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1、英国首相:David William Donald Cameron(戴维卡梅伦) 副首相:Nick Clegg(尼克克莱格)美国总统:贝拉克奥巴马(Barack Obama)美国副总统:约瑟夫拜登(Joseph Robinette)澳大利亚 英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)总理:托尼阿博特(Tony Abbott)加拿大:英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)加拿大总理:史蒂芬哈珀(Stephen Harper)英国外交大臣:威廉黑格(William Hague) 美国外交部长及国务卿:约翰福布斯

2、克里(John Forbes Kerry)澳大利亚外交部长:Julie Bishop (朱莉毕晓普) 加拿大现任外交官:罗伯特道格拉斯尼克尔森(RobertDouglasNicholson)英美单词拼写差异:1,英语单词中不发音的词尾-me,-ue在美语拼写中被删除.英语拼法 美语拼法公斤 kilogrammekilogram 方案 programmeprogram目录 cataloguecatalog 对话 dialoguedialog序言 prologueprolog 独白 monologuemonolog类似的 analogueanalog2,英语中的以-our结尾的单词,在美语中删去了

3、不发音的字母u.举止、行为 behaviourbehavior 颜色 colourcolor特别喜爱的 favouritefavorite 风味 flavourflavor荣誉 honouronor 劳动 labourlabor幽默 humourhumor3,英语中以-re结尾,读音为/e/的单词,在美语中改为-er结尾,读音不变.中心 centrecenter 纤维 fibrefiber公尺 metremeter 剧场 theatretheater升 litreliter4,英语中某些以-ence为结尾的单词,在美语中改为-ense结尾,读音仍为/ns/.防御 defencedefense

4、犯法行为 offenceoffense执照 licencelicense 托词 pretencepretense5英语中一些以ise为结尾的单词,在美语中改为ize结尾,读音仍这/z/.组织 organiseorganize, actualiseactualize实现 realiserealize 创作 improviseimprovize专攻 Specialisespecialize 现代化 modernisemodern ize受欢迎Popularisepopularize6一些以l结尾的单词变形时,美式不双写l;英式双写l旅游 travellingtraveling 吵架 quarrel

5、lingquarreling英国大学四种种类:1、Ancient university Red brick university2、New university3、Modern university4、Open university英国中学的四种种类:私立学校(independent school)普通中学(comprehensive school)文法学校(grammar school)学院制中学(academy)三位一体教义:the union of three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) in one Godhead, or the thr

6、eefold personality of the one Divine Being.星座:白羊座-Aries 金牛座- Taurus 双子座- Gemini 巨蟹座 -Cancer狮子座- Leo 处女座 -Virgo 天秤座 -Libra 天蝎座-Scorpio射手座- Sagittarius 山羊座- Capricorn 水瓶座- Aquarius双鱼座-Pisces生肖:1. Rat 鼠 2. Ox 牛 3. Tiger 虎 4.Rabbit 兔 5.Dragon 龙 6.Serpent 蛇7.Horse 马 8.Goat 羊 9.Monkey 猴 10.Rooster 鸡 11.Do

7、g 狗 12. Swine 猪希腊罗马诸神:宙斯(Zeus) 天神 赫拉(Hera) 天后 雅典娜(Athena) 智慧女神,女战神阿波罗(Apollo) 太阳神 潘(Pan) 山林之神 维纳斯(Venus) 萨坦 Saturn丘比特(Cupid)美国两大新闻社:美国联合通讯社 The Associated Press (AP)合众国际社 United Press-International(UPI)两大财团:摩根财团(Morgan Financial Group)第一花旗银行财团First Nation city bank Financial Group 两大航空公司:美国航空(Americ

8、an Airlines)美国联合航空公司(United Airlines)1. 贵族头衔公爵:duke 候爵:Marquis 伯爵:earl 子爵:viscount 男爵:baron2. 祝酒词Bottoms up 干杯! Prosit 祝妳健康!祝妳成功!Bon appetite 喫好! Sainte Down the hatch! 3. 英语期刊种类Sorts of periodicals 各种各样的期刊 Commercial periodicals 商业期刊Catchall periodicals 包罗万象的期刊Technical periodicals 科技期刊 Special per

9、iodicals 专业期刊 Entertaining periodicals 娱乐性期刊4. 莎士比亚作品Hamlet 哈姆雷特 Romeo and Juliet罗密欧与朱丽叶As You Like It 皆大欢喜 Much Ado about Nothing无事生非The Taming Shrew驯悍记5. 狄更斯作品荒凉山庄 Bleak House 艰难时世 Hard Times 小杜丽 Little Dorrit 美国纪行American Notes圣诞颂歌A Christmas Carol6. 海明威作品老人与海The Old Man and the Sea 岛在湾流中Islands

10、in the Stream伊甸园The Garden of Eden 曙光示真True At First Light在我们的时代里In Our Time7. 英国酒吧的种类Public bar or pub 大众酒吧 Saloon bar雅座酒吧private bar 私人酒吧 lounge bar 高級酒吧Beer garden 啤酒花園8. 剧院的种类(3种)1 .State-owned theatres : Royal Opera House National Theatre2. Commercial Apollo Theatre Piccadilly Lily 3Experimenta

