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1、12.和你的朋友分角色表演Module 2 Unit 11. get up 2. have breakfast 3. half past eleven 4. be going to(be变成am-is-are) 5. have lunch 6. have a picnic 7. (at) half past twelve 8. what time 9. only half past eleven 10. one hour to go 11. on the pond 12. dark cloud 13. in the sky 14. I dont think so. 15. a beautifu

2、l day 16. have our picnic 17. over there 18. eat our sandwiches 19. naughty ducks 20. look like 21. stay hungry Module 2 Unit 21. will be sunny 2. will be cloudy 3. will snow 4. will rain 5. the weather tomorrow 6. will be cold and windy 7. will be warm and sunny 8. go to the park to play 1.起床2.吃早餐3

3、.十一点半4.将要,打算5.吃午餐6.野餐7. (在)十二点半8.几点9.才十一点半 10.还有一小时11.在池塘里(表示在水面上)12.乌云13.在天空中14.我不这么认为。15.很好的一天16.吃我们的野餐17.那边18.吃我们的三明治19.淘气的鸭子20.看起来像21.依然饿着1.将是晴朗的2.将是多云的3.将会下雪4.将会下雨5.明天的天气6.将是寒冷和多风的7.将是温暖和晴朗的8.去公园玩9. after dinner 10. play chess 11. will be the winner 12. go to bed 13. have a good night 14. on Mo

4、ndayTuesday WednesdayThursday FridaySaturday Sunday 15. the weather report 16. make a plan for the weekend Module 3 Unit 11. the naughty bird 2. the little dog 3. write a letter to sb. 4. send sth. to sb.=send sb. sth. 5. have a very interesting day 6. write to me 7. in this photo 8. sing in the tre

5、e in the tree on the tree 9. look at some ducks 10. look hungry 11. start to rain 12. fly away 13. eat our sandwiches 9.晚餐后10.下棋11.将会成为冠军12.上床睡觉13.好好休息14.在星期一 星期二 星期三星期四 星期五星期六 星期日15.天气预报16.为周末制定一个计划1.这只淘气的鸟2.这只小狗3.给某人写一封信4.给某人邮寄/发送某物5.度过非常有趣的一天6.给我写信7.在这张照片中8.在树上唱歌指树上的物品、动物或人;指树木本身长出的东西。9.看一些鸭子10.看

6、起来饿了11.开始下雨12.飞走了13.吃我们的三明治Module 3 Unit 21. clean my room 2. in the mountains 3. drink water 4. play hide-and-seek 5. have a lovely time 6. on the train 7. look out of 8. look out of the window 9. under a tree 10. wear a big hat 11. jump in the water 12. come to the station 13. shine on the sea 14.

7、 shine brightly 15. the middle of the night 16. shine sadly 17. spoil my time 18. write a story 19. the following words and expressions Module 4 Unit 11. at the supermarket 2. buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. sth. 3. have a birthday party 4. carry everything 5. on the phone 6. carry this box 1.打扫我的房间2.在山上,

8、在山间3.喝水4.玩捉迷藏5.过得很开心6.在火车上7.往外面看8.往窗外看9.在一棵树下10.戴着一顶大帽子11.在水里跳12.来到车站13.照耀着大海14.明亮地照耀着15.半夜16.悲伤地照耀着17.破坏我的时光18.写一个故事19.下面的单词和短语1.在超市2.为某人买某物3.有一个生日聚会4.拿所有东西5.打电话6.拿这个盒子Module 4 Unit 21. a panda kite 2. fall down the stairs 3. try to do 4. get on the bus 5. get off the bus 6. drive the bus 7. half o

9、f us 8. write a task 9. do alone 10.ask sb. for help 11.put my hands on my head Module 5 Unit 11. have a party 2. have a birthday party 3. the third time 4. start to bark very loudly 5. play the suona play加乐器要加the。例如:play the erhu / the zither/the drums/the guitar/ the piano/the flute/the violin;pla

10、y加球类和象棋不加the。 play basketball/baseball/table tennis, play tennis/volleyball/football/chessfootball意思是“足球,橄榄球”。美式英语中有区别:“football”是美式橄榄球;“soccer”是足球。英式英语中,没什么区别:“football”是足球; “soccer”还是足球。为了弄清楚,英国人形容美式橄榄球时会用“American football”。“打橄榄球”: 美式:football 英式:rugby Module 4 Unit 21.一只熊猫风筝2.从楼梯上掉下来3.尝试干4.上公共汽车

11、5.下公共汽车6.开公共汽车7.我们中的一半8.写一个任务9.单独做10.向某人寻求帮助11.把我的手放在我的头上1.举办一个聚会2.举办一个生日聚会3.第三次4.开始非常大声的叫5.吹唢呐play加乐器须加the。拉二胡 / 弹古筝/ 打鼓/弹吉他/弹钢琴/吹笛子/拉小提琴;打篮球/打棒球/打乒乓球, 打网球/打排球/踢足球或打橄榄球/下棋Module 5 Unit 21. know nothing 2. do exercise 3. get too hot 4. walk in the park 5. fly in the sky 6. wave to say goodbye 7. hig

12、h up above a plane 8. call out my name 9. get very dark 10. wake up 11. make a poster Module 6 Unit 11. welcome home 2. on the earth 3. get many presents from his family and friends4. space travel5. a book about space travel6. be interested in 7. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb. 8. ask sb. to do sth.

