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1、Look at nu mber two. WhoLook at nu mber nine. WhoLook at nu mber ten. WhoLook at nu mber five. WhoLook at nu mber seve n. Who(An swer: 4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Mon ty, 3 Stella, 6 Gra ndma Star, 2 Sim on,9 Marie, 10 Maskma n, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Gran dpa Star)Unit 2 Back to school!1. Listen and point.Stella:

2、Hello, Alex! Hello, Le nny! How are you?Alex and Lenny: Fine,thanks.Merra: Is this your classroom,Simon?Sim on: Y es. Who s that on the board? That s mfyvourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler.Lenny: s nice. My ruler s on my desk. Are your school books in the bookcase? No, they are in the cup

3、board. Our teacher s here now.Stella and Meera: Oopsboard bookcase cupboard desk ruler teacher6. Listen, point and repeat.There s a long pink ruler on her desk.There are a lot of boos in the bookcase. s a big whiteboard on the wall.t a televisi on. s a computer in the classroom, but there isn Unit 3

4、 Play time!Suzy: Ooh, kites! Can we look at them, Dad?Mr Star: OK, Suzy. Where are they? Over there! Next to the lorries. Look at these robots! Ugh! They re uglyAlex: I like this big yellow watch.Meera: Look at this camera. It s orange, my favourite colour. Hum!Look! Computer games! I love computer

5、games! Great! Is there a Maskma n Playbox?Meera, Alex, Simon: Stella!gameCamera watch kite robot lorry computer3. Listen, point and say the numbers.There are dolls.This is a robot.This is a train.This is a camera.These are lorries.This is a watch.This is a computer game.This is a kite.These are ball

6、s.4. Listen and say yes or noThere are two bid red lorries.(No-There s a red lorry and a yellow lorry.) s a beautiful pink and purpleek(Y es) s a Maskman computer game. s an ugly robot with green eyes. s an ugly robot with red eyes.) s a small orange camera. s a clean orange camera.There are two sma

7、ll white balls.There are three happy dolls.There are two big yellow watches. s a long brown train.5. Listen, point and repeat.Toys in the toy box,Come alive,Walk and talk,On the count of five.One, two, three, four, five.Monty: Look at Suzy s kite! It s beautiful.nd purpiewipink along tail.Maskman: A

8、nd it s big, and it can fly. I can fly too. What s that, MaMarie: s a Can you spell ? computer game. Whose is it? Is it Suzy s? No, it isn t. It s Stella s. s that under the table?Maskma n: s Sim on s basketball. No, not that. What s that new toy next to the ball? s a big robot. It s Metal Mouth . M

9、etal Mouth? Hmm, yes. It s an ugly robot.Metal Mouth: My n ame is Metal Mouth. My n ame is Metal Mouth. Ooh, look! It can walk and talk. Yes, but it s can t fly. I can fly.Look at Suzy s kite.Whose is the computer game?It s computer game. s robot.Unit 4 At home! Can I play, Suzy? OK! Where s my bedr

10、oom? s there, next to the bathroom. Put this blue mat on the floor next to your bed. Can I have a phone in my bedroom? No, you can t. The phone s in the living room next to the sofa. Can I have a Lamp, please? OK. You can put the lamp on the table next to your bed. Than ks, Suzy. Where can I put the

11、 armchair? Put it in the living room under the clock. Is there a mirror in my bedroom? A mirror in your bedroom? No, there isn t. There are three in the bathroom, one in my bedroom and one in Simon s bedroom. Oh.mat lamp clock pho ne mirror sofa4. Listen and correct. s a girl sitting on

12、the sofa.(No, there isn t. There s a boy sitting on the sofa.) s a mirror in the living room.(No, there isn Thbre. smarror in the bathroom.) s a phone in the bedroom.(No, there isnt. Theres a phone in the hall.) s a boat on the bed.s a boat in the bath.) s a sofa in the hall.s a sofa in the living r

13、oom.) s a lamp undbe window. s a lamp on the table.) s a clock next to the bath. s a clock on the wall.) s a boy sitting on the bed. s a girl sitting on the bed.)5. Listen and correct.Grandpa: Simon! Can you take your clothes to your bedrooms, please?Sim on and stella: Whose T-shirt is that? Which T

14、-shirt? The yellow one. s Suzy s mine. No, Simon. That T-shirt s very small. Yours is the big yellow one over there.Simo n: Y es!Gran dpa: OK. Are those blue socks yours, Sim on? No, they aren t mi ne. They are Dad What now? Oh, yes! Whose black trousers are those?Stella and Sim on: Theyre yours, Gr

15、an dpa. That s right, they are. s mi ne. re yours, Gran dpa.Unit 5 Meet my family Look, Lenny s with Frank s mum and dad. Who s Frank? Frank s Lenny s baby cousin. Oh, how old is he? He s one. How many cous ins have you got, Meera? Six: four boys and two girls. How many cousins have you got? None, b

16、ut we ve got a baby. Her name s Suzy. m not a baby. I m a big girl! Grandpa! Simon says I m a baby Sim on, as you re a big boy, you can fly Suzy s kite with her.Here you are! Puph! Tha nk you!mummy daddy gran dma gran dpa cous in baby3. Listen, point and answer.s his n ame? (Nick)s her name?(May)s(h

17、Jern)ame? (May)He s daddy. WhatShe s Frank s cousin. What s Kim s brother. What s sister. What s mummy. What s her name? (Lucy) (Fra nk) (Nels on)s her n ame? (Anna) s May s grandpa. What s Sam s grandma. What5. Liste n and say the nu mbers.Lenny s hitting the ball.(16)The dog s getting the ball. (1

18、9)The boy s mother is cleaning his mouth. (14)The baby s sleeping. (11)Sim on s throwi ng the ball. (15)The girl s kicking the football. (18)Frank s mum and dad are talking. (12)Meera s catchi ng the ball. (17)Grandpa s flying a kite. (13)The cat s jumping. (20)Unit 6 Dinner time What are you doing,

19、 Dad? m making dinner. This evening we ve got bread and water. No, we can t have bread water for dinner, Dad. We havebread and milk for breakfast. Hmm. Milk s my favourite drink. Orange juice is my favorite drink. So, what isfor dinner, Dad? Let s have egg and chips. Let s have chocolate cake! No, S

20、uzy. Chocolate cake s for tea.All three childre n: So, what for dinner? Hmm- for dinner? s your favourite, it s my favourite, it ourfavourite. This evening we ve got Dad s Star dinner!. Chicken andrice!Stella, Simon and Suzy: Lovely.bread water milk juice chicken eggs chips rice5. Listen and answer.

21、 Come on, everybody. Sit down. It s dinner time. OK, Dad. Can I have some fruit juice, please, Mum?Mrs Star: Yes, Suzy. Orange juice or apple juice? Orange juice, please. Here you are. /a Can I have some brow n bread, please? Tha nks! b Can I have some egg and chips, please? No, Simon. I m sorry. It

22、 s chicken and rice for dinner tonight, but, if you re good, you can have chocolate ice cream after. Hmm, great! Chocolate ice cream s my favourite.7. Liste n and say yes m having chicken and rice. (No. I m having tomatoes andcarrots.) Can I have some milk, please? (No. Can I have some apple juice,please?) Is there any chocolate cake? (Yes.) Yes, there is. (No. No, there isn t.) t mine. It s Trevor s. (No. No, it isn t mine. It Marie s.) Er, no .It isn t chicke n. It s a long brow n

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