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1、 联锁-TCC进路信息数据块信号机显示Cstring SigName;/进路防护信号机名称 原始表数据Vector vecStationRoute;STRUCT BOUNDINFORUINT Swich FrequencyFLAG/转频预告标志 Bool HDJ/false=正常,红灯灯丝Bool Damage/false=无灾害Bool LFreqAttri/false=预告低频Cstring LineID;/Bool BoundSecState 4/第二维为临界区段号false=空闲UINT BoundSecSig4/第二维为临界区段防护信号机ID(数据表示断丝情况) 与其他TCC交互信息

2、STRUCT HomeSignal/进站信号机显示UINT DepartureID/发车口 联锁-TCC进站信号机断丝显示数据块Bool Burn-out/false=正常,true=断丝 联锁-0000=都不转,0101=转低频,1010=转载频,1111=转低频和载频(SWICH FrequencyFLAG转频预告标志)00=断丝11=正常01=无配置(BoundSecSig)STRUCT Signal 原始数据表Cstring ProtSectionName;/Bool LJ;/true=吸起 继电器-TCC/Bool UJ;/Bool HJ;/Bool DJ;/Bool 2DJ;Cst

3、ring SignalState;/H,U,LU,L,HD(红灯断丝)STRUCT Direcswitch_in/*本站联锁-TCC*/true=吸起Bool FSJ;Bool JFAJ;Bool FFAJ;UINT DepartureID/发车口/*甲站(原发车站)TCC改方信息*/UINT LineID/线路号UINT NeighbSectionState/0000=有车,1111=空闲,0101=仅是有区段故障而实际无车Bool DepartureLock/false=进路解锁,true=进路锁闭UINT DirecswitchState/00=无改方操作01=正常改方10=辅助改方;U

4、INT ConfirmInfor/00=不允许01=请求10=允许Bool CurrentState/false=接车,true=发车STRUCT Direcswitch_out/* TCC-本站联锁 */Bool JQJ;Bool YFJ;UINT FFBD/发车口辅助办理表示灯0000=灭灯0011=闪灯1100=稳亮灯Bool FJ;/*乙站(原发车站)TCC改方信息*/STRUCT TemSpeedrestri_cell 临时限速UINT OrderID;UINT LineID;UINT CTCInfor; /与CTC交互信息 0x50=验证命令, 0xA0=执行命令,0x00=无效命

5、令Cstring StartMile;Cstring EndMile;Int SpeedValue;Cstring StartCLKMCstring EndCLKMBool StartCLM /false=0=无, true=5=aBool EndCLM/ false=0=无, true=5=aBool Flag;/false=临时限速有效,true=临时限速无效Cstring FalseCode/”错误代号,错误参数”Struct TemSpeedrestriUnsigned int validnum;/限速有效命令STRUCT TemSpeedrestri_cell TemSpeedode

6、r 16; STRUCT INDEXMESSAGE/UNIT RouteID;/进路编号,/Cstring RouteType/进路类型Cstring BaliseID;/应答器编号Cstring Message/用户报文(进路报文+临时限速报文)STRUCT SIGNALDEGRADE/信号机降级显示信息,TCC-联锁UINT SignalID;/降级信号机IDBool Degrade/false=不降, true=降级函数定义铁路信号专业词汇 英语英文单词翻译 (ZZX编辑)1 4毫米锁闭 check 4mm opening of a switch point 2 矮型信号机 dwarf

7、signal 3 安全电路 vital circuit 4 安全接点 safety contact 5 按钮 push-in button 6 按钮表示 button indication 7 半自动闭塞机 semi-automatic block machine 8 半自动闭塞联系电路 liaison circuit with semi-automatic blocks 9 半自动化驼峰系统 semi-automatic hump yard system 10 保护区段 overlap protection block section 11 备电源 stand-by power source

