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1、 14、戴口罩是阻断呼吸道分泌物传播的有效手段 15、“带病回乡不孝儿郎,传染爹娘丧尽天良” 16、实处打赢疫情防控 17、不信谣、不传谣、不造谣。 18、“省小钱不戴口罩,花大钱卧床治病” 19、强防护、不恐慌、信科学、不传谣。 20、佩戴口罩,科学丢弃,不传病毒! 21、要听晚辈好言劝,不戴口罩全家嫌 22、预防新型病毒感染,不捕杀、买卖、加工、食用野生动物。 23、出门记得戴口罩,否则麻将都点炮 24、外面亲友拜访别怪“冷面无情” 25、带病回乡 不孝儿郎 传染爹娘 丧尽天良 26、不聚会、不串门、不走亲、不访友。 27、向战斗在抗击疫情一线的医务工作者和社会各界人士致敬! 28、科学防

2、控、依法防控、联防联控。 29、远离人群家里宅,防病防灾幸福来 30、“戴口罩总比带(戴)呼吸机好,躺家里总比躺ICU强” 31、注意开窗通风,保持室内空气流通 32、家里蹲就是做贡献 33、一切听从指挥,加强疫情防控 34、拒绝扎堆,不图一时热闹,但求平安健康! 35、科学防治,战胜疫情,不信谣、不传谣 36、今年过年不串门,串门只串自家门 37、科学就医,如有不适,尽快就医,沉着冷静,谨遵医嘱! 38、生命重于泰山、疫情就是命令、防控就是责任。 39、看见不戴口罩的 必须躲得远远的! 40、“发烧不说的人,都是潜伏在人民群众中的阶级敌人” 41、“口罩还是呼吸机,您老看着二选一” 42、不

3、接触野生动物,决不吃野味。 43、不食野味,保护自己 44、讲卫生、除陋习,摒弃乱扔、乱吐等不文明行为 45、整治环境卫生,消除鼠、蟑、蚊、蝇等病媒生物孽生 46、拒绝野味,不猎奇,不贪嘴,病从口入,教训牢记! 47、今天沾一口野味,明天地府相会 48、早预防、早发现、早诊断、早隔离、早治疗,防止新型肺炎蔓延。 49、把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位。 50、返乡回来莫乱串,左邻右舍捏把汗 51、在家 看着电视享受;乱跑 躺在医院急救! 52、口罩还是呼吸机,您老看着二选一 53、等肺炎疫情过去了,再结婚登记恩爱活到老 54、儿女如何算孝顺?看住爸妈不出门 55、不信谣不传谣心态一定保持

4、好 56、出门不带口罩,等于在病毒里裸奔 57、少出门、戴口罩、勤洗手、常通风。 58、不聚会,少出门,勤洗手,多通风,出门记得带口罩 59、“今天到处串门,明天肺炎上门” 60、每个人是自已健康第一责任人 61、拜年就是害人,聚餐就是找死 62、抗击疫情,人人有责。 63、少吃一顿饭,亲情不会淡;少喝一顿酒,感情仍长久。 64、不聚餐是为了以后还能吃饭,不串门是为了以后还有亲人 65、不戴口罩到处串 乡里乡亲捏把汗! 66、疫情防控要守土有责、守土担责、守土尽责。 67、坚决把党中央各项决策部署落到实处,打赢疫情防控阻击战。 68、预防新型肺炎,从“口罩文明”做起。 69、一人传染全家倒,财

5、产全跟亲戚跑 70、让党旗在防控疫情斗争的第一线高高飘扬。 71、宁做一个灵魂的守护者,不做疫情的传播者 72、今天到处串门 明天肺炎上门! 73、外地回来莫乱跑 74、“出来聚会的是无耻之辈,一起打麻将的是亡命之徒” 75、不贩卖、不加工、不食用野生动物 76、健康四大基石:合理膳食、适量运动、戒烟限酒、心理平衡。 77、不串门不是没亲情,宅得住才是爱大家 78、口罩要把口鼻一起蒙上才管用。 79、串门就是自相残杀,聚会就是自寻短见 80、“串门就是互相残杀,聚会就是自寻短见” 81、今年过年不串门 来串门的是敌人 敌人来了不开门 82、上街乘车手不净,揉眼抠鼻易传病。 83、少吃一顿饭,亲

