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学年高中英语module6 war and peace sectionⅠintroductionreadingandvocabulary教学案版本文档格式.docx

1、Troops from the United States, Britain and Canada took part in the DDay landings. The operation was extremely dangerous and many soldiers were killed before they even got off the boats. American soldiers attempted to land at the most dangerous place, known as Omaha Beach.The situation at Omaha Beach

2、 was so bad that the US army commanders thought about abandoning the invasion. Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough and the DDay landings were successful. It was the beginning of the end of the Second World War.Operation Overlord started as a story of danger and confusion and ended as a stor

3、y of bravery and acts of heroism. commander n. 指挥官 abandon v. 放弃,抛弃eventually adv. 最后,最终 make_a_breakthrough 取得重大突破(进展)heroism n. 英雄主义,英雄气概美国、英国和加拿大的军队参加了D日登陆。这次登陆行动异常危险,很多士兵还没来得及下船就牺牲了。美军士兵试图在最危险的奥马哈海滩登陆。奥马哈海滩的形势非常严峻,以至于美军司令官都考虑放弃进攻了。但是,登陆战士最后取得了突破,D 日登陆得以告捷。这是二战结束的前奏。“霸王行动”以惊险和混乱开始,以英勇和无畏结束。The DD

4、ay LandingsPassage 2The soldiers of Able Company crossed the English Channel in seven boats early on the morning of 6 June 1944. When they were about 5 kilometres from the beach, the Germans started firing artillery shells at them but the boats were too far away. The Germans continued firing and Boa

5、t 5 was hit one kilometer from the beach. Six men drowned before help arrived. Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats. As a result, they missed the fighting on the beach. Six men drowned before help arrived. Twenty men fell into the water and were picked up by other boats.

6、As a result, they missed the fighting on the beach. They were lucky. If they had reached the beach, they would probably have been killed. artillery n. 大炮shell n. 炮弹 pick_up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起 D日登陆文章21944年6月6日清晨,A连的战士们乘坐七艘战船横渡英吉利海峡。当船只离海滩5,000米时,他们遭到了德军炮火的轰击,但由于距离太远而没有被击中。在离海滩1,000米时,第五艘船被击中。六人在救援到来之前被淹

7、死。另外20名战士落水后被其他船只上的人救起。结果,他们没赶上海滩上的激战。他们很幸运。要是他们抵达了海滩就很有可能没命了。When Boat 3 was a few metres form the beach, the soldiers jumped out, but the water was so deep that some of them disappeared under the water. Many of the men were either killed or wounded by machine gun fire.The soldiers on Boat 1 and Bo

8、at 4 jumped into the water, but it was too deep and most of them drowned. Half an hour after the first attack, two thirds of the company (a company is a group of about 100 soldiers) were dead. The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.After an hour and fortyfive minutes, six of the survi

9、vors tried to climb up the cliff to get off the beach. Four were too exhausted to reach the top. The other two, Private Jake Shefer and Private Thomas Lovejoy, joined a group from another company and fought with them. Two men. Two rifles. This was Able Companys contribution to DDay.deep adj. 深的 woun

10、d v. 使受伤drown v. 淹死,使溺死survivor n. 幸存者shocked adj. (感到)震惊的,惊骇的private n. 兵,士兵当第三艘船离海滩数米远时,战士们跳入海中,但由于海水太深,有的人沉入了海底。许多人被机关枪的火力射死或射伤。第一和第四艘船上的战士也跳入海里,由于海水太深,大多数人都淹死了。第一次进攻开始之后半小时,该连队三分之二的将士都阵亡了(一个连大约有100名士兵)。死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。1小时45分钟后,六位幸存的战士试图爬上悬崖,离开海滩。其中四名战士由于筋疲力尽未能攀上顶端。另两位战士二等兵杰克谢弗和二等兵托马斯洛夫乔伊加

11、入了另一连队,与他们并肩作战。两名战士。两支来福枪。这就是A连对D日登陆所做出的贡献。The DDay LandingsPassage 3On 6 June 2004, survivors of the DDay landings from many different countries returned to France to remember their lost comrades. Many of them went to the cemetery and memorial which overlooks Omaha Beach.The cemetery and memorial a

12、re situated on a cliff overlooking the beach and the English Channel, from where the boats attempted their landings. The cemetery contains the graves of 9,386 Americans who died during the landings. The memorial also contains the names of more than 1,500 men who were never found. memorial n. 纪念碑;纪念馆

13、overlook v. 俯视,往下看grave n. 墓,墓穴 D日登陆文章32004年6月6日,来自不同国家的D日登陆幸存者们回到法国,纪念他们阵亡的战友。他们当中有许多人去了俯瞰奥马哈海滩的公墓和纪念碑。墓地和纪念碑坐落在一处悬崖之上,从那里可以俯瞰海滩和英吉利海峡,当时一艘艘船只就试图从那里登陆。公墓包括9,386位美军阵亡战士的坟墓。纪念碑上还刻有1,500多名失踪战士的名字。On the memorial, there is part of a poem called “For the Fallen”, which was written by an English poet, La

14、wrence Binyon:They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.The poem was first published in The Times newspaper on 14 September 1914 and can be seen on war memorials in man

