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Unit 27《Behaviour》互动课堂 学案1北师大版选修9Word文件下载.docx

1、B. good mannerC. the good mannerD. good manners提示:manners是“礼貌”的意思;manner是“方法, 态度”之意。根据句意应选D项。D2. If everyone learnt to look people in the eye, say thank you, offer compliments at appropriate moments, give up their seats to elderly people on buses and have respect for others in public places, the wor

2、ld would be a much more pleasant place to be. (Page 46)如果每人都学会看着人的眼睛, 说谢谢, 在合适的时候提供表扬, 在公交车上给老人让座, 在公共场所尊重别人, 这个世界将会成为一个愉快得多的世界。respect n. &v. 尊敬;敬重;敬意;遵守;关于If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?如果你不尊重自己, 怎能期望别人尊重你?We must respect the rules of our school as a student

3、.作为学生我们必须遵守学校的规定。Please give my respects to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好。In what respect do you think the film is biased?你认为影片在哪一方面失之偏颇?respecting prep. 关于, 由于, 鉴于respectable adj. 体面的;正派的;可敬的respectful adj. 有礼貌的;恭敬的respected adj. 受尊敬的;受敬重的respective adj. 各自的show/have respect for sb. 尊敬某人2. 1)观察填空(1)He is

4、 a _ man and we all respect him.(2)He is a boy with good manners. He is _ to his teachers.(3)After the party, they went to their _ homes.(1)respectable(2)respectful(3)respective2)完成句子(1)学生应该尊重老师。Students should _.(2)老人理应受到更多的尊重。Old people deserve to be treated _.(1)respect their teachers(2)with grea

5、t respect3)单项填空After the party, they left and went back to their _ homes.A. individual B. respectiveC. single D. private句意为:“聚会之后, 他们离开了, 回到各自的家。”individual“个别的, 单一的”;respective “各自的”;single “单个的”;private “个人的, 私人的”。B3. It is too familiar(Page 46)那太熟悉了。familiar adj. 熟悉的;熟知的He is more familiar with m

6、odern jazz than any of us.他比我们中任何一个人更熟悉现代爵士乐。His name is quite familiar to me, but I havent met him.他的名字我很耳熟, 但我未曾见过他。I am familiar with Jay Chun, that is, Jay Chun is familiar to me.我很熟悉周杰伦, 也就是说, 周杰伦为我所熟悉。sb. be familiar with sth. /sb. 某人熟悉某物/人sth. /sb. be familiar to sb. 某物或某人对某人来说是熟悉的sb. /sth. b

7、e popular with sb. 某人/某物受到某人欢迎be similar to同类似be similar in在方面类似3. 1)观察简答(1)be familiar with的主语常指_;be familiar to的主语指_。(2)be familiar to表示“_”;be similar to表示“_”。(1)人;被熟悉的人或物(2)为所熟悉;与相似The two phrases are similar _structure but different_meaning.A. in;inB. to;toC. in;fromD. with;be similar in sth. 表示

8、“在某个方面类似”;be different in sth. 表示“在某个方面不同”。“这两个短语在结构上相似, 但在意思上不同。”A4. men opening doors for women and helping them to take off and put on their coats(Page 47)男士帮女士打开门, 帮她们脱下或穿上外套take off从中去掉;脱掉(衣服等);起飞;突然大受欢迎, 迅速流行The plane took off despite the fog.尽管有雾, 飞机仍照常起飞。Her singing career took off after her

9、 TV appearance.她在电视上亮相后歌唱事业迅速发展。Dont take off your sweater. Its cold here.别脱掉毛衣, 这儿冷。take over接收, 接手, 接管take to喜欢;对感兴趣take up拿起;开始(从事于);继续;占据(时间、空间)take away拿走;使离去;消除(感情、痛苦等)take back收回(言语)take down拿下;记下take in欺骗;吸收;领会, 理解take it/things easy不紧张;不急take on呈现, 具有(特征、外观等);雇用take out拿出, 取出;去掉4. 1)完成句子(1)

10、这份新杂志真是大受欢迎。The new magazine _.(2)他脱掉我湿漉漉的靴子, 让我在火炉旁坐下。He _and made me sit by the fire.(1)has really taken off(2)took off my wet boots(1)These teenagers dont know much of the world yet;thats why they are so easily _.A. taken in B. taken onC. taken up D. taken off(2)Important people dont have much fr

11、ee time as their work_ all their time.A. takes away B. takes upC. takes over D. takes in(1)提示:本题考查动词短语的辨析。take in吸收, 欺骗;take on雇用, 呈现;take up占用, 占据;take off脱下, 起飞。“这些青少对世界还了解不多, 这就是他们如此容易受骗的原因。(2)提示:消除;take up开始(从事于);占据(时间、空间);take over接手, 接管;领会。“重要人物没有空余时间, 因为工作占据了他们所有的时间。5. depends on peoples ages

12、 or the social context (e. g. at work, with your friends, etc.). (Page 47)取决于人们的龄或社会联系(如在工作上, 和交朋友, 等等)depend on依赖;依靠It all depends on how you deal with the problem.那要看你如何处理这个问题而定。I can depend on his arriving here on time.我可以相信他会准时到来。Our success depends on whether everyone works hard.我们的成功取决于每个人是否努力

13、。5. 1)完成句子(1)他是个靠得住的人。He is a man _.(2)我相信他会来。I _.(1)to be depended on(2)depend on his coming(1)How long are you staying?I dont know. _.A. Thats OKB. Never mindC. It dependsD. It doesnt matter(2)If he_ on tourism for his business, he would have to close his shop.A. dependsB. will dependC. dependedD.