8、 12 被控点 controlled point 13 闭路式轨道电路 close type track circuit 14 闭塞分区 block section 15 闭塞机 block instrument 16 臂板接触器 contacts operated by semaphore 17 臂板转极器 pole changer operated by semaphore 18 变压器箱 transformer box 19 标准分路灵敏度 standard shunting sensitivity 20 表示 indication 21 表示灯 indication lamp 22 表

9、示灯电源 power source for indication lamp 23 表示电路 indication circuit 24 表示对象 indicated object 25 表示杆 indication rod 26 表示连接杆 connecting rod for indication 27 表示盘 indicating panel 28 表示器 indicator 29 表示周期 indication cycle 30 并联式轨道电路 multiply connected track circuit 31 并置信号点 double signal location 32 不对称脉

10、冲轨道电路 asymmetrical impulse track circuit 33 不限时人工解锁 manual non-time release 34 材质不良 bad material 35 操纵台 operating console 36 侧撞 conering 37 测长 distance-to-coupling measurement 38 测试环线 test loop 39 测速 speed measurement 40 测重 weight sensing 41 测阻 rollability measurement 42 插接不良 plug-in trouble 43 岔中绝缘

11、 insulated joint within a turnout 44 场间联系电路 liaison circuit between yards 45 车档表示器 buffer stop indicator 46 车辆存在监测器 presence monitor 47 车辆加速器 car accelerator 48 车轮传感器 wheel detector 49 车门自动控制 automatic train door control 50 车站控制 station master control 51 出站信号机 starting signal 52 储风罐 air reservoir 53

12、 储酸室 acid store room 54 传动系统 driving system 55 传输继电器 transmitting relay 56 串联式轨道电路 serially connected track circuit 57 磁路系统 magnetic circuit 58 从属信号机 dependent signal 59 错溜 miseroute 60 错误办理 wrong handling 错误关闭信号 false stopping of a signal 62 错误解锁 false release 63 错误开放信号 wrong clearing of a signal 6

13、4 错误锁闭 false locking 65 错误显示 wrong indication 66 大功率转辙机 heavy duty switch machine 67 大站电气集中联锁 relay interlocking for large station 68 带柄道岔表示器 switch indicator with level 69 带动道岔 switch with follow up movement 70 单独操纵继电式电气集 individual level type all-relay interlocking 71 单独操纵作业 manual operation 72 单断

14、 single break 73 单轨条式轨道电路 single rail track circuit 74 单频感应器 single frequency inductor 75 单线臂板信号机 single wire semaphore signal 76 单线继电半自动闭塞 single track all-relay semi-automatic block system 77 单向自动闭塞 single-directional running automatic block 78 单置信号点 single signal location 79 弹力继电器 spring-type rel

15、ay 80 导管调整器 pipe compensator 81 导线导轮 wire carrier 82 导线调整器 wire compensator 83 导线反正扣 wire-adjusting screw 84 导线立轮 vertical wheel 85 导线平轮 horizontal wheel 86 导线平轮组 horizontal wheel assembly 87 导线装置 wire installation 88 导向安全 failure to the safe side 89 到发线出岔电路 protection circuit with switch lying in r

16、eceiving- 90 道岔表示 switch indication 91 道岔表示电源 power source for switch indication 92 道岔表示器 switch indicator 93 道岔错误表示 false indication of a switch 94 道岔定位表示 switch normal indication 95 道岔动作电源 power source for switch operation 96 道岔反位表示 switch reverse indication 97 道岔封锁 switch closed up 98 道岔控制电路 swit

17、ch control circuit 99 道岔控制电源 power source for switch control 100 道岔密贴 switch point closure 101 道岔启动 switch starting 102 道岔区段 section with a switch or switches 103 道岔人工解锁 manual release of a locked switch 104 道岔失去表示 loss of indication of a switch 105 道岔顺序启动 sequential starting of switches 106 道岔顺序转换

