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1、proper time)2010.7.15 教育社会类Some people think adults should learn practical skills by themselves, while others think they should learn from teachers.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 成年人靠自己学习实用技能优势1 自学能增加成年人的独立性,即培养了成年人自学的独立态度又培养了成年人独立学习才能(autonomy as both an attitude towards learning and

2、 a capacity for independent learning)2 自学能学习并锻炼技能(learn and exercise skills),从而为年轻人的未来的事业奠定坚实的基础(lay a solid foundation for their career)成年人从老师那里学习实用技能优势1 老师有很多科学的教学课程和方法(raised the scientific curriculum,the teaching principle and the teching methodes),会使得学习更加高效更加节约时间(more efficient and less time-co

3、nsuming)2 跟老师学习不但能学习实用技能,而且能够了解一些工作经验和社会经验,(social experience),有利于今后事业发展2010.7.17社会类The movement of people from agricultural areas to cities to work can cause serious problems in both places. What are the serious problems and what measures can be taken to solve this problem?农村人口大量涌入城市带来问题1 收入差距(the

4、income gap between urban residents and rural areas)财富分配不平均。2 资源投入的不平衡,乡村缺乏各种基础设施和服务,比如电力、能源供应(electricity and fuel supply)、公路、电话和网络(access to telephones and the Internet)3 大量农村人口涌入城市所造成的城市人口数量激增(booming population)导致基础设施的费用增加(increased infrastructure costs)农村人口大量涌入城市解决方案1 制定优惠政策促进郊区发展(make preferent

5、ial policies to boost rural development)2 增加乡村基础设施投入,改善郊区的交通、道路、电子通讯(roads,street,rapid trasit system,telecommunications)2010.7.31教育类Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefit the students themselves not the society as a

6、whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?政府投资教育的好处1 教育可以帮助人们脱离贫穷(break the cycle of poverty),如果没有政府的自助,穷人的孩子一辈子都很难上得起大学,那么他们可能代代贫穷(remain poor throughout their lifespan and even across generations) 2 教育可以提高一个人的工作能力(improve productivity),从而提高一个国家的产出能力,对国家的繁荣()有着深远的影响(have far-reaching effects)个

7、人投资教育的好处1 可以增强个人的学习动力(learning motivation),激发个人的潜能(fulfil ones potential)。让学生更加珍惜受教育的机会(cherish opportunities to education)因为大多数学生将受教育的机会视为理所当然。(We take it for granted that everyone should have the chance of being educated)2 减轻政府财政负担(in order to lessen the fiscal burden),使得政府有更多资金投资基本建设和医疗养老(release

8、 more funds for endowment insurance and medical treatment insurance.)2010.8月2010.08.05In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this case happening? How should children or teenagers be punished?青少年犯罪的原因: 一些媒体暴力的影响(violent content of some TV shows and video

9、games ),如电视、电影、游戏。 家庭缺乏正确教育与引导(parental neglect)。 不良同伴的压力(peer pressure)。惩罚措施: 参加义务劳动,培训工作技能(working skills)。 加强教育(continue education), 提高处理问题的能力(skills in coping with problems)。 对于犯罪严重的予以严厉惩罚(severe punishment)。2010.8.14 Major cities in the world are growing fast, so as their problems. What are the

10、 problems that young people living in cities are facing with due to the continued growth of cities? What solutions do you have may solve the problems?城市发展产生的问题: 人口增加导致基础设施的费用增加(increased infrastructure costs)。 大量的流动人口也许会引发犯罪,导致社会不稳定(social unrest)。 影响空气质量(impair air quality),导致污染,影响人们的身体健康。解决措施: 发展基

11、础设施的建设(upgrade infrastructures) 使人们更具环保意识(make people environmentally conscious). 制定优惠政策促进郊区发展(make preferential policies to boost rural development).2010.8.21Charities and organizations always give special names to particular days such as National Childrens Day and National Non-smoking Day.What are

12、 the causes of these particular days? How effective are they?制定特殊节日原因: 人们不够重视(pay less attention to)这些问题。 不能很好地解决问题(tackle the problems)。制定特殊节日效果: 是一种主要的宣传形式(leading health campaign)。 有助于扩大宣传规模(enlarge the campaign scale)。 引起人们广泛注意(arouse peoples awareness),促进问题的解决。G类Students in school should learn

13、practical skills such as car maintenance and managing a bank account, as well as the traditional academic subject. Do you agree or disagree?学习实践技能的好处: 学生掌握必要的工作技能,有较强的动手能力。 有助于提高社会技能(improve social skills),交流技巧(communication skills)。 提高学生解决问题的能力,他们可以从各种各样的观点和经验中受益(benefit from a diversity of perspec

14、tives and experiences)。理论知识的重要性在于: 为未来打好基础(lay a solid foundation), 有助于职业的发展(career development) 有助于学习技能(acquire new skills),提高思考问题(critical thinking skills)、分析问题(analytical skills)、解决问题(problem-solving skills)的能力。2010.8.28City planners tend to put shops, homes, factories and offices in separate are

15、as. Do you think advantages of this policy overweigh disadvantages to the city residents?商店、住房、工厂、办公室等分开的好处: 城市规划者这样规划可以有利于营造区域氛围(unique atmosphere),井然有序(everything is in good order)。 一类功能的建筑相对集中,更加方便(introduce convenience)商店、住房、工厂、办公室等分开的缺点: 受教育、工作、消费这都是人们生活中必不可少的部分(necessary parts),如果把这些区域划开,人们就会浪

