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1、Residence: place of residence is Chaohu, Anhui Province: Nanjing, Jiangsu Occupational Overview / job interest Are engaged in the industry: the financial sector (banks and insurance funds futures investment securities) is engaged in Occupation: Administrative Assistant Level positions are: the initi

2、al positions (two years work experience) Work Experience: 2 years Current salary: a monthly salary of 1500 yuan of overseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to:Expect to engage in the industry: the financial sector (banks and insurance

3、 securities investment funds futures) Professional services (legal accounting audit consultancy) Real estate development, construction and engineering services (design of an intermediary property Supervision) Government non-profit organization Expectations of job: The Chief Clerk Salary expectations

4、: a monthly salary of 1500 yuan到岗time: 1 week Other Requirements: pay the insurance, and other face-to-face treatment Self-evaluation / career goals Self-evaluation: cheerful personality is easy to get along with others Easy-going colleagues have affinity with good communication and co-operation Wil

5、ling to keep the companys services for the process to upgrade their Educational background School Name: Chuzhou College (September 2004 - 2007 7 months) Professional Title: Computer Network Technology Education: tertiary Location: Anhui Chuzhou Certificate: second-class scholarship, outstanding memb

6、ers, outstanding participant, etc. Professional Description: ATUOCAD, CCNA, network infrastructure, web production and design, hardware, operating system, etc. Work experience Company Name: Taikang Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (March 2008 - 2008 11 months) Their respective industries: financial services

7、 (banking and insurance securities investment funds futures) the nature of the company: joint-stock enterprises Job Title: Assistant Manager Job Description: The main duties:1, to assist business development managers in the formulation and implementation of planning 2, the development and maintenanc

8、e of high-end customer relationships, enhance customer loyalty 3, supporting the management team to produce the book project New Storage Equipment Co., Ltd. special superscript (2007年3 months - in February 2008) Industry: Import and Export Corporation Trade business nature: private. Private enterpri

9、ses Size: 10 50 Location: China Plaza Purple Xin 14A1401 Job Title: Administrative Clerk Job description:Main duties:1, document drafting, collation file collection 2, do a good job in minutes, official documents issued upload information 3, the property management company, responsible for publicity

10、 work Language ability Grasp the extent of Language name English good Miss Ye Sex:National:Political landscape: August 1986 Account: Zhejiang Jiaxing Marital status:Graduate institutions: Joint Vocational & Technical College, Hangzhou Graduation Time: June 2008 The Science: Business Administrati

11、on Language: English (General) Computer level: skilled Work Experience: 1 year Contact: 1599999999 Job intentions Work type: Full-time Nature of units: open Expectations of the industry: Internet, e-commerce, Alerts, consumer goods (food, beverage, daily chemical, tobacco, etc.), the wholesale, reta

12、il (shopping malls, boutiques, department stores, supermarkets), office equipment, supplies, transportation, logistics, express delivery Expect jobs: cashier, department assistant / secretary / clerk, graduates, client services specialists / assistants, back office Working Location: Hangzhou Educati

13、on 2005-09 - 2008-06 Wanxiang Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College Business Administration The contents of the study:The basis of accounting, financial management, international trade, economics, management, project management, business negotiations, human resources management, logistics manage

14、ment, marketing, basic computer, e-commerce, such as business etiquette. December 2004 -2005 in Lianhua in February off the coast of the century shops, internships理货员 In March 2008, I -4 days in Hangzhou on Information Technology Co., Ltd. Audit Internship May 2008 -6 Hangzhou on Color Printing Co.,

15、 Ltd. Yick-kai clerks Professional skills Received awards University: 2007 school year was good student 2006 school year was third-class scholarship 2005 school year was third-class scholarship High School: in 2004 the third text entry, outstanding member Certificate January 2008 ISO9000: 2000 quali

16、ty management system internal auditors June 2007 job card accounting Zhejiang Province in March 2006 level NCRE June 2005 Junior National Computer June 2003 abacus technical certificates Self-evaluation Efforts will not necessarily be successful, but certainly does not succeed! Is my faith in life.

