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1、and so it becomes a complex love triangle among the three of them. But, the boys kind of figureout, Wait, is mom using us What is going on And then they realize, Look, we need to sticktogether if were going to beat Lily.”Related: The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Finale Recap: Goodbye, ElenaDries and co-

2、star Candice King whose Caroline is grieving the loss of her mother and decidingif/when she can be with Stefan offered Yahoo TV six more teases of things to come in Season 7.“在埃琳娜从昏迷中醒来时,莉莉类似于有机填充了.这是这个三角中重要的第3个要素.” 制片人卡罗琳这样向雅虎电视透露到.”因此,尽管这不是一个浪漫的爱情故事,但这是一个讲述情感的故事,他们试图更深入地了解他们母亲.然而另一方面她又努力让他们融入自己的生活

3、,所以有时她会操纵他们中的一个去对抗另一个从而渔翁得利.所以情况变成了一个复杂的三角关系.但是孩子们似乎明白过来了,”等等,我们是被老妈利用了吗” 这特玛的是怎么回事” 接下来他们就会恍然大悟.”瞧,我们只要联合起来就能打败莉莉了.”德赖斯和坎迪丝联合主演的_卡罗琳很伤心失去母亲,之后决定是否能与斯蒂芬联手._由雅虎TV提供第7季中的超过6件的小爆料.Annie Wersching as Lily and Jaiden Kaine as Heretic Beau(莉莉和异教徒男友)1.Lilys agenda is revealed and it really was peace. It wa

4、s tough to trust her claims last seasonthat she wanted to reunite with her Heretic family so they could all live a tame life together, butshe actually meant it. “Now that she has them, it would be really great if she could get her sonsto get along with them and vice versa. But of course thats not go

5、ing to happen because theheretics are intrinsically bad people, so they become instant foes,” Dries says. “Lilys real dramawill be about trying to find a balance between her two families and decide who shes more loyalto if she were to have to pick a side. Shes actually one of our most complicated ch

6、aractersbecause she means well, but she surrounds herself with pretty intense, crazy people.”1,莉莉的日程之透露篇 首先它是很和平的,虽然很难让人相信她上一季断言自己想与异教徒家庭,重聚并过着平淡的生活,但她确实是这个意思.” 现在她拥有了,真的是件好事如果她可以让她儿子与他们一起和平相处,反之也一样.但是这是不可能的事.因为异教徒被这部片设定为坏人,所以他们马上会成为敌人.” 德赖斯说到.“莉莉的真正戏分是试图找到两个家庭的平衡点,并选择其中一个忠于之.她是我们中间最复杂的角色之一,因为她的原意是好

7、的可惜身边却围绕着各种蛇精病不配合的人.”Elizabeth Blackmore as Heretic Valerie, with Wersching(异教徒伊丽莎白布莱克摩和沃斯奇)Teressa Liane and Scarlett Byrne as Heretic couple Mary Louise and Nora(泰瑞莎和作为异教徒的玛丽露易丝)The Heretics may surprise viewers at first, but Dries says, “Ultimately, you have to think, What would anyone want whos

8、been cooped up in a prison world for 100 years, and you are not safe. So the question would be how will they clash with our heroes Obviously last season ended in a huge massive explosion of death and destruction for them, but by the end of our finale, things had kind of healed in terms of the tensio

9、n and the suspense. So theyre coming from a place of like, Look, were just trying to start fresh, start over minus Elena. And then the Heretics pop in and theyre like, Okay, we just got out of jail. Lets party.”异教徒可能会让观众大吃一惊,但德赖斯说,“你必须去考虑,最终会有人要某人被关在一个监狱里100年”,你是不安全的。问题是他们如何与我们的英雄交锋.并且上赛季结束有一个大量的死亡和

10、破坏惊人的爆炸,但不代表这是最后的结局,事情会愈发的紧张和充满悬念。所以他们来到那里,“看,我们只是想重新开始,重来_埃琳娜。”,然后和他们就像异教徒聚会一样,“好了,我们刚刚出狱。让我们狂欢。”Not a premiere party wed like to attend(不是我们想参加的首映礼晚会)From the promo below, we know Stefan supports a deal with the Heretics that gives them thetownand Damon doesnt.下面是剧透.我们知道斯提芬支持搞定异教徒并给他们一个圈地,但达蒙没有.2.

11、 Stefan and Carolines love story continues. At the end of last season, he said hed wait for herto come to terms with her mothers death and what shed done while her humanity switch wasflipped. But now that both of them have put their cards on the table, its hard to hide their hands.“There is this awk

12、ward dance that these two characters are doing,” King says. “In such a heavyshow with a lot of drama, its funny to see these two tip-toeing around each other trying to playit cool.“A move may get made: “Theyre thrust into a story together in the premiere whereshes forced to deal with her romantic fe

13、elings for him, and so were rooting for them to gettogether,” Dries says. “And as their love story evolves, they will have to deal with some crazy stuffthrown at them.”2。斯提芬和卡洛琳的爱情故事还在继续。上一季结束时,他说他会等她母亲死后把她转换成人类再让她回去。但现在他们都已经亮出底牌,很难隐藏他们的意图了。“这样尴尬的对恃,这两个人物在做什么,”金说。“在这样一个沉重的故事里有很多戏分,有兴的是能看到这两个人都彼此小心翼翼

14、试图掩饰内心的汹涌。”这样可能会导致:“把他们放在同一个首映式上,最终她被他的浪漫情怀倾倒,所以我们支持他们在一起,“德赖斯说。”,随着他们的爱情故事的发展,将不得不加入一些虐心的内容给他们。That “crazy stuff” involves the Heretics. “Even though shes very much a girls girl character, Caroline is always a little weary of new girls coming into her turf,” King says. “She doesnt like who these ne

