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1、s life to the service of God,to the relief of suffering 献身于为神服务( 解除世人痛苦) 的事业devote :give ones time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献, 献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted ( adj) : 热爱的, 非常忠实的, 全心全意的a devoted son 孝子She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。devotee ( n) : 献身于某事物的人, 热心者, 某事物的迷恋者; 某

2、一宗派的拥护者a devotee of sportdevotion ( n) : devotion to sth/sb 深爱, 忠心, 忠诚4.evoke: bring to mind(a feeling,memory) 引起或唤起情感, 记忆produce or cause(a response ,reaction) 产生或引起( 回应, 反应)evocation ( n) :invoke: use as a reason for ones action 援用( sth) 为行动依据或理由beg for sth by praying 以祷告祈求某事物The government has in

3、voked the Official Secrets Act in having thebookbanned.政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书。invocation(n): invocation to sb 求助于神或法律5。groove : 沟, 槽, 纹习语: get into a groove 养成某种生活习惯furrow: 犁沟, 垄沟( v) ( 尤用被动语态) 犁, 使起皱纹newly furrowed fields 刚犁过的田地6。jolt: (使某人某物)颠簸着移动The old bus jolted along 旧公共汽车颠簸而行jolt sb into/out of sth:

4、 使某人受到震惊而采取某种行动He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he hadonly a short time to finish the article.他意识到须在很短的时间里就得把文章写完, 立即振作精神写起来。joggle : 使某人/某物轻轻摇动7。obsolete : 不再使用的, 过时的antiquated : ( 通常做贬义) 过时的, 废弃的8。prowl: 小心的悄悄移动; 悄悄行经( 某处) ; about/around 徘徊wild animals prowling in

5、 the forest 在森林里轻轻行走的野兽I could hear him prowling around in his bedroom all night.我听到他整夜在卧室里踱来踱去。rove: 漂泊, 流浪, 漫游bands of hooligans roving round the streets 成群结伙在街上游荡的流氓 have a roving eye 时刻寻找着调情或做风流事的机会9。scoop : 用铲、勺挖scoop sth out up 铲出, 挖出shovel: 用铲铲进shovel sth into10. status: 地位身份职位situation : 状况,

6、 处境, 局面, 形势位置situation comedy 情景喜剧11.: sue 对某人提起诉讼, 控告某人sue sb for sth 控告某人要求sthIf you dont complete the work, I will sue you for damages.如果你不把工作做完, 我就要控告你支付赔偿。sue for sth ( 常用于法庭上) 请求sue for peace 请求和解indict: ( 就某事) 控告, 起诉或告发某人indict sb for sthHe was indicted for murder.他被控杀人。10000 词汇学习笔记lesson 1(

7、2)1. bandit: member of a gang of armed robbers 土匪强盗banditry( n) : 盗匪行径brigand: ( 旧) 土匪, 强盗( 尤指在山林中抢劫旅客的)2. commemorate :keep a great person or event in people s memories 纪念( 伟人, 大事件等) ; 指( 雕像, 纪念碑等) 作为对某人某事的纪念We commemorate the founding of our nation with a public holiday 。我们放假一天以庆祝国庆。This memorial

8、commemorates those who died in the war。这座纪念碑是纪念战争中的牺牲者的。celebrate : mark ( a hapy or important day , event) with festivities andrejoicing 庆祝, 祝贺celebrated ( adj) : 著名的, 驰名的3. defile : ( 文或修辞) make sth dirty or impure 使某物肮脏或不纯rivers defiled by pollution 受污染的河流( 特) march in single file or a narrow col

9、umn 指部队单行或纵队前进defilement ( n) : 污损, 弄脏infect: ( 尤用于被动语态) 使某人/某物传染, 感染, 污染某人/某物infectsb/sth withThe laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria 。实验室的动物都已受到这种细菌的感染。infection ( n) : with sth 传染, 感染the infection of the body withbacteria 身体受细菌侵染。4. deviation : ( from sth ) not following the no

10、rmal or expectedcourse 、plan 偏离正常或原定的路线, 计划; 偏差deviation from the rules 违背规则deviate ( v) : ( from sth ) 偏离路线, 标准; 背离deviationism ( n) : 政治上的离经叛道delegate :( sb to sth )挑选或委派某人作代表; 挑选或委派某人执行;将( 权利、职责) 委托给下级, 授权给;delegate sb to a conference 委托某人作代表出席会议The new manager was delegated toreorganize the depa

