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1、在学习活动中充分发扬团队精神。乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识。4.学习策略积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。对所学内容能主动复习和归纳。5.文化意识知道美国主要城市的基本信息。教学难点分析1.重点1) 正确使用“How long is it?2) 能用所学语句简单描述一个景点和一座城市的基本信息。2.难点1)准确使用“Its more thanlong.”和“It has got more thanpeople.”两种结构描述物品长度和城市的人口数量。2) thousand和million用于数字的表达法。 教具多媒体、点读笔。Teaching Procedures 教学过程:1.复习导入War

2、m-up and lead-in( 5分钟)1) Greetings.2) Free talk: Talk about the activities in the holiday.T: Boys and girls, did you have a nice holiday?Ss: Where did you go?S: Do you like it? OK! Children, do you want to know where I went during the holiday? Yes! Who can guess? Did you go to ?(If they cant guess i

3、t correctly, Ill go on saying like the following sentences. ) No. Its a city, but its not . No. Its in the north of China. No. Its the capital of our country.(After they can guess it correctly, Ill say like the following sentences.) I went to Beijing. I visited the Great Wall. On the Great Wall, I m

4、et some Americans. Every year, many Americans come to China and visit the Great Wall. (At the same time, show some pictures with PPT.)【设计意图】通过谈论假期活动,谈论所去城市和景点的特征,既复习了已学的语言点,又将语言点切入到the Great Wall这个话题上。对本课的导入活动做好话题上的铺垫。2. Lead-in, then watch the CD-ROM and learn to say the chant in Activity 1. (To sh

5、ow the picture in Activity 1 with PPT.) Look! Daming is telling some Americans something about the Great Wall. What does he say about the Great Wall? Lets watch the CD-ROM. a. Say basic information about the Great Wall.b. Listen and repeat.c. Chant together.3.任务呈现Task presentation( 1 分钟)Show the tas

6、k of this lesson with PPT. Today, Well learn how to talk about places in English. And after this, please be a guide for the tourists from abroad.【设计意图】通过任务呈现,使学生明确学习目标以及学习之后要完成的任务。4.Textlearning 1) Look at the first picture, know the basic information of the dialogue and learn to say the sentences “

7、These postcards are great!” and “Yes, they are.” After that, Ill show some postcards and tell the children the assessment rules of this lesson. Look! Daming is in New York with his cousin Simon. What are they looking at? Can you guess? (To show the picture with PPT.) They are looking at some postcar

8、ds. Yeah, These postcards are great! Yes? Ss: Yes, they are. (To get the children to learn to say between boys and girls with PPT.)After that, Ill show some postcards and tell the children the assessment rules of this lesson.【设计意图】视觉感知语篇背景,预测对话基本信息,启发思维,呈现目标语句之一,初步感知其语意,为下一步课文学习奠定基础。2) Watch the CD-

9、ROM with a question and know the whole situation. The question is: What are they talking about? They are looking at some postcards. But what are they talking about? Please watch the CD-ROM and choose the right answer.【设计意图】通过视听感知,带领学生整体感知课文大意,为学生建构整体思维框架,同时为引导和帮助学生理解课文和解决问题,做好语境和思维上的铺垫。3)Read the di

10、alogue by themselves and find out the answers to the three questions. Then talk about the answers in groups. Do you want to know more about the Great Wall, Beijing and New York? This time, please read the dialogue and find out the answers to the questions. The three questions on PPT:How long is the

11、Great Wall?How big is New York?How big is Beijing?After reading the questions, Ill get them to read the dialogue by themselves, then talk about the answers in teams.【设计意图】学生独立阅读,然后小组交流,组内达成一致,此活动既能培养学生自主阅读能力,同时这个过程能够让组内学困生得到学优生的帮助,对提高他们的自信心起到很好的作用。同时,也是学生在小组内感知、理解和自主学习新词汇及核心语句的过程。4)Say the answers a

12、nd learn to say the new words and sentences with the help of PPT.The new words to learn: thousand, more than, kilometre, millionThe new sentences to learn: How long is it? Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long. How big is it? It has got more than eight million people. Learn to say the new wo

13、rds: “thousand” “more than” and “million” with PPT, learn to say the new word “kilometre” with the sentence “Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long”At the same time, write down the sentences on the blackboard.The sentences to write down:A:B: Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long.After

14、 learning each main sentence, learn to use them with PPT.The sentences to learn to use:Tell me more about the . How long/ How high is it?Can you tell me something about ? How big is it? (运用之前强调has got用于表达城市人口数量的用法。)【设计意图】学生在语境中感知,理解和学习核心词汇及核心语句,体验语意及语言功能。对于学生难以理解和表达的词句进行强化训练,体现以学定教,练学跟进,促使学生真正理解和掌握核

15、心词汇及核心语句,并学会运用。5. Sum up the function and the grammar of the sentences.【设计意图】总结语言功能及语用和包含的语法规则。6. Read the dialogue after the tape. Then practise reading by themselves.Practice 1) Read the dialogue in roles.2)Retell the main information of the dialogue with the help of PPT.【设计意图】借助图片的提示,按照开课时所建构的思维模

