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1、 talk about enjoy doing; take a deep breath; make sb. + adj.; invite sb. to sp. / to do show sb. around 扩展:advice (n.) a piece of advice; give sb. some advice; ask for advice; 难句: 1) Why do you think is the best advice for learning English? 2) Do you think it easy to have a conversation in English?

2、重点句型:1) You should / shouldnt 2) Why dont you / Why not?3) How / What about?4) Its a good idea .5) Try to do语法:如何提出建议话题:英语学习的方法 听:能够听懂有关学习的建议。说:就学习方法提出建议。读:能读懂介绍建议的文章。写:1)熟悉写信的格式。2)挑出模块中与语言学习相关的一些句子,用不同的句型来改写,并背诵。 3)用提建议的句型,就语言学习的某个侧面(如:听力、阅读、词汇等),写三五句话的小段。造句: write down; all the time;translate (tur

3、n / change)into; advice sb. to do sth. (advise doing / advise sb. on how to do sth.); remember (forget) to do / doing sth. (最好将这些短语造出来的句子连成一段小文)重点句型(可以围绕着一个话题来练习重点句型)扩展: 利用本模块的话题及其句型,迁移到为其他方面的学习方法提建议。最低要求:1)能列出三条语言学习方面的建议,并背诵。 2)能使用“提建议”的句型造句。 3)掌握write down及几个使用不定式的动词结构。Learning to learn:Module 2 E

4、xperience44个单词,(12个复现强化单词)重点名词:experience, airport, competition, captain, country, problem, prize, dream, abroad, sandwich, musician, palace, seafood, entertainment, time (可数), sound, sell, taste, climb, name, dream 重点形容词:wonderful, kind, western, fantastic, delicious, another 重点副词:abroad (be abroad

5、, go abroad)come true, more than, take off, sell out take off / land, invite sb. to do sth. 1) It sounds brilliant! 2) Have you ever wanted to travel around the world?Yes, I have. / No, I havent. 3) Is your father helping you? No, he isnt. 现在完成时介绍个人经历,询问他人经历能够听懂用现在完成时描述的经历。能用现在完成时询问和表达经历。能读懂介绍经历的文章,

6、理解语篇的主题和细节。学会用现在完成时描写自己的经历。 要求:在让学生谈论经历之前,可以先给学生一个大致的话题范围,然后给出一些相关的词,短语及句型。引导学生使用现在完成时。扩展: 造句:注意:1)作为现在完成时的初级阶段学习,重点放在完成时的结构和强调“动作结果”的用法上。2)加强过去分词构成方法的训练。Module 3 Journey to space41个单词,(10个复现强化单词)Earth, Mars, model, station, month, planet, solar, environment, air, part, universe, light, entrance, di

7、ary, secret, discover, show, grow, cost, prefer, explore latest, several, alone, real, already, just, recently, also, even, twice, 其它: over, none, billion, 重点短语:space station, space shuttle, on business, millions of,go around, solar system, in space, show sth. to sb., bring sth. back, send sb. a mes

8、sage, send sth. to sb. ask sb. for sth. finish doing 1) What are you up to?2) I havent started it yet. 3) Have the astronaut discovered life on Mars? No, not yet. 4) But astronauts have already been to the moon. 5) None of them has an environment with air, 6) It is hard to understand how large the u

9、niverse is. 1) 词的用法 entrance / enter; light (n. / v. / adj.); over / more than; real / really; already; just; twice (once / three times) 在完成时中的用法 show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb. / show sb. around/ (be on show (n.) prefer to do sth. / prefer sth. to sth. / prefer doing sth. to doing sth. (prefer to

10、do sth. rather than do sth.) none的用法2)辨析latest 与 later 辨析;discover 与 find / invent辨析; cost 与 pay for / spend辨析none 与 neither辨析 3) 用重点句型和短语造句。 1) 本模块继续学习现在完成时的用法, 重点放在副词already, yet, just的用法上。强调其动词为结束性动词。为后面表延续的动词的学习做铺垫。2)阅读训练中,强调文章标题的作用。同时讲解阅读训练中如何概括主旨大意(概括文章标题)的方法。3) Unit 2的文章中,有两次出现 however的用法,提示学

11、生注意。Module 4 Education28个单词,(6个复现强化单词)project, countryside, electricity, point, care, organization, healthstudy, teach, raise, pay, describe, drop (dropped), trainpoor, same, important, ill, still, perhaps, nearly, luckily, head teacher, get on / along (well) with sth. (sb.), hear about, take part,

12、drop out of school, look after, hear of, an eight-year-old boy, stop doing sth., with the help of, in the last / past 15 years, thousands of 1) How long have you known her? For two years. / Since 2005.2) That sounds interesting. 3) Tell me more. health / healthy, care / careful / carefully, raise (

13、lift / collect / bring up ); pay for / spend / cost; train (v.); same 2) 辨析 raise / rise; 3) 短语 take care of / look after; hear about / hear of / hear from辨析;造句:1) How long have you . 2) with the help of 3) get along / on well with 4) look after 5) hear of 本模块的现在完成时的学习重点是动作持续的时间长度,因此要强调: 1)时间状语 2)延续

14、性动词 所以,要归纳总结一些结束性动词和延续性动词的转换。如:buy, leave, borrow, get up, die等等。Module 5 Western music49个单词,(10个复现强化单词) 与音乐话题有关的单词 重点名词:blues, jazz, rock, techno, rap, instrument, drum, guitar, violin, organ, trumpet, waltz, string, artist, figure, centuryfun, German, Austrian, composer, fan, rest, phone, type, re

