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1、根据句意和首字母故填notes4. 句意:有时候他们不需要了解太多的历史事件的背景。 know知道,了解;根据句意和首字母故填 know5. 句意:但是在美国学生有重的厚的课本。根据T_2_ are only about 100 pages(页) in it可知两个国家的历史课本进行比较有相当的不同,表示转折;根据句意和首字母故填But6. 句意:它有超过一千页。more than超过;根据句意和首字母故填 more 7. 句意:阅读以后学生需要回答一些问题。根据句意和首字母故填need 8. 句意:他们互相讨论问题。each other互相;根据句意和首字母故填 each9. 句意:答案都是

2、来自老师和学生。both两者都,根据the students and the teachers.可知是两部分;根据句意和首字母故填both10. 句意:他们有时有许多活动,像辩论。sometimes有时;根据句意和首字母故填 sometimes(2)Eating habits are different in different countries. The Chinese have a saying “Eat good things for b_11_, eat a b_12_ meal for lunch, but eat less at dinner.” Many people in t

3、he USA agree that one s_13_ a day with a good breakfast, but their ideas about lunch and dinner are d_14_.Most people in America only give themselves a short time to have their lunch, so they eat a s_15_ lunch. After work, they can have more time to eat a big dinner. Also a quiet dinner at home with

4、 all the family talking about their day is a w_16_ to take a good rest after a long, hard day of work.Eating at r_17_ is also different. In China, very often you can hear people t_18_ and laughing loudly, and they are just having a good time. In America it is not like this. They usually eat a good m

5、eal f_19_ away from the noisy places. If they are making some noise, other people in the restaurants will look at t_20_ angrily, even the manager of the restaurants will ask them to be quiet.【答案】11. breakfast 12. big 13. starts 14. different 15. small 16. way 17. restaurants 18. talking 19. far 20.

6、them【解析】这是一篇说明文,文中谈到了中国人和美国人饮食习惯和文化的差异,告诉我们要尊重了各国的饮食文化和就餐习俗。11. 句意:中国人有一句话:“吃好东西做早餐,午餐吃大餐,吃饭时少吃点。”根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填breakfast。12. 句意:” 根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填big。13. 句意:美国的许多人都同意,一个人开始一天吃一顿丰盛的早餐,但他们对午餐和晚餐的看法却不一样。主语one三单,谓语动词用单数,根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填starts。14. 句意:Be动词后面可跟形容词做表语。根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填different。15. 句意:大多数

7、美国人只给自己一点时间吃午饭,所以他们吃了一顿小午餐。根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填small。16. 句意:在家里和家人一起谈论他们的一天,这是一个安静的晚餐,是在漫长而辛苦的一天之后好好休息的一种方式。根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填way。17. 句意:在餐馆吃饭也不一样。在饭店:at an restaurant/ at restaurants;根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填restaurants。18. 句意:在中国,经常可以听到人们大声说笑,他们只是有一个很好的时间。hear sb. doing sth.:听见某人正在做某事;and并列连词,它连接的两个动词形式应一致,根据句意、

8、语境和首字母提示可知填talking。19. 句意:他们通常在远离喧闹的地方吃顿好饭。短语(be) far away from:远离;根据句意、语境和首字母提示可知填far。20. 句意:如果他们在制造噪音,餐馆里的其他人就会生气地看着他们,连餐厅经理也会要求他们安静下来。Look at sb.:看着某人,at是介词,后面跟人称代词宾格形式;根据主语they、句意、语境和首字母提示可知填them。(3)Food is important. Everyone needs to e_21_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our min

9、ds(心灵)also need a kind of food. This kind of food is knowledge(知识).We begin to get knowledge even when we are y_22_ . Small children are interested i_23_ everything around them. They learn e_24_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older they begin to r_25_ story books, scien

10、ce books and anything else they like. When they find something n_26_ ,they have to ask questions and t_27_ to find out the answers.What is the best w_28_ to get knowledge? If we learn b_29_ ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers f_30_ others and dont ask why, we

11、will never learn more and understand well.【答案】21. eat 22. young 23. in 24. everything 25. read 26. new 27. try 28. way 29. by 30. from【解析】文章讲述了人们需要精神食粮。21. 句意:如果他想有一个健康的体魄,需要吃的好。eat吃;根据句意和首字母故填eat22. 句意:甚至当我们是小孩的时候,我们就开始接受知识。young年轻的;根据句意和首字母故填young 23. 句意:小孩对他们周围的一些事物感兴趣。be interested in 对-感兴趣;根据句意

12、和首字母故填in24. 句意:当他们看和听的时候,他们学习所有的事情。everything每件事情;根据句意和首字母故填everything 25. 句意:当他们长大一点他们开始读故事书,科学书和他们感兴趣的其他的东西。read阅读;根据句意和首字母故填read26. 句意:当他们发现新的东西,他们问问题尽量找到答案。new新的;修饰不定代词,放在不定代词后面;根据句意和首字母故填new27. 句意:try to do sth 尽量做某事;根据句意和首字母故填try28. 句意:得到知识的最好方法是什么?the best way to do 做某事的最好方法;根据句意和首字母故填way29.

