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1、挂念2be cautious about 对谨慎3be in a good mood 心情好4be/feel heartbroken 感到伤心 5be anxious about 对感到焦虑6be confused about 对感到困惑7be grateful to sb.for sth. 对某人因某事心存感激8be delighted to do. 高兴地做某事9be disappointed with sb. 对某人感到失望10be angry with sb. about sth.因某事生某人的气11mean no harm没有恶意 12lose heart灰心,泄气13share.w

2、ith sb.与某人分享14turn ones back to背对着,不理睬15put oneself in ones position设身处地16regret ones mistakes后悔自己的过错17change ones mind改变主意18drive sb. mad使某人发狂19burst into laughterburst out laughing大笑起来20in a satisfying/satisfactory way以一种令人满意的方式.经典句式1Confidence in yourself is the first step to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。

3、2Pride goes before, and shame comes after.骄傲使人落后。3He who makes constant complaint gets little sympathy.经常诉苦,没人同情。4We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.我们度过了焦急等待考试结果的几周。5Mr. Brake embarrasses me with the difficult question I cant answer.布雷克先生的问题我不能回答,使我很窘。6Only if we put our

4、selves in each others position can we have a better understanding of each others feeling.我们只有站在彼此的立场,才能更好地了解彼此的感受。7One of the reasons,I believe, is that you might be too shy to talk confidently with your classmates.我认为,其中一个原因是你可能太害羞以至于不敢自信地和同学交谈。8Above all,we should spare no effort to control our te

5、mper and solve the problem calmly.首要的是,我们要能尽量控制住自己的脾气并平心静气地解决问题。9Whatever we do, we take it for granted that we can overcome all the difficulties in our life in a happy mood.无论我们做什么, 我们理所当然地认为我们能快乐地克服生活中的所有困难。10When we have to live in the changeable society,we might not cope with difficulties withou

6、t determination and a strong will.当我们不得不生活在这个多变的社会中时,如果没有决心和坚强的意志,我们就不可能应对困难。.佳作背诵Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below.请以老师当众表扬你为话题,用下面所给句子开头,续写一篇英语短文。As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my cl

7、assmates._参考范文As a student, I can tell you that there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.What impressed me most was that I failed in an English exam,feeling extremely upset and disappointed. After learning what situation I was in,my teacher,Michael encouraged me

8、to step out of trouble bravely and confidently. As a result, it was his encouragement that led to my success.Much to my delight, Michael sang high praise for my great achievements before my classmates, which made me feel proud of myself.Theres no denying that only if we deal with and overcome large

9、numbers of difficulties in a correct way, will we achieve our dreams.Last but not least, we shouldnt take pride in our achievements we spare no effort to attain, and wed insist on our dreams not giving in to any difficulties.话题2个人情况(Personal information)1satisfy v使满意2cherish v珍惜,珍视,爱护3honor v尊敬,敬意,荣

10、誉,光荣4praise v赞扬5devote v(与to连用)献身,把专用(于)6please v使愉快,(使)满意7entertain v使欢乐,使娱乐8respect v. & n尊敬,敬佩9reward n报酬;奖金v酬劳10understanding n理解11idol n偶像12humour n幽默13ambitious adj.有雄心壮志的14capable adj.有才能的15intelligent adj.有智力的,聪明的,理解力强的16frank adj.坦诚的17selfless adj.无私的18outstanding adj.杰出的,突出的19easygoing adj

11、.随和的20confident adj.自信的1be born in 出生在2be willing to do sth. 乐于做某事3be active in sth. 积极从事某事4be admitted to/be enrolled by 被录取5be remembered as 作为为人们所记住6be of much help to 有益于7be experienced in在方面有经验 8be qualified for有资格,可胜任9graduate from毕业于10major in law主修法律11win the first prize/place获得第一名12succeed

12、in doing sth. 成功做某事13have a good sense of humour很有幽默感14go abroad for further studies出国留学深造 15spend ones spare time (in) doing sth. 用业余时间做某事16devote oneself to/be devoted to.献身于17sign up for a match/contest/competition报名参加比赛18set us a good example/set a good example to us给我们树立好榜样19promote better comm

13、unication and understanding促进更好的沟通和理解20create a pleasant and friendly atmosphere创造一种愉快而友好的气氛1Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。2He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man!不到长城非好汉!3As usual, I worked until midnight last night.和平时一样,昨晚我又工作到午夜。4Famous as she is, she cares little fo

14、r money and fame.虽然很出名,但她却不计名利。5Born in America, in June, 1880, Helen Keller was one of the greatest women in the 20th century.海伦凯勒于1880年6月出生于美国,是二十世纪杰出的女性之一。6Beethoven began learning the violin and piano when he was only 5, and by the time he was 8 he was giving public concerts.贝多芬5岁就开始学习小提琴和钢琴, 8岁

