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1、分析:空格前为as+形容词,由此判断出此题为asas结构,空格处应为as+比较对象,四个选项只有A 含有as故选A.翻译参考:坐落于比利牛斯山脉的世界最深的洞穴皮埃尔 圣马丁深度差不多是帝国大厦的3倍。3. When Columbus reached the New World, corn was the _ in the Americas.(A) widely most grown plant.(B) Most widely grown plant(C) Most grown widely plant(D) Plant widely grown most.B四个选项用词相同,但词序不同。由空

2、格前有定冠词the可以判断出空格处的中心词为名词plant,名次前面的应该是形容词,副词应该放在形容词前,most构成副词最高级,应该放在副词前面,故选 B。参考翻译:在哥伦布抵达新大陆时,玉米是美洲种植范围最广泛的农作物。4. Because kaolin shrinks in firing at a different rate than ordinary clay, _ when creating pottery using both types of clay.(A) special handling is required(B) special handling required(C

3、) a requirement of special handling(D) the required special handling空格前后都是从句,空格处缺少主句,由此首先排除不构成句子的C、D。require为及物动词,后面没有宾语,应该是被动语态,故选A由于瓷土在烧制中具有同普通粘土不同的收缩比,因此在采用不同粘土做瓷器时特殊的处理是必需的。5. The ceremonial Chilcat blanket of the Northwest Tlingit Indians was generally _ from cedar bark, wool, and goats hair.(A

4、) wove(B) to weave(C) weaving(D) wovenD被动语态D为唯一正确答案。西北的美洲特里吉特印第安人通常用雪松树皮,羊毛绒,山羊毛来编织宗教仪式用的地毯。6. _ composed traditionally has been a subject of debate among scholars.(A) Were ballads how(B) Ballads were how they(C) How ballads that were(D) How ballads were空格位于句首,由整个句子判断空格处缺少主语从句引导词和从句主语。A、B中从句引导词位置不对,

5、C中多that。歌谣是如何被口传创作出的是学者们争论的话题。7. Jupiter, the closest of the giant planets to Earth, has _ solid surface and is surrounded by zones of intense radiation.(A) not(B) nor(C) no(D) neither.C空格前后构成完整的句子,空格处缺的是修饰宾语的词,四个选项中只有no符合这一条件,故选C.A为副词,不能修饰名词,B、D一般需要搭配使用。木星,这个离地球最近的大行星,没有固体表面,被强烈的辐射的区域包围。8. The blac

6、k-billed cuckoo has been known to steal eggs _ to other birds.(A) belong(B) which belonging(C) which they belong(D) that belong空格前为完整的句子,四个选项中都有动词belong,由此判断空格处缺的是定语从句引导词和定语从句主谓语。A只有一个谓语动词,显然不对。B中belonging不能单独作谓语C中多主语theyD为that引导的定语从句,正确BB杜鹃从其他鸟类那里偷蛋的行为已经被知晓。9. The purpose of phonetics is _ an inven

7、tory and a description of the sounds found in speech.(A) to provide(B) provided(C) which provided(D) providing that空格前为谓语动词,后面是并列的名词短语,空格处缺少能带宾语的非谓语动词,由此排除BD多thatC中which一般引导定语从句,前面应该有先行词,举重显然不是定语从句,故也排除A为非谓语动词,可接宾语,故选A。语音学的用途是提供一个目录库和一段在讲话所发中声音的纪录。10.Earthquakes can damage a tree _ violently, and it

8、 can take several years for the tree to heal.(A) to cause shaking(B) when shaking it causes(C) by causing it to shake(D) to cause to shake it空格前为完整的句子,根据四个选项判断空格处缺状语成分。A 、D为不定式短语,做状语时一般表目的或将要发生的动作,显然不合题意。B 可做表事件的状语,但cause为多余的谓语动词C 引导条件状语从句,符合题意,为正确选项地震可以伤害一棵树并导致它剧烈的摇动,而树治愈伤害需要很多年。11._ bacteria in fo