14、 has depended本题考查交际用语。It(all) depends. 具体情况具体对待。由“I dont know. ”可得出此答案。Cdepend on依靠;依靠;取决于。“如果他依赖旅游来进行业务, 他将不得不关闭店门。6. Are there any social rules attached to using modern technology, such as cash dispensers, mobile phones, computers, email, etc. ?(Page 48)有什么规则与应用现代科技有关吗, 如自动柜员机、手机、微机、电子邮件等?attach v

15、t. 拴住, 连接, 附加I attached a wire to the radio.我在收音机上接上一根金属线。aid with no conditions attached无附加条件的援助attached adj. 依恋;留恋attachment n. C附件;C, U依恋;眷恋;深爱attach sth. to sth. 把某东西系到某东西上attach yourself to sb. /sth. 加入;使隶属于be attached to sb. /sth. 依恋, 留恋attachment to(for) sb. /sth. 依恋(深爱)6. 1)完成句子(1)他把标签系在行李上。

16、He _ labels _ the luggage.(2)他的新公司把他派往销售部门。His new firm _ him _ the sales division of the business.(3)此次意外他没有受责备。_ him for the accident.(1)attached;to(2)attached;to(3)No blame attaches toWeve grown very _ to this house and would hate to move.A. attachedB. responsibleC. resistantD. contrary“我们十分留恋这所房

17、子, 真舍不得搬家。”be attached to sb. /sth. 依恋, 留恋;酷爱, 心爱某物(人);be responsible to sb. 为自己的行为对(主管或上级)承担责任;resistant to抵抗, 对抗;contrary to与相反。7. Underline three words/phrases that show John Morgan disapproves of the way the woman with the mobile phone behaved. (Page 48)画出三个表明John Morgan不赞成拿手机的女士的行为方式。disapprove

18、 v. 不赞成, 不同意, 反对He strongly disapproved of the changes that had been made.他强烈反对已进行的变革。Everyone gave their approval to the proposal.那个计划, 人人都赞成。disapprove of sb. /sth. 反对某人某事disapproval n. 不赞成approve v. 赞成, 同意;批准;通过approval n. 赞成, 同意approving adj. 赞成的7. 1)完成句子(1)他不同意/不赞成我的计划。He _ my plan.(2)部长批准了我的建筑

19、计划。The minister _.(1)disapproved of(2)approved my building planHe can _ this law but he refuses to _ it.A. approve;comply withB. agree with;comply ofC. approve of;D. approve of;comply to这句话的意思是:“他能赞成这项法律, 但他拒绝遵守。”“赞成某事”用approve of sth. , “遵守某事”用comply with sth. 。8. Both interrupted our conversation

20、while we listened in uneasy silence. (Page 48)两者都打断了我们的谈话, 我们只好不舒服地不作声地听着。interrupt vt. 暂时中断或中止;打断vi. 打断的讲话;打岔Hecklers interrupted her speech with jeering.诘问者的嘲笑打断了她的讲话。We interrupt this programme to bring you a news flash.我们中断节目, 报告新闻快讯。Dont interrupt the speaker now, he will answer questions late.

21、现在不要打断他的话, 他稍后再回答问题。interruption n. 打扰, 打断, 中断without interruption连续地interrupt sb. /sth. with sth.用打断某人讲话/某事物进行8. 1)观察回答interrupt与以前学的disturb有何不同?disturb v. 打扰, 妨碍(别人做事);弄乱;搞乱;使焦虑, 不安;而interrupt强调(事情)中断;打岔之意。(1)电话铃声打断了他的谈话。He was _.(2)请继续, 我不想打断你的谈话。Go on, please. I dont _.(3)第二次世界大战中断了许多学生的学业。World

22、 War _.(1)interrupted by the ringing of the telephone(2)want to interrupt you(3)interrupted many students studyBe quiet!Its rude to _ people when they are talking.A. stop B. introduceC. prevent D. interruptstop停止;introduce介绍;prevent阻止;interrupt打断, 中断。“安静!打断别人的谈话是粗鲁的。9. Are we supposed to kiss once,

23、twice or even three times like in some countries?我们是吻一次, 二次, 还是甚至像在一些国家里吻三次?suppose v. 认为I suppose him to be right.我认为他是对的。Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car.每个人坐车时都得系上安全带。You are supposed to have told her the truth.你应该把真相告诉她(事实上却没有)。be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事suppose+宾语+(to be)+ad

24、j. /n. /that从句suppose或supposing用作conj. 译为“万一”, 相当于if。特殊疑问词+do you think/believe/suppose.+陈述句序。特别提示suppose, believe, expect与imagine引导宾语从句时, 从句的否定通过主句来体现。9. 1)观察简答be supposed to在意义与用法上相似于情态动词_;那么, be supposed to have done sth. 相当于_, 表示“_”。should;should have done sth. ;应该做某事(而没有做)(1)我觉得物价将会上涨。Prices wi

25、ll go up, _.(2)一般认为, 同时具有这样一些品质极为罕见。This combination of qualities is _.(1)I suppose(2)generally supposed to be extremely rareMrs Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?A. is sheB. isnt sheC. doesnt sheD. does shebelieve, suppose, expect, imagine引导宾语从句时否定前移。10. My best friend is constantly borrowing my school notes as she never concentrates in class and draw pictures instead of taking her own. (Page 48)我最好的朋友不时地借我的课堂笔记, 因为她在班上从来不集中精力

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