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1、6. 李老师太忙了,顾不上休息。Miss Li is _ busy _ she has no time to have a rest.7妈妈让我每天按时完成作业。Mum asks me _ my homework in time every day.8李明不仅擅长物理,而且化学也很棒。 Li Ming is good at _ physics, _ chemistry.9作为中学生,学会怎样照顾好父母是重要的。 As middle school students, _.第三组:1. 你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。Youd better get up now. Dontschool agai

2、n.2. 七月份天气太热,不适宜外出。 Its go out in July. 3. 我用了两个小时才读完那本杂志。two hours to finish reading the magazine.4. 你能和同学们相处融洽,我很高兴。that you can get on well with your classmates.5. 我们要尽可能常读好书,因为好书不但能给我们知识,而且有助于我们更好地了解世界。 We need to read good books learn about the world better.第四组:1. 汤姆一进房间就看到了礼物。Tom saw the gift

3、_ he entered the room. 2. 麦克非常喜欢打篮球。Mike _ basketball very much.3. 你最好每天运动一个小时。_ _ _ do exercise for an hour every day.4. 恐怕我得早点起床了。Im _ _ .5. 我认为他的家长不会阻止他帮助我学习英语。I_ _ my English. 第五组:1. 开会的时间了。_ have a meeting. 2. 他过去常常去河里游泳。He _swimming in the river.3. 我钢琴弹得不如我姐姐好。I dont play the piano _ my sister

4、 does. 4. 直到雨停了,我才回家。I _ it stopped raining, 5. 我觉得恶劣的天气不会阻止她明天去医院照顾病人。I _ the terrible weather _ the patients in the hospital. 第六组:1. 春天来了,该种树了。Spring is coming. _plant trees.2.下一个假期,为什么不考虑去巴黎呢?For your next vacation, _consider visiting Paris?3.你读得越多懂得越多。_you read, _you know.4.今天天气真好,我们去散步吧。Its a f

5、ine day today. _for a walk.5.如果你想要把英语学好,你不仅要做大量阅读,还要坚持用英语和别人交谈。If you want to learn English well, you should _ in English.第七组:1.要下雨了,你最好现在就回家。 It is going to rain, now.2. 你一到那儿就给我打电话好吗? Would you ring me up there?3. 我的手表有毛病了,我要去修一下。 _ my watch. Im going to have it repaired.4. 我认为他不会放弃学习的。he will giv

6、e up his study.5. 那道数学题真难,我用了两个小时才做出来。That math problem was _.第八组:1. 放学后一块去滑冰怎么样? _ going skating after school?2. 他和他哥哥一样高。 He is _ his brother. 3. 晚上冷,你最好带上外套。Itll be cold in the evening. _ bring your coat. 4. 昨天下午我直到写完作业才回家。 I _ go home yesterday afternoon _ I finished my homework.5. 他太虚弱了,让他一直在电脑

7、前工作是不可能的。He is _ in front of the computer.第九组:1. 以前他放学后总是玩电脑游戏,现在不了。He _computer games after school, but now he doesnt.2很抱歉,我迟到了。因为我的自行车在上学路上出毛病了。Im sorry Im late. Because _my bike on my way to school.3. 昨天晚上Bill 直到12点才上床睡觉。Bill _ 12 oclock last night.4. 告诉你的妈妈尽快准备好晚饭,客人马上就要来了。 Please tell your moth

8、er to _.The guests are coming.5. 对我们来说每天早晨都坚持读十分钟英语非常重要。_for ten minutes every morning. 第十组:1. 房间很热,你最好把窗户打开。 The room is hot. _ open the window.2. 昨天他上学迟到了,因为他没赶上早班车。 He _ school yesterday because he didnt catch the early bus.3. 我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉你叔叔。 I ll tell your uncle about it _ your e-mail.4. 我哥哥和

9、我姐姐两个人都不会唱这首歌。 _ can sing this song.5. 我认为硬要他在两天内读完这本书是不可能的。the book in two days.第十一组:1. 我每天花两小时做作业。two hours to do my homework.2.你看起来很疲惫,最好休息一下。 You look tired. _have a rest.3. 鸟巢太漂亮了,以至于很多外国人都来参观。 The Bird Net is _many foreigners have come to visit it.4.对我来说算出这道数学题很难。 _ for me to work out the math

10、s problem.5.如果你想把英语学好,你不仅要做大量的阅读,还要坚持用英语和别人交谈。If you want to learn English well, you should _ in English.第十二组:1. 你的墨水已经用完了,为什么不再买一瓶呢? You have already run out of this bottle of ink. _ buy another one?2. 每年六月份是收割小麦的时节。 _ get in wheat in June every year.3. 凯特的视力太差了,无法通过下午的视力测试。 Kates eyesight _to pass

