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1、D. guided2. A. runningB. skippingC. rushingD. walking3. A. gratefulB. surprisedC. anxiousD. excited4. A. memoryB. honorC. favorD. mind5. A. calm downB. look intoC. pick upD. hold back6. A. purchasedB. borrowedC. replayedD. rented7. A. whereB. whenC. whyD. how8. A. scoldingB. yellingC. laughingD. sha

2、king9. A. policemanB. passengerC. passer-byD. customer10. A. besideB. againstC. aroundD. on11. A. coldB. hotC. smoothD. sick12. A. feetB. streetsC. busesD. temperatures13. A. seatB. armsC. handsD. chest14. A. thereforeB. especiallyC. otherwiseD. meanwhile15. A. physicalB. mentalC. slightD. common16.

3、 A. discoveredB. informedC. recognizedD. reunited17. A. timeB. chanceC. caseD. accident18. A. reportedB. solvedC. foundD. adopted19. A. motherB. girlC. parentD. teacher20. A. innocentB. prettyC. 1uckyD. brave【答案】 (1)B;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)D;(9)B;(10)C;(11)A;(12)D;(13)B;(14)C;(15)B;(16)D;

4、(17)A;(18)C;(19)D;(20)A;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。司机Irene Ivic在使命召唤下,她停下车救下了一个不太可能的潜在的乘客:一个蹒跚学步的孩子。官方最终让孩子与父亲团聚。她很高兴能够帮助这个可爱的、无辜的婴儿。 (1)考查动词。A. crashed“碰撞”;B. spotted“发现”;C. escaped“逃脱”;D. guided“指导”。Irene Ivic在高速公路立交桥开车时,她发现了一个赤脚的孩子。故选B。 (2)考查动词。A. running“跑”;B. skipping“跳过”;C. rushing“猛冲”;D. walking“散步”。孩子

5、,身穿红色装和尿布,很快就走到十字路口。故选D。 (3)考查形容词。A. grateful“感激 的”;B. surprised“感到吃惊的”;C. anxious“焦虑的”;D. excited“感到兴奋的”。我只是感激我在正确的时间出现在正确的地。故选A。 (4)考查名词。A. memory“记忆”;B. honor“荣誉”;C. favor“帮助”;D. mind“思想”。Ivic说,周四的时候为她举办颁奖仪式,所以对她来说是一件荣耀的事。 (5)考查动词短语。A. calm down“使冷静下来”;B. look into“调查”;C. pick up“拾起,接送,收到,偶然学到”;D

6、. hold back“隐瞒,退缩”。Ivic停了车,跑出去接孩子。故选C。 (6)考查动词。A. purchased“购置”;B. borrowed“借入”;C. replayed“重放”;D. rented“租赁”。Ivic停了车,跑出去接孩子,这是视频显示的情景。 (7)考查定语从句。她带着孩子上了巴士,乘客们怀疑地聚集在那里。此处是where引导的定语从句。 (8)考查动词。A. scolding“责备”;B. yelling“叫喊”;C. laughing“大笑”;D. shaking“摇动”。“哦,我的上帝。哦,我的上帝。我在颤抖,”在视频里Ivic带着蹒跚学步的小孩坐在司机的位置

7、上说。 (9)考查名词。A. policeman“警察”;B. passenger“旅客”;C. passer-by“过路人”;D. customer“顾客”。车上一名乘客脱下冬天的大衣,裹住小女孩,她摸起来很冷。 (10)考查介词。包裹婴儿用around,表示围在它的周围。 (11)考查形容词。A. cold“冷的”;B. hot“热的”;C. smooth“顺利的,光滑的”;D. sick“厌恶的,病态的”。 (12)考查名词。A. feet“脚”;B. streets“街道”;C. buses“公共汽车”;D. temperatures“温度”。根据运输系统,12月22日,那天的气温很低