17、I strive to learn the hard professional courses, and achieved excellent results, and has received scholarship classes, test out their qualification certificates. I am familiar with the operation of various office software, good English, text entry fast and familiar with accounting practices. I treat

18、 people sincerely friendly, hard, serious and responsible work. 我市XX年度黄xx教育基金助学金发放工作已于十一月中旬全面完成。全市共有受助贫困生840人,其中男生303人,女生537人,分别占受助总数的36% 和64%。受助学生中革命“五老”、烈士后代、红军后代49人,占5.8%,老区贫困子女791人,占94.2 %。发放助学金总额84万元。根据省老促会和黄xx教育基金会的统一部署,在市、县党政领导的重视下,经过两级老促会和有关部门、受助学校的共同努力,助学金发放工作顺利、健康有序推进,实现了省“两会”提出的“三满意”工作目标。

19、现将发放工作情况总结如下: 一、加强领导,认真部署,精心组织。 黄xx助学基金发放工作,已历经十二年。实践证明领导是做好这项工作的关键。年初制定工作计划时,明确提出:“统一思想,再接再励,坚持标准”,把助学金发放工作列入本年度的主要工作之一。同时,坚持会长亲自抓,副会长具体抓,老促会与学校共同负责的工作机制。收到省老促会闽老促XX12号的通知后,市老促会及时召开常务会长办公会学习贯彻通知精神,研究制订了实施工作方案。及时下发了关于做好XX年黄xx教育基金发放工作的通知,对今年发放工作的名额分配、资助对象、工作程序、进度要求和完成时间等作出具体安排。反复强调发放工作一定要做到“三个好”:即,“宣


21、发放工作当作一件大事来抓,经常了解情况,掌握进度,及时指导,促进了发放工作的顺利完成。 二、规范程序,公开标准,严格把关。 各县(市)认真总结黄xx助学金发放工作经验,不断完善和规范发放工作程序,主要工作分为三个阶段进行,即:一是宣传发动阶段。在有受助学生的学校召开师生大会,学习省老促会有关文件,广泛宣传黄老先生的事迹,并对贫困学生情况进行调查摸底,做到心中有数;二是申报阶段。坚持条件,做到公开、公平、公正,严格按照家庭贫困、学生表现好、又有培养前途的要求,采取由贫困学生提出申请或老师、班级双重推荐,指定专人核实,由学校分管领导会同年段长、班主任、政治处负责人共同审查确定,将申请表发给受助学生

22、填写,再由学生所在村、居委会把关签署意见,确保所定受助对象的准确性。名单确定后,在所在学校公示,接受监督,征求师生的意见,确定无异后,学校签署意见上报县老促会审批。三是审批阶段。县老促会根据分配的名额和上报的受助学生名单,召开会议集体研究,逐个把关审批。今年由于名额减少,助学金相对提高,对名单的确定也提出了更高的要求。清流县:为了做好发放工作,严把质量关,多次组织学习省、市老促会有关文件,及时把“实施方案”转发给有关学校,便于他们按要求对照检查,如发现有些申请表填写不规范,给予退回重新办理,写学习汇报信不符合要求的也退回重写。由于各县老促会和相关学校严格按照实施方案抓质量,保进度,顺利地完成了今年的发放任务。 三、抓宣传,促发放。 宣传工作是做好发放工作的前提,我们始终把宣传工作放在首位。各县(市)高度重视宣传工作,采取不同形式和手段宣传黄老先生的感人事迹,激发学生的学习热情,扩大助学金的社会影响。一是利用发放仪式。各县(市)普遍召开了隆重热烈的黄xx助学金发放仪式大会,由学生代表、学校领导、老促会领导、县领导讲话,进行宣传。二是利用现代传媒载体。在黄xx助助学金发放过程中,市县和有关学校都高度重视。各有关学校普遍在校园内建立了黄xx助学金宣传专栏、编发简报,利用班会、校会、广播电视宣传黄老先生的事迹及助学金发放要求,为做好发放工作做好前期准备工作。

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