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学年上学期高一英语外研版期中测试Ⅱ山东 Word版含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、 A. Far from it. B. Of course. C. Thats it. D. So what? 2. Look! There is _ worried expression on her face. It seems that _ bad news proves true. A. 不填; a B. the;a C. 不填; 不填 D. a; the 3. You seem in high spirits, Susan. Of course. At this time tomorrow I _ the beautiful scenery of Hainan. A. will en

2、joy B. will be enjoying C. am enjoying D. have enjoyed 4. Im going to keep those boxes, while _ I want to get rid of are in the store room. A. the one B. that C. these D. the ones 5. Curry refused to say _ had organized the meeting, but everyone could guess that. A. why B. what C. who D. where 6. _

3、you succeed in the exams! Thank you. The same to you! A. Can B. May C. Must D. Will 7. If there had been _ difference,he thought, they should have noticed it. A. that a big B. a that big C. big a that D. that big a 8. _ to Henrys birthday party made Sandy very happy, because it meant that Henry had

4、forgiven him. A. Invited B. Having invited C. Being invited D. To invite 9. The children from the west enjoyed their trip to Beijing, and they loved climbing the Great Wall _. A. least B. less C. most D. more10. _, I would accept the invitation and go to the party. A. Were I you B. Was I you C. Had

5、I been you D. Will I be you第二节 完形填空(共30小题:A篇10小题,每小题1分;B篇20小题,每小题1.5分;满分40分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从11 40各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。AA young man with learning difficulties has been commended after he was able to help an elderly woman who had suffered a seizure(惊厥). David Morton was out with his supervisor volunt

6、eering for charity, when he came across the 11 . She had suffered a seizure and was lying 12 at the bottom of her hallway stairs.Thanks to his first aid 13 with the Red Cross, David knew 14 what to do. He checked for any injuries, made sure the woman was breathing and placed her in the recovery posi

7、tion. Then he made sure a(n) 15 was called and waited with the lady until the paramedics(医务人员) arrived. David recently 16 a Red Cross first aid course in County Down. Presenting the certificate, first aid trainer Martin Frizzell said, “Id like to congratulate David. Were 17 to have trained him and h

8、is actions 18 that everyone can be a potential life-saver. Emma Rand, who manages the Red Cross first aid project, was overjoyed at the young mans 19 . She said, “Davids fantastic story demonstrates how people of all abilities can make a 20 difference with just a little first aid training.”11. A. la

9、dy B. doctor C. trainer D. rescuer12. A. sleepless B. homeless C. aimless D. helpless 13. A. debating B. campaigning C. training D. competing14. A. exactly B. purposely C. unconsciously D. temporarily 15. A. taxi B. truck C. ambulance D. carriage 16. A. started B. completed C. gave D. created 17. A.

10、 excited B. eager C. fortunate D. proud 18. A. approve B. prove C. ensure D. demand 19. A. behaviour B. achievement C. score D. graduation 20. A. apparent B. revolutionary C. life-saving D. magical BI was a dance teacher for a local college and had been learning a series of new dances to introduce i

11、nto the communities in the area. My friend and I 21 it would be fun to exercise in a live band. We didnt know wed been the topic of the band until they 22 us during one of their breaks. Admiring our footwork, they asked if we could 23 time with the three female singers in the group and teach them so

12、me of our 24. Thinking it would be fun and give us more practice, we 25 to meet them the following day.My friend was interested in 26 with two of the singers and suggested I teach the third, Gail. The challenge for 27 would be to accurately describe each move for Gail. Being blind, Gail had never se

13、en us dance but she was 28.I went from feeling 29 for Gail to admiring her. She was able to 30 all that her colleagues had in the same amount of time. A few weeks later, while I was 31 a group of adults a country-western Line Dance, a(n) 32 of Gail came to my mind. 33 I thought of her, I realized sh

14、e had learned so 34 because she did not use her eyes. The 35 went from her brain straight to her muscles. I told the group about Gail and 36 we try something new, to pretend we couldnt 37. We went through the dance again using only the words to remind our brains of what we wished our 38 to do. To my

15、 amazement, the students learned the dance quicker than usual.Without Gail, I doubt whether I would have discovered a new 39 for teaching dance. Her attitude showed me that we should not be 40 of the things we cannot see or do not know. 21. A. thought B. explained C. declared D. replied22. A. missed

16、 B. approached C. guided D. trusted23. A. make B. show C. take D. spend24. A. students B. directors C. steps D. ways25. A. remembered B. afforded C. expected D. agreed26. A. working B. walking C. studying D. racing27. A. them B. me C. us D. her28. A. polite B. confident C. comfortable D. happy29. A.