8、,天气寒冷。 (13)考查名词。A. seat“座位”;B. arms“胳膊”;C. hands“手”;D. chest“胸部”。小家伙很快就在怀里睡着了,正如视频上所看到的。 (14)考查副词。A. therefore“因此”;B. especially“尤其是”;C. otherwise“在其他方面,否则”;D. meanwhile“与此同时”。警方说,这名19个月大的婴儿一直感到寒冷和恐惧,但除此之外没有受伤。 (15)考查形容词。A. physical“身体的”;B. mental“精神上的”;C. slight“轻微的”;D. common“共同的,常见的”。在官方认为她的母亲有精神

9、健康危机后,这个孩子失踪了。 (16)考查动词。A. discovered“”发现”;B. informed“告知”;C. recognized“认识”;D. reunited“使重聚”。当局最终让孩子与父亲团聚。 (17)考查名词。A. time“次数”;B. chance“机会”;C. case“情况”;D. accident“事故”。这是密尔沃基县公交系统司机近年来第九次发现失踪儿童。 (18)考查动词。A. reported“报道”;B. solved“解决”;C. found“发现”;D. adopted“采用,接受”。 (19)考查名词。A. mother“母亲”;B. girl“

10、女孩”;C. parent“父或母”;D. teacher“老师”。我非常喜欢孩子。我曾经是一个老师,我有我自己的孩子,所以我很高兴我能够帮助这个可爱的、无辜的婴儿。 (20)考查形容词。A. innocent“无辜的”;B. pretty“可爱的”;C. lucky“幸运的”;D. brave“勇敢的”。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,定语从句,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I

11、feel that I was blessed by an Angel not long ago I was out in town with my husband. We live in a 1 town. Because of the cold, my 2 shrunk, causing my anniversary ring to 3 . I didnt notice this until we got home. I became 4 ill ached all over. I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack. A

12、lthough it is a material item, it is yet very 5 . He went out and retraced our 6 to where we came back. I called the stores we were in and no one 7 it in. I thought it was 8 for sure. Well, at around midnight last night, our dogs went mad. We have a sunroom 9 to our home. The door to that is usually

13、 10 . But that night, we left it unlocked. My all-terrain motor scooter (小型摩托车) was 11 out there. In its basket was a ring boxholding my ring! Along with the ring was a diamond circle. There was also a 12 that told the story of this stranger 13 the ring and recognizing the work, as it is a piece mad

14、e particularly. The person then went to the jeweler and 14 about finding the ring. The jeweler is a friend of mine so she gave her my 15 and the town is so small, we are 16 to find. The stranger who found the ring 17 the ribbon (丝线) in the store in order to keep the ring around the finger when it is

15、 18 out. And then also left a gift card for us to take our family out to the movies as a Christmas gift. The note was 19 Santas Elf (小精灵). My friend is keeping her lips 20 about whom it was.1. A. modernB. smallC. bigD. developed2. A. ringB. handC. brainD. finger3. A. fall offB. leave behindC. break

16、downD. go away4. A. firmlyB. formallyC. identicallyD. physically5. A. valuableB. challengingC. memorableD. beneficial6. A. footprintsB. stepsC. streetsD. directions7. A. tookB. pressedC. turnedD. counted8. A. goneB. stolenC. changedD. transformed9. A. adaptedB. attachedC. exposedD. held10. A. openB.

17、 abandonedC. closedD. locked11. A. madeB. parkedC. repairedD. destroyed12. A. sloganB. advertisementC. noteD. announcement13. A. handlingB. exploringC. findingD. chasing14. A. explainedB. complainedC. wonderedD. argued15. A. phone numberB. photoC. mailboxD. name16. A. difficultB. easyC. incredibleD.