9、ods are killed, as they are during baking or stewing, decay is slowed down.(A) What(B) The(C) If(D) So第二个逗号后为主句,前面两个句子都应该是从句,空格处显然缺从句引导词,由此排除B、D。A中what放在句首时一般引导主语从句,主句中已有主语,所需从句不是主语从句,故A也排除。C引导条件状语从句,符合题意,顾为正确答案。如果食物上的细菌通过蒸煮或者烘烤被杀死,腐坏就会减速。12.The colors and patterns of the wings of butterflies and mo

10、ths help _ the organism against predators.(A) protect(B) being protected(C) protecting(D) protection of(D)(D) 空格前是谓语动词help,根据习惯,后面接带to的或者不带to的动词不定式,故选A。蝴蝶和蛾翅膀上的色彩与图案帮助抵御生物天敌的猎食。13.In 1993 the Library of Congress appointed author Rita Dove _ of the United States.(A) as was poet laureate(B) was poet l

11、aureate(C) poet laureate(D) and poet laureate动词appoint后面接双宾语,故选C。1993年国会图书馆指定丽塔为国家桂冠诗人。14.At the South Pole _, the coldest and most desolate region on Earth.(A) Antarctica lies where(B) Where Antarctica lies(C) Antarctica lies and(D) Lies Antarctica空格前方为表方位的介词短语放在聚首,逗号后为名词短语,空格处应为倒装得主谓结构,故选D南极洲的极点是地

12、球最冷的和最荒凉的区域。15.Tornados, powerful, destructive wind storms, occur most often in the spring when hot winds _ over flat land encounter heavy cold air.(A) which to rise.(B) that rising(C) are rising(D) rising空格前有引导从句的词和从句主语,空格后为介词短语加动宾结构,空格处缺名词的后置修饰语。A B中含从句引导词,但无谓语动词配合,排除。C为谓语动词形式,不能修饰前面的名词,故也排除D构成现在分

13、词短语,可作名词的后置修饰语,故选D龙卷风,强有力的破坏性的风暴,通常发生在春天当热风在平坦的土地上升遭遇强劲的冷空气时。16.Many exercises such as calisthenics, running, or to swim involve producing A Bmuscle tension through a range of movements that are called isotonics. C D根据平行原则,并列连词or后面的非谓语动词为-ing形式。改正:to swimswimming象体操、赛跑、游泳这样的体育锻炼通过一系列被称为等压运动的行为锻炼肌肉张力

14、。 17.Intelligence, education, and experience all helps shape management style. A B C DC 主语为三个不可数名词构成的复数概念,谓语动词应改为复数形式。helps help才智、教育、经历都可以帮助管理风格的形成。18. The basic elements of public-opinion research are interviewers, questionnaires, tabulating equipment, and to sample population. C D根据平行原则,and连接的应为-

15、ing形式。改正: to sample sampling公众调查研究的基础组成元素是被访者、问卷、编表机以及取样人群。19. Conservation organizations help for to preserve the ecology of an area by keeping A B Ctrack of endangered species. Dhelp to 为固定用法,。for to to保护组织帮助保护那些生态地区以跟踪濒危物种。20. Gwendolyn Brooks, which won a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1950, had 7

16、5 poems A B Cpublished by the time she was twenty.先行词为指人的名词,定语从句的引导词应用关系代词whowhich who1950年普利策新闻奖得主格温多林 布鲁克斯,在20岁时就已发表了75篇作品。21. O Halifax is largest city and chief port of Nova Scotia and is the eastern terminus of A BCanadas two great railway systems.形容词的最高级钱应该加theis largest is the largest哈利法克斯是加拿

17、大新斯科舍省最大的城市和主要的港口,并且是加拿大最大的两条铁路系统的终点站。22.T. S. Eliot received wide recognition after publishes The Waste Land, which fused A Bpoetic traditions with elements of modern music and language. C Dafter在句中作介词,后面不能接谓语动词,故改为非谓语动词。after publishes after publisheing埃利奥特在他的著作荒废的土地出版后受到广泛的好评,该书融入了诗歌的文体以及现代音乐和语言的