11、rtment。派这位新经理重新组织该部门。The job had to be delegated to an assistant 。这项工作得交给助手去做。delegation ( n) : 代表, 委托5. fortitude : ( 在痛苦、危险或困难面前表现出的) 勇气、坚韧和自制力He bore the pain with great fortitude 。他以极大得毅力忍受了痛苦。endurance : 忍耐力He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness 。他生病得整个过程都表现出非凡的忍耐力。( 特) endurance

12、 作定语endurance test 耐力测验endurable ( adj) 可忍耐的, 可容忍的enduring ( adj) 持续的, 持久的6. inconsolable : that cannot be comforted 不能安慰的, 无法慰藉的The children were inconsolable when their father died。这些孩子因为丧父而悲伤不已。console sb on/for sth 安慰,慰问某人Nothing could console him when hi spet died。consolatory( adj) : 安慰的, 慰问的de

13、press ( v) : make sb sad and without enthusiasm 使某人忧愁、消沉、沮丧; 将某物压下, 推下, 拉下; ( 尤指贸易) 不活跃, 不景气Wet weather always depresses me。我在阴雨天总是心灰意懒。depress a piano key 按下钢琴键depress sales 使销售额下降depressed ( adj) : 忧愁的, 沮丧的, 消沉的depressing ( adj) : 令人忧愁的, 使人沮丧的7. nibble : ( at sth ) 小口咬某物, 轻咬; 对( 好意, 提议) 谨慎的表示有意接受f

14、ish nibbling ( at) the bait 鱼轻咬鱼饵He nibbled at my idea, but would not make a definite decision 。他对我的想法颇感兴趣, 但不做出决定。bite : ( into sth) 咬某人( 某物)She bit into the apple。她咬了一口苹果。8. pageant: 盛装的游行, 露天演出的历史剧; 壮丽的场面, 伟观pageantry( n) : 壮丽的展示, 盛况exhibition : 展览, 展览会( 习语) make an exhibition of oneself ( 贬) 当中出

15、丑, 出洋相9. scourge : ( 用以打人的) 鞭子; ( 比喻) 引起灾害的事物或人( v) 鞭打The new boss was the scourge of the inefficient。新老板来了以后,不称职的人就遭殃。disaster: 灾难, 灾祸; 失败; ( 口语) 彻底失败的人或事物As a teacher, he is a disaster。他是个很糟糕的教师。disastrous ( adj) : 灾难性的, 造成灾害的, 失败的10. tumble :使某人倒下或坠落( 尤指身不由己或猛劲儿),但通常并无重伤tumble down the stairs 从楼梯

16、上摔下fall: 落下, 跌落fall down/over : 倒下( 尤指突然间) , 倒塌fall away/off 向下倾斜fall into sth 进入某种状态, 变成10000 词汇学习笔记lesson 1( 3)1、afflict:( v 通常用于被动语态)使某人某物苦恼、疼痛或悲伤 sb/s thwith sthSevere drought has afflicted the countryside 。严重的干旱使乡村深受其害。She is afflicted with( suffers from) arthritis。她患关节炎。affliction( n)疼痛,折磨,悲痛;

17、造成痛苦的事物help people in afflictio n帮助受苦的人distress : ( 通常用于被动语态) 给某人某物带来痛苦, 悲伤, 苦难, 贫困,困苦, 危难等( n) 极大的痛苦, 悲伤, 苦难等( 的缘由) ; 贫困, 困苦; 危难, 困境Towards the end of the marathon several runners showed signs ofdistress 。马拉松比赛接近终点时, 有些参赛者显出极难受的样子。Her death was a great distress to the family。她去世后全家人极为悲痛。A ship in d

18、istress 遇险的船distressful ( adj)distressing ( adj) 令人痛苦的, 令人苦恼的2、censure : ( v) 严厉批评某人, 正式责备某人( n) strong criticism or condemnation 指责, 谴责, 斥责Two MPs were censured by the speaker。有两个议员遭到议长的斥责。Pass a vote of censure on sb 通过对某人的不信任投票blame: ( v) 责备, 责怪, 指责, 归咎于 sb for/on sthIf you fail the exam you ll o

19、nly have yourself to blame 。你若考试不及格,只能怪你自己。( 谚) A bad workman blames his tools 。拙匠埋怨工具差。( 习) be to blame for sth 对某坏事应负责, 应受责备。Which driver was to blame for the accident?3、dissimulate :( v)hide or disguise one s thought or feelings;dissemble隐藏, 掩盖思想感情; 假装dissimulation ( n)deceive: ( v) sb/oneself in

