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2、、导游词鼓励“自创为上”。自己创作导游词是一次极好的学习、积累机会。在有条件的情况下,最好能够实地考察所要讲解的景点。求其次,观看介绍景点的视频。最其次,也应该熟悉景区导览图和查看相关景点图片。做到心中有底,从而在讲解时真正“身临其境”,讲的“有模有样”。6、直接使用得分点齐备的合格应试导游词不失为节省时间、精力和提高效率的正确选择之一,但是也应该在消化、吸收的基础上进行适当修改,凭借理解,娓娓道来。而且要在“听觉冲击”方面下功夫,特别注意现场讲解的“感染力”和“吸引力”。原因很简单,“捡现成”的导游词很容易撞车或雷同,那就需要考生 pk 谁能够驾驭的更加自如了。死记硬背应试,难免紧张忘词、失




6、下与提问相关的内容或知识点,尽量能结合提问进行一些阐述。万一实在回答不了,也要礼貌的向评委说明。15、无论是模拟讲解,回答问题还是口译,都不要急于开始。最好可以在评委可以开始的提醒后,利用一两秒的时间深呼吸一口气,稍微稳定下情绪,迅速理清思路再正式开始。16、最近几年出现一种不好的倾向,考生不顾寒冷,非要穿酒店工装或学校礼仪队的学生装,评委心生怜悯,没有对这种不合时宜的行为扣分。从 2015 年口试开始,考试项目将对服装要求提出与实际工作相匹配的“三符合”:符合季节性、符合大众审美、符合个性特点。凡与这种要求背离,尤其添油加醋式的浓妆艳抹,将成为评委评估考生礼仪仪表的扣分点。Mt. EmeiL

7、adies and gentlemen, welcome to Mt. Emei scenic area.Mt. Emei lies seven kilometers southwest of Emei City, about 160km away from Chengdu,the capital of Sichuan province. Seen from afar, the rolling mountain is like a girls eyebrows /abra/; so, the Mt. was named Emei.Mt. Emei stretches more than 200

8、 kilometers from south to north. Its main peak, Wanfo Summit, is 3099 meters above sea level. The Golden Summit is an ideal place to view the sunrise,the sea of clouds, the Buddhist Halo/helo/ and Sacred /sekrd/ lamps. By the way, standing on the top of Golden Summit, you can still enjoy the snowy m

9、ountains in the west and the huge plain in the east.Since ancient times, Mt. Emei has been famous for its natural landscape and Buddhism. For many years, Mt. Emei has enjoyed the plentiful rainfall, changeable climate, and excellent soil. Thus the plant resources of Mt. Emei is unique /jnik/. Over 3

10、000 species can be seen here, 107 of which are rare and 36of which are under state protection. Mt. Emei is also famous for its more than 2000 kinds of animals, thanks to changeable weather, complicated terrain and various plants. About 20 kinds of animals are under state protection. we cannot forget

11、 the monkeys during the way of Mt. Emei which bring us so much joy.Mt. Emei is one of the four Buddhist sacred mountains in China. The other three Buddhist sacred mountains are Mt. Wutai in Shanxi province, Mt. Jiuhua in Anhui province and Mt. Putuo in Zhejiang province. Temples on the mountain were

12、 built as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty and Buddhism was introduced to the mountain during the Jin Dynasty.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties there were more than 150 temples on the mountain. A legend says that the mountain was the preaching /prit/site for Puxian to give lectures on Buddhism and that

13、s why most of the temples house a statue of Puxian. Today, there are 30 temples which have been well preserved. Among them, Baoguo temple, Fuhu temple, Wannian temple and so on are famous.Wannian temple is 1020 meters above sea level, covers an area of 20000 square meters. The temple was first built

14、 in the Jin Dynasty and was renamed as Wannian temple in the Ming Dynasty after a series of destroyed and rebuilt. Its the biggest and best-preserved temple on the mountain.Today well visit t he Beamless Brick Hall, the most famous building in Wannian temple. The tour will take about 1 hour. Since w

15、e are visiting the temple, please no smoking, keep quiet and dont take photos of the Buddhas images.Ladies and gentleman: We are now at the Beamless Brick Hall the highlight of Wannian Temple. As the name suggests, you can see, the whole building is made of bricks without a beam. And also not a sing

16、le piece of wood. It was built with an imperial order at the beginning of 17th century and is still intact today. The brick hall has a round roof and a square base. This design shows the former belief of Chinese people: the heaven is round and the earth is square. On the roof of the brick hall are d