16、式,对本课主要信息的回顾,同时,再一次巩固核心语句。Do it like these:a. Help them to retell with the pictures and the tips of the key words.b. Retell it in groups.c. Retell it without the tips of the key words.d. Retell it together.3)A guessing game.a. Show an example with someone.b. Work in pairs.c. Someone says the sentenc

17、es, the others guess.【设计意图】运用核心语句进行简单的猜一猜的游戏,帮助学生学会运用核心语句及本课所包含的语言点。Taskcompletion The task: To be a guide for the tourists from abroad.a. Show some information about the Great Wall and Beijing and get them to say.b. Show more places with some information and get them to choose one and to be a guide

18、 for the tourists from abroad.c. Practise it in groups.d. Show a situation and get the children to be a guide in the front.If there is enough time, say and write it down. a. Say and write it down.b. Show it in class and correct it.【设计意图】由介绍本课相关的长城和北京,逐步拓展到介绍其它景点或城市的基本特征,训练学生的语言输出能力,使大多数学生完成本课的任务,同时,

19、也尊重了学生的个体差异。【作业】Summaryandhomework 1) Sum up the knowledge and the skills of this lesson with the teachers help.【设计意图】通过学生对本课句型结构及语言功能的总结,再一次明确本课任务并能够根据自己的目标和技能达成情况进行自我总结,课后及时进行归纳和巩固。2)Show the PPT about Beijing and encourage them to make a PPT like that after class.7. Homework.A.The whole class:Lis

20、ten and read the dialogue twice.Read and copy the words and sentences five times.B. Most of the class:Talk about the three places in English. Make a PPT about a city in English in teams.【设计意图】分层设计,注重双基训练,尊重学生个体差异,有利于学生个性发展。Blackboard design板书设计 M1U1 Its more than twenty thousand kilometres long How

21、long is it ? How big is it ? How big is Beijing? S: Its a picture of教学反思Unit2. Its in the west.总课时 数知识目标:1.掌握并能运用句子:Where is New York? Its here, in the east. Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America. 2. 了解句子中的重音。3. 能够随着韵律熟练朗读Chant。能力目标:1. 提高合作能力,能根据短文内容提问并予以回答。2.讲述某地的地理位置和相关的基本信息。情感

22、目标:感受异域文化的同时,激发学生对自己祖国的热爱。教学重点、难点 :让学生学会看地图,从地图上找到某一个地方,指出并说出其位置和相关信息。教学难点:运用所学句式进行综合性的表达。PPT、点读机教学流程:1. Warming-up:1) Draw a map on the board. Mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left and east on the right. North West East South 2. Tell the Ss some places: Beijing is in the nort

23、h. Hainan is in the south. Shanghai is in the east. Xinjiang is in the west.Practice:1. Listen and learn to say.2 .Listen and chant.Talk about your favorite things: Consldation:Is it in our town? Yes, it is.Where is it? It is in the north.Can you see a lot of animals the re? Yes,I can.Is it the zoo?

24、M1U2 Its in the west Wheres.? Its in the east/west/north/south of China/UN.2Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing知识目标1)能掌握miss,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing,square等单词。2)了解和认识美国的唐人街及相关的东方文化:Chinatown,chineseshops,chinese restaurants,chinese dancing。3)学会运用句型 Therebe结构来描述事物。1)通过放录音,分角色表演,分组朗读等活动多方面激发学生学习

25、英语的求知欲,提高学生操练英语的能力。2)通过肢体语言,展示相关图片等方式,让学生感受美国的唐人街及东方文化,学会用英语来描述相关的文化底蕴。情感目标1)让学生了解异国的东方文化及背景。2)让学生课堂上享受图片的美感,增强他们的艺术鉴赏力和欣赏力。教学重点掌握Therebe 句型来描述事物。教学难点学会用句型结构加以描述事物及在交际活动中操练和运用。点读机 PPT、1.Warm-upa.Greetingb.Singasong :HappyBirthdaytoYou2.Revision出示postcard,more,kilometre,million,Mexico,Canada等单词卡片。Ss:

26、认读3.Presentation1.导入新知T:出示miss,sometimes,restaurant,really,dancing,square单词卡片,并让学生认读。Do you know Chinatown?S:No. (全体学生回答)Lets study together .Chinatown in America.美国的唐人街向我们展示了中国的东方文化,比如中国的商店,中国的饭店,中式的舞蹈等,并学会用英语加以描述相关的文化底蕴。(板书课题)2.New point: 老师拿出一张纽约唐人街的图片,询问学生:Doyouknowwhereitis?Whatcanseeinthispict

27、ure ?请学生回答,有些学生可能对唐人街有所了解,肯定他们的发言及大胆尝试。老师将本课的挂图帖在黑板上,或者是播放动画呈现活动1,让学生听Daming和Simon对话,判断Daming是否想念中国?通过对话“Do you miss China ? Sometimes.”引导学生作出肯定回答,引出“Chinatown”话题3.Practice1)老师提问:“WhereisChinatown?What is it like ?”再放一遍录音, 让学生看着书听,并从书上找出问题的答案,通过提问和引导等方式逐步引出文中,加以板书重点词句:There is a Chinatown in New York.There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.There is Chinese dancing.2)学生掌握关于唐人街的背景文化后,老师放录音让学生逐句跟读课文。3)全班级分组(两组)分角色(Daming

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