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1、A.we C.our D.ourselves 30.Helen was too angry to say_A.nothing B.something C.anything D. Everything31.We will have a_holiday,lets go to the beach,shall we?A.three-day B.three days C.three-days D.three-days32.An email address consists_letters and dots and the symbol“”. B.of C.for D.with 33.

2、We felt very_after we watch the_football match is in FIFA. A.Exciting,excited B.Exciting,exciting C.Excited,exciting D.Excited,excited 34.A lot of people will help you,so you_worry about money. A.cant B.neednt C.Mustnt D.Couldnt 35.Its_to send an email than a regular mail. A.more quickly. B.much qui

3、ckly. C.much quicker. D.quick. 36. A:Why do the Chinese people like red? B:Because,they think it can_them good luck. A.carry. B.bring. C.take. D.fetch 37.Im glad you come back from the United States.please tell me how long you_there?A.have stayed. B.had stayed. C.have been staying. D.stayed 38.Some

4、questions_at their class meeting last week. A.raised. B.rose. C.were risen. D.were raised 39.My cousin was born in China but_in Australia. A.picked up. B.gave up. C.grew up. D.took up 40.What are you going to do when you finish_the room? clean. C.clean. D.cleaned 41.We will make laws

5、_our environment. A.protected. B.protecting. protect. D.protect.42. He didnt tell us_. A.if he will give us a lecture. B.whether he would go with you. C.when he has started. D.when he will arrive. 43. _important computers are to everybody in a modern city!A.What. B.How. C.What an. D.How an44.Th

6、e weather there isnt nice_? there. it. C.isnt there. D.isnt it 45. A:Would you mind waiting outside for a moment?_.A.Never mind. B. So do I. C.Certainly not. D.Youre welcome.III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格

7、限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次):(共8分)A.reader. B. Used to. C.sitting. D.who e.reporterA young woman got on a bus,carrying her three year old Betty,the conductor have it to give her a warm welcome and day,kindly asked,the other passengers,to make room for the woman and her child.On seeing this,people began to tal

8、k.You know,this conductor_46_be very suddenly he has changed his bad behavior,said a middle aged man.Yes,he should be praised,and we must write a letter,to the company,said a second passage.Thats right,another lady said,if a newspaper_47_is here,more people can learn from him.Just then,a ge

9、ntleman_48_looked like a teacher,turned to the conductor and said,excuse me,but can I know your name please,your excellent service should be praised.Before he could open his mouth,the three year old child_49_on the young womans lap interrupted,I know his name,I call him usual. B.Difficult.

10、C.well. D.Properly. E. Out of I had to make a big decision,five years ago,I was working for small engineering company,however,things were not going very well for the company and it was not losing money,one day,the boss told us that the company was_50_business,we were all unemployed.That lunch time w

11、e went pub_51_,we were all very sad,well,of course we talked about the problem,then the landlord of the pub heard the news,he said:Why,dont to buy the company,at first we all laughed,but then we started,to discuss it,_52_we knew the problems,the company has lost a lot of customers because it hadnt d

12、eveloped new products,but finally we decided to go for it.So we bought the company,the first few years were very_53_but we worked hard,and we had a bit of luck,we began to improve three years ago,since then,we had done pretty well,last year we took on four new people and so far this year we have tak

13、en on another ten.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子): (共8分)54.The film on detectives is so interesting that Tim has already seen it_. (two)55.Im sure George is able to make a real car by_. (he)56.If you want to keep_,you should do some exercise

14、 everyday. (health)57.Take care of yourself,my mother said_to me. (gentle)58.Shanghai is now very modern,many foreigners will become the_ of Shanghai in the future. (city)59.The soup is good for you,its a _of different kinds of vegetables. (mix)60.Please_the milk in the microwave,before you drink it

15、. (heat)61.They wont publish Johnsons report unless he_it. (write)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词): (共14分)62.Mr brown wants to buy a new car.(改为一般疑问句) _Mr brown _to buy a new car?63.The members of the film club meet once every month.(对划线部分提问) _ _ do the members o

16、f the film club meet?64.They sent the children a lot of presents on Childrens day.(改为被动语态) The children _ _ a lot of presents on Childrens day.65.There is no juice in the fridge.(改为反意疑问句) There is no juice in the fridge,_ _. 66.Could you show me how I should operate the machine.(改为简单句) Could you sho

17、w me how_ _operate the machine67.In order to earn enough money,Mr Smith worked late into the night.(保持句意基本不变)Mr Smith worked late into the night _ _he can earn enough money,68.Interesting,seen,he,just,very,Film,a,has.(连词成句)_Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)

18、A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)Pubs are important part of British life,pops,formally public houses, are common,in towns,and villages,in England.people usually talk,eat,drink,meet their friends and relax there.You can order a soft drinks like orange juice,cola or coffee,but,many pe

19、ople go to pubs to have an,alcoholic drink,many types of alcoholic drinks,are available,but,the most popular drink his beer.Traditional English beer comes in a variety,of local flavour years and is called draught beer,all draught beers are served from a hand pump,on the bar rather than in bottles or

20、 cans.Unlike American or other European bills,it is served cool but not cold,nowadays,a lot of English people,enjoy a European beer called lager(淡味啤酒).This is lighter,more refreshing(清新的)and is served cold,beer is sold,in pint or half into half-pint(A pint is just over half a liter).When you order a

21、 drink,ask for a pint,or a half of the beer you want to try.There is no waiter service in an English pub,you go to the bar and place your order,to the bar staff,they will pour you drinks and pass them to you,they will then tell you how much to pay,you have to pay for your drinks there and then,after

22、 receiving your change,You can carry your drinks back to a table to enjoy,is usual for friends to take turns buying drinks for each other,this is not as,buying a round.Pubs sell cheap food too. the choice of food ranges(涉及) from small bar snacks such as cripts,and peanuts,to three course meals,a pop

23、ular meal during the summer months is a ploughmans lunch.this is a dish of bread,cheese or ham, and salad which is served cold.You will often,find a pubs menu,written on a blackboard,there may even be the daily specials for you,to try.You must be at least eighteen years old to buy alcohol (含酒精的饮料)in

24、 England,children under fourteen years old Im not usually allowed inside a pub,but families with children can sit outside in the garden,known as the beer garden,when the weather is warm,parents are allowed to buy soft drinks for their children.Pubs are places where people go to enjoy themselves,peop

25、le like to drink,eat,talk with friends and have a good time,if you go to an English pub you will get a true taste of English life.69.Traditional English beer is_A.Served slightly cold. B.served in pint glasses onlyC.Served by waiters. D.Called larger70.The bar staff_A. Are called waiters. B.expect y

26、ou tip themC.pour your drinks before you pay. D.pour your drinks after you pay71.If you “buy a round”,you for your drinks at the end of a meal. B.taste a variety of beers. B.C.share the cost of drinking with friends. for your own drinks72.Pub food_ cheese or ham. B.doesnt cost muc

27、h called a ba r snack. special English meal73.Children_A.are allowed in pubs B.can not drink alcoholC.must not eat pub food D.must buy rounds of drinks74.English pubs_ A.serve only alcoholic drinks. B.ask for family only. C.serve both food and drink. D.are no longer common in. Engl

28、andB. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文):(12分)“Uncle Sam” is usually used to refer to the United States or the US government. It is the nickname of the country. It is hard to believe that this nickname became known quite by accident and there was a man_75_”Uncle Sam”. However, not many people have ever heard of such a man. Not even most young Americans.The man was called Samuel Wilson. He was born in Arlington,Massachusetts ,September 13,1776. At the age of 14, Sam joined the American Revolutionary(美

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