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高中英语 Unit 1 Lesson1《lifestyles》A perfect day教案9 北师大版必修1Word文件下载.docx

1、Can you find two examples of his lazy behaviour? B.Yes. He is.He doesntget up early. 2)A.What do you think?Youve got the world at your feet means. B.It means you are in a position where you have the chance to bee very successful.In the text it is used in a humorous way. It means this person feels he

2、 has a successful life because he can watch anything he likes on TV. 3)A.How does Bob spend his morning and evening? B.Bobs morning is very busy with very little time to get dressed and have breakfast and he has all kinds of urgent matters. His evening is not easy,either.He has documents to read and

3、 never gets to sleep until mid-night. 4)A.Why does Bobs family plain? B.Because he seldom has time for fun and activities with his family. 5)A.Why does Bob work so hard? B.Because he wants to make money for his family and he likes being busy.3.Picking out the new words in the text,guessing their mea

4、nings and making sentences. Couch potato:a person who is always at home and watching TV in sofa,switch on/off-turn on/off,switch over -change ove portatbe:easy to carry with hand;remove control:a device which can control TV or airconditioner far away. alarm clock:a clock which can wake sb up at the

5、right time ,go off,ring,take up,occupy,be filled with:be full of, urgent matters:matters which must deal with quickly,ducument:papers,get bored:be tired of.4.Grammar:The Present Simple tense and the Present Continuous tense. 1)The Present Simple tense describes: a)an activity that is repeated regula

6、 lunch,I have biscuits and a glass of milk. b)a present state,afeel or thinks he is right. 2)The Present Continuous tense describes. a)an activity that happens are having class now. b)a present activity that happens regularly.but only during a short period of time .

7、 I am writing a letter this morning.Step three:Post-reading:Voice your opinion.1.Are Brian and Bobs lifestyles healthy?What can they do to improve their lifestyles? 1)Students work in groups and tell each other their opinions on the two kinds of lifestyles;and give reasons. 2)Students discuss in gro

8、ups about Bobs and Brians lifestyles and give suggestions to improve them.2.Talk in pairs.Is your partner a couch potato,a workaholic or neither . Ask questions like these.What do you do at weekends?Do you often study at weekends?Step Four:Assignments:Write an article:My lifestyleUsing the key words

9、:read,watch TV,play footbable/tennis,go jogging/cycling/swimming/dancing/walking,go to the gym/for a walk/out/ to a movie2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles 疏导引导 北师大版必修1一、词汇详解1.besides prep. 除了以外(还有) adv. 意为“此外;而且”,一般用于句子开头【典型例句】Besides knowing some French,she is fluent in Japanese.她除了懂些法语之外,日语也说得很流利。T

10、he play was badly acted,besides being far too long.这出戏除了太长之外,演得也不好。It wasnt a good hotelbedsides,it was very expensive.这不是一家好旅馆而且,房价也贵。Im too busy to go for a walk;besides,it is late.我太忙不能去散步,而且天色已晚。【相关链接】besides,except和but 1)besides prep.“除以外还有”的意思,其后的事物(或人)包括在内,表示对已知的情况作补充说明。2)except是常用词,意为“除以外”,但

11、不包括在内。 except 后可接名词、代词、副词、介词短语或动词不定式。注意:except后接否定式时,多数情况下带to,但当except前面的动词形式含有实义动词do时,except后的否定式不带to。3)but的词义与except相同,除一些惯用法外,两词可以换用,但except语气较强,意义也较明确。all.except one所有的中间只有一个除外,语气偏重在one;all.but one除一个以外其他都,语气偏重在all。but常与every,any,no以及它们的复合词连用。如anything,everything,everywhere,nobody,nothing等,以及all

12、,none等。but后如果紧接不定式时,一般不带to,尤其在主句带有can,do时更是如此。but后接人称代词时,现代英语里常用宾格,如me,him等。2.get bored 厌倦;厌烦(be/get+adj./p.p 表示状态的转变或构成被动语态)Im bored with the subject anyway.不管怎么说我对这个题目有点烦。【知识小结】get 为系动词,译为“变得,成为”。“get+adj.”表示的是动态过程,如get ill“患病,得病”。而“be+adj.”则表示静态,如be ill“病了,病着”。在以下get取代了be 的结构中,get均表示从无到有的动态过程:get

13、 paid 发薪get married结婚get used to 习惯于 get tired累了get dressed穿好衣服get angry 发怒get drunk 喝醉3.reduce vt. 把减少;降低(价格);缩小(程度、尺寸等)She reduced her weight by 6 kilograms.她的体重减少了6公斤。The bike was reduced from 300 yuan to 200 yuan.这辆自行车的价格从300元降到200元。You must reduce your expenses.你必须减少你的开支。reduce/increase to.减少到/

14、增加到reduce/increase by.减少了/增加了reduce还可以表示“使成为”“使处于(某种状态)”,多用于被动语态,且与介词to连用。The house was reduced to ashes.房子被烧成灰烬。4.suffer v.受苦;苦难;患病;遭受;忍受suffering n.痛苦;苦难Shes been suffering from(=been ill with) cancer for two years.她患癌症两了。He suffers from(=is often ill with) asthma.他患有哮喘。If youre not happy with it,

