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courtesy language in business negotiations商务英语本科学位论文Word格式文档下载.docx

1、 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-11-1 2009 年 11 月 1 日目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-5正文6-23答辩委员会表决意见24答辩过程记录表25课 题 Courtesy Language in Business Negotiations 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1.礼貌的理论研究1.1布朗和列文森的礼貌理论 1.2 利奇的礼貌原则2.商务谈判中的礼貌语言 2.1词汇层面 2.1.1自我指称 2.1.2 不定代词 2.1.3 情态动词 2.1.4 模糊语言 2.1.5 礼貌用语 2.2 句法层面 2.2.1被动语态 2.2.2 问句 2.2

2、.3 条件句 2.2.4 否定句 2.2.5 转折句3.礼貌理论在商务谈判中的作用 3.1有利于面子的维护 3.2有利于建立合作关系 3.3有利于营造和谐的谈判气氛 3.4 有利于策略变通 3.5 帮助维护自身利益4.结语二、内容摘要 商务谈判中,为谈判交际目的服务的礼貌语言呈现出其在商务谈判中独有的特点和规律。布朗和列文森的礼貌理论为商务语言的礼貌研究提供了理论依据。根据商务语言内在的礼貌含义,谈判语言区分为词汇和句法两个礼貌层级以及面子维护、关系建立、融洽气氛、策略便通、利益维护等五种语用功能。三、 参考文献1 何玲梅.夏决芬.曹耀萍. 礼貌现象的语用特征J.外语与外语教学.2006.(1

3、0) 2 张春泉. 第一人称代词的虚指及其心理动因J.浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2005.(03) 3Brown P.Levinson S P. Politeness:Some Universals in Language UsageM .London. Cambridge University Press. 1987. 61 . 4 Leech G. Principles of PragmaticsM.New York: Longman Inc. 1983.845 Hyland K. Writing Without Conviction:Hedging in Science Rese

4、arch ArticlesJ .Applied Linguistics. 1996.17. 17 (4) .433 . Courtesy Language in Business Negotiations000000000Abstract: In Business negotiations, the courtesy language serving for the purposes of negotiation communication has shown its unique characteristics and laws in business negotiations. Brown

5、 and Levinsons courtesy theory laid a theory foundation for the study of the business language. According to the meaning of courtesy within the language of business, the courtesy language is divided into vocabulary and syntactic, two levels of courtesy as well as five kinds of pragmatic functions, i

6、ncluding face saving, relationship building, a harmonious atmosphere, policy modification and the interests of maintenance.Keywords: politeness; business negotiations; pragmatics; strategy 0.Introduction Courtesy, as a social phenomenon, has infiltrated into every aspect of peoples lives. The expert

7、s and scholars in various research fields are constantly explore, analyze its substance, principles and strategies, functions as well as effects and attempt to apply the results of studies into practice, so that peoples communication and exchange can carry on more smoothly. International Business ne

8、gotiation is the negotiation activities between the both sides of economic and trade cooperation, with the purposes of reaching some sort of transaction or solving a dispute. The two parties of negotiations both have cooperation side and conflict side, and are all trying to win the greatest benefits

9、 in the process of cooperation with each other. The levels of language arts of the negotiation parties have a direct impact on the result and effectiveness of the negotiations. The pragmatic strategy is to achieve the anticipated purpose of exchange to flexible application of the way of expression a

10、nd skill of the language. Courtesy language, as a communication tool, serves for the purposes of special communication, showing its unique rules and roles under this particular environment of business negotiation. This thesis, starting from the angle of the pragmatics, gives a explanation to the nat

11、ure of the courtesy of the language, aiming at the function of the courtesy language strategies in the negotiations. 1. The theoretical study of Courtesy 1.1 Brown and Levinsons politeness theorySince 1970, the polite issues in the use of language have been a hot topic in the studies of pragmatics.

