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1、高级英语课后习题答案BLACKMAILI. Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible- 1) Did Ogilvie deliberatedly delay his call at the Croydons suite? Why? 2) Why did the Duchess send her maid and secretary out? 3) Why do you think Ogilvie was being deliberately offensive

2、to the Croydons in the beginning? 4) How did the Duchess know where the Duke had gone the night the accident occurred? 5) How did Ogilvie e to suspect the Croydons of the hit- n run crime? 6) what is a brush trace? 7) What made the Duchess jump to the conclusion that Ogilvie had e to blackmail them?

3、 8) Why didnt the police e immediately to the hotel to check the cars? 9) Why couldnt the Duchess get her car repaired discreetly in New Orleans? 10) Why did the Duchess decide to make the detective drive their car north? 11) Why did the Duchess offer Ogilvie twenty-five thousand dollars instead of

4、the ten thousand the detective asked for? 12) Did Ogilvie accept the Duchess offer?II. Paraphrase: 1) The house detectives piggy eyes surveyed her sardonically from his gross jowled face. 2) Pretty neat set-up you folks got. 3) The obese body shook in an appreciative chuckle. 4) He lowered the level

5、 of his incongruous falsetto voice. 5) The words spat forth with sudden savagery, all pretense of blandness gone. 6) The Duchess of Corydon three centuries and a half of in-bred arrogance behind her - did not yield easily. 7) It is no go, old girl. Im afraid. It was a good try. 8) Thats more like it

6、, Ogilvie said. He lit the fresh cigar, Now were getting somewhere. 9) his eyes sardonically on the Duchess as if challenging her objection. 10) The house detective clucked his tongue reprovingly. Translate the following into Chinese: 1) Ill tell you, Duke - Ive been in this town and this hotel a lo

7、ng time. I got friends all over. I oblige them; they do the same for me, like letting me know what gives, an where. There aint much, out of the way, which people who stay in this hotel do, I don t get to hear about. Most of em never know I know, or know me. They think they got their little secret tu

8、cked away, and so they have except like now. 2) Well now, theres no call for being hasty, The incongruous falsetto voice took on a musing note. Whats dones been done. Rushin any place aint gonna bring back the kid nor its mother neither. Besides, what they d do to you across at the headquarters, Duk

9、e, you wouldnt t like. No sir, you wouldnt like it at all. 3) The Duchess of Croydon kept firm, tight rein on her racing mind. It was essential, she knew, that her thinking remain calm and reasoned. In the last few minutes the conversation had bee as seemingly casual as if the discussion were of som

10、e minor domestic matter and not survival itself. She intended to keep it that way. Once more, she was aware; the role of leadership had fallen to her, her husband now a tense but passive spectator of the exchange between the evil fat man and herself. No matter. What was inevitable must be accepted.

11、The important thing was to consider all eventualities. A thought occurred to her. Write out the full words for the following shortenings: Models: 1) lab - laboratory 2) Paper - newspaper 1) ad11) mod 2) bra12) perm 3) doc13) polio 4) fridge14) pop-song 5) gym15) prep 6) hi-fi16) prof 7) inter17) sis

12、 8) lib18) telly 9) memo19) vet 10) mike20) zoo. Put the following phrases into English, using adv. + past participle pound adjectives: Model: 抽了一半的雪茄 a half-burned cigar 1) 写了一半的信 2) 半开的窗子 3) 烤得半生不熟得面包 4) 半转过来的身子 5)设备完善的旅馆 6)有礼貌的小学生 7)恰当的用词 8)营养充足的儿童 9)消息灵通人士 10)夸张的语言. Make sentences with the follo

13、wing words, using the parts of speech indicated in the brackets: 1) sound (v. ) 2) figure (v. ) 3) go (n. ) 4) try ( n. ) 5) dust (v. ) 6) square (v. ) 7) good (n. ) 8) head ( v. ) 9) make (n. ) 10) reason (v. ). Replace the italicized words with more formal words or expressions: 1) This is for real

14、 ( ) 2) Its no go. ( ) 3) Now we are getting somewhere .( ) 4) Ill spell it out. ( ) 5) They do the same for me, like letting me know what gives,an where. ( ) 6) Howd you figure where he was? ( ) 7) You an your wife took off home. ( ) 8) Looked right shaken, too, the pair of you. ( ) 9) On a hunch I

15、 went over to the garage and took a quiet look see at your car. ( ) 10) Well now, theres no call for being hasty. ( ) 11) Providin nobody twigs the car ( ) 12) Assuming the hotel man was bought off ( ) 13) I figure you people are pretty well fixed. ( ). Replace the italicized words with specific words that appear in the text: 1) We took a general view of the countryside from the top of a hill. ( ) 2) He took a long and steady look at the

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