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1、A第5题,With John_theres more room in the house.A、to be awayB、been awayC、awayD、was away第6题,The patient isnt out of danger. He is _than how he was yesterday.A、no betterB、worstC、not worseD、not more第7题,We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we_him.A、would have telephonedB、must have telephonedC、woul

2、d telephoneD、had telephoned第8题,Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didnt make any_ to me.A、meaningB、importanceC、senseD、significance第9题,I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given.A、no possibilityB、there was impossibilityC、impossibleD、it impossible

3、第10题,This is _ I want to tell you.A、itB、thatC、whichD、what第11题,To_ an entry visa is very difficult now.A、appeal forB、apply forC、apply inD、appeal inB第12题,_right now, she would get there on Sunday.A、Would she leaveB、If she leavesC、Were she to leaveD、If she had left第13题,Hi, is Mary there, please? _A、Hol

4、d on. Ill get her.B、No, she isnt here.C、Yes, she lives here.D、Yes, what do you want.第14题,The Red Army seized the land and _ it to the poor peasants.A、attributedB、distributedC、contributedD、assigned第15题,The country is faced with great problems, starvation_the top of them.A、has beenB、isC、beingD、is bein

5、g第16题,My aunt has lived in New York _ 1995.A、forB、duringC、inD、since第17题,Do _you are told; otherwise you will be punished.A、thatB、whatD、whom第18题,Will you _ me a favor, please?A、doB、makeC、bringD、give第19题,When spring comes, it gets _.A、warm and warmB、warm and warmerC、warmer and warmerD、more and more wa

6、rm第20题,He is fond of playing _ piano while his brother is interested in listening to _ music.A、/; theB、/;/C、the; /D、the;第21题,_is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.A、WhatB、ThisC、ThatD、It第22题,It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios _after 11 oclock at ni

7、ght.A、were not playedB、not to playC、not be playedD、did not play第23题,This TV program is very good.Everybody in my family _it.A、to watchB、watchesC、watchsD、watched第24题,Do you know _?A、when does the party startB、whether the party startsC、what time the party startsD、if the party starts第25题,This year the

8、farmers have produced twice _grain_they did last year.A、as less . asB、fewer . thanC、as much . asD、as many . as第26题,The _ of yourself that you see in the mirror is produced by the reflection of light.A、lookB、figureC、imageD、appearance第27题, Who is John Smith? He is the speaker _ heard last week.A、which

9、 we would haveB、we would haveC、weD、we had第28题,He told me the news_our team had won the game.A、aboutB、ofC、asD、that第29题,The more he tried to help her,_she seemed to appreciate it.A、lessB、the lessC、the leastD、the lesser第30题,You cant imagine_when they received these gifts.A、how they were excitedB、how ex

10、cited they wereC、how excited they haveD、they were how excited第31题,The road builders claim for a 10 percent pay rise has been under_ by the government.A、considerationB、inquiryC、regardD、application第32题,The meeting_over, the representatives went to visit the farm.A、beeB、beingC、isD、to be第33题,Please help

11、 yourself to the fish. _.A、Thanks, but I dont like fishB、Sorry, I cant helpC、Well, fish dont suit meD、No, I cant第34题,Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us. _, Susan. Whats the occasion? What time do you want to me to come?A、Id love toB、No wayC、By no m

12、eansD、Im afraid not.第35题,Id like to _ him to you for the job. He is a very clever and industrious boy.A、referB、suggestC、recommendD、propose第36题,How are you feeling?Much better. _.A、Thanks for coming to see me.B、You look great.C、You are so tired.D、Dont mention it.第37题,Rather than _to see the film he w

13、ould prefer_stay at home.A、go . toB、to go . toC、went . toD、would go . to第38题,This is not my bikeIts _.A、MaryB、MarysC、of MaryD、the bike of Mary第39题,Of the two cups, he bought_one.A、the smallerB、the smallestC、smallD、smaller第40题,Copper as well as most metals _.A、is a good conductorB、is a good insulator

14、C、are good conductorsD、are good insulators第41题,Her children_far away from her, the old lady feels lonely sometimes.A、to liveB、livingC、livedD、having lived第42题,We dont doubt _ he can make a good job of it.A、ifC、whatD、why第43题,The music was so loud. Thats _he left the party so early.A、howB、whyD、when第44题

15、,The conductor and composer _by a crowd of people.A、are greetedB、is greetedC、greetsD、have been greeted第45题,Students in his class cannot understand _.A、what does the sentence meanB、what means this sentenceC、what this sentence meansD、what is the meaning of the sentence第46题,There were no tickets _ for

16、Sundays performance.A、possibleB、probableC、availableD、feasible第47题,Im going to start now _ miss the beginning.A、not toB、so as not toC、in order toD、so as not第48题,Since the cinema was _ , I had to go home to watch TV.A、packedB、crowdedC、filled withD、full of第49题,Please let me sit down; Im _.A、worn downB、worn offC、worn outD、worn away第50题,Mary is the only one of the team members_to be transferred.A、who is goingB、who are goingC、who have been goingD、who has been going

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