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1、Plan2.2 施工机具配置 4Tools Arrangement2.3 人员配置 5 Personnel Arrangement3. 施工方法 5Replace Method3.1 换刀准备 5Preparation3.2 换刀方法 6Method4. 安全保证措施 10Safety Guarentee江底换刀方案Solution for Cutter Replacement under the sea/river1. 工程地质概况本工程由两个车站和两个区间组成,菊树西朗盾构区间(隧道里程:YCK18+431.300YCK20+337.003),盾构区间右线总长1905.730m,左线总长1

2、898.039m,总长3803.769m,菊树西朗盾构区间隧道洞身主要在2-3、3-2、7、8、9地层中通过,部分为2-1A地层;隧道埋深在10m25m之间。Two stations and two sections composite the construction. The total length of the section from Jushu to Xilang (YCK18+431.300YCK20+337.003) is 3803.769m with it right line 1905.730m long and left line 1898.039m long. The

3、tunnel of this section mainly run through layer 2-3,3-2,7,8 and 9, some run in layer 2-1A with the overburden between 10m to 25m.鹤洞西朗盾构区间(隧道里程:YCK20+725.500YCK21+391.935),盾构区间右线总长666.435m,左线总长665.009m,总长1331.444m,鹤洞西朗盾构区间隧道洞身主要在7、8、9地层中通过,部分为2-1地层;隧道埋深在10m21m之间。The total length of the section from H

4、edong to Xilang (YCK20+725.500YCK21+391.935) is 1331.444m with it right line 666.435m long and left line 665.009m long. The tunnel of this section mainly run through layer7,8 and 9, some run in layer 2-1 with the overburden between 10m to 21m. 总盾构区间隧道洞身通过的地层约有44的号微风化岩层,约36的号中风化岩层,10的号强风化岩层及约6的号地层(含主

5、要的及少量、 2 -3),及少量 3-2 5-2 号地层。因此本区间隧道通过的地层主要为大部分的岩层及土层。Among the layers, there are approximately 44% in slight weathered layer in , 36% medium weathered layer in , 10% strongly weathered layer in , 6% in layer (including mainly in layer and a few in layer , and ), and a few in layer . Therefore, this

6、 section runs mainly in rock and soil layers.2. 施工计划与安排2.1换刀的里程计划 Plan换刀主要考虑两方面:刀具磨损情况和地层稳定性。当掘进速度变慢,刀盘扭矩加大时考虑检查刀具,但开仓前选择地层条件较好,开挖面自稳性较好的历程;对于地层条件不稳定而又急需换刀的情况则需要注浆加固处理。The conditions of cutter wear-off and stability of layers need to be mainly considered. Cutting tools shall be examined when the exc

7、avation speed becomes low and the torque of cutterhead become higher. Site with good geological condition shall be selected or grouted before opening the bulk gate when the excavation face is stable.2.2 施工机具配置 Arrangement起吊:拉链葫芦 、短钢丝绳 、长短撬棒;Hoist: Chain hoist, short steel cable wire and long and sho

8、rt sticks.拆刀:气动扳手、扳手加长套管、各种套筒、气动扳手用气管、风炮、风炮用气管;Cutter disassembly: pneumatic wrench, casing tube for wrench, tubes, etc.安全照明:24V行灯(带特殊插头)、鼓风机、供 风 管、冲洗用水管、Illumination: light with 24V (with special plug), air blast and water tubes.土仓排水:潜 水 泵;Water discharge of Bulk Gate: submergible pump. 铁皮工具箱:用于盛装拆

9、下的螺栓螺母及各种工具等等。Tool box: put the bolts, nuts and other tools disassembled inside.2.3 人员配置 Personnel土木工程师、机电工程师、安全员、舱外操作主管、压缩空气操作手、人闸管理员,必要时配置带压作业班长、带压作业人员、紧急医务人员、后备带压作业人员等。There are civil engineer, electromechanical engineer, safety personnel, operating supervisor outside bulk gate, air compressing o

10、perator, management personel of man lock, under pressure working monitor and staffs, doctor for emergency, spare under pressure working staffs, etc.3. 施工方法 Replace Method3.1 换刀准备 Preparation刀具是切削土体的主要工具,刀具的锋利程度对推进的速度有很大影响。刀具安装在刀盘上,分三大类:中心双刃滚刀、正面(含边缘)单刃滚刀和刮刀,具体详见刀具布置图。The cutting tools are the main d

11、evice for excavation and its sharpness affect the excavation speed. They are installed on the cutterhead in three types: Twin Disc Cutter, Single Disc Cutter and cutter bits. Please see the layout for detail.1) 换刀原则:在稳定地层,可全部拆下,再统一换上;不稳定地层,则拆下一把换完后,再换另一把。 Principle for replacement: all the cutters c

12、an be replaced and new ones can be installed together in the stable layer, however, only one new cutter can be replaced after one in the unstable layer.2) 换刀频率:根据地层情况及施工经验,定期换刀可按(7)以下地层每掘进400600m检查刀具的磨损情况,并换刀;(8)及(9)地层,每200400m检查和换刀一次。不定期换刀是根据地层及推进速度来考虑,中微风化花岗岩及变质岩岩质较坚硬,换刀频率加大,100150m左右检查及换刀。Frequen

13、cy: according to the experience, in layer or below, cutters shall be examined every 400600m excavation and replace them if necessary; in layer , cutters shall be examined every 200400m excavation and replace them if necessary. In medium weathered layer and metamorphic rock, cutters shall be examined