6、情不会淡 84、口罩你不戴,病毒把你爱。 85、发烧难受瞒报的 都是家乡人民的敌人! 86、“老实在家防感染,丈人来了也得撵” 87、尽量减少外出,少到人群密集场所活动外出时,正确佩戴口罩 88、勤快洗手,消毒杀菌,病毒赶走! 89、坚定信心、同舟共济、科学预防、精准施策,坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。 90、做好个人卫生防护,勤洗手,多通风,少揉眼 91、有症状、早就医、不恐慌、不传谣 92、“不聚餐是为了以后还能吃饭,不串门是为了以后还有亲人” 93、抗击疫情,人人有责,众志成城,抗击肺炎 94、“今天沾一口野味,明天(去)地府相会” 95、外来人员请主动报告、主动登记 96、今天到处串门,明天

7、肺炎上门 97、现在请吃的饭都是鸿门宴 98、路虽已拦 亲情不能断 99、重视自身健康,做好自我防护 100、偷吃野味,病床c位;蝙蝠炖汤,棺材反光 101、你从哪里来?请回哪里去 102、发热人员主动报告,及时就诊 103、拒聚会亲情不减,戴口罩全家安全 104、众志成城、万众一心、防控疫情。 105、生熟食品要分开处理,肉类蛋类要彻底煮熟 篇二: 1 strict is the call of life, pine is the beginning of suicide 2 safety and efficiency go hand in hand, accidents and losse

8、s occur at the same time 3 love the family to love life, love should be more serious security 4 to ply with the rules, laughter relatives. Illegal traffic, death grimly. 5 work for the first, everything safe first 6 Ning 100 meters away, do not take a step 7 is strict is the love song Li Yan, in its

9、 own truth. 8 wheels turn to want to be responsible for the throttle even the pedestrian 9 wife Aiko love family, ignoring safety is equal to zero. 10 safety is the lifeline of workers, workers are responsible for safety 11 crossing the road to observant and alert, very alert. 12 sense of responsibi

10、lity is the soul of security, standardization is the foundation of security 13 safety helmet is amulet, good to wear before going to work. 14 safe from the mouth, the rules from the hand 15 hidden dangers everywhere, always remember 篇三: 1 with the blessing of the campus today, with peace to build th

11、e future of the campus 2 do not talk about the safety of life, what is the use of Jinshan seat 3 security for ten thousand days, an accident 4 safety construction, embrace peace 5 classes often self check, the accident can be avoided 6 the road leads you and me, and security is a family 7 enhance th

12、e awareness of teachers and students to create a safe campus environment 8 the most hope is your peace, most afraid of is your accident 9 safety and pliance with the accident and violations 10 rich day work, the accident that day empty 11 fire must not let go of a little fire, the accident should no

13、t be kept at least a fluke 12 our city has your blood, your peace is our wish 13 safety production not lucky, reckless violation to human life. The 14 is the biggest hidden danger of paralysis, dereliction of duty is the greatest curse. 15 family security is a guarantee of happiness, the accident wa

14、s the bane of tragedy. 16 improve safety awareness, the construction of civilized sites 17 adventure is the friend of the accident, caution is the foundation of safety 18 construction safety first, long life is a blessing 19 strict is the love song Li is the evil, the accident pits three generation.

15、 20 go out to earn money is not easy, safety must pay attention to 篇四: 1 thousand days of hard work, not brewing disaster 2 strict is the love song Li is harmful. In Securitybenefits three generations. 3 safe campus I love you. Always have peace in my heart, always at my side 4 safety you a happy fa

16、mily 5 peace is more important than anything 6 safety is in my heart, life is in my hands 7 big with pride is the fuse of the accident, modest and prudent is safe paving stones. 8 safety is the cornerstone of life, security is the ladder of joy 9 safety in mind, peace go all over the world 10 people

17、-oriented, peace first, accelerate the construction of safe campus 11 thousand million busy busy accident white busy, thousands of suffering hardships hurt the most bitter. The 12 security wing with you. Bear in mind. 13 safe to say, to prevent accidents, free from danger, the music is not happy. 14 working outside is not easy, safety first put first 15 life is precious, precious, the slightest paralysis is harmful

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