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1、浙江理工大学2012版传播学专业培养方案一、专业名称:传播学 专业代码:050305W二、培养目标本专业培养掌握现代传播学原理,具有传播学和新闻学基本理论知识和技能,侧重于网络与新媒体以及整合营销传播方向,并具备相应的经济、法律和管理知识背景,适应新闻传播与现代媒体工作,能在工商企业、文化产业等领域从事营销策划、品牌传播等整合营销传播工作的复合型应用性高级人才。三、培养规格及基本要求掌握新闻传播学的基本理论和基础知识,并具备基本的专业操作能力,尤其是对网络与新媒体以及整合营销传播的业务实践能力,成为基础知识深厚,专业知识扎实,应用能力突出,富有创新精神与社会责任感,具备良好沟通能力和合作精神的


3、销策划、品牌传播、广告公关等整合营销传播工作的能力。3、素质结构要求 具有强烈的社会责任感和法制意识,具有优良的从事新闻传播事业的职业道德素质。具有较高的从事新闻、公关、广告、策划等传播活动的职业素养,具有较强的创新思维意识和广阔的国际视野,具有从事传统媒体、网络与新媒体采编业务和媒介经营管理工作的专业素质。四、主干学科: 新闻传播学五、核心课程毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论,英语,计算机基础概论,思想道德修养与法律基础,传播学原理,新闻学概论,新闻采访与写作,公共关系学,文化产业概论,影视艺术概论,整合营销传播,网络传播实务。六、特色课程自学课程:整合营销传播案例研究研究型课程:传

4、播学原理双语教学课程:跨文化传播、传媒与社会、国际新闻、全球传播、英语新闻阅读与写作、新媒体研究前沿。创新实验课程:多媒体技术与应用、影像传播七、学习年限:3-6年 最低毕业学分:175 授予学位:文学学士课内总学时:2117 独立实践教学:41 周+ 224 学时八、培养方案的学分分配类 别必修学分选修学分合计比例通 识 课 程43+4146134.8%学科基础课程26+430+46436.6%专 业 课 程4+338+24726.9%第 二 课 堂331.7%合 计11461175100%比 例65.1%34.9%实践教学 54学分比 例30.9%注:各课程类别中均包含实践教学,“理论课学


6、少4学分,选修计算机信息类至少2学分,其它4学分由学生自行在通识选修课中选择修读。Zhejiang Sci-Tech University2012 Program Outline of Communication Name of Major: Communication Code for Major:050305W ObjectivesThis program is aimed to make the undergraduate students to become a comprehensive and adaptable talent who will understand the the

7、ory of communication and journalism, and grasp the professional skills focused on the Internet and new media and integrated marketing communication specialty, and have the appropriate economic, legal and management background to meet the jobs of news media and modern media. The graduates might be em

8、ployed in positions dealing with marketing plan, brand communications and other integrated marketing communication in industrial and commercial enterprises, cultural industries and other areas. Basic Requirements on Knowledge and Abilities It is required that students in this program should master t

9、he basic theory and knowledge in Journalism and Communication, and have basic professional operational capability, especially in the field of internet, new media and integrated marketing communication. The students are capable of becoming a high-quality interdisciplinary talent with solid foundation

10、 of professional knowledge, outstanding practical ability, innovative mind and social responsibility, as well as good communication skills and team spirit.Basic Requirements on KnowledgeThe students are required to acquire the following knowledge and skills: basic theory in journalism and communicat

11、ion, media policies and regulations; foreign languages, literature retrieval, computer and information technology. Everyone in this program can work with people by mastering the knowledge of psychology, common sense of etiquette and communication skills, basic research methodology of social science,

12、 and being armed with broad basic knowledge of humanities, social science, and necessary knowledge of science and technology.Basic Requirements on AbilitiesThe students are required to have basic professional practical capability, and should be familiar with the operating mechanism of the mass media

13、, and the new trend of media convergence. They should master new media and online media application skills, exhibit an independent, comprehensive ability to analyze the phenomena of communication and to solve various kinds of communication problems. And they also should have the ability of work for

14、content production or engaging in business operations and management in the modern media and social organizations. In addition, the ability of dealing with marketing planning, brand communication, advertising, public relations, and integrated marketing communication in enterprises and institutions s

15、hould be obtained.Basic Requirements on QualitiesThe students are required to have strong sense of social responsibility, professional ethnics and moral qualities, and obey the rule of law. They should have good professional qualities to be employed in the positions like news media, public relations, advertising, planning etc. With a strong sense of innovative thinking and a broad international perspective, they should also be competent in dealing with traditional media, Internet and new media business as well as professional media management. Main Dis

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