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高三英语二轮复习 高考仿真测试五Word文档格式.docx

1、Oh,I worked quite late last night.Nothing wrong with me,.A.although B.thoughC.yet D.stillB考查副词的辨析。句意:杰克,你看起来很疲劳。你怎么了?昨晚我工作很晚,可是我没有什么问题。though既可以作连词“虽然”,也可以作副词“可是,然而”,放在句中和句末,although作为连词,意为“虽然”,yet为副词,意为“但是”,不能放在句末,也可以作连词,意为“然而,但是”,still意为“仍然”,所以选B项。4.After climbing the hills in the natural park for

2、 hours,my legs under me and I failed to keep pace with others.A.gave out B.gave upC.gave in D.gave awayA考查动词短语的辨析。在自然公园爬山几小时后,我的腿精疲力竭,我赶不上其他人了。give out“分发,精疲力竭,用完”;give up“放弃”;give in“屈服”;give away“泄露,赠送”。5.This is challenging job I mentioned to you the other day.Have you had anyone in mind for it n

3、ow?A.a;the B.the;/C.the;the D.a;/考查冠词。这是我几天前向你提到的有挑战的工作,现在你有没有想到什么人?第一空填the,特指“我几天前向你提到的有挑战的工作”,第二空不填, mind是固定词组,意为“考虑,想到”。6.In such a background,his white hair was particularly his dark relation to need contrast to favor of考查介词短语。在这样的背景下,他的白发和黑皮肤形成鲜明的对比。in relation

4、 to“关于”;in need of “需要”;in contrast to“相比之下”;in favor of “支持”。7.The black baby boy is at the stage he can only say a few simple words but not yet full sentences.A.when B.whereC.which D.why考查定语从句。这个黑人小男孩现在处于只能说几个简单的单词但是还不能说整个句子的阶段。先行词是the stage,定语从句中不缺主语、宾语或表语,缺少的是地点状语,用where引导定语从句。8.The green-hand c

5、ook the soup by putting in too much salt accidentally.A.spoiled B.damagedC.injured D.harmed考查动词辨析。新手厨师不小心放了太多的盐把汤糟蹋了。spoil“损坏,糟蹋,把(酒、肉等)放坏,宠坏”;damage“破坏”;injure“受伤”;harm“伤害”。9.With high technology introduced,the average output of the factory is increasing.A.faithfully B.costlyC.steadily D.stately考查副

6、词辨析。因为高科技被引入,这个工厂平均的产量在稳定的增加。faithfully“忠诚地”;costly“昂贵地”;steadily“稳定地”;stately“庄严地”。10.It was not until then that I came to know knowledge from practice.A.came BesC.would e D.has e考查动词时态。表客观真理及客观事实均用一般现在时态。11.第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(xx安徽)In xx,I had

7、 just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando,Florida.My family persuaded me that a(n)11 might be just what the doctor ordered,so off I 12.Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring,but I 13 to catch a taxi to my 14 and settle in.Next m

8、orning,I took another 15 to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs.16 I went to a caf to have lunch,but all the tables were 17.Then I heard a friendly voice saying,“You can 18 my table.”I gratefully sat down with the 19 lady and we had a happy lunch together.As the 20 drew to a close she asked h

9、ow long I would be in Orlando.I had already told her that I hadnt 21 a car,and hadnt realised how 22 taking taxis would be.After a while she said,“My dear,dont use any more taxis.Im retired and it would be my pleasure to 23 you wherever you wish.”I told her that I couldnt put her to that 24,but she

10、brushed aside my protests(反对).She asked me where I was 25 and next morning she was waiting at my apartment at the 26 time to take me to Disney World.She spent some time with me before leaving me to 27 alone.At the end of the day,she 28 to take me back to my acmodation.I 29 her money but she refused

11、to take any.Ill never forget that wonderful lady who,through her 30,filled my brief holiday in Florida with wonderful memories.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者受邀去佛罗里达参加一个会议,同时顺便度假。期间作者得到一位老太太善意的帮助,这位老太太的善良,给作者的这次度假留下了美好的回忆。11A.holidayB.ceremony C.operation D.experiment根据第一段第一句、第二句“.just what the doctor ordered.”以及

12、最后一段“.filled my brief holiday.”的提示,可知本空为holiday。这句话的意思是:我的家人劝说我,假期也正好是医生要求的,因此我就去了。故选A项。12.A.kept B.wentC.dropped D.knocked解析参照11题。13.A.intended B.promisedC.managed D.deserved根据第二段第一句中的“.rather tiring,but I.”可知,作者克服了困难,最终打了个出租车去了住宿地点。到达阳光之州令人相当疲劳,但我还是设法打了辆出租车去了住宿地点并且住下来。故选C项。 BpanyC.uni

13、versity D.acmodation由第一段可知,作者去外地开会,因此排除A、B、C三项,同时第三段最后一句“.take me back to my acmodation.”也有提示,故D项正确。15.A.colleague B.passengerC.suitcase D.taxi根据本句中“another”一词可知,前面已出现过一次,由上一句内容可知为出租车,故D项正确。16.A.Instead B.FirstC.Later D.Once此处表示时间上的先后顺序,第二天早上(next morning)先购物,午餐(lunch)在后,故选C项,later此处表示“此后”。17.A.clas

