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1、所输送介质的温度,送风机一般要求不超过80,引风机一般要求不超过250。通常在引风机入口加装除尘效率较高的除尘装置,减少进入风机介质的含尘量,延长风机的使用寿命。二、 结构型式通风机的结构形式一般分为两大类:一类为离心式,另一类为轴流式。离心式为轴向进风,径向出风。轴流式为轴向进风,轴向出风。从电动机一侧正视,叶轮顺时针旋转称为右旋风机,以“右”或者以“顺”表示。叶轮逆时针旋转称为左旋风机,以“左”或者以“逆”表示。风机的传动方式有A、B、C、D、E、F六种,根据使用现场和机号大小而选用。离心式风机(1) 离心风机不但有“左”“右”之分,还有机壳的出口角度之分,一般机壳出风口有0、45、90、

2、135、180、225、270七种角度。(2) 叶轮:叶轮是通风机的关键部件,它是由一定数量的叶片、前盘、后盘、轴盘组成、叶片有机翼型、单板型。前盘可制成弧形或锥形,后盘为平板型。(3) 机壳:机壳是由蜗板、侧板、支腿、进口法兰、出口法兰等组成。为了运输方便,机壳可以制成二开箱或三开箱式,通过对口法兰螺栓联接到一起。(4) 进风口:进风口制成收敛流线型的整体结构,通过法兰联接,安装在风机入口侧与叶轮同轴,使气体轴向顺利进入叶轮,流动损失小。(5) 传动组:风机的传动组由主轴、轴承箱、轴承及轴承装配组件、油位指示器、温度计等组成。引风机的传动组备有冷水系统,现场须加装输水管。(6) 调节门:调节



5、,应先上好销钉,再拧紧螺栓。2.在安装时应注意检查机壳及其他体内,不应有掉入和遗留的工具、杂物。3.安装要求: (1)风机安装时应先将风机的底座放到基础上,在基础表面和底座表面之间,插上垫铁,通过调整垫铁的厚度,达到安装要求。垫铁必须成对使用,垫铁表面必须平整,每组垫铁一般不超过34块,厚铁放在下层,而最薄的应夹在中间,以免产生翘曲变形,同一组垫铁放置必须整齐,设备调好水平和方位,再将每组垫铁焊接固定好。在调整水平过程中应结合地脚螺栓同时进行。(2)风机地脚螺栓采用二次灌浆法安装。地脚螺栓埋入基础上的预留孔,复校其方位精确度是否准确,然后将机身底座和基础混凝土间隙灌入足够的灰浆,以形成混凝土结

6、构件。地脚螺栓预留孔的大小,按螺栓直径而定。对直径为2030mm的螺栓,预留孔的口子应为100mm 100mm,相应的孔底是110mm 110mm;对直径大于30mm的地脚螺栓预留孔的口子是200mm200mm,其相应孔底是220nma220mm。以上两种预留的孔深由螺栓长度规范决定。孔的纵切面是梯形即可。在灌入灰浆时,应特别注意收缩性、龟裂及施工有关规范,待灰浆充分硬化后,才能拧紧地脚螺栓的螺帽。 (3)在大型通风中,机壳与底座是分开的,机壳本身也往往分成几部分,此时应将机体底座、轴承底座按上述方法安装后,按顺序,边调整定子和转子间的间隙边组装。组装过程中,应注意重要部位是否有毛刺、卷边、变


8、主轴水平度在主轴上测量。水平度允差应符合下列要求:a每个轴承箱纵向水平度误差不超过0.041000;b每个轴承箱横向水平度误差不超过0.081000;c主轴水平度误差应不超过0.041000;d主轴与轴箱孔轴线在水平方向的同轴度误差不超过 0.06mm;e保证主轴的水平位置,并测量主轴与机电轴同轴度及联轴器两端面的平行度。两轴的同轴度允差为0.05mm,联轴器两端面的平行度允差为0.05mm。风机安装后,拨动转子,检查是否有过紧或与固定部分碰撞现象。安装风机进口和出口管道时,管道重量不应加在机壳上。安装进风管道时克直接利用进风口本身螺栓联接,此时进风口的固定靠三个沉头螺钉。全部安装后,经总检查

