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1、以多媒体教学为主,采取讲授、自学、课堂讨论、专题讲座等多种方式讲授课程知识,并要求学生阅读相关参考书籍,培养学生的自学能力,使学生掌握微生物学基本理论及基本操作技术。该课程教材及PPT为英语形式,旨在提高学生专业基础知识的同时,提高学生对专业英语的掌握程度。6教材及主要参考书教材:Microbiology -A systems approach,Marjorie Kelly Cowan, Kathleen Park Talaro, Mc Graw Hill Higher Education, 2006主要参考书:1A photography atlas for the Microbiology

2、 laboratory 3rd Edition, Michael J. Leboffe; Burton E. Pierce; Morton Publishing Company, 2005 2Microbiology,6/e,Lansing M Prescott, John P Harley, Donald A Klein, Mc Graw Hill Higher Education, 20063微生物学导论(第二版)影印版,2003,科学出版社.4周德庆微生物学教程(第二版)2002,高等教育出版社. 5沈萍微生物学(第五版)(中文版)2003,高教出版社. 6郝素珍实用医学免疫学,2005

3、.2,高等教育出版社.二、正文部分 Chapter 1 The Main Themes in Microbiology一教学要求要求学生熟练掌握微生物的特点了解人类对微生物的认识史及微生物的发展史,了解巴斯德、科赫在微生物学领域的重要地位和贡献。了解微生物的发展与人类的关系。掌握微生物学的分类及微生物的命名规则掌握基本的专业词汇二教学内容知识要点1. The Microbial World2. What is Microbiology?3. Why Study Microbes? 4. Characteristics Microscopic Organisms 5. Historical As

4、pects6. Taxonomy三本章学时数:4Chapter 3 Tools of the Laboratory: The Methods for Studying Microorganisms要求学生熟练掌握光学显微镜的原理,不同显微镜的特点,影响显微镜成像的主要因素,各种显微镜的使用范围。掌握电子显微镜的原理及与光学显微镜的异同点。对最新的扫描隧道显微镜,原子力显微镜有初步的了解。掌握染色技术的原理,染色类型,染色的作用、特点及应用等。掌握相关的专业词汇1. Microscope1.1 History of the Microscope1.2 Images Produced By Com

5、pound Light Microscope1.3 Measurements of Length1.4 Relative Size of Different Groups of Microbes 1.5 Three factors in obtaining an image Magnification Resolution (or Resolving Power) Contrast1.6 Important Characteristics of the Compound Microscope1.7 Types of Microscopy1.7.1 Bright-field microscopy

6、1.7.2 Dark-field Microscopy1.7.3 A Comparison of Bright-field and Dark-field Microscopy1.7.4 Phase-Contrast Microscopy1.7.5 Fluorescence Microscopy1.7.6 Basics of Electron Microscopy1.7.7 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)1.7.8 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)1.7.9 Comparison of TEM and SEM1.7

7、.10 Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)2. Staining2.1 Principles of Staining2.2 Types of Stains2.2.1 Negative stains 2.2.2 Positive stains 2.2.3 Simple Stain 2.2.4 Differential stains 2.2.5 Special (structural) stains stains used to highlight specific parts of micro

8、bes 5Chapter 4 Characteristics of Prokaryotic Cells一 教学要求明确细菌是微生物学研究的主要对象。了解原核细胞的基本结构和特殊结构,掌握化学组成、结构与功能的关系。了解原核细胞的分裂方式和过程。知道有关微生物的常识如基本形态、大小范围及测定方法、菌落的特征及在分类鉴定中的意义。 明确G+菌、G-菌的细胞壁组成及异同点,肽聚糖的交联方式。掌握革兰氏染色法的原理和应用;明确细胞壁缺陷型细菌的形成原因、特点及其应用。 知道放线菌结构的特点,尤其是抗生素生产方面具有重大的经济价值。知道几种常见代表属及常见生产菌株和致病菌株。 掌握蓝细菌的主要生理功能是

