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1、Andeggs?Howyouwantyour 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗?您喜欢鸡蛋怎么做?Fried1, 煎的。Anythingmore, 还要什么别的东西吗,先生?No,thatsenough2.Thankyou. 不要了,足够了。谢谢。Doanydessert3?要甜品吗?Nodessert,thanks.Justcoffee. 不,谢谢。咖啡就行了。1. fry: frai v. 油炸,油煎2.enough: inf adj. 足够的3. dessert: diz:t n. 餐后甜点B Waiter, a table for two, please. 服务生,请给我一张两人的桌子。 Yes,

2、 this way please. 好的,请跟我来。 Can we see the menu, please? 能让我们看一看菜单吗? Here you are. 给您。 Whats good today? 今天有什么好吃的? I recommend1 crispy2 duck3. 我推荐香酥鸭。 We dont want that. Well, perhaps4 well begin with5 mushroom6 soup, and some seafood7 and chips.我们不想吃香酥鸭。或许我们可以先吃蘑菇汤,然后再要点海鲜和土豆片。 Do you want any desse

3、rt? 要甜品吗?C: No dessert, thanks. Just coffee. 不,谢谢。 咖啡就行了。1. recommend: rekmend v. 推荐2. crispy: krispi adj. 酥脆的;易碎的3. duck: dk n. 鸭子4.perhaps: phps adv. 或许,也许5. begin with: 以.开始6. mushroom: m ru:m n. 蘑菇7. seafood:sifud n. 海鲜,海产食品C Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。有什么能效劳的吗? I want an American breakfa

4、st1 with fried eggs, sunny side up2.我想要一份美式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋。 What kind of juice do you prefer, sir? 您想要哪种果汁呢? Grapefruit3 juice and please make my coffee very strong.西柚汁,还有,我要杯很浓的咖啡。 Yes, sir. American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grapefruit juice and a black coffee4. Am I correct, sir?好的,一份美

5、式早餐,要单面煎的鸡蛋、西柚汁及一杯清咖啡,对吗? Yes, thats right. 是的。 Is there any thing else, sir? 还有什么吗,先生? No, thats all. 没有了,谢谢。1. breakfast: brekfst n. 早餐2. sunny side up: 荷包蛋只煎一面3. grapefruit:greipfru:t n. 葡萄柚,西柚4. black coffee: 黑咖啡,清咖啡DArereadyorder? 您现在可以点菜了吗?Yeah,thinkam.Couldjustsoupstart是的,可以。请先给我来一份汤。Thatsmin

6、estrone1,isthatallright 意大利蔬菜汤,可以吗?thatfine,andmain course2couldchicken3please?可以,好的。至于主菜,请给我来一份鸡肉。Chicken. 鸡肉。somevegetables4boiled5potatoesplease.再来一点蔬菜和煮土豆。Boiledpotatoes,OK. 煮土豆,好的。Thanksverymuch. 谢谢!OK. 好的。1. minestrone:ministruni n. 意大利式蔬菜浓汤 2. main course: mein k:s 主菜3. chicken:tikin n. 鸡肉4.

7、vegetable:vedtbl n.蔬菜5. boil: bil v. 沸腾;用开水煮E What can I do for you, sir? 先生,您要来点什么? What have you got this morning? 今天早上你们这儿有什么? Fruit juice, cakes and bread, and everything.水果汁、糕点、面包等等,应有尽有。 Id like to have a glass of orange juice, please. 请给我来一杯橙汁。 Any cereal1, sir? 要来点谷类食品吗,先生? Yes, a dish of2 c

8、ream of wheat3. 好的,来一份麦片粥。 Anything more, sir? No, thats enough. Thank you. 不要了,足够了。1. cereal: sril n. 谷物,谷类食物2. a dish of: 一碟3. cream of wheat: 麦片粥FCustomer: Can I have a look at that digital camera please?Shop Assistant: Yes of course. This is a really good one actually. How much does it cost? Thi

9、s one is 1500 yuan. It looks pretty good. I think Ill take it. Would you like anything else? Thats all thank you.1. Do you have?你们有没有。(某物)?2. Do you have any?3. Can I have a look at?我能看看。(某物)吗?4. Id like to see some我想看看(某物)。5. Anything else?还要其他东西吗? G Are these all yours? Yes, they are. Cash or cred

10、it card? I want to use these coupons. Have they expired? Not yet. Oh, Madam, this item is no longer on sale, and this goes on sale tomorrow. Will you take them? Yes, could you use plastic bags? Sure, it is 80 yuan in all and you have to give me another coupon. Could you charge it to my credit card?

11、Certainly. Here you are. Okay. Input your pin number, please. Sign here. Sure. Heres your receipt. Thank you.1. coupon英kupn n. 息票;赠券;联票2. expired 英ikspaid v. 期满(expire的过去分词)adj. 过期的;失效的HS: Hello What can I do for you? I would like to buy a kind of sugar that kids love very much. We have a lot of sug

12、ars for kids . They are all listed here, so you can choose yourself. I am not too sure which kind I should buy. Oh , let me think ,Which one would you like , domestic or import good? Domestic one is better. I would like to buy 2 kilograms, this one. OK , wait for a second .here you are . Thank you.

13、see you later See you.1. domesticdmestkn. 国货;佣人 adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;2. importmptn. 进口,进口货;输入;意思,ICan you tell me about some good deals on produce?The mangoes are on sale today.What exactly are mangoes?They have yellowish red skin. Its a fruit with one big seed.Is the seed edible?Maybe if you were a par

14、rot. I wouldnt recommend it.How much does a mango cost?Normally, theyre $2 each. Today, theyre only $1 each.Maybe I wont like the taste.Its hard to describe. Theyre sweet, but also sort of acidity.How do I tell the difference between a ripe one and an unripe one?Theyre similar to an avocado. When th

15、e outside feels soft, theyre ripe.Where do most of them come from?B.These are from Mexico.1. yellowish jelI adj. 微黄色的,淡黄色的2. unripenrapadj. 生的;未成熟的 J Anybody here? Coming, Im coming! Hi Susan. What do you want today? Quite a lot. I need one pound of potatoes, three pints of milk, a dozen brown eggs,

16、 two pounds of corn, one pint of olive oil, one pound of cucumber, half a pound of mushrooms and one pound of tomatoes. Do you need any fruit? Our fruit is very fresh today. How much are the lemons? Lemons are 3 for 1 dollar. Are they juicy? I want to use them for juice. They are ripe and juicy. So

17、are the watermelons. No. I dont want watermelons. They are not in season yet. Just give me a dozen lemons. Very well. Anything else? And I also need a loaf of sliced bread and a pound of coffee. What kind of coffee? Drip or instant? I like the coarser grind. We make coffee in a percolator at home. All right! And a bottle of catsup. Any brand will do. Can you sent this order to my house this afternoon? Certainly Thanks. How much will that be? Ill give you a check now.1. dozendz()n n. 十二个,一打 2. sliceslaIsn. 薄片;部分;菜刀,火铲3. instant nst()nt n. 瞬间;立即 4. percolator pklet n. 过滤器;

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