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2、度。这样在录取评审委员会面前,你的形象就丰满了。除了推荐者的选择,推荐信的内容也有格外需要注意的地方。一封好的推荐信不仅需要出自一位在某一方面了解你的人士之手,而且这封信对你的评价必须要有具体的例子来佐证。中国学生的许许多多的推荐信都犯着一个雷同而且是致命的错误,那就是几乎每一句话都堆满了赞美的形容词或名词,如“intelligent”, “ambitious”, “personable”, “natural born leader”等等,但却不举一件事例来证明。这样的推荐信是苍白无力的,它不增加评审委员会对你的任何了解,甚至会让读者产生疑问:你的教授,你的顶头上司,为什么不能说出你的任何一件




6、往往不了解中国的特殊国情,他们可能据此判断你在伪造推荐信。下面是编者经过了解得出的许多申请者的推荐信所犯的错误,综合起来归为下列几种:1) 推荐者与被推荐者缺乏可信的、有说服力的关系。推荐者往往地位很高,但并不了解被推荐者。申请者应注意,推荐者的地位和知名度在跨国度时常常失去意义,因而一味追求推荐者的地位和知名度往往得不偿失。2) 篇幅过短而且只有赞美词却没有具体的实例来佐证被推荐者的能力和品格。3) 推荐信往往溢美过度。这样,推荐人不能合理地解释被推荐者为什么需要进一步深造。有时,由于推荐信中对被推荐人的无限吹捧,推荐人自己显得低级甚至愚蠢,致使推荐信的价值大打折扣。4) 被推荐者在代替推荐

7、者打印推荐信时,语气、用词、格式往往雷同,易给人以造假的印象。一、教授推荐信范文:推荐信范文机械工程ChairpersonDept. of Mechanical EngineeringClarkson UniversityPotsdam, NY 13699U.S.A.Dear Sir:At the request of Mr. Li, a graduate student of mine in the Department of Thermal Engineering, I am very pleased to write this letter of recommendation in su

8、pport of his application for admission and financial aid for his study in your Department.I knew Mr. Li in January 1990, when I was the header of the Thermal Measurement Laboratory. We led a project and needed a research assistant. I contacted with the advisor of his class and wanted to choose an ex

9、cellent student to take part in it. She recommended Mr. Li to me because of his exceptional achievement in his class. So Mr. Li came to our research group to finish his diploma project under my instruction. In the diploma project, his serious attitude and diligence made a favorable impression on me.

10、 At last, he completed high quality paper “The Mathematical Model of Heat Exchange Cycle In Large Scale Fossil Power Plant” which earned a high grade 90.Because of his ability of research he demonstrated in his diploma project, he was selected by us to work in our group. In the following two years,

11、he had worked under my instruction, His research work concerned with the simulation of flow network and heat-exchanger in power plant, which is the key technology in the power plant simulation and he resolved it very well. His work was always perfectly finished ahead of schedule and his ability to o

12、rganize research independently is very outstanding. He participated in the developing of four sets of simulators and some of his work has been published on ACTA SIMULTA SISTEMATICA SINICA ACTA and JOURNAL OF TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY in two years.From Sep.1992, Mr. Li began his graduate study and I was hi

13、s adviser. Because he possessed much experience of work, he had strong motivation toward his study and his aim of study is very clear. Besides thoroughly studying of all assigned works, he also took part in a lot of research work in our group. Up to now, he has published three papers during his grad

14、uate study. I appreciated his work very much. According to my observation, Mr. Li has the potential of a promising student.Meanwhile, Mr. Li is a versatile young man. He likes sports very much. He is the top player of both Department Table Tennis Team and Department Football Team. He and his team-ma

15、tes won the first place in the Tsinghua University Graduate Student Football Competition in Fall 1992 and the third place in the Tsinghua University Table Tennis Competition in 1993 and 1994.I recommend Mr. Li to you without reservation and I believe that he will produce outstanding work in your ins

