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高中英语外研版必修5Module6 Animals in Danger单元练习文档格式.docx

1、 A. Arrange by phone to have a bucket delivered. B. Take her recycling to the town office. C. Return the bucket to the recycling department. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6. How doe

2、s the man go to the subway? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bicycle. 7. What do we know about the man? A. He doesnt live in the city. B. He has no car. C. He is fat. 8. What does the man think of buses and cars? A. Dirty but fast. B. Polluting and slow. C. Quick and convenient. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What

3、 is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Boss and employee.10. What does the man blame air pollution on? A. Cars. B. People. C. Factories.11. Why does the woman dislike the man driving to school? A. He misses much exercise. B. He makes trave

4、ling inconvenient. C. He spends too much money on his car. 听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. How does the woman find the guinea pigs in the film? A. Troublesome. B. Foolish. C. Lovely.13. What does the man think of the director? A. The director loves and knows the guinea pigs. B. The director raises some guinea

5、pigs himself. C. The director kills a lot of guinea pigs himself.14. What does the woman like the guinea pigs most? A. They have love to the family. B. They have self-confidence. C. They have strong friendship. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What do we know about the river now? A. Its a little dirty. B. Its v

6、ery clean. C. It has no fish.16. How many trucks are used to collect rubbish? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.17. When did the trucks begin to collect the rubbish along the river? A. One month ago. B. One year ago. C. Two years ago. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What is the most important function of zoos accordi

7、ng to the speaker? A. Educating children. B. Saving rare animals. C. Recreating an environment.19. Why are some people against zoos? A. Animals make visitors stressful. B. Animals can feel bored and sad. C. Animals must live in cages.20. What does the speaker think of zoos? A. Theyre still useful an

8、d necessary. B. Theyre a perfect environment for animals. C. Theyre recreation places for animals.二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)21. As we all know, the Great Wall of China is one of the w of the world.22. The sales department of the company has b in all parts of the country.23. As is known to all, the

9、dinosaurs have been e for millions of years.24. The incomes of skilled workers went up. M unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.25. The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste e .26. Wearing a hat can p us from being burned by sunlight in su

10、mmer.27. Hangzhou is a beautiful place; so it is w going there.28. The astronauts soon got used to the c of weightlessness.29. Its hard to rescue drowning people because they s so much.30. The f of this module is animals in danger.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)31. Bad environment will (危及) your heal

11、th.32. “Where would the restroom be?” she w (不知道).33. It takes a lot of hard work, but the reward is well (值得) the effort.34. Im looking for a house in the country but havent found my (理想的) one yet.35. Any investment (包括) an element of risk.36. The government should take measures to (保护) the old bui

12、lding.37. M (与此同时), two other actors have carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees.38. The Construction Bank of China has (分支) all over the country.39. A bird was caught in the net and was (挣扎) to get free.40. Today were going to (集中) on the question of homeless people in Lond

13、on.41. There is always beautiful scenery in nature (保护区).42. After a few hours of work she seemed to be still filled with (精力).43. The astronauts soon got used to the (情况) of weightlessness.44. The (目标) of Earth Hour Campaign is to protect the environment.45. Scientists believe that dinosaurs have b

14、een (灭绝的) for millions of years.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;46. 据报道在中国70%的人在如此多的事故之后担心食物安全情况。It is reported that 70% of people in China the food security(安全) situation after so many accidents.47. 他写了一封信,在信中,他解释了事故中发生的事情。He wrote a letter what had happened in the accident. (explain)48. 橄榄枝象征着和平。(词数不限)The

15、olive branch peace.49. In our class there are 50 students, (三分之二的人来自) our hometown and live near the school.50. She worked hard to (创办自己的生意).51. 他最终找到了一种我们可以用以解决这个问题的方法。He finally found a way 52. Many sharks (以为食) fish and other sea animals.53. Businessmen always (把他们的兴趣集中在) how to make more money.

16、(focus)54. It is likely that after you have carefully studied the author, youll find that (这本书值得一读). (worth)55. 有段时间我感到孤独。 (词数不限)There was a time 五、单项选择(共15小题;56. When the boss wanted to dismiss Bill, the other workers all the boss, which moved Bill to tears. A. stood against B. stood up for C. stoo

17、d out D. stood still57. As a manager, who often has to talk with other people, you should know the of humor in dealing with difficult situations. A. power B. strength C. force D. energy58. Dont do such things you are not sure about. A. that B. which C. as D. than59. Id like to share a story music ov

18、ercomes a physical barrier and makes a connection with a young student. A. which B. that C. when D. where60. We students should ourselves knowledge, for the competition nowadays is very fierce. A. supply; with B. equip; with C. relate; to D. feed; on61. Luckily, wed brought a mad map without we woul

19、d have lost our way. A. it B. that C. this D. which62. Everyones attention was the little girl when she got the Olympic gold medal. A. focusing on B. focused C. to focus D. focused on63. My friend showed me round the town, was very kind of him. A. which B. that C. where D. it64. We offered these stu

20、dents a summer course, aimed improving their spoken English. A. to B. in C. at D. for65. The researchers will visit the primary school next Wednesday, all the pupils are children of migrant workers. A. where B. which C. when D. whom66. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to the eyes from strong sunlight

21、. A. prevent B. care C. defend D. protect67. The newly-opened park is such a beautiful place that it is well worth A. visit B. to be visited C. being visited D. visiting68. Mother bought me 3 books on English study, the second I really liked. A. of that B. of which C. that D. which69. My new job my

22、travelling all over the country, which means I wont be able to spend much time with my family. A. takes B. promises C. involves D. causes70. Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to several schools for poor children. A. setting about B. setting up C. setting out D. setting down六、完形填空(共20小题;

23、共30分) Luis Ortiz loves to build houses. All the houses he builds have one thing in 71 : each little house is a piggy bank that Luis 72 to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a(n) 73 organization that builds and repairs houses all over the world for free. For many years, Lui

24、s and his mom 74 a bedroom in a tiny apartment, but Luis wished for his own bedroom. His mom was 75 to buy a house, 76 it would have taken years before she saved enough money. She asked Habitat for Humanity if they would help her 77 a house. It was a dream come true, Luis said. That first night, I f

25、elt very 78 in my own home. I wanted other kids to have a(n) 79 like mine. Luis decided to raise 80 to donate(捐赠) to Habitat for Humanity. Luis began by selling some of his toys. He made $57 that day and 81 it to Habitat for Humanity. Then he had a(n) 82 . Luis turned a shoebox into a piggy-bank hou

26、se, and painted the little home in bright colors. It reminded Luis of how 83 he was to have his own home. Whenever they could 84 it, Luis and his mom put a little money in the house-bank. Luis thought maybe other kids would also like to build 85 houses and save money to donate to Habitat for Humanit

27、y. He 86 house-shaped bank kits(配套元件) that kids could order and build themselves. Kids 87 the banks. They bought, built and filled them with 88 . The money made from the 89 of the banks, as well as the money inside the banks, went to Habitat for Humanity. Since 2008, more than 1,000 house-banks have

28、 been 90 from the Luis House-Bank Project, which has raised more than $15,000.71. A. detail B. mind C. common D. sight72. A. borrows B. describes C. sells D. decorates73. A. industrial B. illegal C. secret D. charitable74. A. dreamed B. controlled C. shared D. discussed75. A. saving B. crying C. receiving D. waiting76. A. so B. or C. and D. but

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