11、l theatres4.2英国美国电影分级:美国G级:General Audiences:Allagesadmitted PG级(Parental Guidance Suggested: Some material may not be suitable for children.R级 Restricted: Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian英国 U级 General Audiences:PG级 ParentalGuidanceUC级 Especially suitable for children to watch

12、12级 Suitable for more than 12 years old or adult15级 Suitable for more than 15 years old or adult18级 Suitable for more than 18 years old or adult4.3 七宗罪:傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)Prideis the feeling that they have that they are better or more important t

13、han other people.Envyis the feeling you have when you wish you could have the same thing or quality that someone else has.Wrath is strong fierce anger especially based on the desire to punish sb for harm done to oneself.Slothis laziness, especially with regard to work.Greedis the desire to have more

14、 of something, such as food or money, than is necessary or fair.Gluttonyis the act or habit of eating too much and being greedy.Lustis a feeling of strong sexual desire for someone.4.4美国主要政党 1.Republican Party(共和党)Alexander Hamilton Secretary TreasuryFederalistsFederal PartyWhigsGrand Old 2.Democrat

15、ic Party (民主党) Thomas JeffersonSecretary StateAnti-Federalist Republican 4.5-英国的桂冠诗人:本琼森(Ben Jonson)16191637 达韦南特(Sir William DAvenant)1638?德莱顿(John Dryden) 16681689 托马斯沙德韦尔(Thomas Shadwell)16891692内厄姆泰特(Nahum Tate)16921715尼古拉斯罗(Nicholas Rowe)17151718劳伦斯尤斯登(Laurence Eusden )17181730科利西伯(Colley Cibbe

16、r)17301757怀特黑德(William Whitehead )17571785沃顿,(Thomas Warton) 17851790亨利詹姆斯派伊(Henry James Pye)17901813骚塞,(Robert Southey) 18131843华兹华斯,(William Wordsworth) 18431850阿尔弗雷德丁尼生,(Alfred Tennyson) 18501892 (丁尼生死后,4年没有选定桂冠诗人)奥斯丁( Alfred Austin)18961913布里吉斯(Robert Bridges )19131930梅斯菲尔德(John Masefield)193019

17、67塞西尔戴刘易斯(Cecil Day Lewis)19681972贝杰曼(John Betjeman)19721984泰德休斯(Ted Hughes)19841998安德鲁姆辛(Andrew Motion)19992009卡罗尔安达菲(Carol Ann Duffy)2009年5月被任命为桂冠诗人,任期为十年。达菲也是英国首位女性桂冠诗人。5.1中西礼仪的理解The etiquette becomes more and more important in modern daily life. Etiquette is the process and means to show respect

18、 to each other in interpersonal relationship by certain, common procedures. Etiquette also can be said to be a persons external appearance of inward cultivation and quality. People take it as a standard to balance a persons self-cultivation. There are a lot of differences in the habit of conducts an

19、d the ceremony, especially between China and the West. The jokes and the mistakes caused by misunderstanding are not unusual .this shows that the understanding of different etiquette between Chinese and the westerners is absolutely necessary.Along with the constant development of Chinese culture and

20、 the western culture, Chinese ritual and the western ritual are fusions. the westerners have accepted the reasonable factors in Chinese culture and other important feelings . Chinese people have gradually accepted the advanced civilization of the western culture and etiquette style.The difference be

21、tween Chinese etiquette and the western etiquette.There are three main differences between Chinese etiquette and the Western etiquette. The first one is different origins of Chinese etiquette and the Western etiquette. In China, etiquette is equal to courtesy and ceremony. In the West, the word etiq

22、uette used to mean “keep your feet away from the grass”. The second one is the differences of cultural backgrounds. The third one is the differences of educations.5.2中西方餐饮文化的理解The differences between the Chinese and Western dietary culture are derived from the difference in their ways of thinking an

23、d philosophy of life . Because of the differences between Chinese and western cultural traditions, the Chinese and western dietary cultures are different in concept, pattern, and nature. We study these differences and then find out the points that can be digested.First, the Chinese and western diet

24、have the differences that cannot be ignored in concepts. Nobody will deny that the Western diet is a rational concept, regardless of the color of food, incense, flavor and shape, but nutrition must be assured. It cares about the intake of calories, vitamins, protein and so on during a day.The Chines

25、e and Western dietary patterns can be very different, and these differences affect the national character. In China, a celebration, no matter what, there will be only one form, as sitting together, sharing one feast. Banquet uses round table, which has created a unity of form, which is courtesy, com

26、ity atmosphere. Differences in the nature of the Chinese and western diet are inosculated with the respective lifestyle and the pace of life.The impact brought about by economic globalization is stronger and deeper than the internationalization. Chinese and Western food cultures collision and exchange have largely promoted the progress and development of human society to some degree , making the dietary culture become an important part of world culture.By the analysis of the differences between Chinese and western dietary cultures, we can comprehend the respecti

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