15、you should plain.Dont just suffer in silence(=without saying anything).如果你不满意,你应该说出来,不要默默地忍受。The village is suffering from depopulation.那个村庄正为人口减少而苦恼。The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake.那个城市因地震而遭受严重破坏。suffer用作及物动词时,意为“遭受;蒙受”,后接pain,defeat,loss,poverty,hunger等名词。用作不及物动词时,意为“受痛苦”,常用su

16、ffer from。5.prevent vt. 妨碍;阻碍;防止;预防。后接名词或动名词作宾语。Rain prevented the baseball game.下雨使棒球比赛无法举行。God prevents us with his grace.上帝以其恩惠引领我们。Nothing will prevent her marrying him.什么也阻止不了她和他结婚。疑难辨析prevent.from./stop.from/keep.from三者都可以表示“制止(阻止)”的意思,它们常可以互换使用,介词from后接v.-ing形式。prevent.from.与stop.from.中的from常

17、可省略。The heavy rain prevented/stopped us(from) ing to the meeting last night.因为下雨,我们昨晚没来参加会议。Nothing is even going to stop them(from) talking.什么也不能阻止他们说话。We must prevent them(from) making trouble.我们必须阻止他们捣乱。当这两个结构用于被动语态时,from不能省略。We were prevented by the heavy rain from ing here.大雨使我们来不了这儿。Something

18、must be done to prevent the bad things from happening again.一定要采取措施防止这些坏事情再次发生。另外这两个结构后面还可以跟v.-ing的复合结构,即“物主代词或名词所有格+v.-ing”。Illness prevented/stopped my going there.我因病没有办法去那儿。keep.from.中的from任何时候都不能省略。Nothing could keep him from doing that.什么事都不能阻止他那样做。We must keep them from getting to know our pl

19、ans.我们一定不能让他们知道我们的计划。比较:keep sb. doing sth.意为“让某人一直做某事”。He kept his son doing exercises all the afternoon.他让儿子整个下午一直做练习。6.depend vi. 依靠;依赖;相信That depends on/upon your efforts.那全靠你的努力。He is not to be depended on.他不足以信赖。His family depends on him to support.他的家庭靠他维持生计。Children depend on their parents f

20、or food and clothing.孩子靠父母供应衣食。Shes a woman who can be depended on.她是一个可以信赖的人。Whether he will go there depends on your decision.他是否去那儿取决于你的决定。1)depend常与on或upon搭配。2)that depends;it(all) depends看情况而定,单独使用,或置于句首。3)depend upon it(that)的的确确;我敢说;肯定7.control vt.& vt.控制;管理;抑制 n.U管理;控制;vt. Cant you control t

21、hat child?你不能管束那孩子吗?She couldnt control herself when she heard the news.她听到那消息后,不能控制自己的感情。n. She has no control over her feeling.她抑制不住自己的感情。1)control的现在分词、过去式和过去分词都要双写l再加ing或ed。即:controlling,controlled,controlled。2)be/get out of control 失去的控制;不听约束lose control of失去对的控制The children are out of control.

22、孩子们不听管教。3)be in the control of(sth.) 管理;统治She may be old,but shes still in the control of all that is happening .虽然纪大了,她却依然控制着局面。4)under control/under the control of在控制之下8.prefer vt.(比较)喜欢;宁愿(选择);宁可Which do you prefer,rice or bread?你比较喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面包?He prefers country life to town life.他喜欢乡村生活胜过城市生活。1

23、)prefer to do sth.更喜欢做prefer not to do sth.宁愿不At the moment they prefer not to talk about this question.在这个时刻,他们宁愿不谈这个问题。2)表示“更喜欢某人做”用prefer sb. to do sth.;表示“宁愿某人不”用prefer sb. not to do sth.I should prefer you to be in charge of this experiment.我建议你负责这实验。They preferred her not to go with them.他们宁愿她

24、不跟他们去。3)表示“更喜欢做,不喜欢做”,用prefer to do sth.(rather) than do sth. 或prefer sth./doing sth. to sth./doing sth. I prefer to walk rather than (to) go by bike.我宁可步行,也不愿意骑自行车。4)prefer+that clause用于表达某人的愿望,从句用过去时或(should) do。She preferred that we should have the discussion right after the class.她更愿意我们一听完课就讨论。9

25、.add vt. 增加;添加;补充说vi. 加起来;添加If you add(=calculate the total of) three and four,you get seven.三加四等于七。Shes added a Picasso to her collection.她的收藏品中增加了一幅毕加索的画。She was sad,she said,but added(=said also) that she felt she had made the right decision.她说她很难过,但是她接着又说她感到她做出了一项正确的决定。We added a room to our hou

26、se.我们给房子添盖了一个房间。“Thank you for all your help!” he added as he was leaving.在他离开时又补充说:“谢谢你的所有帮助。”1)add up合计;加起来;前后一致Add up your score and see how many points you can get.将你所得的分数加起来,看看能得多少分。What he says does not add up.他说的话前后不一致。2)add to增加 Her colleagues laughter only added to(=increased) her embarrassment.同事们的嘲笑使她更加窘迫。3)加;往添加 Will you add more sugar to your coffee?你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?4)add up to总共有;

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