15、cord, pop, classical, beautiful, serious, lively, sad, traditional, slow, sure, noisy, centre, elder, younger, loud, part-time, own, German, Austrian, maybe, actually, record,on earth, in addition to, of course hear of, the capital / centre of , listen to, a composer called, not only but also, take

16、sb. around, hundreds / thousands of, be famous for, more than, at the age of, play the piano, be difficult to do sth. make records / films, belong to, a large group of, make sure, stop doing sth. 注意:make a song for her mother on her birthday Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Danube.1) What

17、s it by?2) Im a fan of rap.3) Give us a break!4) I dont believe it.5) His waltzes made him famous all over Europe. 6) 一般现在时、一般将来时、现在进行时、一般过去时、现在完成时、情态动词的反意疑问句学习反意疑问句介绍西方音乐听:能够听懂反意疑问句的含义。能够表达自己的爱好并能询问别人的爱好。能读懂有关音乐以及人物介绍的文章,并掌握其细节。掌握写人的基本要素:基本内容,常用句型,常用词汇。 模拟Unit 2中的人物介绍,老师选取一个学生熟悉的人物,带着学生列出一些该人物的基本信息

18、,如:哪儿的人,做什么的,主要事迹(按时间排,有2-3条即可),评价。练习后,再给出一篇相近的小文作为学生的作业。 on earth, in addition to, not onlybut also, make + 宾语 + adj., be famous for, be difficult to do sth.1. 词汇1) lively 是个形容词,总结相关的形容词。friendly, lovely, daily, deadly, lonely等2) fun (adj.) a fun day 3) 以前学过的乐器名称。violin, piano (pianist) 等等 4) 注意讲“多

19、少世纪”要用序数词。5) hear of / hear from 辨析; listen to / listen 辨析;hear from sb. / get (receive) a letter from sb.本模块的语法要求掌握反意疑问句的最基本的句式。强调:1) 主语与助动词相对应。2) 形式正确:前肯后否,前否后肯。3) 回答与事实一致。Module 6 A famous story36个单词,(13个复现强化单词) 重点名词: rabbit, party, hole, chain, pocket, field, storm, noon, bookshop, staff, gold,

20、ring, hallfall, carry, jump, wear, clap, cheer, perform, follow, stop 其他:suddenly, outside (inside), once, strange, tired, pink, nothing,by, across, under, during, get off, go on, tea party, fall down, by mistake, get tired, look into, think of, 1) How is it going?2) One day she was sitting by the r

21、iver5) Try to do. 6) There was nothing strange about that. 7) What is a book for?学习过去进行时能够听懂包含过去进行时的句子。能够用过去进行时询问和描述一些动作。能读懂包含过去进行时的童话故事。1)正确地使用过去进行时造句。2)可以设定一个时间范围,让学生制作一个表格,填上自己及其家人在这个时间做什么,然后利用这个表格写一篇以过去进行时为主的短文。 get off, fall down, by mistake, 辨析:fall down / fall off, 总结get短语1)掌握过去进行时常用的时间状语。 2)

22、掌握过去进行时不同的句式。Module 7 Feelings and impressions45个单词,(15个复现强化单词) 掌握描述不同内容的形容词。颜色,味道, 感受等等 掌握常用的系动词:look, sound, smell, feel, tastefeeling, impression, shoe, soup, matter, cheese, cookie, try (n.), sweater, hair, glasses, bicycle, quiet, tight, fresh, lovely, smart, pretty, nervous, proud, stupid, ang

23、ry, dark, fair, salty, sour, soft, strange, (un)polite, rudeboth, later, quite, especially, must, introduce, recognize, dance (n. & v. ), shake, starea bit, shake hands make a pizza / some chocolate cookie, have a try / a party / a look, much / a bit / a little better, so much food / so many books,

24、introduce sb. to sb. / oneself (make an introduction); hear from, arrive at / get to / reach, thanks for, sound like (prep.), as well, be proud of, get angry with sb., at first, 1) That smells delicious / tasty / fresh / sweet / .2) It feels soft and comfortable / stupid / nervous. 3) You both look

25、very smart / pretty. 4) She sounds nice. 5) Whats she like? 6) You sound like me. 正确使用感官动词;掌握系表结构的句子谈论对食物的感觉和对人的印象能够听懂表述感觉和知觉的句子内容。能够用系表结构询问并表达对事物的感觉。能够读懂对人外貌和性格的简单描述。继续学习写人的方法-对人的进行简单的描述。 背诵Unit 2 课文第二段,有关个人的外貌描写部分。Workbook P136 Ex. 3 a bit, shake hands, introduce sb. to sb. Its +adj. + to do, hear

26、 from, be proud of, 1) 表示味觉的形容词:酸、甜、苦、辣,咸,tasty, delicious, 2) quiet / quite辨析3) both, neither, either的用法4) try (n. & v.)的用法1) a bit / a little / a few的区别2) ly结尾的形容词的归纳3) hear from sb. / get (receive) a letter from sb. 本模块的语法要求掌握系表结构句式。在教学过程中,要让学生明白:1) 什么是系动词2) 系动词与行为动词的基本区别3) 系表结构是什么意思,是怎么构成的在讲Unit 1时,可以在让学生理解对话内容的过程中:关注系动词,关注系动词后面所带的词,总结结构,操练结合Exercise 6的练习Module 8 Around town25个单词,(5个复现强化单词) 表示某个地点的名词, 方位词等 bank, market, supermarket, square, corner, gallery, left, right, opposite, between, along, chairma

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