15、wbies are, and were going to see her struggle with how to deal with them and their loud presence within Mystic Falls.”By the end of the premiere, well understand the flash-forward we saw of a desolate Mystic Falls at the end of the Season 6 finale. “Its going to be interesting for fans of the series

16、 to finally see this picture-perfect town where all of these characters have hid in chaos for so many years have the veil ripped off of it,” King says. “What happens to Mystic Falls, and what the town becomes known as to the surrounding towns, is going to be really interesting for viewers.”“疯狂的人”是异教

17、徒。“尽管她非常的具有女孩性格,卡洛琳总是有点厌倦新女孩进入她的地盘,”国王说。“她不喜欢这些新人,我们将看到她纠结于如何处理他们和他们在神秘瀑布镇的出现。首映结束的时候,我们会看到荒凉神秘瀑布镇的切换,我们看到在本赛季结束后6大结局。“这将是有趣的.粉丝们终于看到这个完美无瑕的小镇,所有这些角色很混乱这么多年已经撕掉它的面纱了,”金说。”神秘瀑布镇发生了什么,该镇就是附近的城镇,观众将会非常有兴趣。3.Damon, meanwhile, begins the season in Europe with Alaric (Matt Davis), whos mourning the loss o

18、f bride Jo “Theyre both basically going through a very similar grief process. Damon is going through the supernatural version of what Alarics going through,” Dries says. “They kind of cry on each others shoulder, so theyre going to have a lot of scenes together.”3. 达蒙,与此同时,开始本季在欧洲阿拉里克(马特戴维斯),是谁哀悼失去了

19、新娘“他们都基本上经历了一个非常相似的痛苦过程。达蒙正在经历的与阿拉里克经历的超自然的版本一样,” 德赖斯说。“他们彼此安慰,所以他们会有很多的场景在一起。4. . and Bonnie is their chaperone. “Shes been empowered by her best friend Elena to kind offollow her to become this stronger woman that shes become, but also take on the role of beingDamons moral compass,” Dries says. “W

20、ith Elena sidelined, Bonnies worried: Is Damongoing to go off his rocker Do I need to keep an eye on him Then theres Damon, whosobviously grieving the loss of the love of his life, and the big question is, Is he going to becomethe monster that we saw in Season 1, the real villain of the show”4.邦妮是他们

21、的监护人。“她被她最好的朋友托付了埃莉雅跟着她要使她成为更强的女人,她,还承担达蒙的道德指南针的作用,“德赖斯说。” ,邦尼担心艾琳娜靠边站:“达蒙他发疯了吗我需要照看他”还有达蒙,他显然是悲伤的.他损失了至爱,最大的问题是,“他会成为我们在第一季中,看到的怪物一样成为真正的恶棍吗Like Damon, Bonnie is now doing what she wants. “And so, shell kind of get involved in Alarics storyline a little bit,” Dries says. “But as shes working with A

22、laric and helping him throughthe grief of losing Jo, Bonnie starts to get herself embroiled in a little bit of a love story. And so,thats been very fun to watch unfold.”和达蒙一样,邦妮现在做她想做的。“所以,她会参与阿拉里克的故事情节中来,“德赖斯说。“但她安慰阿拉里克和帮助他走出失去乔的悲伤,邦妮开始让自己卷入一个爱情故事。所以,这是非常有趣的展开。”5. There may be a love interest in Ma

23、tts future, too. Its something Dries and the writershope to do down the road this season: “Hes so good when he was with Rebekah and Nadia.I love Matt when hes got a fun girlfriend,” Dries says. But hell start off with bigger concernsas he earns his badge and vows to protect the town. “The stakes are

24、 incredibly high for Matt.He continues to press his luck and fight as a human, even though its incredibly dangerous,”Dries says. “As his story unfolds, he starts inserting himself into more and more dangeroussituations.”5。马特也可能将会有一个爱情故事.这是德赖斯和作者希望本季加入的内容:“当他与丽贝卡和纳迪亚时很好人。我喜欢马特时他有一个不错的女朋友,” 德赖斯说。但他会有更

25、大的担忧,因为他为荣誉而战并发誓要保护城镇。“马特的风险极高。他继续作为一个人用他的运气战斗,即使这样是很危险的,” 德赖斯说。”随着他的故事的展开,他会将自己陷入危险的境地。6. Enzo (Michael Malarkey) gets his due. “He grows into himself a bit this season,” Dries says.“I think people think that he considers himself one of Lilys children, and Enzo, fairly early onin the season, shakes

26、 off that reputation and makes a stand of what he means by wanting to bein Lilys life.”We will also see him have scenes with Caroline. “I think fans just like to see Caroline with anyonethat has an accent,” King says with a laugh. “I always love working with Michael Malarkey, andwere going to see hi

27、s struggle with really being back in his life and all the Heretics, and how thataffects him greatly affects his and Carolines relationship.”6。恩佐(迈克尔马拉基)得到他应有的权力。“他在这一季中成长了,“德赖斯说。“我想,人们让他自己觉得他是莉莉的孩子,恩佐在早期,摆脱了这种束缚,他的意思是想要和莉莉在一起生活.我们还将看到他和卡洛琳有场戏。“我觉得粉丝们看到卡洛琳和所有人都有一个口音,“金笑着说。“我永远爱迈克尔,我们会看到他真的是在他的生活中和所有的异教徒一起奋斗,以及这个行为如何影响他和卡洛琳的关系。Season 7 of The Vampire Diaries premieres Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. on The CW.吸血鬼日记第7季将于10月8日晚8点在CW台播出

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