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外研社初三上册moduule 11学案及测试题Word下载.docx

1、能读懂人口急速增长给城市,环境带来的问题的相关文章。写1. 能够运用本模块的生词和短语写出有关环境问题方面的句子。2. 能够区分冠词a, an, the的用法,并在书写句子的时候灵活使用。3. 比较熟练地根据人口信息制作相关图表。演示与表达面向全班同学做有关人口增长过快带来的环境问题的介绍;比较城市生活和乡村生活。3)学习策略学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。交际学习运用恰当词语展开城市人口问题的讨论。资源通过其他资源获取更多介绍城市人口信息。自学策略培养话题和词汇的语言域意识,形成

2、话题联想的习惯。合作学习策略掌握询问和澄清策略。掌握搭配策略。4)文化意识:中外对比城市化进程中东西方人们不同的关注点和态度。5)情感态度:目标培养学生关注城市人口聚集引发的问题意识;倡导环保的生活理念;树立准确的语言学习观6)任务: 能够运用收集的人口信息制作图表。三、 教学重点和难点重点:1. 如何使用地道的英语进行城市进程中面临问题的讨论;2正确区分a, an, the的用法;3. 运用人口信息进行图表制作。 难点:图表制作。四、 教学方法基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定

3、小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:pre-tasktask-cyclepost-task。五、 教材处理核心任务:能够运用所学句型结构向不同的朋友介绍城市进程面临的问题。三个环节如下:pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。task cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化“问题意识。”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task):达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况Module 11 预习检测题一、英汉互译1、crowds _ 2、transport _3、traffic _ 4、pollution _5、空间_ 6、

4、增长_7、人口_ 8、噪音_二、用a,an,the,/或者复数形式填空crime exprience government hospital job population rubbish traffic1、Many _ are trying to solve problems which result froom too many people. The _ of many counties is increasing quickly. Because of this, it is difficult to provide enough _ which people need.2、People

5、 who are ill need places in _. Policemen are also needed to fight _ and stop people from stealing. The cities and countryside need to be clean and free from _.3、And because of too many cars, trucks and buses, there are a great number of _ problems. This is not right. Living in a city should be _ whi

6、ch people enjoy, not one is bad for them.三、用所给词组正确形式填空 add to at the same time close down come up protect.from. thanks toA meeting is _ next week to discuss how to solve the citys problems. A factory has _, and this means that there are fewer jobs. _, more people are moving to the city, and this _ o

7、ur problems. We must _ people _ the effects of overcrowding. _ more money from the government, we can build more houses,schools and hospitals.四、翻译句子1、每分钟有259个婴儿出生。_2、An increasing population is an environment problem in many countries._3、那就意味着每年有136,130,400个婴儿出生。_4、Jo takes an hour to get to school,

8、 and adds to the traffic and pollution.5、因此政府决定在城市周围建造一些住房6、Its difficult to run a big city, and to protect people from crime._. 听说课导学案 青州市东关回中 王霞一、教学目标分析:I.语言知识目标:1.语音:能够模仿录音,掌握正确的语音语调2.词汇:(1)掌握population, crowd, increase, smoke, minute, percent, appointment的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。(2)了解increasing, along wi

9、th, thanks to的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。(3)功能句:1. Whats next-?2. How about this?3. It was OK.4. No idea!5. I dont believe it!3.功能:能够理解并表达大数字4.语法:能够准确读出大数字。II.语言技能目标:1.听:能听懂对话;听辨,写出大数字。2.说:能够用大数字谈论人口问题。二、 教学步骤:Step I. Listening and vocabulary (Activities 1&2)1. Activity 1. Ask the students to look at the pictur

10、e, and then talk about the meanings of the pictures with the words in the box.2. Activity 2.First ask the students to listen to the tape and choose the best answer, then let them check the answers in groups and together, After that, read the number loudly.1 why was Bettys shopping trip unsuccessful

11、? a ) too many people .b) too noisy .c) too much pollution2 Whats the population of Beijing?a ) Ahout 11,000,000.b )About 13,000,000c )About 15,000,0003 Whats the population of chongqing ?a ) About 27,000,000.b )About 31,000,000.c ) About 36,000,000.Step II Listen and read. (Activities