14、sified B.occupiedC.decorated D.painted所有的桌子都满人了,因此才出现后面老太太和作者共用一张餐桌。classify“分类”;occupy“占据”,decorate“装饰”;paint“画,漆”。故选B项。18.A.share B.reserveC.set D.possess由下文可知,老太太提出和作者共用一张餐桌。share“分享,共享”;reserve“保留,预订”;set“设置”;possess“拥有”。19.A.old B.poorC.innocent D.stubborn根据第三段第五句“Im retired(退休).”可知A项正确。

15、urney B.mealC.speech D.interview由上句“.we had a happy lunch together.”可知,这里是“进餐”。就在午餐快吃完的时候,她问我在奥兰多要待多长时间。21.A.donated B.repairedC.hired D.guided我早已告诉她我以前从来没有租过车,没有意识到乘出租车会这么贵。因此才引出下文,老太太主动提出她开车带“我”去转转。22.A.convenient B.worthwhileC.unfortunate D.expensive解析参照21题。23.A.inspire B.entertain

16、inspire“激励”;entertain“招待”;call“叫,打电话”;drive“驾驶,用车送”。根据下文老太太开车带着作者四处转,可知D项正确。 B.argument C.trouble D.challenge根据下一句“.but she brushed aside my protests.”可知,作者不想给这位老太太添麻烦,但老太太对作者的反对置之不理。brush aside“不理,漠视”。25.A.working B.staying C.moving D.shoppingwork“工作”;stay“停留,住在”;move“移动”;shop“购物”。由全文可

17、知,作者去开会,顺便度假,因此是短暂停留,故选B项。26.A.appointed B.limitedC.favourite D.regular前面信息是老太太坚持用车带“我”四处转转,并问我的住宿地点,这里应该是约好时间的。appoint“约定,指派”;limit“限制”;favourite“特别喜爱的”;regular“定期的”。27.A.digest B.exploreC.perform D.calculatedigest“消化”;explore“探究,探险”;perform“表现”;calculate“计算”。老太太离开了一段时间,让我自己独自游玩。只有explore与旅游有关,故选B项

18、。28.A.forgot B.refusedC.returned D.preferred由本句“.take me back to my acmodation.”可知,在天色将晚时,老太太返回把“我”送回到住宿地点。29.A.sent B.lentC.offered D.owedsend“送”;lend“借”;offer“提供;主动给”;owe“欠”。我主动给老太太钱,但她不要一分钱。30.A.confidence B.dignityC.curiosity D.kindnessconfidence“信心”;dignity“尊严,高贵”;curiosity“好奇心”;kindness“善良,善心”

19、。根据老太太的一系列表现可知这都是一种善意的帮助。故选D项。二、第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)31.第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A jobless man applied for the position of “office boy”at Microsoft.The HR manager interviewed him and then watched him cleaning the floor as a test.“You are employed,”he said.“Give me your

20、e-mail address and Ill send you the application to fill in,as well as date when you may start.”The man replied,“But I dont have a puter,neither an e-mail.”“Im sorry,” said the HR manager,“If you dont have an e-mail,that means you do not exist.And anyone who doesnt exist cannot have the job.”The man

21、left with no hope at all.He didnt know what to do,with only ten dollars in his pocket.He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy 10 kg tomatoes.He then sold the tomatoes from door to door.In less than two hours,he succeeded to double his capital.He repeated the operation three times,and return

22、ed home happily with 60 dollars.The man realized that he can survive in this way,and started to go out early and return late.Thus,his money doubled or tripled every day.Shortly,he bought a cart,then a truck,and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.Five years later,the man is one of the big

23、gest food retailers in the US.He started to plan his familys future and decided to have a life insurance.He called an insurance broker and chose a protection plan.When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his e-mail.The man replied,“I dont have an e-mail.”The broker answered curiously

24、,“You dont have an e-mail,and yet have succeeded to build an empire.Can you imagine what you could have been if you had an e-mail?” The man thought for a while and replied,“Yes,Id be an office boy at Microsoft!”【语篇导读】本文讲述了一个失业的男子因为没有电子邮箱而求职失败,到自己辛勤付出起早贪黑最终创业成功成了美国最大的食品零售商。31Why cant the man have the

25、 job at Microsoft?A.Because he didnt have an e-mail.B.Because he was lazy.C.Because he didnt pass the test.D.Because he didnt have a puter.细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知此处表示如果没有邮箱,那就意味着不能存在,一个不能存在的人当然不能有工作,所以A项正确。32.The underlined word “triple” can be replaced by.A.bee 3 timesB.bee largeC.increase quicklyD.decreas

26、e quickly根据画线处整句内容可知,这个人认识到他可以用这种方式生存,以后他每天起得很早,回家很晚,因此,他的钱每天都翻两三倍,所以A项正确。前面double也是提示。33.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.The man is one of the biggest food retailers in the world.B.The man didnt give up though he failed the interview.C.He started his career by selling toma

27、toes in the supermarket.D.Those who have e-mails can work at Microsoft.根据第六段最后一句话可知5年以后,他成了美国最大的食品零售商,故排除A项;根据第五段He then sold the tomatoes from door to door可知他是挨家挨户卖西红柿,排除C项;D项明显不对可排除。根据全文内容可判断出B项正确。34.The man can be described as .A.helpful and and hardworkingC.positive and genero

28、usD.stubborn and unselfish总结归纳题。通读全文,此人从求职失败,到通过勤奋创业而成功的经历,可以总结出这个人是聪明的也是勤奋的,所以B项正确。35.BHuman beings are the most intelligent of all animals because we are gifted with the ability to think and reason logically.Scientists and even mon people with special intelligence have made a lot of inventions and contributions to modern lifestyle in the past.“Houses” have been the most popular area for discoveries and inventions

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