12、In 1987, the British scholar Brown and Levinson published Universals in Language Usage: Politeness Phenomena , the first time have carried on a systematic discussion on the courtesy and face, and in 1987 they improved their theory into three basic concepts: face, face-threatening acts as well as cou

13、rtesy strategies. Face concept refers to the desire of each persons public self-image that they fight for. They have divided the face into positive face and negative face. Positive face is that people who want to get praise and understanding from other people, negative face is that people who want t

14、o obtain behavioral freedom. Namely, their own actions were without the interference and obstruction of others. Brown and Levinson according to the different situations of the threat to the obedient peoples face, and proposed two kinds of courtesy remedial measures, namely positive courtesy strategy

15、negative courtesy strategy. The former adopt some means to emphasize the common interests and aspirations of the speaker and the hearer, the latter means that the speaker expressed some sort of behavior is to impose a last resort. 1.2 The Leechs Politeness principleLinguist Leech (1983) on the found

16、ation of the predecessors studies, summarized and classified the principles of courtesy and divided it into the following criteria: Policy guidelines: to minimize the loss of others so as to maximize the interests of others;Generous guidelines: to minimize their own interests, try to increase their

17、own loss;Recognition criteria: to minimize the degrading of others so as to maximize the praise of others;Modesty guidelines: to minimize the praise of their own so as to maximize their own derogatory;Agreed criteria: to minimize the differences between the others, and increase the common ground bet

18、ween the others as much as possible Sympathy criteria: to minimize the resentment of others, try to increase Sympathy to others. Leech think that politeness is Relative to the norms for a particular behavior, see from many point of view is a variable. That can be seen that the courtesy in pragmatics

19、 is actually the speaker in order to achieve a communicative purpose, combined with a certain environment of language, using different form of language to change the communication scenario, social relations, or change the status quo and the strategies adopted. 2. The courtesy language in business ne

20、gotiations He Meiling (2006)belived that, in pragmatics, what the courtesy concerned with was not whether the people are really friendly to others, but what the speaker was said and what have impact on the hearer. If we take the conversation as a system, the system is consists of four basic componen

21、ts: conversationer, the content of conversation, the format of conversation and the scene of conversation. The form of conversation cannot be isolately decided whether the act of speech is polite or not, whether the courtesy is the result of the interaction between the above-mentioned four elements.

22、 Under such a business negotiation conversation environment, the nature of the polite of language content can be achieved from the inside of the language. Namely, the level of vocabulary and the level of syntactic. 2.1 The vocabulary level 2.1.1 The use of first personThe first-person pronoun is one

23、 of the ways that the speaker used to describe themselves and their topics as well as the relations with the hearer, there are psychological reality in the specific environment of the language. This particular phenomenon of speech epitomizes the interaction between expression and acceptance, as well

24、 as the close association between the users of speech. Its choice can affect the relationship between the speaker and the hearer, under certain circumstances, it affect the opinion of the hearer to the speaker. For example: Sorry, Bill, but, cant have a motion until we get rid of this amendment. Sor

25、ry, Bill, but we cant have a motion until we get rid of this amendment. The former one and the latter one means essentially the same, but there is difference at the extent of expression of intimate relationship between the speaker and the hearer. In the former one, the speaker use I express the atti

26、tude directly; in the latter one , we reduce the speakers position, maintained the equal relations with the hearer, at the same time, it also implies that the speaker is just one of the persons who make this decision so that reduce their own liability. 2.1.2 Indefinite pronouns The condemnations exp

27、ress the dissatisfaction to the behavior, individual or opinions. The use of indefinite pronouns can make the speakers tone seems objective, humility when express their views, as a negative courtesy strategy, it helps the speaker expounded the view just right. Try to compare the following two senten

28、ces: You shouldnt do things like that. One shouldnt do things like that. Obviously, the later one is polite than the previous one ,The indefinite pronoun one put the focus of debate shifted to something from a person that reduce the loss of the hearers face. 21.3 Modals The modal verb have to must c

29、an play a role in the apology, implying that the speakers behavior result of some external factors, rather than the personal will. Such as: I am sorry, but I have to call our home office and then make a decision. 2.1.4 Vague language The vague language is defined as the expression of tentativeness a

30、nd possibility”. The people for the consideration of their own self-interest or the needs of polite to others, and their power of discourse are ambiguous. For example: Well, perhaps you could rethink this issue. Such as wellperhapsjustreallyactuallycertain1y possible ,this kind of vague words and ph

31、rases that leave a large room for the recipient and allow the receiver to estimate whether it is feasible or not, its a negative courtesy strategy. Look at this sentence: I think the implications of there two terms are different. thinkwonder and other vague verbs can express the psychological processes of the speaker, and also can reduce the extent of the will that

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