17、ecorated with five white towers, which are placed in the five directions: middle, north, south, east and west. The brick hall is considered as one of the wonders of Chinese ancient constructions. This building has experienced 18 earthquakes during the 400 years but still been safe and sound. Therefo

18、re, its considered as the miracle of the Chineseconstruction. It was also a cultural relic under state protection.Dear friends: in the center of the brick hall is the bronze /brnz/statue of Puxian Bodhisattva/,bodstv/riding on a white elephant. Puxian Bodhisattva is one of the four or one of the ten

19、 Bodhisattvas in Buddhism. His position is only next to Buddha. As you know, Mt. Emei is the preaching site for Puxian Bodhisattva. During the Northern Song Dynasty, Emperor Taizong had a strong sense to revive/rvav/Buddhism. So he called a Monk 茂真from Mt. Emei to the royal court by giving him the i

20、mperial order.Then he gave a lot of gold to the monk and ordered the monk to cast the statue of Puxian Bodhisattva and to worship and enshrine the statue in Mt. Emei. He also ordered an official named Zhang Renzan 张仁赞to assist the monk to cast the statue. The statue of Puxian Bodhisattva was complet

21、ed in the year 980 A.D. The statue is 7.35 meters high and weighs 62 tons. Its believed that the statue was cast in sections in Chengdu and was riveted /rivitid/after being carried here.My dear friends, maybe you dont believe that this elephant has got six tusks /tsks/. Actually there isnt any eleph

22、ant with so many tusks in the world. Then you will ask why Puxian Bodhisattva is riding on an elephant with six tusks? Its said that six tusks indicate/ndket/Buddhist belief of six perfections/pfkn/. This elephant is regarded as the king of elephants. Since elephants always walk with stable steps, t

23、hey remind us of doing things in the realistic way. Therefore, Puxian Bodhisattva is also known as the Buddha of Practice.Now, please look around, my friends. Around the four walls inside the hall are 24 small niches/niiz/佛龛, each housing a Buddha made of iron. Above these are seven layers of horizo

24、ntal/hrzntl/niches holding a total of 282 small Buddha images. All of them are regarded as the follower of Puxian Bodhisattva. Please look up at the ceiling/sil/, you may find beautiful wall painting of flying fairies. Unlike the images of western angels, the Chinese fairies dont have wings. But the

25、y look like flying in the sky because of the waving belts in the wind. We cant help admiring the intelligence and wisdom of the painters.Thats all of my introduction to the brick hall. lets meet here in 10 minutes and move on to the next scenic.Thank you.Leshan Giant BuddhaGood morning dear friends.

26、 With my great pleasure, today, we will be together exploring one of the greatest wonders of China Leshan Giant Buddha, carved out of a hillside in the 8th century and looking down on the junction/dkn/交叉点of three rivers.In the south of Sichuan province, the soft red sandstone/sndston/of the region b

27、ecame the foundation for one of the great ancient wonders of China - the 1200 year old Leshan Giant Buddha. At 233 feet, 4 times the height of the Mount Rushmore/rm:/ carving, it is the worlds largest Buddhist statue. The middle finger alone is the height of a three-story /str/ building. It took thr

28、ee generations of local people and unbelievable 90 years to carve at mountain, and to complete this Giant Buddha. But why was this extremely large statue of Buddha built here? Carve to watch over and provide protection for travelers and sailors/selz/, the statue succeeded but not by design. During c

29、arving, quite a lot of stones were dumped into the water, which undesignedly changed the course of the river, making it safer.Leshan Giant Buddha is actually a statue of Maitreya in sitting posture/pst/. Maitreya was a Bodhisattva usually represented as a very stout/stat/矮胖子monk with a broad smile o

30、n his face and with his naked breast and large belly/bli/. The Buddha is located to the east of Leshan City, at the junction of three rivers of Min, Qingyi, and Dadu. The statue makes itself one of the most famous scenic spots in China, as well as in the world. The Mount Emei Scenic Area, including

31、Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area has been listed as a UNESCO /junsko/ World Heritage Site since 1996. Started in the year 713 in the Tang Dynasty, and completed in the year 803, the statue took more than 90 years to carve. During these years, thousands of craftsmen and local people underwent their huge efforts and wisdom for the project.This huge project was actually first started by a monk called Haitong海通. Concerning about the safety of the people who mostly made their living along the rivers, and especially when they sailed their boats

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