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6A Unit14句型复习及练习Word格式文档下载.docx

1、21.(必须)22.(远离)23.(应该)24.(在草地上行走)25.(有趣的) 26.(在鸟笼上的标志)27.(发出噪音)28.(知道许多关于公共标志的事)29.(爬树) 30.(拍照)31.(吃和喝) 32.(从回到家)33.(吃一个冰淇淋)34.(吃晚饭)35.(看电视)36.(读书)37.(玩电脑游戏) 38.(回答问题)39.(读一个故事) 40.(散步)41.(突然)42.(一张十元的钞票)43.(四周看看) 44.(没有人)45.(附近) 46.(快速地)47.(走向) 48.(捡起)49.(公园看守人)50.(向他走来)51.(指向)52.(对某人说)53.(罚款) 54.(摇

2、头)55.(想要面包作早餐)二、句子1.(它/这个标志/那个标志表示什么意思?)2.(它表示)3.(它表示我们/你们必须/应该/不应该)(我可以吗?(不,你不可以。(现在你应该)5.(这有许多标志。6.(我可以进来吗?(你必须远离这幢大楼。(先生,难道你没看到那边的标志吗?(再试一下。Unit2Bensbirthday(第一)(第二)third(第三)fourth(第四)(第五) (第六)(第七)(第八)(第九)10(第十) 11(第十二)12(第二十)13(第二十一)14(第三十)15(一月)16(二月)17(三月) 18(四月)19(五月) 20(六月)21(七月)22(八月) 23(九月

3、)24(十月)25(十一月) 26(十二月)27(一月一日)28(住在附近)29(一起回家)30(放学后) (拜访吉姆)(谈论某事)(日期)(不久)(什么时候) (举行一个生日聚会)(阿拉丁)(作为一个生日礼物)(等待) (一张日本动画片的碟片)(生日快乐) (一个伴有许多葡萄的蛋糕)(给买) (在电话里)(告诉某人关于某事) (脱下他的戏装)(孩子们)(吹灭蜡烛)(做生日卡)(一张纸)(听见)(新年)(把对折)(反义词)puton二、句型(你的生日是什么时候?(我的生日/它在)2.(你想要什么作为生日礼物? (我想要)(今天几月几号?)(今天是号。(我的生日马上就要来了。(你想来参加我的生日

4、聚会吗?(当然。(你想要一张日本卡通片的碟片吗?(让我们等着看。(门铃响了。(到了吃蛋糕的时间了。Unit 3一词组1、一会之前 2、刚才 3、一副眼镜 4、一场令人激动的跑步比赛 5、一场有趣的赛马 6、观看一场赛车 7、他的手机 8、体育运动日9、两卷胶卷 10、在地上 11、一副耳机 三副耳机 12、一副袜子/鞋子/手套 13、一条裤子/牛仔裤 14、八杯水 15、一盒牛奶 16、一些日记本 17、七个光盘随身听 18、在操场 19、所有的学生 20、 拍照 21、寻找她的照相机 22、帮助他们 23、捡起他们 24、海伦和迈克的表 25、教我数学 26、学新单词 27、一张纸 28、在

5、门背后 29、在杂志下面 30、在书柜前面 31、服药 32、今天早晨 33、两周之前34、在那边 35、梨树 37.昨天二句型:1. 你的手机在哪儿? 它在书下。 它不在那儿。 一会儿以前它曾在那儿。2. 你的眼镜在哪儿? 它在书包里。 它一会儿之前曾在那儿。一、 判断下列每组单词的划线部分的读音是否相同,用“”或“”表示。(分)1. ( ) pocket nose 2. ( ) age cage 3. ( ) earphones pear 4. ( ) use costume5. ( ) baby my二、 翻译下列词组。(10分)1. Sports Day _ 6. 保持安静_2. pi

6、ck the note up_ 7 刚才_3. buy some strawberries _ 8. 在七月_4. an interesting book_ 9. 公共标志_5. write a message_ 10. 听收音机_三、 按要求写词语。(分)1.match(复数)_ 2. them(主格) _3. smoking(动词) _ 4. run (现在分词) _5. near (近义词) _ 6. Japan(形容词) _ 7. one(序数词) _ 8. are (过去式) _9. no(同音词) _ 10. beautiful(副词) _四、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1.I

7、t _ (be) Helens birthday yesterday.2. _ (Do)Helen usually have a birthday party3. Dont _ (smoke)in the library.4. She _ (be)looking for her camera.5. It _ (be)on the ground just now, but it isnt there now.6. My parents _(be) not at home a moment ago.7. They arent _ (I) films.8. Lets go and say “Happ

8、y birthday” to _(he).9. How many _ (knife) are there on the desk?10. Shall we _ (watch)“Aladin ” now?五、 选择填空。(15分)( ). _ your birthday? Its on the 1st of May. A . Whats . Whens . Wheres( )2. Wang Bing, are you and Mike in _ team? Yes, we are. A .same . different . the same( )3. Look, Mikes _. A . sh

9、ootting . shoot . shooting( )4. What would you like? Some _. A . fish . fishs . fishes( )5. Is the running race _? Yes, it is. A . excited . exciting . excite( )6. Happy birthday to you! _. A . Nice to see you. . Thank you. . All right.( )7. My birthday is _. A . come . coming . comes( )8. Ill _ a b