9、固氮作用和光合作用,了解蓝细菌特有的光合色素藻胆色素。知道古生菌的意义及特点,了解立克次氏体、衣原体、支原体等特点。掌握一些关于原核微生物的常规和新的研究方法。掌握相关专业词汇。1.Bacterial Size and Morphology1.1 size1.2 Bacterial MorphologyBacterial shapes and arrangement2.Bacterial Structure2.1 Cell Wall2.1.1 Cell wall of Gram+2.1.2 Cell wall of Gram-2.1.3 Gram+ and Gram Cell Walls2.1

10、.4 Cell Wall Functions 2.1.5 Variations in cell wall 2.2 Plasma Membrane2.3 Capsule2.4 Projections From Bacteria flagella & fimbriae & pili2.5 Cytoplasm2.6 Ribosomes2.7 Nucleoid2.8 Cell Inclusions2.9 Endospores Structure of Endospore Processes of Sporeformers Endospore,cyst,parasporal crystal3.Unusu

11、al Groups of Bacteriacyanobacteria blue-green bacteria mycoplasmas have no cell wall rickettsias parasitc bacteria often transmitted by ticks and fleas. chlamydias “energy parasites” that cannot synthesize ATP Archaea: Procaryotes now placed in a different Domain from other bacteria Have no peptidog

12、lycan in cell wall and fewer phospholipids in plasma membrane4Actinomycetes 10Chapter 5 Characteristics of Fungi了解真核细胞壁组成,清楚蜗牛酶对真核细胞壁的作用原理。掌握真核细胞无性和有性繁殖过程及其生活史,分辨真核细胞与原核细胞的区别所在。了解霉菌的形态、功能与分类,营养需求,生活史,应用及危害的防治 能够比较四大类微生物菌落和细胞形态特征的异同点。 基本的专业词汇的掌握。1. Characteristics of Fungi2. The history of Eucaryotes

13、3.Fungi StructureCell WallGlycocalyxFlagella 4. Main group of Eucaryotic microorganismYeasts &Molds &Fleshy fungi s5. Types of Hyphae5.1 Structural Types 5.2 Functional types5.2.1 Special form of Vegetative hyphae5.2.2 Special form of Aerial hyphae6 Types of Reproduction in Fungi6.1 Types of Fungal

14、Spores6.1.1 Types of Asexual Spores6.1.2 Steps in Production of Sexual Spores6.1.3 Types of Sexual Spores6.1.4 Mold reproduction and life cycle 7. Divisions of the Fungi8. Fleshy fungi 蕈菌/伞菌 9. Beneficial Effects of Fungi10. Harmful Effects of Fungi7Chapter 6 An introduction to the viruses明确非细胞形生物病毒

15、的生物学特点,知道病毒分类的主要依据,了解病毒的形态、构造特点和组分。掌握病毒繁殖步骤特点,了解病毒的生物合成过程特别是逆转病毒生物合成的特点与意义,明确病毒的常规培养方法。 把握温和噬菌体和裂性噬菌体侵染宿主的过程和结果。掌握噬菌体一步生长曲线各期特点及意义,深入理解温和噬菌体的整合特性,溶源转化的生物学特性及意义。知道噬菌体效价测定,溶源菌检定的常用方法。 明确原噬菌体、pfu、自外裂解、裂解量等概念,知道干扰素产生机理及其作用。了解类病毒、卫星病毒、卫星RNA、朊病毒等亚病毒各自化学组成特点、寄生方式及致病性,明确其发现对于生物学基础研究、病理学研究、分子生物学研究等方面的意义。特别注意

16、朊病毒的发现的意义及其繁殖的特点。掌握相关专业词汇1. The history of research the viruses2. Unique Characteristics of Viruses3. Size comparison of viruseshow big are they 4. Viral components4.1 virion - complete virus that can infect host4.2 Viral components 4.2.1 Virus paraticle (virion)4.2.2 Naked viruses (nucleocapsids)4.