16、费很多时间在通勤(commuting)上,效率不高,并且浪费资源(waste of energy)。 一个区域某种功能的缺失会带来很多社会问题(social problems)。比如,住宅区远离警局,犯罪率会比较高;比如,购物区离商业区和住宅区较远,人们购物不方便(inconvenience)。 这样的设计忽略了公民的需求(neglect the residents needs),忽略了人们并不是生活在单一文化中的,相反的是,人们生活的各个方面都需要得到保障(need to be guaranteed)。2010年9月2010.09.04 A 科技Mobile phones have made

17、 life easier: anyone can use a mobile phone to answer/make work calls or home calls at any place 7 days a week. Do you think this development has more positive effects or negative effects on the individual and society?手机使用带来的好处:1. 沟通方便。比如突发事件的时候(in the event of an emergency),可以通过手机信号来确定人的位置(locate t

18、rapped or injured people using the signals of their mobile phones)。2. 丰富人们的生活。发信息text message,语音留言make voice calls,浏览网页Internet browsing,听音乐music playback,管理个人信息personal organizers,收发邮件email,拍照built-in cameras,玩游戏。手机使用带来的坏处:1. 危害身体健康,有可能增加患癌症的几率(increase the risk of suffering cancers)。2. 工作和生活之间的差别越

19、来越模糊(boundary between work and play is blurred.)下班之后还要接听工作的电话。3. 开车时打电话(talk on the phone while driving),导致交通事故的发生(correlation with road and traffic accidents)。4. 在公共场合讲话声音大(speak at an increased volume),影响别人。2010.09.11 A 环境类Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines inte

20、nded for human use. Others, however, think it is cruel to do that. Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.支持动物实验:1. 动物与人对外部的影响反应类似(respond similarly to external disturbances)最事宜做人类的替代品。而且,在人体上实验是不人道的(vivisection practiced on human beings is inhumane)。2. 动物实验对动物造成的痛苦已经最小化,且没有其他替代动物的试验品。

21、反对动物实验:1. 动物的生存权(the right to live)需要保护。2. 许多时候动物实验是用作商业目的(industrial products)。3. 动物实验的结果具有误导性,不可靠(unreliable 案的misleading)。人和动物有很大的不同(many differences between humans and animals)。2010.09.11 G 教育类Schools should teach children good behavior and introduce ideas of rightwrong. It should not only be le

22、ft to parents.To what extent do you agree or disagree?教师传授道德教育的重要性:1. 塑造学生的道德意识,有助于提高学生的道德素质,增强学生的责任感和义务感;增加学生对社会上有害事物的认识(be aware of social evils), 从而减少校园暴力( school violence),滥用药物(drug abuse),酗酒(alcoholism),破坏公物(sabotage)等反社会行为。2. 学生的大部分时间都是在学校度过,因此教师是最有机会能直接影响学生的人。而家长和社区一般不能够很有效的监督学生在校园的表现。道德教育未必需

23、要老师传授的原因:学生可以通过父母教育或读书来提法哦道德准则的认知度(increase the awareness of moral standards)2010.09.16 A 社会类Society is based on rules and laws. It would not function if individuals are free to do whatever they want to. To what extent do you agree or disagree?社会建立在法律上的优点:1. 法律让公民有安全感Laws afford citizens a sense of

24、safety.2. 法律对犯罪分子能够起到威慑作用Laws are effective ways to deter criminal acts3. 法律能规范社会竞争Laws and regulations are effective means to ensure fairness in corporate competitions (For example, the ongoing subprime mortgage crisis is due to the rampant violation of related loan rules.)4.法律能保证社会秩序与效率 Without la

25、ws and rules, society would be in chaos and our efficiency at work would decline substantially. 社会建立在法律上的缺点:1. 法律在一定程度上会限制人的自由It is true laws may restrict individuals freedom to some extent since essentially, laws set forth individuals obligations for society such as paying taxes and raising their o

26、ffspring.2.法律在一些方面会限制人们的娱乐Some laws deprive individuals of their freedom to enjoy amusements that are considered offensive in specific societies. 2010.09.25 A 教育类A report indicated that many children between 7 to 11 spend too much time watching television and/or playing video games. How does the pro

27、blem affect the children, their families and society? What measures can be taken to control it?儿童过多的看电视对儿童,家庭和社会的影响:2. 看电视太多会影响儿童的视力(impair vision)导致儿童思维能力下降。3. 看电视太多不利于儿童与父母的交流(interaction),不利于亲子关系的培养。4. 许多电视节目含有暴力等内容,不适合儿童观看,会对其日后的行为产生不良影响。如何控制儿童看电视的时间:1. 培养儿童动手动脑的兴趣,转移儿童在电视上的兴趣。2. 父母多抽出一些时间陪伴孩子,比

28、如一起做游戏,讲故事。3. 政府应该加强对电视节目内容的监督和管理。2010.09.25 G 社会类Modern lifestyles make many people hard to lead active and health lives. What are the factors contributing to that? How to suggest the governments and other large companies to help them do more exercise?现代人生活不健康的原因:1. 现代生活节奏(pace)加快,个人工作量大(excessive

29、work),没有时间去运动。2. 现代社会很多工作时间不规律(irregular working schedule),打乱(disrupt)了人们就餐和休息时间。如何建议政府和大公司帮助人们生活的做更多的运动?1. 政府应该颁布法律限制企业职工工作时间。2. 企业应当在办公地配备一定数量的健身器材(facilities),并鼓励员工使用。2010年10月2010.10.09 A类 社会类Some countries have introduced a law to limit working hours for employees. How this law can be introduced? Do you think it is a positive or a negativ

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