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1、The user must have the manual, read it and keep it for aftermath consultation. 本手册和设备的警告标志是指如果不遵守有关要求,不采取相应的措施,就有可能导致人员的伤害和设备的损坏。The warning signals in the manual and on the equipment mean that the related requirements andmeasures must be observed,otherwise personnel or equipment will be hurt or dam

2、aged. 对操作本设备的人员要求 Requirement on personnel who handle the equipment在本设备上进行工作的人员要熟悉设备的安装、调试、投入运行的步骤和要求,一级对可能出现的各种紧急情况采取相应的措施,并要求必须具备一下条件:The handling people must be familiar with installation,testing, operation procedures and requirements and should be capable of taking proper measures at various eme

3、rgencies. The following conditions are in need:经过培训合格,能够按照常规和手册规定的安全操作步骤工作,并能进行对设备的维修、使用和维护,同时还必须做到:Qualified after training; capable of handling according to common rules and sperified rules of safe operational procedures in the manual; Capable of maintenance, operation;The following should also be

4、 made:1、每日检查安全装置是否正常;Daily check of the security device;2、确保开机前所有操作者都保持警戒;Keep operators watching before startup;3、保持各零件的清;Keep cleaning of various parts;4、未做好保养、准备及妥善的调整前,不得开机。No startup before proper maintenance, preparation and correct adjustment.警告! Warning!1、本设备带有危险电压,设备上电后在运行和操作时,不得打开电柜门和电器控制箱

5、以免触电带来危险。Equipment with dangerous electricity. When operation with electricity, electric cabinet and control cabinet door cannot be open to avoid electricity danger.2、本设备的各调节部位在机器出厂时都已调整到工作状态,任何非专业人员不 得任意改变,如确定需要调整,应由专业人员进行。All adjustment units have been put into operation position before delivery.

6、No change by any non professionals at will. If necessary adjustment need to be made., it should be done by professional.3、防止儿童和非机器操作人员接触或接近本设备。No approach to the equipment by any child and non-operator.4、在安装和调试设备之前,请仔细阅读这些安全规则和警告,一级设备上粘贴的所有警告标志,确保警告标志置于醒目的位置,并更换损坏和脱落的标志。Before installation and commi

7、ssioning, please read these security rules and warnning carefully and all warning signals on the equipment. Warning signals must be place where easy to bu read and all damaged or disappeared signals need to be restored.5、只有熟悉本手册所有安全说明和有关安装、调试、操作和维修的规定,正确地进行搬动、装卸、维护,是实现本设备安全和成功投入运行的可靠保证。To keep the e

8、quipment in safe and reliable operation, all the rules about installation, testing, operation and maintenance on the manual should be familiarized.特别提示!Special notice!使用设备的安全注意事项:Security notice for operation:1、本机在投入运行之前,必须进行无负荷试车和负荷试车。Non load and load commissioning before the equipment is put into

9、 operation.2、本机须在空载下启动,停车前停止喂料,将物料卸完后方可停车。The equipment must start non loaded. Feeding stop first and after fully discharging the equipment can be stopped.3、本机在工作过程中应有固定的操作人员,且应进行必要的培训方可上岗。Particular operator should be matched for handling the equipment and begin his responsibility after necessary t

10、raining4、本机在工作时,所有检视门必须全部关闭,并且在上部、下部及中间经常打开的检视门处安装低压照明设备。In operation all inspection doors must be closed. Low voltage lighting need to be placed at upper, lower and middle section inspection door.5、工作过程中发生故障应立即停止运转,消除故障。但当故障程度对运转无影响时应作记录,待检修时消除。Any problem occurred in operation, the equipment shoul

11、d be stopped and the problem be solved. If minor problem with no influence to the operation, it can be solved during maintenance.6、操作人员应经常检查各部件工作情况,应绝对禁止在运行时对运行部件进行清扫或修理。Regular check to working parts. No cleaning and repair on the working parts in operation.7、本机在工作过程中应保持各润滑点正常润滑。Keep mormal oiling

12、at all oiling points. 8、通往紧急停机开关的通道应无障碍物,各走道处应有照明设施。No obstacles in access to emergency switch and all walkways with lighting.一、提升机的用途及特点 Purpose and characteristics提升机是应用最广泛的一种垂直提升设备,它被用来提升各种物料,如:矿石、煤、水泥熟料等。NE系列板链式提升机是本公司引进国外同类产品先进技术开发的产品。在各工业国家,这类提升机应用极广。NSE系列板链式提升机共有11种型号:NE15、NE30、NE50、NE100、NE1

13、50、NE200、NE300、NE400、NE500、NE600、NE800。产品企业标准Q/LTJ004-1999。该类型提升机具有以下特点:Elevator is the most widely used equipment for vertical hoist. It is used for hoisting various materials, such as stone, coal, cement, cement clinker etc. NSE type high speed drag chain elevator is a product of our company, deve

14、loped on basis of imported advanced technology of similar product. This type of elevator is widely used in industrial countries. NSE type high speed drag chain elevator has 11 types: NE15、NE30、NE50、NE100、NE150、NE200、NE300、NE400、NE500、NE600、NE800. The enterprise standard of the product is Q/LTJ004-19

15、99. The type of machine has the following features to enhance:1、输送范围厂,该型斗提机即可提升一般粉状、颗料状和块状物料,又可提升磨琢性较大的物料,且物料温度最高可达到250。Wide conveying application. It is applicable for elevating general powder, granular and lump and even abrasive big lumps with the highest temperature of 250.2 、输送功率小、节能,该系列提升机采喂料式进