17、2.3 Enveloped viruses5. Morphological Groups of Viruses6. Classification of Viruses 6. 1 Characteristics used type of nucleic acid type of host morphology7. Viral Replication7.1 replicative circle 7.2 Viral ReplicationAdsorption & Penetration & Uncoating & Viral Replication & Assembly & Release8. Cu

18、ltivation of Animal Viruses8.1. cell cultures 8.2. duck and chick embryos 8.3. live lab animals 9.Effects of Viral Infections10. Bacteriophage 10.1 Bacteriophage morphology10.2 Bacteriophage Replication10.3 one step growth curve(一步生长曲线) 10.3 Types of BacteriophageLytic phage & Lysogenic (temperate)

19、phage Lysogenic conversion 11. Infectious noncellular ParticlesPrions & Viroids & Virusoid (viroid-like; satellite)Chapter 7 Elements of microbial nutrition, Ecology, and growth一教学要求 掌握微生物的营养需求,及根据营养代谢对微生物的分类。掌握微生物营养物质的运送方式。掌握微生物培养基配制的要求和基本原则。明确纯培养的意义,知道纯培养装置的要求,重点了解微生物的常规分离方法和纯培养技术,掌握实验室培养的常用方法和器皿,


21、系。掌握专业词汇。1. Growth Requirements of microbe1.1 Chemical Elements of Microorganism cell1.2 Minimal Growth Requirements Carbon source Nitrogen source Energy source Inorganic salt Growth factors Water2 Transport mechanisms for Nutrient absorption Passive1. diffusion 扩散2. facilitated diffusion 促进扩散 Activ

22、e3. active transport 主动运输4. group translocation 基团转位3 Microbiological Media3.1 Types of Media Based on physical state3.2 Types of Media Based on Content Chemically defined media (synthetic medium): Chemically undefined media (Complex media)3.3 Types of Media Based on Use Minimum medium 基础培养基 All-pur

23、pose media 完全培养基 Selective media Differential media4. Pure Culture Techniques4.1 The five Is4.2 Pure Culture Techniques5. Factors Affecting Microbial Growth 1. Temperature 2. pH 3. free oxygen 4. osmotic pressure of environment6. Bacterial Reproduction6.1 Binary fission6.2 Growth of a Bacterial Popu

24、lation6.3 Phases of Population Growthlag phase, logarithmic phase, stationary phase, decline (death) phase6.4 Measurement of Growth7. Relationships Between Microbes7. 1 Symbiotic relationships 7. 2 Nonsymbiotic relationships 7.3 Types of Symbiotic RelationshipsParasitism & Mutualism & Commensalism7.

25、4 Types of Nonsymbiotic RelationshipsSynergism & Antagonism 9Chapter 8 Microbial metabolism通过本章的课堂教学,使学生掌握分解代谢和合成代谢的概念,掌握化能异样微生物产能的几种途径,掌握脱氢、递氢、受氢的过程,理解发酵、有氧呼吸、无氧呼吸作用。了解各发酵类型的出发点和最终产物,了解同(异)型酒精发酵和同(异)型乳酸发酵。掌握自养微生物的生物氧化形式、产能效率,了解硝化细菌、硫细菌的能量代谢和硝化作用。掌握光能自养微生物环式、非环式光合作用,了解嗜盐杆菌紫膜的光合作用及意义。知道自养微生物固定CO2的方式能

26、够比较ATP的三种主要产生方式的特点、异同、产能效率。1. The metabolism of microbes1.1 Metabolism1.2 Biological oxidation1.3 Enzymes2. The pursuit and utilization of energy 2.1 Energy Sources for Microbes2.1.1 External energy sources2.1.2 Oxidation Reduction Reactions2.1.3 Adenosine Triphosphate 2.1.4 Phosphorylation 2.1.5 Ty

27、pes of Phosphorylation1. Substrate phosphorylation2. Oxidative phosphorylation3. Photophosphorylation 3. Use of Organic Molecules for Energy3.1 Respiration: breaks down organic molecules using an ETS3.2 Fermentation: Breaks down organic molecules without using an ETS 3.3 Features of ETS3.4 Chemiosmo

28、tic Mechanism3.5 Respiration of Glucose3.6 Anaerobic respiration3.6.1 Anaerobic respiration 3.6.2 Nitrate respiration & Denitrification (反硝化作用)3.6.3 Putrefaction3.7 Summary for Respiration3.8 Fermentation3.8.1 Definition oxidation of organic molecules that does not use an ETS3.8.2 Characteristics of fermentation3.8.3 Patterns of Fermentation3.9 Summary of oxidation with organic molecules4. Oxidation of Inorganic Molecules for Energy4.1 Nitrifying bacteria-ammonia - NH3 oxidation4.2 sulf

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