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1、C. clever of you to work out D. clever for you working out5|. No one can be sure_ in a mill|ion years.A. what man loo|ks like B. what will man look like C. wha|t man will look like D. man will look like what 6. Jacks |words made him_.A|. happily B. to launch | C. crying D. angry7. Jack asked me_.A.

2、if sall|y will come tonight B. tha|t they would hand in the papers on t|ime C. how heavy was the box D. what was wro|ng with Jane8. My mothe|r with two brothers _|_gone to Beijing.A. is B. are C|. has D. have9. Li Mi|ng spent half an hour _|_ his computer yesterday.|A. in B. repair C. to repair D. r

3、epairing10. C|ould you _your brother_|_?A. stops, from ge|tting into trouble B. s|topped, to get into trouble C|. stop, from getting into t|rouble D. stop|, gets into trouble11. -Wh|at kind of restaurant do you wa|nt to go for dinner, jack? -We _|_it. I want to have |Chinese food. But Jane wants to

4、eat p|asta.A. havent agreed on B. h|ave agreed to C. didnt agree wi|th D. agree on12. My grandmo|ther often has _food, so s|hes in a very good_.A. he|althy, healthy B. healthy, |health C. healt|h, healthy D. heal|th, health13. - How beaut|iful your iphone is!-Yeah, it |is _ as my old one.A. as twi|c

5、e expensive B. twice as expen|sive C. twice as more expensiv|e D. as twice cheap14. All the |flowers in the garden not only |grow_ but also smell_.A. good, good B. well, w|ell C. good, well | D. well, good15. Anns parents are v|ery strict with her. She _ t|o be hard-working, positiv|e and helpful.A.

6、 asks B. |asked C. is ask|ed D. is |asking2、语法填空Frank W. Woo|lworth was born in Rodman, |New York in 1862. His family wa|s very poor and often there was no|t enough food_1_. So, Frank decided h|e_2_ something else i|nstead of_3_ a far|mer. He took business t|raining to find a job. A|s a result, he g

7、ot a job |as a salesman in a large cit|y.It was not long before Wo|olworth realized that he had a natura|l skill for_4_ goods to attract the consumers interest, but he al|so learned something_5_ after that. One day his b|oss told him to sell odds and ends(小商品) for as much as he c|ould get. A fresh i

8、dea came into his mind. He put all these goods on one table with a si|gn. It said: FIVE CENTS EAC|H. People pushed to buy the goods and the table _6_soon.Soon after, Woo|lworth opened his own store, se|lling things for five and ten cents. This is the beginni|ng of the famous “five and ten store”. Bu

9、t he had _7_lesso|n to learn before he became successf|ul. That is, if you want to m|ake money by selling goo|ds at a low price, you ha|ve to buy them in large numbers|_8_ from the factor|y. For example, Woolworth once went to |Germany and placed an order for knives. The order was so large|_9_ the f

10、actory had to k|eep running 24 hours a day for a whole year. In this w|ay, the price of the knives was cut dow|n by half._10_ 191|9, Woolworth had over 1,000 store|s in the USA and Cana|da, and opened his first st|ore in London. His name beca|me famous throughout |the world. He always ran his busine

11、s|s according to strict rule|s, of which the most impo|rtant was “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT ”.1. A. eatin|g B. ate C. to eat D. to |eating2. A. will do B. would do C. |did D. had done3. |A. being B. be C. be|en D. to be4. A. display B|. to display C. displayi|ng D. displayed5. A. importance B. im

12、portan|tly C. more importantly D. more importantly6. A. cl|ear B. was cleared C. was clear|ing D. be cleared7. |A. other B. others C. |the other D. another8. A. directly | B. direct C. directed D|. directing9. A. this B. that C. what D. which10. A. at B. in C. on D. by三、单词拼写1.To t|ell you the t _.I

13、|dont know who locked the door.2|.Its very b_of her to save |a little boy from the fire!|3.Amy works hard in he|r class, so she often gets the c_|_answers to the homework|.4.Simon made a big |m_in the English exam yesterd|ay, so he didnt pass it.6.You make su|ch a silly mistake.You should try you|r

14、best to a_|doing it again.7.Dont t_strang|ers because you dont kno|w them well.8.On a |crowded bus , you shou|ld offer your s_|_to those in need.9.He is |humorous. He has a s_|_of humour.10.Professor Zhang wil|l give a l_on how to protect |the Earth in our universi|ty.11. These are Lilys own p_|_thi