9、合格后,方可试运转。4 风机的试运转 风机的试车应在无载荷(关闭进气管道砸门或调节阀门)的情况下启动,如运转情况良好然后再逐渐打开调节门,在满载荷的正常工况(规定的全压和流量)情况下运转至规定时间后,经检查无异常现象发生,方可投入正式运行。在正常工况下连续运转时间;对新安装风机不少于2小时,对修理后安装的风机不少于半小时。5风机的操作 风机操作规程:(1)关闭进风调节门,出风调节门稍开(如有出风调节门);(2)检查风机机组各部分间隙尺寸,转动部分与固定部分不允许有碰撞机摩擦现象,所有固定零件的螺栓应拧紧;(3)检查轴承箱的油位是否在最高与最低油位之间;(4)对联轴器或用皮带转动的风机,要检查联

10、轴器或带轮、皮带安装的是否可靠。风机轴与电机轴的同轴度是否符合技术规定。(5)引风机备有冷水装置,因此必须加装输水管,耗水量随气温不同而异,一般按0.51m/h考虑,水压不超过0.2MPa.检查电气线路及仪表安装是否准确完好。(6) 在风机启动过程中,应严格检查机组的运转情况,如发现风机严重振动或有撞击声,轴承温度剧烈上升,应立即停机,检查其原因,并进行消除。当风机启动达到正常转数后,逐渐开大调节门,直至规定负荷为止。在运转过程中,轴承温升不得高于周围环境温度40。轴承盖表面温度不高于80,轴承的均方根振动速度值不大于6.3mms。五、风机的维护与保养1、风机安装使用后,每台风机应建立保养账目

11、,以此为基础进行定期检查,维修。无论哪种风机至少每一年进行一次定期检修。2、风机连续运转3个月,进行一次滚动轴承的检查,检查滚柱和滚道表面的接触情况及内圈配合的松紧度,更换一次润滑脂(或油)其润滑脂以装满轴承空间的三分之二为宜;润滑油按油位指示器显示。3、风机定期维护保养,消除风机内部的灰尘、污垢等。4、检查各种仪表的准确度与灵敏度。5、对未使用的备用风机,或停机时间过长的风机,应定期将转子旋转120180以免主轴弯曲。六、风机运转中主要故障及消除故障产 生 原 因消除方法轴承座剧烈振动1通风机轴与电动机轴歪斜或不同心,或联轴节两半安装错位。进行调整,重新找正2叶轮等转动部件与机壳或进气口碰擦


13、小节流阀,检查是否漏气3输送气体的密度增大,使压力增大查明原因,如气体温度过低应予提高,或减小风量4电动机本身的原因查明原因5电流单线断电检查电源是否正常6联轴节连接歪斜或间隙不均7轴承座剧烈振动引起8通风机联合工作恶化或管网故障调整、检修9调节门装反调整I APPLICATIONFans are widely used in kinds of industries like manufactory, mine, power station, petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, textile factory and building mater

14、ial with the functions of ventilation, discharging flue, aspirating,material handling, blowing-in or induced air to boiler. The transported gas is or fume and dust and granule in the gas should not exceed 150mg / m. The gas temperature of forced draught blower is 80 and the one of induced fan is 250

15、 . There would be usually .installing a high efficiency dust cleaning apparatus in the entrance of induced fan to reduce the dust load of gas and extend the fan operating life.II CONSTRUCTIONThe kind of fan is centrifugal or axial.The air-inlet direction of centrifugal fan is axial,and the air-outle