20、to doing sth 欺骗某人做某事, 使自己信以为真去做某事We were deceived into believing that he could help us。我们被骗了, 还以为他能帮助我们。deceiver ( n) 骗子deception ( n) 欺骗, deception on the public 欺骗公众deceptive ( adj) 可能欺骗的, 导致误解的4、flog( v) 重重责打某人( 尤指用棍棒或鞭子) ; ( 口) 卖给某人某物sth to sbflogging( n) 打, 鞭笞spank( v) 掴( 尤指小孩) ( 尤指打屁股惩罚)spank

21、a child s bottom 掴小孩的屁股( n) 掴; 掴在屁股上的第一巴掌5、inscribe:( v)在某物上写、题( 诗句, 名字等)( 尤指做正式的永久性的记录) A on/in B B with A inscription ( n) 题字, 题名, 铭文caption ( n) 杂志, 文章重的标题、题目; 附于照片、插图上的说明文字;电影或电视上的字幕6、meddle( v)( 贬) 干预, 干涉, 管闲事 in sth ; 乱动、瞎动不应动的事情 with sthDon t meddle in my affairs。别管我的事。Who s been meddling wit

22、h my papers ? 谁乱翻了我的文件?meddlesome ( adj) 好干预, 好管闲事的meddler( n) 干预者, 爱管闲事的人, 瞎摆弄的人intervene( vi)指人干涉,调停,调解,斡旋 in sth between A an d B;指时间进入, 介入, 在其间; ( 指事情发生) 以阻碍( 某事) ;intervene in a dispute 调解纷争during the years that intervened 这期间的若干年intervention ( n) 干涉, 介入interventionist ( n) 干涉主义者, 主张干涉的人7、postu

23、er : ( n) 姿势, 姿态; 举止; 看法, 态度( v) 以不自然的、装模作样的方式站着, 坐着等; 摆模特的姿势Stop posturing in front of that mirror。别在镜子前摆姿势了。attitude ( n) 看法, 态度8、rummage( vi、n)翻找或搜寻某物 among/in/through sth for sth about/aroundransack( vt) 彻底搜寻 sth for sth9、spout( v) 指液体喷出, 涌出 out of/fromwater spouting from a broken water pipe 从破裂

24、的水管中喷出的水pour( v) 指液体不断流动( 尤指从上而下)Blood was pouring from the wound。血从伤口中涌出。10、traverse ( vt) 走过, 横贯或穿越某地区skies traversing the slopes 穿过斜坡的滑雪者( n)( 一结构中的) 穿越一物体的部件; 横梁; 横臂;( 尤指爬山时的) 侧向运动intersect( vt)( 尤用于被动语态) 横断, 横切;( 指线条、道路) 相交, 交叉 sth with sthThe lines AB and CD intersect at E。直线AB 与直线CD 相交于点E。11、

25、wistful ( adj) 发愁的, 渴望的( 尤指过去的或不可得到的东西)wistful eyes 露出渴求目光的眼睛yearning ( n) 渴望, 热望 for sb/sthyearningly ( adv) 渴望地词汇10000 学习笔记lesson 1( 4)1、amicable : ( adj) 友好的, 无敌意的An amicable settlement was reached。已达成和解。amicability ( n)amiable : ( adj) 友好的, 和蔼可亲的, 好脾气的an amiable character 温柔的性格2、blizzard : sever

26、e snowstorm 暴风雪snowstorm: heavy fall of snow, esp with a strong wind 暴风雪, 雪暴3、cruise : ( v) ( 航船) 巡游, 巡航; 以中等速度行驶 abouta destroyer cruising about in the sea 在海上游弋的驱除舰Taxis cruised about,hoping to pick up late fares 出租车以中等速度转来转去, 希望能招徕到晚归的顾客。voyage : ( v) 航行, 航海voyaging across the Indian Ocean 作穿越印度洋

27、的航行4、eradicate : ( v) 根除, 消灭某事物, 结束某事物Smallpox has almost been eradicated 天花几乎已消灭。extirpate : ( v) 根除或铲除extirpate social evils 根除社会弊病5、glimmer : ( v) 发出微弱的闪光;( n) 微弱的闪光glimmering ( n) 微光, 迹象We began to see a glimmering of a solution to the problem 我们开始看到问题可望解决的迹象。gleam: ( n) 闪光, 通常指反光gleam in sb s e

28、yes 酝酿中的意念, 令人向往的人和事物6、lump:( v) sb/sth together 将人或物归并在一起考虑,将人或物同等分类或对待We have lumped all the advanced students in the single class。我们把程度高的学生都编在一个班里。lumpish ( adj) 指人粗大的, 笨拙的, 愚蠢的block: ( v) 阻碍, 堵塞 sth up7、ransack: ( v) 彻底搜索某处 sth for sth ; 抢劫, 掠夺ransack the house for those papers 满屋子寻找那些文件rummage: ( v) 翻找, 搜寻 among

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