15、ngs.Dont touch unle|ss you are allowed.12. There are many interesting e_in our school,such as t|he singing competition,|thecooking competition,and so on.1|3.Would you m_if I open the win|dow?.14.I often s_my id|eas with my parents because t|hey always support me.15.He was so h|ungry that he had a bi

16、g m_|_after work.16. He |is so c_that he often make|s mistakes?17.Mike didnt work har|d,so he f_his exam last week.|18.Children h_taking part in the boring activities.19.T_|_he got up this mo|rning , he arrived at school on ti|me.20.Can you stop mak|ing the a_noise ?I want to sl|eep.四、完成句子1.国王命令士兵把这

17、个工匠送进了监狱。 The King orde|red the solders to_ |the maker _ _.2.他打开袋子,发现里面装满了礼物。 He opened the b|ag and found that it_|_ _ _ gifts .3.学生和家长对这所学校的老师很满意。The students and found that it _|_ _ _ gifts.4.记者有责任确保新闻的真实性。Reporters are respon|sible for _ _|_ the news is real.5.牛奶已经溢出来了。The milk has_ _ _ you |to

18、lend me your book .6.我的回答让你失望了吗?D|id my answer _you_|_ ?7.我们轻而易举地赢得了比赛。We won |the match_ _.8.我丝毫不知道他的计划。 I_ _|_ _ about his plan.9.要加校篮球真的不容易。_|_not easy to _ _|_ the school basketball match.1|0.莉莉不知道她有麻烦了。 Lily d|oesnt know that she is_|_ _ . 11.我对游博物馆没兴趣。I_ _|_ _ _. |12.这种衣服过时了。The kind of the cl

19、othes_ _|_ _ _|_ .13.孩子们应该在家帮着做家务。Children should _ _|_ the housework.14.虽然Sam 有点调皮,但他的爸爸对他很有耐心。Although |Sam is a bit naughty, his fat|her_ _ _|_ _.15.我的父母不在家。他们出差去了。My parents are not at home.They_|_ _ _ .16.我很久没收到我表弟来的信了。I havent_ _|_ My cousin for a long tim|e .17.你不应该嘲笑他,他已经尽力了。You shouldt _|_

20、_ him.He has t|ried his best .18.如今,很多女孩子都在节食。Nowda|ys, many girls _ _|_ _ _|.19.小汤姆把卧室搞得一团糟。Little Tom_ |_ _ in |the bedroom.20.你的坏习惯会让我受不了的。Your ba|d habits will_ _ _|_.【Part 2 能力大爆发】1、阅读第一节 阅读理解Most |of us probably live without veget|ables, but a world without cho|colate? Now that would be hard!

21、Ac|cording to chocolate makers it could h|appen if we dont ac|t soon. There are two main causes of t|he chocolate shortage -|- chocolates growing popularity and less production of coc|oa, the plant from which chocolate is m|ade. With more and more people in India and China loving chocolate, not much

22、 c|an be done about the first cause|. Therefore, the only thing w|e can do is to increase cocoa p|roduction. However, n|ew plant diseases and little rain in |Ivory Coast and Ghana, the worlds largest producers, hav|e reduced cocoa production by 40 p|ercent in the past 10 years. Whats worse, many coc

23、oa farmers in |Africa and other cocoa-pr|oducing countries like Indonesia |and Venezuela are changing to easier-to-grow crops such as corn or rubber. This way|, the farmers can make m|ore money. To prevent more far|mers from changing, researcher s at the newly opened Interna|tional Cocoa Control Cen

24、tre, in the UK, are trying to create new co|coa plants that are stron|ger and faster growing. But firs|t they must make sure the new plants are safe to grow. T|his takes a long time. First|, each new plant is stored at t|he Control Centre for six months |to make sure it is healthy. It is then plante

25、d in the Centres fi|elds, studied and tested fo|r another two years. Only after scienti|sts are certain that theyre disease-fr|ee, will the plants b|e sent to farmers in Wes|t Africa or wherever |else they are needed|. To create new strong|er types of cocoa, scientist|s at the Centre are combining t

26、he |best parts from diffe|rent cocoa plants. Tho|ugh the world is facing a seriou|s chocolate sho rtage, there is n|ow hope!1. The first paragra|ph tells us that_. A. chocolate is healthier than vegetables B. t|he world could soon be |without chocolateC. pe|ople love vegetables more than chocolate D. its not n|ecessary to eat so much choc|olate 2. In which countries h|as chocolate become more popu|lar in recent years?

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