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1、这些标准在以下的表格中有所阐述:关于分析与检测方法标准物质标准适用范围铅EN 12402:1999 铅和铅合金-分析用抽样方法。对整块铅和铅合金锭的具体抽样方法。不适合其他形式和焊料分析,但可用于含铅含量高的焊料BS 6534:1994锡镀层中铅的定量测定方法适用于分析元器件接线端和未组装印刷电路板上的锡镀层。如该方法用于分析锡合金,则因合金中存在其他金属元素,而需予以修改EN 12441-3:2001 锌和锌合金-化学分析-第3部分 铅、镉和铜的测定-火焰原子吸收光谱法适用于分析整块锌和锌合金BS 6721-9:1989,ISO4749-1984 铜和铜合金抽样分析方法,用火焰原子吸收光谱法

2、测定铜合金含量中的铅含量适用于检测制造电子设备零件用的铜和铜合金中的铅含量。铜和铜合金被分解后用原子吸收光谱(AAS)法进行分析,铅含量测定的范围:0.002%-5%(允许铜合金中的铅含量4%)BS 3338-5:1961 锡和锡合金中抽样分析方法 锡锭和锡锑焊料中铅的测定方法 (光谱法)适用于材料,如锡锭。BS 3338-21:1983适用于检测软焊料中的镉镉EN 1121:2001 塑料 镉的测定 湿式分解法 (DD ENV 1122:1995湿式分解法测定塑料中的镉含量)(已撤消,待修订)EN 1122:2001适用于分析非氟化塑料中的镉含量 (10mg/kg-3g/kg)。用AAS法分

3、析塑料被分解的镉溶液。该法适用于制造电器设备用的塑料。BS 3900-B9-1986,ISO 3856-4:1984 油漆检验法 液态漆和干漆膜的化学检验“可溶”镉含量的测定检验油漆中可溶漆的特殊检验方法。镉可被用作颜料。六价铬BS B10:1986,ISO 3856-5:1984油漆检验法 液态漆和干漆膜的化学检验 固态物质中六价铬含量的测定干漆膜(含铬量0.05%-5%)中六价铬含量的检验方法。分析漆膜溶解液。BS 6068-2.47:1995,ISO 11083:1994 水质 物理、化学和生物化学法 六价铬的测定 1,5-二苯基咔唑光谱测定法水质分析系列标准之一。不适用于电器元器件,但

4、可用于分析涂层溶液。BS EN ISO 3613:2001 锌、镉、铝锌合金和锌镉铝锌合金上镉酸盐转化膜 检测方法二苯基咔唑比色法,适用于检测六价铬和施涂了24小时以上、30天以内的大小面积涂层。该法对涂层施涂时间有限制,是较陈旧的方法。该法只阐述了可水溶的六价铬含量测定。分析方法方法待分析物质单一材料整个元器件(电容器、电阻器、晶体管等)AAS法Pb、Cd、(Hg,如使用冷蒸汽方法)首先溶解待分析的材料分析溶液ICP法Pb、CdUV/VIS法Cr溶液中必须存在六价铬SEM/ED-XRF法Pb、Cd、Hg化合物Br、Cr表面分析技术。典型的分析范围为直径1m,深度1m检出限约0.1%.不能检验


6、塑料和萃取物可检验溴含量高(3%Br)的阻燃剂,但有局限性。“石蕊”检验表面含铅简单的筛分检验用于检验铅含量大于1%的金属6项标准应对欧盟RoHS指令国家质检总局和国家认监委近日正式发布针对欧盟RoHS指令的6项检测方法标准,将于2006年1月起实施,18个承担电子电气产品中有毒有害物质检测任务的实验室名单同时公布。 这6项检测方法标准由深圳检验检疫局起草并通过专家鉴定。它们针对6种受限物质,分别采用原子荧光光谱法、火焰原子吸收光谱法、二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法、X射线荧光光谱法、HPLC法和GC-MS法。2003年1月27日,欧盟通过关于在电子电气设备中限制使用某种危险物的指令(RoHS指令),

7、要求从2006年7月1日起,入欧电子电气设备中不得含有铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚这6种有害物质。该指令中对多溴联苯、多溴二苯醚和重金属的禁用,实质上已经将环保压力从机电生产商转移到塑料部件、树脂原料和添加剂供应商。 中国环氧树脂行业协会的人士指出,该指令使国内应用溴的阻燃产品包括环氧树脂面临因境。而以磷等替代溴的方案,全球范围内并未解决存在的难题,主要问题是磷资源稀缺、数量上不能满足需求,磷性能有限、功能上不能达到要求。目前美国市场表明,溴类产品仍有较大需求。专业术语应对WEEE指令专用术语定义(英文)Approved Treatment Facility (ATF)A lice

8、nsed facility where depollution, disassembly, shredding, recovery activities or preparation for disposal is carried out.Business usersmeans users of electrical and electronic equipment other than private householdsCertificate of compliancemeans the certificate that shows evidence of whether the “pro

9、ducer” has met its obligation to meet the recovery targetsDesignated Collection Facility (DCF)A nominated collection site that is accessible by the public for the deposit of WEEE and where collections organised by the producers or their third party agents are made and then taken to ATFs Distributorm

10、eans any person who provides electrical or electronic equipment on a commercial basis to the party that is going to use it (i.e. High St retailers!)Electrical & Electronic Equipment (EEE)means equipment which is dependent on electric currents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and e

11、quipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields falling under the categories given in the Regulations, and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1000 volt ac and 1500 volt dc.Hazardous Substancesmeans lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polyb

12、rominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in quantities exceeding the maximum concentration value levels established under the RoHS Directive.Producermeans any person who, irrespective of selling technique used, including by means of distance communication 1. Manufactures a

13、nd sells EEE under his own brand 2. Resells under his own brand equipment produced by other suppliers, a reseller not being regarded as the producer if the brand of the producer appears on the equipment 3. Imports or exports EEE on a professional basis to a member state Whoever exclusively provides

14、financing under or pursuant to any finance agreements shall not be deemed a producer unless he also acts as producer within the meaning of i.) to iii.) abovePut on the marketmeans the initial action of making a product available for the first time on the Community market, with a view to distribution

15、 or use either for payment or free of chargeRecoverymeans any of the applicable operations provided for in Annex IIB to Directive 75/442/EEC; (i.e. disposal at waste to energy plants)Recyclingmeans the reprocessing in a production process of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other

16、purposes, but excluding energy recovery which means the use of combustible waste as a means of generating energy through direct incineration with or without other waste but with recovery of the heatReusemeans any operation by which WEEE or components thereof are used for the same purpose for which t

17、hey were conceived, including the continued use of the equipment or components thereof which are returned to collection points, distributors, recyclers or manufacturers;Treatmentmeans any activity after the WEEE has been handed over to a facility for depollution, disassembly, shredding, recovery or

18、preparation for disposal and any other operation carried out for the recovery and/or the disposal of the WEEE;Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment or WEEEmeans electrical or electronic equipment which is waste including all components, sub-assemblies and consumables, which are part of the product at the time of discarding. The legal definition of waste is:- any substance or object.which the producer of the waste or the person in possession of it discards or intends or is required to discard.

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