18、元素。23. Numerous types of cells, such as skin cells and white blood cells, have the power A B C Dreproduce asexually.reproduce为谓语动词,不能直接修饰名词,故改为非谓语动词。power reproduce power to reproduce许多类型的细胞,象皮肤细胞和白细胞具有强有力的无性繁殖能力。24. The knee is more likely to be damage than most other joints because it is subject A

19、 B Cto tremendous forces during vigorous activity.damage在句中作动词,因为是及物动词,后面没有宾语,而前面又有构成被动语态的助动词,因此改为过去分词构成被动语态。damage damaged膝盖比起其它的关节更易受到伤害,因为它在剧烈运动时需承受巨大的力量。25.Although ferns lack flowers, they do have leaves, stems, and root. A B C Droot为可数名词,并列连词and前面的名词都是复数形式,故root也应该是复数。root roots尽管蕨类植物没有花朵,但是它们

20、具有叶,茎以及根。26. Crazy Horse is generally recognized for his courageous and skill, and he was A Brevered by the Sioux as their greatest leader.courageous为形容词,无法与and连接得skill并列。courageous and skill courage and skill疯狂的马-是对他的胆识和技能的认可,同时他作为S民族最伟大的领导者被尊敬。27. In medicine, certain plastics have important uses

21、because they do not affected by A B Cchemicals in the body, and they do not harm the body. D由信号词by可知前面的谓语动词为被动语态,助动词do不能构成被动语态,故改为are。注:信号词by是托福语法的重要信号词。do not affected are not affected在医学中,某些塑料制品具有很重要的用途,因为他们不受体内化学元素的影响,并且不会伤到人的身体。28. Since a hospital is organized to protect and treat people who ar

22、e ill, its goals, structures, and functions depend on the currently state of medical science.B C Dcurrently为副词不能修饰名词,故改为形容词currently current 一家医院有组织的保护和接受患者,取决于医学目前状态的得分,结构和功能。29. A change in direction of the monsoon winds result from the differences between A Bthe heating or cooling of landmasses a

23、nd that of oceans.C D主语为单数名词change,谓语动词应用单数result results 季候风方向的变化是由于陆地和海洋冷热空气的差异造成的。30. Small distinctions among stamps, unimportant to the person average, would mean A B Ca great deal to the stamp collector.单个形容词修饰名词一般放在名次的前面。the person average the average person邮票上很小的差别对于一般普通人是不重要的,但是对于邮票收集者来说就蕴藏

24、了巨大的商机。31. Members of a nations foreign service represent that countrys interests abroad and report on the conditions, trends, and policies of the country which they are C Dstationed.定于从句中加不加介词主要决定于从句与被修饰的名词或短语的关系,如果被修饰的名词被关系代词取代后在从句中充当主语,则不用介词;如果在从句中充当状语,则要由介词引导.country which they country in which

25、they国家的外交人员代表了国家对于海外国家的关心,并负责报道回他们所在国的条件、发展和政治状况。32. Abraham Lincolns boyhood home resembled those of many others mid-western A Bpioneers, with its dirt floor, sleeping loft, and crude fireplace. C Dothers是名词不能再修饰名词,因此用形容词otherothers other亚伯拉罕 林肯少年时代的家类似其它那些(美国)中西部先驱者的一样,有着脏乱的地板,阁楼卧室以及粗糙的壁炉。33. Dwel

26、ling primarily in the ice northern polar seas, beluga whales are A B Ccharacteristically small, white, agile, and elusive.ice为名词,不能修饰seas,故改为形容词 icy主要生活在冰冷的北极海洋的白鲸具有体小、白色、机敏以及难捉摸的特征。34.There is evidence that the caribou originated into North America and crossed over A B Cal land bridge into Asia and evolved into the Old Worlds reindeer. Doriginate from 为固定搭配,来源于的意思。into from有证据表明北美驯鹿起源于北美,在穿过大陆桥进入亚洲后进化为驯鹿。35.The bold way in which Marga

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