13、句意:如果我们自学,我们将会得到最多的知识。by oneself 独自;根据句意和首字母故填by30. 句意:如果我们总是在别人那里得到答案不问为什么,我们将不会得到更多的知识,理解的更好。from 从,根据句意和首字母故填from(4)Jake is 9 years old. He lives in an orphanage(孤儿院). There are ten children in the orphanage. Jake lives and plays with the o_31_ nine children every day. They are good friends. The

14、orphanage has very little money, so the c_32_ have very little food to eat. They always feel h_33_. But on Christmas Day, the children are very happy. Each of them can get an o_34_. It is the best Christmas p_35_ for each child.But Jake cant have his Christmas orange this year because he breaks(打坏)

15、a cup at breakfast on D_36_23. Jake is very sad. He l_37_ in bed and cries all the night before Christmas.Jake spends Christmas Day alone(独自). Nobody stays with h_38_. At night, Jake climbs back to his bed, b_39_ he cant sleep. After a while(过了一会儿), someone touches(触摸) Jake, puts something in his h_

16、40_ and then goes away.Jake doesnt know whats in his hand. He climbs down the bed. In the moonlight(月光), he sees an orange in his hand. It has nine orange segments (橘瓣)!【答案】31. other 32. children 33. hungry 34. orange 35. present 36. December 37. lies 38. him 39. but 40. hand【解析】文章讲述了杰克和其他的九个孩子在孤儿院里

17、,因为他打破了一个杯子,所以在圣诞节他没有得到橘子,他很伤心,在睡觉的时候,有人放到他手里一个东西,他到月光下看到是九个橘子瓣。31. 句意:杰克每天和其他的九个孩子一起玩。the other另外的,其他的;接名词复数;根据句意和首字母故填other 点睛:1.another泛指(三个或三个以上中的)另一个;2.other其他的,另外的,泛指另一些,常与复数名词连用;3. others 泛指别人,其他人,相当于other+名词复数;4.the other其他的,另外的,表示除了前边提到的剩下的全部,后面既可以接单数也可以接复数。32. 句意:这个孤儿院几乎没有钱,因此孩子们有很少的食物吃。ch

18、ildren孩子们,根据前文可知这个孤儿院里有十个孩子。根据句意和首字母故填children33. 句意:他们经常感觉饿。根据have very little food to eat. 可知是饿;根据句意和首字母故填hungry 34. 句意:他们每个人能得到一个橘子。根据But Jake cant have his Christmas orange this year可知是橘子;根据句意和首字母故填orange35. 句意:对每个孩子来说,它是最好的圣诞礼物。present礼物根据句意和首字母故填present 36. 句意:但是杰克今年不能得到圣诞橘子,因为在12月23号早饭时他打破了一个

19、杯子。根据圣诞节是12月25号和首字母可知是12月故填December 37. 句意:在圣诞节前,他躺在床上哭了一晚上。根据cries可知是一般现在时态,因主语是单三,所以谓语动词用单数形式;根据句意和首字母故填lies38. 句意:没有人和他待在一起。介词后面用宾格根据句意和首字母故填him39. 句意:杰克爬回床上,但是他不能睡着。根据句意和首字母故填but40. 句意:有人摸到杰克,把一个东西放到他的手里,然后走开了。根据Jake doesnt know whats in his hand.可知是手;故填 hand(5)Now if you go out or surf the Inte

20、rnet, one word is very popular a_41_ young people. That is the word “fashion”. But lots of young people dont know what it really means. They just think new hair s_42_is fashionable, a new kind of clothes is fashionable, and even smoking or drinking is fashionable. So they just try to do something to

21、 m_43_ themselves (他们自己) look fashionable. These young people often do something w_44_. Some children buy cigarettes (香烟) and smoke them without (没有) letting their teachers or parents know. Some students begin to l_45_ to drink and it costs them a lot of money. Some children want their parents to b_

22、46_ them mobile phones, but they just use their phones to play games and c_47_ with their friends. Some young students like to run after “fashionable” stars. They often do their best to see music stars and sometimes they have to go f_48_ away to see the stars face to face. They often h_49_ to look h

23、ere and there for the information (信息) of the “fashionable” stars.But many other people dont think so. They think fashion means m_50_ and useful (有用的) things to people around us. Children should try to be really fashionable.【答案】41. among 42. style 43. make 44. wrong 45. learn 46. buy 47. chat 48. fa

24、r 49. have 50. modern【解析】文章讲述了一些年轻人对时尚的错误理解。41. 句意:一个单词在年轻人之间非常流行。among 在-之中(三者以上);根据句意和首字母故填among 42. 句意:她们仅仅认为新的发型是时尚的。 style款式;根据句意和首字母故填 style43. 句意:因此他们尽量的做某件事情,使自己看起来时尚。make sb do sth使某人做某事;根据句意和首字母故填make.45. 句意:一些学生开始学喝酒。 learn 学习,根据句意和首字母故填learn 46. 句意:一些孩子想让他们的父母给他们买手机。buy sb sth给某人买某物;根据句意

25、和首字母故填buy47. 句意:但是他们只是用手机玩游戏和跟朋友聊天。chat 聊天,根据句意和首字母故填chat 48. 句意:有时候他们去很远去看明星的见面会。far away远离;根据句意和首字母故填far49. 句意:他们经常需要到处找时尚明星的信息。have to不得不,必须;根据句意和首字母故填have50. 句意:他们认为对于我们周围的人来说时尚意味着现代的有用的东西。 modern现代的;根据句意和首字母故填modern(6)Daphne Selfe is 87 years old now.She is one of the worlds oldest m_51_She beg

26、an to be a model m_52_than 60 years.Miss Selfe says she likes walking on the catwalk and she always e_53_it.But many of todays young models dont smile on the stage.They always pretend(假装)to be c_54_.”I dont think you should always smile,but you should look pleasant.It is a pity(遗憾)that we cant find the pleasure on their f_55_.”she says.Miss Selfe believes that one should eat properly,t_56_exercise,think good thoughts,be positive(乐观),t_57_he/she can be healthy and good-looking.She n_58_eats junk food or goes shopping at the market.She d_59_lots

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