15、y parts of the world.weary v. 使人疲倦;使人厌烦condemn v. 责难;谴责war_memorial 战争纪念碑纪念碑上刻着英国诗人劳伦斯比尼恩所作诗歌致倒下的战士中的一节:他们永远不会变老,当我们活着的人们都已老朽。年华不能使他们厌倦,岁月也不会让他们愧疚。日落日出, 我们缅怀他们直到永久。这首诗最初刊载于1914年9月14日的时代报纸上,在世界许多地方的战争纪念碑上都能见到。课堂合作探究破解重点词汇How long do you think the war in Libya will last?你认为利比亚战争能持续多久?归纳拓展at last 最后;最终

16、last but one 倒数第二个last but not least 最后但同样重要的At last the climbers succeeded in conquering the difficult mountain.登山队员们终于成功地征服了这座难以攀登的山峰。【即景活用】A.单句语法填空(1)The performance _ (last) nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.B.单句写作(2)尽力让晚餐持续至少30分钟。Try to make dinner _ at least 30 minutes.

17、(3)他决不会干这种蠢事。He would be _ man to do such foolish things. 答案:(1)lasted(2)last(3)the lastReading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我大部分空闲时间。be occupied in doing/with sth. 忙着做某事occupy oneself in doing/with sth. 从事于;忙于;专心于occupation n. 职业;占有;消遣He occupied himself in writing a book.He was occupied in w

18、riting a book.他正忙于写一本书。(1)Denis is occupied _ hunting for a new job and has no eye for his wife and children.(2)我无法在周日和你会面,我得忙着写报告。I cant meet you on Sunday. Ill _my report.(1)in(2)be occupied withIn his early days, he abandoned medicine for literature.他早年弃医学文。abandon oneself to 沉湎于,陷入abandon (doing

19、) sth. 放弃(做)某事abandoned adj. 被遗弃的She abandoned herself to pleasure.她沉湎在欢乐中。单句写作(1)他拥有一个看起来几乎荒芜的农场。He owned a farm, which looked almost _.(2)尽管遇到了一些困难,但他们并不打算放弃这个计划。Despite some difficulties, theyre not going to _.(1)abandoned(2)abandon the planThe bullet wounded his shoulder.子弹打伤了他的肩膀。The soldier re

20、ceived a serious wound on the chest.这名士兵胸部受了重伤。(1)他的背部和腹部都受了重伤。He suffered serious _ and stomach.(2)他在一次事故中受了重伤。He was badly _.(3)她感觉受了伤害,生气了。She feels _ and angry.(1)wounds in his back(2)injured in an accident(3)hurtThe villagers began to declare war on poverty with the new village secretary of a P

21、arty or League branch leading the way.在新任村支书的带领下村民们开始向贫困宣战。declare for/against 宣称赞成/反对declare sb. (to be) 宣布某人为declaration n. 宣布,宣言;声明He declared against the proposal.他声明反对这个计划。(1)Germany declared war _ France on 1, August, 1914.(2)警察已对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。Police have _ drug dealers in this area.(1)on(2)decla

22、red war onIn the past ten years, many significant breakthroughs have been made.过去十年,我们已经取得多项重大突破。make a difference 有影响make progress 取得进步make sense 有意义make it 获得成功In this process, we make progress and come closer to success.在这个过程中,我们有所进步,并越来越接近成功。The sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改

23、善了她的健康状况。(1)这些诗歌不一定有意义,有的甚至看起来前后矛盾,但它们很容易学习和背诵。The poems may not _ and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.(2)再过20分钟飞机就起飞了,我们无论如何也赶不上了。The flight leaves in twenty minuteswe will never _.(3)我的数学已取得快速的进步。I have _ in maths.(1)make sense(2)make it(3)made rapid progressHundreds

24、 of the miners are still in water, waiting to be rescued.数以百计的矿工仍在水中等待着救援。A resuce operation is carried out by the policemen.警察展开了救援行动。rescue sb. from 从中救出某人go/come to sb.s rescue 进行援救,营救某人A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generous donation.有位富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来救助我们。(1)Many scholars are making eff

25、orts _ (rescue) disappearing languages.(2)消防队员从失火的房子里救出一个婴儿。The firemen _ a baby _ the burning house.(1)to rescue(2)rescued; fromIt is necessary to use a shortwave radio to pick up the programmes.必须有一台短波收音机才能收听到这些节目。Ill pick you up at your home tomorrow.明天我会开车到你家接你。A lifeboat picked up survivors.救生艇

26、救起了幸存者。pick oneself up 跌倒后起来pick off 摘掉pick out 挑选出;辨认出;拣出I could pick out my friend in the crowd.我能在人群中认出我朋友。Pick yourself up. Courage is doing what youre afraid to do.振作起来,勇气就是去做你害怕去做的事情。(1)Buses have routes. They pick _ and drop off people at different places on the routes.B.pick up的意义较多,试写出其在下列句中的含义(2)He picked up a pen on the road._(3)He picked up French while he was staying in Paris._(4)She picked up the story where she had left it the day before._(5)He picked up some bad habits in that club._(6)The equipment picked up

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