10、irthday cake for you A . by . buy . bye( )9. My birthday is on the _ of November. A . twelve . twelveth . twelfth ( )10. Id like a big cake _ lots of strawberries _ my birthday party. A . of, for . with, as . with, for( )11. It was there _. A . now . just now . a moment( )12. Lucy _ to go shopping w

11、ith her mother. A . want . wants . wanting( )13. The earphones _ on the sofa. A . is . are . was( )14. The students are _ the match now. A . looking at . seeing . watching( )15. What does it _? It_ you shouldnt touch it. A . mean, means . means, mean . means, means六、 按要求改写句子。(5分)1. Please give the c

12、amera to the man.(同义句)Please give the _ _ _ .2. There were glasses on the desk just now.(改成单数)There _ _ _ of glasses on the desk just now.3. Jack is only four years old.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is Jack?4. You should keep quiet in the cinema.(改成一般疑问句)_ _ keep quiet in the cinema?七、 找出错误的选项,并在横线上订正。( )1、Two sheep

13、s are on the grass . _ A B ( )2、I know a lot of about public signs. _ A B C D ( )3、It means we should keep quietly. _ A B C ( )4、We will have a birthday party on March. _ A B C D( )5、Ben is talking to his parents with his birthday party. _A B CD八、 完形填空。This Chinese boy is Li Lei. Li Leis _1_ is on t

14、he May 1st. He was born in 1990. He is _2_ years old. Jack is _3_ good friend. Hes _4_ English boy. Hes in Li Leis_5_. Mrs. Read is their _6_. Shes an English _7_. She teaches them English. Jack and Li Lei _8_ a secret (秘密)Jack is _9_ English teachers _10_. ( )1. A. born B. birthday C. date( )2. A.

15、fifteen B. twelve C. eleven( )3. A. Li Lei B. Li Leis C. Li Leis( )4. A. an B. a C. the( )5. A. home B. school C. family( )6. A. mother B. friends C. teacher ( )7. A. woman B. man C. girl( )8. A. has B. there is C. have( )9. A. your B. their C. our( )10. A. uncle B. father C. son九、 阅读理解,对的在括号内写 “T”,

16、 错的在括号内写 “F”。Today is Sunday. Its seven thirty in the morning. Its fine. Kate and her parents are going to the Great Wall. Kates father is a doctor. Her mother is a teacher. Now theyre getting on a big bus. There are twenty-two people in it. Some are English, and some are American and Japanese. They

17、 look very happy. Theyre going to the Great Wall, too.There are four Chinese on the bus. A young woman, shes a driver. A young man, hes a guide. My father and I are going to the Great wall, too.( )1、Its a fine Sunday morning.( )2、Kates father and mother are teachers.( )3、There are twenty-two people

18、in the bus.( )4、They are happy.( )5、The driver is a young man. 牛 津 小 学 英 语6A 期 末 试 卷 听力部分(20分) 一.听录音,根据所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。(10分) A B C ( ) 1. breakfast lunch supper ) 2. cartoon balloon room ) 3. sang song long ) 4. Christmas Spring Festival Mid-Autumn Festival ) 5. 8:15 7:4505 ) 6. really ready read )

19、 7. suddenly usually yellow ) 8. sweater letter later ) 9. delicious beautiful butterfly ) 10. Walkman policeman postman 二.听录音,根据所听到的问句选择正确答案,将其序号填入括号内。(每小题读两遍 5分) ) 1. A. Yes, I did. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am. D. Yes, I can. ) 2. A. Theyre mine. B. They are from my parents. C. Theyre beautiful. D.

20、 Yes, they are. ) 3. A. I like drinking.B. I like to. C. Id like a toy car. D. Id like a toy car. ) 4. A. The same to you.B. Thank you.C. Not at all. D. Youre welcome. ) 5. A Its on the 1st of January. B. Its New Years Day. C. Its in January or February. D. Its the 1st of January. 三听录音,完成句子。(每小题读三遍;

21、5分)A: is Day?B: Its on the of . What did you do last year? I sang and with my friends .笔试部分(80分) 一按要求写单词(10分) 1. walkman (复数) 2. on(反义词):3. sit (过去式) 4. 42的序数词 5. we (形容词性物主代词) 6. just now(同义词组) 7. am(过去式) 8. after (反义词) 9. Id (完全形式) 10. mine(宾格) 二英汉互译(10分) 1. 上个周末_ 6.散步 _ 2. 第三个星期_ 7. 在国庆节 _ 3. 打开我

22、的_ 8. in front of the blackboard _ 4. 在圣诞树下_ 9. try to remember_ 5. 浇 树_ 10. walk on the grass_ 三选择正确答案,将其序号填入括号内。(15分) ) 1. There a pair of earphones on the tea table. A. are B. were C. is ) 2. My friend gives me a little cat, and I think I can it. A. look after B. look at C. look for ) 3._ Mike ab

23、sent yesterday? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were ) 4. _ you have a good time that day?A. DoB. Did C. WereD. Are ) 5. People usually _ at Mid-Autumn Festival. A. eat rice dumplingsB. eat chocolate eggs C. eat moon cakes D. dress up in costumes ) 6. It is _. Su Hai has got a lot of Christmas presents. A. December B. October C. February D. November ) 7. The boys are _ magazines about sports in the next room. A. seeing B. looking C. reading D. looking at ) 8. Can I drink some juice?No, you cant. You _ have your breakfast now. A. should B. wouldC. will D. ) 9. A pai

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