16、t one is radial. The air-inlet direction of axial fan is axial,and the air-outlet one is also axial .Viewing from the side of the motor, the impeller rotating in the clockwise is called the anti-clockwise fan re-marked with left. The kind of drive is according to the service site and size of fan.It

17、includes A, B, C, D, E, and F.CENTRIFUGAL FAN(1)The centrifugal fan can be divided into clockwise one and anticlockwise one, it also has differences in the angle of the outlet includes 0 , 45 , 90 , 135 , 180 , 225 ,and 270 .(2)Impeller: The impeller is the key component of fan, It consists of blade

18、s, shroud cover, main disc and boss. The blade is divided into airfoil one and plate one the shroud cover is divided intoarc and cone, and the main disc is flat plate.(3)Casing: The casing consists of scroll, side wall, supports, inlet flange, outlet flange and so on. In order to be transported conv

19、eniently, the casing can be made into bi-box or three-box connected with flanges and bolts.(4)Inlet section: The inlet section installed in the inlet side of fan is streamline and parallel with the axial, which makes gas flow into impeller smoothly with axial direction and less flow loss, and it is

20、connected with flange.(5)Transfer unit: The transfer unit of fan consists of main shaft, bearing housing, bearings, bearing subassembly, oil level indicator, thermometer and so on. A cooling water system is equipped in the transfer unit of induced fan, and there should be hydraulic pipeline in the s

21、ervice site.(6)Adjust door: The adjust door is used for adjusting wind current. Kind of D adjustor door is petal-like which is installed axially in front of the inlet section, the adjustable range is from 90 (full cut-off) to 0 (full open) adjusted by the reversible wrench outside the casing. Viewin

22、g from the side of the inlet section, the wrench is in the right. When boosting up wrench, theadjustor door is from full cut-off to full open for clockwise fan and is from full open to full cut-off for anticlockwise fan .Kind of F adjustor door is airfoil adjusted by linked haft. The adjustor door s

23、hould be lubricated commendably to make sure the parts are in normal work .The adjustor door of Ventilating fan is lubricated with Ca-Na grease, and the one of induced fan is lubricated with molybdenum disulphide high-temperature grease (260 ).(7)The forced draught blower uses grease to lubricate th

24、e bearing of transfer unit, and the induced fan uses oil which usually is machine oil 30 #.III MAJOR PARTS AND ASSEMBLYComposition of centrifugal fan: impeller, casing, inlet section, (adjustor door), transfer unit, coupling (belt pulley), protective covering, base bolt, thermometer, oil level indic

25、ator and so on.Composition of axial fan: the impeller, casing, bell mouth, fairing (rectifier), steadier, transfer unit (none in direct-drive fan), coupling (belt pulley).IV INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONThere must be preparing materials and tolls used in installation in the first and checking each part

26、 of fan before the installation. The rotating direction of the impeller is in conformity with the one of the casing. Each connection part should be tight, free from being loosened or missed .The key parts like main shaft and bearing are having no damage .The transfer unit is rotating smoothly .It sh

27、ould be stopped to repair and adjust in time if there is any fault, then cleaning the inner of the bearing with coal oil.The following points should be noticed in the installation:1 It should be lubricated with grease or machine oil in some bonding surfaces for avoiding rustiness and disassembling i

28、nstantly. The pin should be fitted over first and then screwing up the if there is a pin bolt when installing the bolt of the bonding surface.2 It should be noticed that there is no tools and objects dropping or leaving in casing and other shells.3 Installation specification:(1) The mounting base sh

29、ould be placed in the ground first. There are sizing blocks between the base face and the ground face. The installation level can be achieved by changing the thickness of the block. The sizing block of which surface is smooth should be mated, and each unit is less than 3 or 4. To avoid distortion, t

30、he thick block should be placed in the lower course, and the thinnest block placed in the middle. A set of blocks should be placed levelly. All parts of fan should set the right level and azimuth, and then welding the unit of blocks, the base bolt should be adjusted at the same time.(2) The base bolt

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