18、sequential transiting of switches 107 道岔锁闭表示 switch locked indication 108 道岔握柄 switch lever 109 道岔中途转换 switch thrown under moving cars 110 道口接近区段 approach section of a highway level crossing 111 道口闪光信号 highway level crossing flashing signal 112 道口室外音响器 highway level crossing out door audible device

19、113 道口信号机 highway level crossing signal 114 道口信号控制盘 highway level crossing signal control panel 115 道口遮断信号 highway level crossing obstruction signal 116 道渣电阻 ballast resistance 117 灯光转移 to transfer of lighting indication 118 灯丝断丝 filament burn-out 119 灯丝断丝报警 alarm for burnout of filaments 120 敌对信号 c

20、onflicting signal 121 地面感应器 wayside inductor 122 地面设备 wayside equipment 123 地中电缆盒 underground cable terminal box 124 第二接近区段 second approach section 125 第二离去区段 second departure section 126 第一接近区段 first approach section 127 第一离去区段 first departure section 128 电动臂板电锁器联锁 interlocking by electric locks wi

21、th electric semap 129 电动臂板信号机 electric semaphore signal 130 电动传送设备 electric motor operated conveyer 131 电话闭塞 telephone block system 132 电机集中联锁 electro-mechanical interlocking 133 电空传送设备 electropneumatic conveyer 134 电码轨道电路 coded track circuit 135 电码自动闭塞 automatic block with coded track circuit 136 电

22、气路牌闭塞 electric tablet block system 137 电气路牌机 electric tablet instrument 138 电气路签闭塞 electric staff system 139 电气路签机 electric staff instrument 140 电气锁闭 electric locking 141 电压过低 voltage below level 142 电压自动调整器 automatic voltage regulator 143 电液转辙机 electrohydraulic switch machine 144 电源端子 terminals for

23、 power supplies 145 电源转换屏 power switching over panel 146 调车表示器 shunting indicator 147 调车表示器电路 shunting indicator circuit 148 调车区电气集中联锁 interlocking for shunting area 149 调车线始端减速器 tangent retarder 150 调车信号机 shunting signal 151 调度集中分机 field equipment of ctc 152 调度集中总机 control office equipment of ctc 1

24、53 调度控制 dispatchers control 154 调频轨道电路 frequency modulated track circuit 155 叠加轨道电路 overlap track circuit 156 定点停车 stopping a train at a target point 157 定反位锁闭 normal and reverse locking 158 定期维修 periodical maintenance 159 定位接点 normal contact 160 定位锁闭 normal locking 161 动程 stroke 162 动接点 contact hee

25、l 163 动态长度 distance-to-go 164 动作杆 throw rod 165 动作连接杆 operating rod for driving a switch 166 对向重叠进路 route with overlapped section in the opposite dire 167 额定值 rated value 168 扼流变压器 impedance transformer 169 二次参数 secondary parameter 170 二显示自动闭塞 two-aspect automatic block 171 发车表示器 departure indicator

26、 172 发车表示器电路 departure indicator circuit 173 发车进路信号机 route signal for departure 174 发车线路表示器 departure track indicator 175 发车信号 departure signal 176 反位接点 reverse contact 177 反位锁闭 reverse locking 178 反装 left-handed machine 179 方向电源 directional traffic power source 180 方向转接器 directional switch 181 防护变压

27、器 protective transformer 182 防护道岔 protective turnout 183 防护区段 protected section 184 防止重复 prevention for repetitive clear of a signal 185 妨害故障 hindrance fault 186 非安全电路 non-vital circuit 187 非机械化驼峰设备 unmechanized hump yard equipment 188 非集中道岔 locally operated switch 189 非进路调车 to hold route for shunting 190 非进路调车电路 circuit to hold a route for shunting 191 非联锁道岔 non-interlocked switch 192 非联锁区 non-interlocking area 193 非自复式按钮 stick button 194 分割区段 cut section 195 分路 shunt 196 分路道岔 branching turnout 197 分路灵敏度 shunting sensitivity 198 分线盘 distributing

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