17、 angry B. shameful C. fear D. sympathy30. A. answer B. offer C. accomplish D. report31. A. giving B. taking C. completing D. teaching32. A. memory B. attitude C. experiment D. argument33. A. Although B. As C. Unless D. Before34. A. hard B. proudly C. calmly D. quickly35. A. dream B. duty C. message

18、D. interest36. A. ordered B. directed C. commanded D. suggested37. A. play B. write C. see D. talk38. A. hands B. feet C. face D. head39. A. method B. change C. partner D. hobby40. A. sick B. tired C. afraid D. careful第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题:每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。There are some writ

19、ings that change lives. There are some events that change lives. There are some experiences that change lives. My 3.5-year-old son Advait taught me a beautiful lesson today. He called out to me today saying, “Papa, sit”. That usually means leaving everything and going next to him and sitting down to

20、 play with him. So I did that as he can be relentless and will not stop calling out till I give in. He was playing with beads (珠子), threading them. Anyway, after he finished playing with the beads, he started to slowly put the beads back into the box that they are stored in. He was slowly picking up

21、 each bead, looking at it as if it were made of chocolate and then putting it into its box. And with over a hundred beads to go, I was getting impatient. “Why could he not pick up 10 in one go?” I thought. I noticed that he did this with as much interest as he had while we were playing. Suddenly, I

22、realized this boy was enjoying the whole process. The journey was his goal. For him every bit was as fun as the other. I thought of myself as a kid when we would go out to play cricket. If I was not batting or bowling, I was unhappy. Only the process of doing something I associated with happiness ma

23、de me cheerful. But looking at how peacefully my son was putting beads into the box after he had finished his game taught me that the process is the goal. The joy of pilgrimage (人生历程) is not in getting there but in every step of the journey. Advait, my son, was showing me that it was about completel

24、y enjoying every moment with complete love and peace. 41. When Advait said “Papa, sit”, what did he mean? A. He wanted Papa to play with him. B. He wanted Papa to sit by him. C. He intended to make his father rest. D. He planned to learn from his father. 42. The underlined word “relentless” in the t

25、hird paragraph can be replaced by “”. A. strict B. endless C. severe D. cruel 43. What did the author learn from his son? A. How to play with beads. B. How to admire every bead. C. The process is the goal. D. Getting to the destination is the goal.44. The text is mainly organized in order of . A. ti

26、me B. place C. importance D. complexity45. Which words can best describe Advait when he played with the beads? A. Impatient and unhappy. B. Careful and puzzled. C. Surprised and happy. D. Peaceful and cheerful. Muhammad Ali is considered the most famous boxer since he keeps a boxing record of 615. H

27、e wins several Heavyweight Boxing Championships, and he even wins an Olympic gold medal. Though he has had his share of controversy (争论) over the years, he is now honored as an American hero and a boxing legend. Muhammad Ali is one of the most recognizable and legendary athletes in the world, and I

28、have his autograph (亲笔签名). On the shelf in my living room is a small card with Muhammad Alis autograph on it. This autographed card has been in the family for almost 23 years; it is about one year older than me. My mother was in the Atlanta International Airport in 1988 heading toward the gate for h

29、er connecting flight. She then noticed a small crowd near one of the gates and recognized Muhammad Ali. My mother kept walking because she did not want to bother him and did not know how to approach him, but after a while, she thought “why not” and started running back toward the gate. Ali had since

30、 moved away from the gate so by the time she found him, she was out of breath. She was able to ask, “Sir, may I have your autograph?” and he handed her a pre-signed autographed card that he carried around since he was too busy shaking hands to sign autographs. My mother said she admired him and than

31、ked him for his autograph to which he replied, “God bless!” and kept moving. According to my mother, he was very handsome, soft-spoken, and really pleasant. To me, having an item signed by the famous Muhammad Ali is itself an outstanding reason for making this card my favorite sports treasure, but picturing my mother running throu

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