the back-ward reaction becomes significant, the rate laws become more complex.The law of reflection holds good for all surfaces.Translate by yourself 4:1Both pumps have excellent metering performance and high vacuum lift. 泵都有好的计量性和高真空高度。2

5、Einsteins relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. 爱因斯坦的相对论是唯一能解释如此现象的理论。3All four outer planets probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.这四个外部行星都可能含有金属芯,硅酸盐和水。4Part adjustment and repair must be performed on a regular basis if an acceptable printed product is t

6、o be the end product.产品的部分调整和要求必须按合格的原则履行,即使一件合意的印刷品即将完成。合译与分译 Samples 5Leaves are to the plants,what lungs are to the animals. The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water.With the same number of protons, all nuclei of a given element may have dif

7、ferent numbers of neutrons.An infected mother can pass AIDS on to her child during pregnancy or childbirthTranslate by yourself 5:1There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized.有些金属拥有导电的和磁化的能力。2. The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia.医生化验

8、了贫血症患者的血液样品。3. The apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.太阳大小的明显变化是由接近地平线处空气中的灰尘导致的。4. These fragments of rock and iron range from a thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one.这些岩石和钢铁的碎片的半径从几千公里到一公里不等。增译与省译Samples 6A drilled hole can be made accurate

9、and smooth by a reamer. The amount of cell respiration depends upon the degree of activity of the organism.Many processes have already been proposed, and one possible future process is a smelting reductionThe purpose of this chapter is to describe the various fasteners or tabulate available sizes.Th

10、e chips wedged between the holder and the workpiece.In solids the force of attraction between the molecules is so great that the arrangement of the molecules becomes rigid. Little information is given about the origin of life.It does not matter whether we use ball bearings or plain bearing.The inner

11、 and outer rings are graded and stored according to sizes.Translate by yourself 6:1Breeding of hummingbirds takes place in May and June.蜂鸟的繁殖在每年的五月和六月。2Cartography is the science of making maps. 制图学是制作地图的一门技术。3Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes. 我们发现自然界中的许多元素是不同同位

12、素的混合物。4The average current serves as a useful criterion in determining the energy transfer.平均电流在电能传输的过程中作为有效的标准。5The best solution is to continue to reduce all sources of pollution affecting our atmosphere.改善环境最好的办法是继续减少所有污染源的排放。6That like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fun

13、damental law of electricity.像“流向相同的电流互斥,流向不同的电流相吸”是电的一个基本原理。顺译与倒译 Samples 7The nylon nut must not protrude above the metal surface.The sodium silicate makes the cork stick to the mold surface.Space programs demand tremendous quantities of liquid hydrogen and oxygen as rocket fuel.Thus the bending st

14、ress is very easily computed.Attachments are usually not included with a standard machine.Either or both windings may be excited by alternating or direct currents.Translate by yourself 7:1The cornea is a part of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina.有助于(眼睛)聚光在视网膜上成像的眼角膜是眼睛的

15、一部分。2Almost any insulated body possesses to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric charge.几乎所有的绝缘体都有一定程度的短时间储存电荷的能力。3The angular-contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity. 这种角接触式滚珠轴承可以提供很好的轴向负荷支撑能力。4Singularity functions do not occur in physical systems. 物理系统中不会出现异常的功能。5Th

16、e properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation.通过改变晶粒取向可以改变焊接点的性质。6Part of the immune reaction against AIDS or any virus is that the lymph nodes enlarge. 淋巴结肿大是免疫系统抵抗AIDS和其他病毒的免疫反应的一部分。第二章 词的翻译第一节 词义的选择一、根据词类选择词义The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle is on

17、e half the circular pitch.The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale.We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed.Ductility is also important because it is a measure of that property of a material which permits it to be cold-worked.Translate the following s

18、entences with the word “round” by yourself 8:1The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other.锭子同时绕两个相互垂直的轴转动。2The earth isnt completely round; it is slightly flattened at the poles.地球不是一个规整的圆,在两极略微扁平。3In each round of operation the particle picks up energy from the o

19、scillating electric field.粒子在振荡电场中转动一周会吸收能量。4An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom.电子是围绕原子核转动的带负电荷的非常小的粒子。5Her waist measures forty inches round 她的腰围有40英寸。二、根据上下文选择词义以develop这一动词为例:Packaged software is developed to serve the specif

20、ic needs of one user.Noises may develop in a worn engine.Shorts frequently develop when insulation is worn.Sure enough, 80 percent of the plants developed the disease.To develop better mechanical properties is the purpose of many metal working processes.Other isolation methods are being developed.In

21、 developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing. After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers. They cited cases of identical twins reared in different homes who developed very different characteristics despite identical heredityTranslate

22、 by yourself 9:1.A mathematical or logical operation must meet a certain condition. 数学或逻辑的应用必须对应具体的情形。2.Interactive programming conditions are now available for some commercial programming languages. 适用于一些商业的程序语言是交互程序设计的现状。3.The results of a biopsy indicate a rare nonmalignant condition. 活组织检查的结果表明这

23、是一个罕见的良性疾病。4.Doctors learn that he suffers from a blood disorder and hesitate to treat him with an antivenin, which they believe might make his condition worse. 医生知道到他得了血液病并且是否用抗毒素对他进行中治疗是犹豫不决的,因为他觉得这样可能会加重病情。5.The frequency with which the filter should be removed, inspected, and cleaned will be det

24、ermined primarily by aircraft operating conditions. 过滤器的拆卸,检查,维护和清洁主要取决于飞机的运行情况。三、根据词的搭配来选择词义以idle 为例:idle capacity备用容量 idle coil 闲圈idle current 无功电流 idle frequency闲频 中心频率idle motion 空转 idle roll 传动轧辊idle wheel (gear) 惰轮 idle contact 间隔接点idle space 有害空间 idle stroke 慢行程再以large为例:large current 强电流 lar

25、ge pressure 高电压a large amount of electric power 大量的电力 large loads 重载large-screen receiver 宽屏电视接收机 large capacity 高容量large growing 生长快的Translate by yourself 10:Find the Translation in Column B which matches the phrase in Column A.1lowa)下半轴瓦 b) 弱阻尼 c)下限 d) 低强度电流 e) 仰视拍摄 f) 低音调键 g) 慢速存取 h) 低位 i) 低速制动器

26、b 1) low damping i 2) low brake c 3) low limit e 4) low shot d 5) low current h 6) low order g 7) low access f 8) low key a 9) low brass 四、根据学科和专业选择词义以英语名词carrier为例:邮政业: “邮递员” 军事: “航空母舰”,运输业: “搬运工” 化学: “载体”医药学: “带菌者,媒介物” 车辆制造: “底盘”无线电: “载波” 机械行业: “托架,传导管”Translate by yourself 11:Find the Translation

27、 in Column B which matches the specialty or field in Column A.Apron c)船头护船木 b) 停机坪 a)护床 e) (炮的)口罩,伪装天幕 d)(皮带)运输机 f) 冰川前的沙砾层g) 护墙,挡板 a 1) 机械行业: c 2) 造船业: g 3) 建筑业: f 4) 地质: d 5) 运输业: b 6) 航空业: e 7) 军事:第二节 词义的引申一、技术性引申After the spring has been closed to its solid height, the compressive force is remov

28、ed.The adjustment screw has stops at both sides.The use of seal legs for feeding and discharging solids eliminates the need for complex lock hoppers.Translate by yourself 12:1The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls.滚动摩擦力产生的原因是滚动的物体和滚道接触面的形变2Traditionally, NC programming has been performed off-line with the machine commands bein

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