16、料,垂力诱异式卸料。既减少了不挖掘功,惰性功,又减少返料现象。It is energy economical type with comparatively lower conveying power consumption. The series adopts feeding input and weighting guiding discharge, with reduction of non-digging power, inertia power and material return occurrence.3 、输送能力大。该系列提升机最大输送量可达800m3/h。High capa

17、city. The highest capacity reaches 800m3/h.4 、使用寿命长,提升机的喂料采用流入式,牵引链是高强度耐脚板链式链条,大大减小了磨拉磨损,提高了使用寿命,延长了大修期。Long life operation. Flow-in feeding model and high strength, ware resistance plate chain as carrying member greatly reduce abrasion and increase operation life.5 、运行平稳,操作方便。本机壳体折弯压型保证了整机的刚性。驱动部分的

18、大平台设计为操作维护提供了方便。Stable operation with easy handling. The equipment casing is folding press formed with great strength.6 、密封性好。该机无论是轴封、检视门的密封,还是焊接部位均采先进的设计和可靠的工艺,从而保证了整机的密封,减少了环境污染。Good seal performance. Advanced design and reliable workmanship adopt in shatt seal, inspection door seal and welding po

19、ints. The coniplete equipment has high seal performance with reduced environmental pollution.二、提升机的技术规范 Technical SpecificationsNE系列提升机的技术规范表NE series bucket elecator technical specifications提升机型号Model提升量Capacitym3/h料斗容积Bucket volume(L)斗距Bucket gap(mm)斗速Bucket speedm/min物料最大块度Max. size of material占百

20、分比%Ratio %10255075100NE15152.5203.229.8654030NE30327.8304.830.1905847NE506014.7NE10011035400311301058055NE15017052.2NE20021084.65001358570NE300320127.5NE400380182.5600205165125NE500470260.9700240190145120NE600330.2NE800800501.8275220注:料斗填充系数按0.7计算。N.B. Filling factor of bucket is calculated at 0.7.三

21、、提升机的结构及安装简图Structure and brief installation sketchNE系列板链式提升机由上部区段、中部机壳、下部区段、运行部件、驱动装置、检修平台和吊架组成1、上部区段:由头轴总成、上部机壳及卸料口组成。Upper section composed of head axix assembly, apper caning with mits and discharging outlet.2、中部机壳(首节中间节) L=2.5米,安装在上部区段下第一个中部机壳。Middte caring (the first section) L=2.5m installed

22、ordinarily at the first pitch under the upper section3、中部机壳(标准中间节)L=2.5米。Middte caring (standard) L=2.5m4、中部机壳(带门中间节)L=2.5米。Middte caring (with inspection door) L=2.5m5、中部机壳(非标中间节)L=0.5米2.8米。Middte caring (non standard) L=0.52.8m6、下部装置:安装有张紧紧置(料位开关、速度开关用户自定) Lower installed: installed with tensionin

23、g device(level switches and sweep swith by customers)7、运行部件:由料斗和套筒滚子链条组成,采取双排链。Moving parts consist of buckets and sleeved roller chain. adopt multi-row chain. 8、检修平台。Maintenance platform.9、驱动装置采取Y系列电动机,通过液力偶合器、减速器和链传动减速器(温度开关用户自定)。Adopting Y-series motors, is through fluip couplings ,chain driving

24、reducer(the temperature switch by customers).10、维修架。Hanging racks.四、提升机的搬运、安装和废品处理 Moving, installation and disposal1、提升机的搬运、吊装 Moving and hoisting of the bucket elevator 本机按照GB n193一83 出日机械电!仪器仪表产品包装通川技术条件采用裸装形式,可用铲车吊车进行装卸。 The Cquipment is bare packcd according to GBn193一83“General technical condi

25、tions of packing for exported mechanical and electrical instruments and meters” with bottom fastened and sliding , easy to be moved by forklift and crane .2、提升机的安装说明 Installation specification2.1、安装前的准备工作 Prcparation before installation 在正式安装设备之前必须做好以下准备工作: The following nccd tobcdoncbcforeinstallat

26、ion:2.1.1、仔细阅读本手册和提升机安装总图,熟悉安装技术要求,按基础图检查基础尺寸是否符合要求。 Carefully read the manual and bucket elevator general installation drawing , get familiar with installation technical specifications and check basic measures according to the drawings .2.1.2、对照安装总图和装箱清单清点零部件数量,检查其质量。 Check quantity and qua1ity of

27、the parts compared with the genera1 installation drawings and packing list.2.1.3、熟悉整机及部件的产品说明书,了解安装、调试方法、技术要求、注意事项,准备必要的安装工具(起吊用具、测量装置、扳手等)。Get familiar with equipment manual and master the installation, testing and technical requirements, attention notes and necessary installation tools (hoisting ,

28、 measurement and wrench tools, ctc )2.2、安装顺序 Inslallation order2.2.1、斗式提升机是分若干部件出厂的,因此安装现场具体情况参照下面安装顺序把各部件预先运到世道的位置,根据安装总图,参照下列顺序进行安装:根据图纸在基础上安设地脚螺栓,将下部装置固定在基础上,并校平基准面(其上法兰面)。The bucket elevator is delivered in several parts. Based on site conditions, please refer to the following order to place the parts to proper position and assemble them according to the general installation drawings: Place anchor bolts on the foundation according to the drawing and fasten the lower section on it. The level should be checked

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