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3、网的节能降耗分析具有工程应用意义。另一方面,变压器在配电网中数量众多,经济合理的变压器投运,对整个电网的安全可靠和经济运行意义重大。文中对变压器产品的发展情况做了介绍,从节能和电网运行可靠性提出了加速淘汰该地区老旧高耗能变压器。文中重点分析了合理选择变压器容量、根据电压调整变压器分接头等措施来实现提高变压器经济运行。通过以上线路和变压器两个方面节能降损的重点分析,优化该县级配电网络,最终到达降低电力损耗,节约能源,保护环境的目的。关键词:节能降耗无功补偿,无功优化,线路损耗,变压器损耗AbstractAt present, China is in an important stage of d

4、evelopment,rapid economic growth and peoples living standards have improved steadily. But in the last 20 years of the 20thcentury, Chinas energy consumption double that support the economic to quadruple. In this period of investment as the main force of economic growth, Chinas energy consumption sig

5、nificantly increased, and the elasticity coefficient of energy substantial increase. Resources and environmental constraints and rapid economic growth are conflict. It has become Chinas future economic and social development challenges. The problem for the whole society is not allowed to evade. For

6、our countrys immediate and long-term interests, constructs a resource-saving and environment-friendly society,with a clear policy direction. As for the coal-based electrical industry, energy saving is particularly important.But first, the structure of Chinas power grid and the equipment are all outd

7、ate,such as in the distribution network of power system, the old transformers with high energy consumption are too many, lack of control, and the accident rate is high and the high loss; Second, network operation and management get behind, emphasizing safe operation, ignored the operation of the eco

8、nomy. Third, the EHV transmission lines are underweight in network, the substations layout is not reasonable enough, some network capacity-load ratio is inadequate. The series capacitor compensation, compact lines, and other advanced technology applications are lack. Causing the line loss and the ne

9、twork loss remained high. In short, our network loss is more than the worlds major industrial countries,. Chinas energy consumption in urban and rural power network is promising.The paper is based on the actual distribution network of a county-level region, by calculating the lOkV lines actual power

10、 flow and network loss, a line reactive compensation and optimization method are referred to. Thus enabling the lines operate economically and reliable. Energy conservation and reducing network loss was got at the same time. It offers engineering application for the whole distribution networks energ

11、y consumption.Transformer is a large number of in the distribution network. Transformer operation economic has a significance for the distribution network. The products of transformers development are introduced in the paper. The old transformers with high energy loss must eliminate from this region

12、s power system. The paper focused on the rational choice of transformer capacity. According to the voltage standard, adjust transformer tap and other measures to achieve the transformers economic operations.Through analysis the two aspects of energy conservation and reducing network loss bout the li

13、nes and the transformers, make the distribution network of county-level areas optimal, achieving lower power loss, energy conservation and protect the environment.Key words: Energy Conservation and Reducing Network Loss,Reactive Power Optimization, Reactive Power compensation.Lines Power Loss, Trans

14、formers Power Loss1绪论1.1研究课题的提出意义温家宝总理在人代会上做政府工作报告时提出,2006年单位国内生产总值能耗要降低4%左右。这是能耗指标首次与经济增长、物价、就业和国际收支并列成为中国的宏观调控目标。温家宝在报告中表示,中国决心在从今年开始的“十一五”期间(20062010年)使单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右,主要污染物排放总量减少10%。这些目标是针对我国资源环境压力日益加大的突出问题提出来的,体现了建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的要求,是现实和长远利益的需要,具有明确的政策导向。在20世纪最后20年,中国以能源消耗翻一番支持了经济翻两番。但在这一轮以投资为


16、8%,与国外先进水平相比差距甚大。如日本东京电力公司1999年的供电煤耗为320g/kWh,厂用电率为4%;法国电力公司1999年的供电煤耗为331.6g/kWh,厂用电率为4.47%:德国巴伐利亚电力公司1999年的供电煤耗为332.1g/kWh,厂用电率为5.42% (含脱硫装置用电)。美国、日本和德国2000年的电网综合线损率分别为6.0%、3.89%和4.6%,意大利ENEL2004年的综合线损率为3.0%。通过上述比较可以清楚地看到,中国电力工业的平均供电煤耗与世界先进水平(1999年)相差约50g/kWh,平均厂用电率与世界先进水平(1999年)相差约2%,电网综合线损率比世界先进水平(2004年)高约4%|。中国电力工业与世界先进水平的差距不可谓不大,整体能源利用效率水平不得不亟需提髙。煤炭消费比重过大是形成我国环境污染问题的主要原因之一。据有关部门统计,我国二氧化碳、二氧化硫等污染物80%以上是由燃煤引起的,其中发电

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