12、Activity 3. Play the tape. Ask the students to listen and answer the question:“Whats the population of China?” Listen twice. Check it in groups and then together._2Ask the students to listen again. Do Activity 4. Complete the table. Check it in groups and then together.1) Babies born every minute _2

13、) Babies born every year _3) Population of China _3 Ask the students to read the conversation. And then do Activity 5. Choose the best summary of conversation. Then read it together._4. Ask the students to read the conversation. Do the exercises about the conversation.(1) Ten percent of the _lived i

14、n the country.(2) The factory has produced a lot of _ so it should be closed.(3) When we got to the party, there was quite a(n) _of people there already.(4)At that time of night, there was no _ in the street.(5)That big table takes up too much _in my small kitchen.(6) If every family have more than

15、one child, the population will _ quickly.5. Play the tape again. Let the Ss to listen and repeat. Especially pay attention to the numbers in Activity 7. Make sure they say them correctly.1) 150,000 2) 500,000 3) 2,100,000 4 ) 82,550,000. 5) 56,000,000 6) 200,030,0406. Read the conversation in differ

16、ent roles.Step III Practice . (Activity8) Activity8.Let the students discuss in group and check the statements they agree with.(1) There are too many people in the world. (2) The increasing population is the biggest problem in the world.(3) People shouldnt have too many babies. (4) People should be

17、free to decide how many babies they want.(5) Countries with large populations should pay to help the environment. (6) A city should not hold more than 1,000,000 people. 2Do exercises about the conversation. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the dialogue.While Betty is seeing the _, t

18、he others plan a new “Homework Help” for New Standard on _. They check some facts about the _ population and talk about the other problems of _, _ and _. When Betty returns, she tells them that New Standard has won a prize which Becky Wang will present next week at the school prize-giving.Step IV. C

19、onsolidation.1.Ask the students to sum up:(1).the new vocabulary they learnt today.(2).the way to say the big number.2.Homework:Retell the conversation.三、(一)课堂试题评价:(见教学步骤中4 和练习中2)(二)课堂教学评价量表:1我能正确表达大数字。2我了解了冠词的用法。3我知道目前世界和中国的人口情况。4我学会并掌握了本单元的词汇。5我能熟练朗读本单元对话。读写课导学案 青州市东关回中 刘洪海一、教学目标分析:I.语言知识目标:词汇:掌握c

20、rime, flat, law, rubbish, tax, vision, add, fault, police, add to, protectfrom, close down 的基本含义及在特定语境下的应用。句型: There need to be -.II.语言技能目标:1. 读:1) 能够读懂涉及人口问题的文章,掌握文章大意;2) 培养学生在阅读中通过速读来抓住文章大意的能力3)通过阅读使学生掌握文章中各段落之间的逻辑关系和文章结构。 2.写:能够写出存在的问题,提出解决城市中问题的建议。III.学习策略目标:合作学习策略。IV.情感态度目标:通过阅读了解中国城市所面临的问题。以及由

21、此而产生的后果,唤起学生们的忧患意识,并引发他们深思。二、教学过程:Step I Revision.1. Ask the students to say something about the population of China. Step II. DiscussingWork in pairs and answer the questions using the following words.block countryside crime doctor flat field hospital hill law local office rubbish hop suburb tax vi

22、llage Q: 1. Why do people move to cities?2. What do cities need for the people who live there?3. What changes have there been to your town or city over the last 50 years?4.What are the problems of cities?Step III. Reading 1. Read the passage silently. Answer the question: How long does it take Jo to

23、 get to school?2. Read the passage again, then choose the best answer.1).the writer wants to_. a) show the disadvantages of how cities have grown over the years b) show that life in the city can be enjoyable c) describe the dangers of city life d) explain what cities need to give the people who live

24、 there2).Parkville became a suburb of Arnwick because_. a) no one wanted to live in a village b) people wanted better places to live c) Arnwick grew larger d) people feel safer in large cities3).But its not her fault means Jo_.a) doesnt want to add to the traffic and pollution b) is unhappy about ad

25、ding to the problemsc) doesnt choose to go to a school so far away d) feels bad about the traffic and pollution4).The Writer has written a story probably because_a) hes not interested in factsb) its more interesting c) its too dangerous to talk about a real cityd) its clearer than if he describes a real city3 Discuss with your partners and answer the questions.1). Where do you live? In the centre of town, in a suburb, in a village or in the countryside?2). What can you see from your classroom wi

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