15、时就举办公众音乐会了。7With great determination and perseverance, she commits to helping the blind and deaf children,which makes a great contribution to the charity.凭着无比的决心和毅力,她全身心帮助盲聋儿童,为慈善事业作出了重大贡献。8As a boy,Charles Darwin did not care much for school. Instead,he enjoyed gardening and looking at plants and a

16、nimals.达尔文小时候不喜欢上学,相反他喜欢园艺和观察植物和动物。9He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight,having no time to think about himself, but only the Chinese people.他把全部身心投入工作,经常工作到午夜,而没有时间为自己着想,一心只为中国人民着想。10At that time she worked very hard but women were not admitted to universities in Polan

17、d, so she was determined to go and study in Paris University where she succeeded in taking a first class degree in physics in 1893.那时她学习很努力,但在波兰,不让女子上大学。因此她决定去巴黎大学学习,在那里她于1893年成功地获得了一等物理学位。外教Chris Pearson开设了一个英语辅导班(English Tutorial),按照学生实际需要进行辅导。参加者须根据个人实际情况提出申请并选择辅导内容。假如你是李明,请你按照下面提示给外教写一个电子邮件。内容如下

18、:1介绍个人情况;2说明辅导意向(如:口语、语法、写作、文化知识等其中的一项或几项);3表达愿望。注意:1词数:100词左右;开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mr Pearson,I am writing you to apply for the membership of the English Tutorial._I am writing you to apply for the membership of the English Tutorial. As a Senior Grade 3 student, I think Im doing well

19、in English because I always get good marks in written English tests. But still I think I am not a perfect learner because Im not so good at spoken English, and that is what troubles me most. And when I listen to native speakers, I find it hard to catch what they talk about. Whenever I speak English,

20、 I often make some mistakes, which annoys me. So, I want to be a member in the speaking tutorial so that I can improve my spoken English and communicate better with others. Im sure Ill do much better in it with your help. Looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming话题3计划与愿望(Plans and intent

21、ions)1prepare v准备,筹备,进行各项准备工作2appreciate v感激3intend v意欲,打算4accumulate v积累,聚集5wish v希望,愿望6develop v开发,发展,(使)发达7protect v保护8expect v期望9reply v. & n答复10desire v. & n渴望11future n未来,将来12guide n指导,指导者,有指导意义的事物13receiver n接受者14option n选择,可选择的办法15individual n个人adj. 个别的,单独的,个人的16promising adj.有希望的,有前途的17priv

22、ate adj.私人的,个人的18oncoming adj.即将来临的19possible adj.可能的,可能存在的;潜在的20excellent adj.优秀的,卓越的,杰出的1a promising future光明的未来2be likely to do.可能做某事3be about to do.即将做某事4be eager/anxious/ambitious to do.渴望做某事5be well prepared for sth. 为作好充分准备6be coming soon即将到来7feel like doing.想要做某事8decide/be determined to do.决

23、定做某事9look forward to doing.盼望做某事10long/hope/wish/want to do.渴望/希望/想做某事11learn to live on ones own 学会靠自己生活12have a wonderful college life有一个美好的大学生活13take part in different school activities参加不同的学校活动14attend a course about gardening参加一个关于园艺的课程15create a bright future with ones own hands用自己的双手去创造光明的未来1

24、6have high expectation on sb.对有很高的期望17take the future career从事作为未来职业18keep ones word/promise 遵守承诺19satisfy/meet ones desires满足愿望20with the hope/aim of带着的希望/目的.经典句子1We sincerely hope that you can make it.我们真诚地希望你能成功。2A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。3He plan

25、ned to go abroad for further studies.他计划出国学习深造。4If you always expect the worst, you will never be disappointed.如果你总是期待最坏的,你永远不会失望。5If you dont build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.如果你没有梦想,那么你只能为别人的梦想打工。6We would be looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.我们高兴地期待着你的到来。7I

26、f everyone does something for the environment,I believe the earth will be a better place.如果人人都为环境做点事情,我相信地球会更好。8If I am offered the opportunity,Ill not only teach them knowledge but also the methods to learn English well.如果我得到这机会,我不仅会教他们知识,还有学好英语的方法。9Since I realize the importance of a good plan, I

27、have made greater progress in learning English through the combination of hard work and planning.我意识到好计划的重要性,因此通过勤奋和规划,我在英语学习中取得更大的进步。10In order to prepare for my college life, I will manage my own life during the summer holiday. Whats more, I will make a lot of good friends and adapt myself to the new environment.为了大学生活做准备,我会在暑假学习自理。此外,我会交很多朋友来适应新的环境。假如你是李华,请代表全班同学给老师写一封信。内容要点如下:1希望您的微笑,给我们信心(confidence);2愿您的课再生动、有趣些,我们会更喜欢您;3我们都很优秀,希望得到您更多的表扬;4请多给我们一些建议,少一些命令。100左右;2开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear teac

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