14、 every 100150m excavation and replace them if necessary.3) 换刀具标准:正面滚刀刀圈磨损量在2530mm时即须换刀,特殊情况下(如无完好刀具备件更换时),可在磨损量为3035mm时更换。边缘滚刀刀圈磨损量为1520mm时须换刀。刮刀出现较严重崩齿或刀具上的合金堆焊层磨损较严重时须更换。Standard: single Disc Cutter shall be replaced if wear-off reaches 2530mm; peripheral disc cutter shall be replaced when wear-of

15、f reaches1520mm; and the cutter bits shall be replaced when welding layer is worn off or the teeth are damaged.3.2 换刀方法 Methoda、刀具检查 Examination1)停机检查 Examination while stopping machine每掘进50环至100环或者操作手发现掘进速度明显降低(标准为速度低于15mm/min)或盾构机推力明显增大(标准为推力大于15000KN)时,立即报告讨论是否开仓检查刀具。Cutter shall be examined afte

16、r discussion every 50-100 ring excavation or excavation speed is low (judging standard is lower than 15mm/min), or the thrust is increasing (judging standard is more than 15000KN).2)开仓 Opening bulk gate开仓前,根据盾构机所处位置的地质情况,决定是否采取压气作业方式或地层加固技术。若采用压气作业应严格按照人闸带压作业规定的步骤。Before opening, pneumatic method or

17、 layer strengthen technology can be applied according to the geological condition of the site. Please perform strictly according to the rules under pressure construction in man lock if use pneumatic method.3)清理 Clean检查刀具之前必须尽量排空土仓内的碴土和水,冲洗干净所有刀具,然后开启气阀往土仓里送气,以降低土仓内的环境温度,并提供排水和照明。Before examination,

18、all the muck and water shall be discharged out as much as possible, all the cutting tools shall be cleaned, then air will pumped into the bulk gate by starting the pneumatic valve in order to decrease the environmental temperature inside the bulk gate and supply illumination and water discharge.4)排水

19、与照明 Water discharge and illumination打开土仓壁上的维修管线盒接好水泵及灯管供排水及照明用。Open the repair cable box and link to the water pump and light.5)检查与记录 Examination and record检查刀具磨损情况,作好记录,然后将所需更换的刀具在刀具布置图上做好标记。Examine the wear-off condition and make a mark on the cutter layout for the cutter needed to be replaced.6)换

20、刀 Replacement根据当前地质情况及刀具检查结果决定是否换刀及须更换刀具的编号。换刀过程中的安全及换刀注意事项等应进行交底,并负责换刀全过程的跟踪管理。刀具安装示意图如下。The personnel have to be well trained and the whole replacement procedure has to be supervised. Please see the following drawing.刮刀安装示意图7) 收尾工作For epilogue在换刀工作完成并通过检查确认后,必须安排换刀人员做好人闸清洁工作,盘好所有气管、水管,并将所有剩余螺栓、垫圈、

21、螺母、锁紧块等放入工具箱内随同旧刀具运出地面,换刀过程中用到的所有工具及其他材料须全部收齐一并运出地面。并最后确认所有人员、材料、工具、物件等都已安全离开。please confirm that all the personnel, materials, tools and others are cleared out safely.8) 试运转及复检 Running test and re-examine上述工作完成后,进行刀盘试运转,如为土压平衡方式,则关闭仓门,反之则开土仓门进行试运转。盾构机推进半环左右,由机电工程师进行复检,观察刀具的运转情况,如正常则开始正式掘进;如刀具松动,由机电

22、工程师安排机电维修班进行复紧,复紧后确认一切正常后开始正式掘进。The cutterhead shall be tested to run. After advancing for about half ring, electromechanical engineer shall re-examine the condition of cutters. Final the commission begins after everything has been confirmed to be Ok.4. 安全保证措施 Safety Guarantee作业时的注意事项及措施Please pay a

23、ttention to the following items during replacement:1) 作业前必须进行严格的技术交底,确保作业人员掌握技术要领及采取安全保护措施。 Before replacement, please make sure all the personnel are well trained and all necessary safety guarantee measures have been carried out.2) 严格按有关安全操作规程的相关规定执行。 Please perform all the procedures according to

24、the relative rules strictly.3) 换刀前密切观察出土情况,掌握盾构机前土体的工程地质特性并及时向盾头刀盘处注入膨润土进行护壁,减小洞顶坍塌的可能性。 The cutting and welding job have to be performed strictly according to the rules. Anti-fire and part protecting measures shall be carried out.4) 严格控制土仓与人员仓的压力,一般控制在0.81.6bar左右。 Control the pressure of man lock a

25、nd bulk gate strictly, normally around 0.81.6bar.5) 进入土仓前,土仓内的碴土排至仓高五分之一以下。 Before entering into the bulk gate, the muck inside the bulk gate shall be discharged less than one fifth of the height of the bulk gate.6)土仓内作业人员严格按作业分工进行操作,其中带压作业领班要密切注意开挖面 及人员状况,发现异常立即通知仓外的人闸管理员,并立即离开土仓。 Monitor of workin

26、g under pressure team shall pay special attention to excavation face and personnel. Notify others and leave the bulk gate once any problems come.7)压力作业时,带压作业人员一有轻微不适应立刻停止作业。现场作好医疗救护工作,并联系好医院作随时的应急治疗。 The worker who works under pressure shall stop his work and be sent to hospital once he/she feels uncomfortable.

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