16、titution as he did in ours. Your serious consideration of his application will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours,推荐信范文化学工程Dept. of Chemical EngineeringTsinghua UniversityBeijing; 100084P.R.CHINADear Sir,Mr. Lu wishes to continue his study at your college. As his teacher, I am willing to offer

17、myself as his reference.Mr. Lu studied in my class for two courses, “High temperature Mechanics” and “ Physical properties of Materials”. His performance in the courses is out of the ordinary. He rarely took notes. Sometimes he showed loosing patience to attend the lecture and read other books. But

18、in discussion periods, he was one of the most inquisitive and vocal students. His comments showed great power in grasping fundamental theories of the subject and applying them creatively. In the laboratory, he always completed the experiments most quickly and excellently. Through my talking with him

19、, I noted that he paid attention to overall view rather than minor details and he has a sound background knowledge in the subject through additional reading. For example, I often meet him in the library reviewing the latest publications from international periodicals. I think these distinguished him

20、 from others. At the semester final, he achieved excellent scores, and in most of them, he got the first.Last year, Mr. Lu joined our group to work for his diploma project. His inquisitiveness and creativeness always impressed me. Furthermore, his skill and kindness were appreciated by the group mem

21、bers. Based on his excellent academic records and outstanding performance in research, Mr. Lu is qualified to further study as a Ph.D student in our department and I would accept him as my student enthusiastically. However, Mr. Lu has his own idea about the future. He told me that he preferred to be

22、 a research assistant at the laboratory for some time so as to obtain more practical experience in the field of structure materials, and then pursue Ph. D degree in USA where he can learn more advanced theories and technology. In my assessment, he is sufficiently mature for education at a higher lev

23、el in USA as far as his academic preparation and language proficiency are concerned.I strongly support Mr. Lus application for admission and financial aid. If more information about him is required, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.Yours truly,Professor XXX推荐信范文经济学范文1School of Economics

24、 Beijing UniversityP. R. China Nov.11, 2000To whom it may concern:It is a great pleasure for me to write this recommendation letter on behalf of Miss Yang, a promising student of our School of Economics. During her first two academic years, I was her advisor and now, I am teaching her course COMPARA

25、TIVE ECONOMIC SYSTEM.Due to Miss Yang s high intellect and incessant assiduity, she is an unquestionable top student. Her solid mathematical and theoretical backgrounds are quite worthy of mentioning. Among the 150 students in her grade, she is one of the three who have never got a grade lower than

26、90 (in 100 scoring scale) in MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS and LINEAR ALGEBRA. Also, her scores in MACROECONOMICS and MICROECONOMICS were the highest in her 32student specialty class. At the same time, Miss Yang grasped every chance to satisfy her strong desire for advanced learning. Every time those alumni

27、 who had abstained ph. D degree in Ivy League came back to lecture to the graduate students, she audited without exception Their influence, in addition to her own ambition, helps her choose the way to pursue further study.Moreover, Miss Yang impresses me with her ingenious and creative way of thinki

28、ng. She often discusses with me about the development of the world economy. Through her logical canalization and stimulating ideas, I am sure she has the talent to combine intellectual independence with wellgrasped knowledge appropriately. This can also be demonstrated in our seminars. Profound insi

29、ght and systematic expression always make her comments attractive and scintillating.Miss Yangs English is very good. In the highest level of College English testGrade 6, only she was awarded “Excellent” certification of 32 students. In my assessment, she has full preparation for graduate study in an

30、 Englishspoken country.According to her outstanding performance and responsible personality, the School of Economics recommended her to work for CHINA IMPORT during her spare time, where she got experience and high evaluation. A few days ago, we nominated her as a graduate student, but she gave up t

31、he chance because she has admired your university. I can understand her and wish her success.If further information about her is required, please dont hesitate to contact with me.Yours Sincerely,Dean, School of Economics 推荐信范文经济学范文2Dear Professor:Miss Fang began her study at the Department of Economics in 1994. It was in one of my lectures that I got to know her. What made her impressive was her sensible and creative questions. Although she has never been a student in any of my courses, she often consulted with me about problems related to ec

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