18、 complex17. A. purchasedB. toreC. soldD. borrowed18. A. warmB. rainyC. foggyD. cold19. A. calledB. writtenC. signedD. noticed20. A. tightB. paintedC. secretD. clear(4)D;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(10)D;(11)B;(12)C;(13)C;(14)A;(15)D;(16)B;(18)D;(19)C;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者不小心弄丢了戒指,捡到戒指的好心人找到了戒指的主人也就是作者,将戒指放在她的车里并附上

19、了一个纸条写着找寻戒指主人的经过。 (1)考查形容词。A. modern“现代的”;B. small“小的”;C. big“大的”;D. developed“发达的”。根据下文的the town is so small可知作者所在的城镇很小,故选B。 (2)考查名词。A. ring“戒指”;B. hand“手”;C. brain“大脑”;D. finger“ 手指”。根据下文可知作者的周年纪念戒指丢了,戒指是戴在手指的,因为寒冷,手指收缩了戒指才会掉,故选D。 (3)考查动词短语。A. fall off“脱落”;B. leave behind“留下”;C. break down“(机器等)损坏

20、”;D. go away“离开”。因为寒冷,戒指从手指上脱落了,故选A。 (4)考查副词。A. firmly“坚定地”;B. formally“正式地”;C. identically“相同地”;D. physically“身体上地”。根据下文I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack.可知在发现戒指不见后,作者觉得丈夫的心脏病要发了,这是身体上的反应,所以作者也应该是身体上)浑身疼痛,选D。 (5)考查形容词。A. valuable“有价值的”;B. challenging“具有挑战性的”;C. memorable“值得纪念的”;

21、D. beneficial “有益的”。根据上文“I didnt notice this until we got home. I became 4 ill ached all over. I thought my husband was going to have a heart attack.”可知作者夫妇知道戒指不见之后,反应很大,说明这枚戒指应该是很有意义的,故选C。 (6)考查名词。A. footprints“脚印”;B. steps“步子,步伐”;C. streets “压力”;D. directions “方向”。作者的丈夫又出去,沿着他们之前的步子寻找戒指,选B。 (7)考查动

22、词。A. took “拿”;B. pressed“按压”;C. turned“翻转”;D. counted“数数,计算”。根据I called the stores we were in可知作者给他们之前去过的商店打了电话,打电话肯定是询问有没有捡到戒指,但是没有人捡到返还,turn sth in 固定短语“上交,返还”,故选C。A. (be) gone“不见了”;B. stolen “偷窃”;C. changed“改变”;D. transformed “转变,转换”。根据上文“I called the stores we were in and no one turned it in.” 可

23、知作者给去过的商店打电话,但是没有返还戒指。这时候作者认为她的戒指没了。sth be gone固定短语,“某物不见了,消失了”。选A。 (9)考查动词。A. adapted“适应”;B. attached“把.附在上”;C. exposed“暴露”;D. held “举行”。sunroom“日光浴室”,在这里人可以沐浴到阳光。作者家里有一间附属于房子的日光浴室,选B。 (10)考查动词。A. open“打开”;B. abandoned“遗弃”;C. closed“关闭”;D. locked“把锁起来”。But that night, we left it unlocked.可知那天晚上,作者没

24、锁日光浴室的门。作者平常都会把门锁上,但是那天晚上没锁。 (11)考查动词。句意:我的小摩托车停放在那儿。根据句意,小摩托车停放在日光浴室。A. made“做,制造”;B. parked“停放(车辆)”;C. repaired“修复,修理”;D. destroyed “破坏”。A. slogan“标语”;B. advertisement“广告”;C. note“纸条”;D. announcement “宣言”。The note was 19可知车篮里除了戒指,还有一张纸条, 故选C。 (13)考查动词。A. handling“处理”;B. exploring“探索”;C. finding“发现”;D. chasing“ 追逐”。这位好心人发现了作者的戒指,故选C。 (14)考查动词。那个人找到了宝石匠,解释到他发现了一枚戒指。A. explained“解释”;B. complained“抱怨”;C. wondered“想知道”;D. argued “争论”。 (15)考查名词。A. phone number“电话号码”;B. photo“照片”;C. mailbox“邮箱”;D.

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