13、9. many pictures of 10. spaceships from China, Russia and the US 11. learn a lot about space travel12. finish the book 13. decide to do 14. make a paper spaceship 15. give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth. 16. thank sb. for sth. 1.什么也不知道2.锻炼3.变得太热4.在公园里散步5.在天空中飞6.招手说再见7.在一架飞机上方8.呼唤我的名字9.变得很黑10.醒来11.制作一张海报1.

14、欢迎回家2.在地球上3.收到了很多来自他的家人和朋友们的礼物4.太空旅行5.一本关于太空旅行的书6.对感兴趣7.给某人展示某物8.让某人干某事9.许多的图片10.来自中国、俄罗斯和美国的宇宙飞船11.学会许多关于太空旅行(的知识)12.读完这本书13.决定做14.制作一个纸质的宇宙飞船15.把某物给某人=给某人某物16.因为某事感谢某人Module 6 Unit 21. take us to the earth 2. bring back 3. make a model 4. a model of a Chinese spaceship5. the name of the spaceship

15、6. in 2003 2003读法:two thousand (and) threetwo double o threetwenty o three7. take a Chinese taikonaut into space 8. the first time 9. the national flag of China 10. go around 11. travel to space 12. put in / put on 13. hang on 14. go away 15. have a nice day Module 7 Unit 11. our first spaceship 2.

16、fly to the earth 3. fly into space 4. spend about twenty-one hours 5. do a lot of work 6. make a video 7. come back to the earth8. go to the airport 9. meet my father 1.把我们带到地球2.带回3.制作一个模型4.一个中国宇宙飞船的模型5.宇宙飞船的名字6.在20XX年7.把一名中国宇航员带到太空8.第一次9.中国国旗10.围绕着转11.去太空旅行12.把放到里/把放在上13.把挂在上14.离开15.拥有美好的一天1.我们的第一艘

17、宇宙飞船2.飞到月球3.飞入太空4.度过大约21个小时5.做许多工作6.制作一段录像7.回到地球8.去机场9.见我爸爸10. a great day 11. be proud of 12. go into space 13. at the airport 14. watch the video Module 7 Unit 21. be born in/on 2. as a baby 3. become blind and deaf 4. draw letters 5. teach her to spell teach sb. to do sth. 6. learn to read, write

18、 and speak 7. write a book about herself 8. all over the world 9. live to be eighty-seven 10. role model 11. a role model for blind people 12. look up at 13. make a loud sound 14. go to a new place 15. travel round and round 16. inside the spaceship 17. a Chinese man18. shake his hand 19. a famous p

19、erson 20. talk to 10.很棒的一天11.为感到骄傲12.进入太空13.在机场14.看这段录像1.出生于in+地点/年/月; on+某天2.当是个婴儿时3.变得既盲又聋4.画字母5.教她拼写教某人干某事6.学会阅读、写作和说话7.写一本关于她自己的书8.世界各地9.活到87岁10.榜样,模范11.盲人的榜样12.向上看13.发出很大的声音14.去一个新地方15.一圈一圈地旅行16.在宇宙飞船里面17.一个中国人18.和他握手19.一个著名的人物20.和谈论Module 8 Unit 11. put on 2. under my bed 3. come into the clas

20、sroom 4. have cups on their head 5. plan to do 6. plan to play a baseball game 7. ask to do 8. laugh more 9. make mistakes 10. make mistakes with English words11. make lots of mistakes with Chinese words 12. baseball cap 13. put on 14. put the caps on 15. go to the playground 16. play baseball Modul

21、e 8 Unit 21. wear a raincoat 2. be going to rain 3. wear a hat 4. be going to be sunny 5. wear a T-shirt 6. wear a dress 7. go to the theatre 8. look at the sky 9. so high 10. look down at me 11. the answers to the riddles 1.把放在上2.在床下3.进入教室4.他们的头上有杯子5.计划做6.计划打一场棒球赛7.让做8.笑的更厉害9.犯错误10.在英语单词方面犯错误11.犯很多

22、汉语词汇的错误12.棒球帽13.戴上,穿上(代词it/them放中间)14.戴上帽子(名词放中间或on后)15.去操场16.打棒球1.穿着一件雨衣2.将要下雨3.戴着一顶帽子4.将会阳光充足5.穿着一件T恤衫6.穿着一件连衣裙7.去剧院8.看看天空9.这么高10.向下看着我/俯瞰着我11.谜语的答案12. eat fast 13. sit under the tree 14. want to be a star 15. eat fast food 16. behind Lingling Module 9 Unit 11. Good luck to you!2. a great friend 3

23、. say goodbye to . 4. primary school 5. enjoy our time together 6. remember you all 7. write a message 8. keep it forever 9. a naughty but lovely boy 10. in sport 11. bring us lots of joy 12. Good luck for the future!13. have a happy time 14. at school 15. teach me Chinese 16. a wonderful friend 17.

24、 twelve years old 18. my best friend 19. never forget our time together 20. Best wishes to you!21. come to the UK 22. watch football games with me 23. say good wishes to your friends 12.吃得快13.坐在树下14.想成为明星15.吃快餐16.在玲玲后面1.祝你好运!2.一个很棒的朋友3.向告别4.小学5.享受我们在一起的时光6.记住你们所有人7.写一条留言8.永远保留它9.一个淘气但可爱的男孩儿10.在运动方面11.带给我们很多乐趣12.祝你未来好运!13.度过一段快乐的时光14.在学校15.教我中文16.一个很棒的朋友17.十二岁18.我最好的朋友19.永远不忘记我们在一起的时光20.给你最美好的祝愿!21.来英国22.和我一起看足球比赛23.对你的朋友们表达美好的祝愿Module 9 Unit 21. write an email to2. my fr

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