11、 its test this afternoon.4. 每一个人都应该像蜜蜂那样辛勤地工作。 Everyone should _a bee does.5. 恐怕他们明天能用两个小时把那个会议准备好是非常困难的。 Im afraid that _tomorrow.第十三组:1. 七点了,该看新闻了。 Its seven oclock. _ to watch CCTV news.2. 爸爸的生日快到了,让我们为他的生日聚会做好准备吧!Dads birthday is coming. Lets _ his birthday party.3. 这个旧MP3坏了。我能买个新的吗? _with the o

12、ld MP3 player. Can I have a new one?4. 宇航员必须花费多年的时间进行训练后才可以进入太空。Astronauts have to _ before they can go into space.5. 我认为如果你坚持学习英语,你的英语将会和汤姆说得一样好。I think you will speak English _.第十四组: 为什么不一起去游泳呢?_ go swimming together?2. 她擅长跳舞。She _ dancing. 我能跑得和你一样快。I can run _ you can.4. 天要下雨了,你去上学时最好带上雨衣。Its go

13、ing to rain. _ a raincoat with you when you go to school.5. 我想我们应该阻止人们在公共场所吸烟。I think we should _ in public places.第十五组:1. 大多数年轻人喜欢听音乐。 Most of the young peopleto music. 2. 快点,该上课了! Hurry up. class. 3. 春天到了,大家正忙着种树。 Spring is here. Everyone trees. 4. 这位老人腿有毛病,让我们去帮他吧!the old mans legs.Lets go to hel

14、p him. 5. 我的小妹妹哭得太厉害了,我用了很长时间才使她停止哭泣。 My little sister_.第十六组:1. 今天是星期日,该休息了。Today is Sunday. Its _rest. 2.这个男孩长得很快,和他父亲一样高了。 The boy is growing fast. He is _ his father.3. 外面刮风了。请你关上窗户好吗?It blows outside. _ the window?4. 昨天雨停了他们才回家。 They _ the rain stopped yesterday.5. 卡通片很有趣,不仅孩子爱看,成年人也喜欢看。Cartoons

15、 are _ adults like them.第十七组:1. 刘明,该上课了。Liu Ming, _ class.2. 我不喜欢爬山,去动物园怎么样? I dont like climbing hills. _ going to the zoo?3. 我听说这些天公园里有个邮票展,我们一起去吧。 I hear there is a stamp show in the park these days. _ there together. 4. 我们两家距离学校一样远。 My house is _ yours from the school.5. 非要让孩子们花费大量的时间上课外辅导班,我认为是

16、没有好处的。I dont think _ on outside classes. 第十八组:5 别怕犯错误,你可以试一试。Dont _ making mistakes. You may have a try.6 北京机场三号航站楼长2,900米,宽790米。Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 is _.7 她不会介意帮我们完成这项工作的。She wont _ the work.8 我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。I dont think it _ in winter. 9 经过和老师长时间地反复讨论之后,托尼才下定决心尝试这个

17、新想法。Tony _ discussing it with his teacher again and again.答案第一组1、Lets go 2、Its good for 3、too young to learn / so young that he cant learn 4、spent ten yuan on. / paid 10 yuan for. 5、how long will it take me 6、is always busy withhelp me with my lessons. 5. as soon as 6. so, that 7. to do / finish 8.

18、not only, but also 9. it is important to learn how to look after (take care of) our parents well1. be late for 2. too hot to 3. It took me 4. Im (very) glad5. as often as possible because they can not only give us knowledge but also help us第四组: 1. as soon as 2. likes playing 3. Youd better 4. afraid

19、 I have to get up earlier5. dont think his parent(s) will stop/ keep/ prevent him from helping me with1. Its time to 2. used to go 3. as (so) well as 4. didnt go home until5. dont thinkwill stop him from going to take care of1.Its time to 2.why not 3.The morethe more 4.Lets go out5.not only do a lot

20、 of reading/read a lot but also keep talking with others1. youd better go home 2. as soon as you get/arrive/reach 3. There is something wrong with 4. I dont think so difficult that it took me two hours to work it out/ so difficult that I spent two hours(in) working it out. 1. What about / How about 2. as tall as 4. didntuntil5. so weak that its impossible to keep him working / make (let / have) him keep working1. used to play 2. there is something wrong with3. didnt go to bed until 4. get ready f

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