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高中英语 模块2第3单元 amazing people词汇复习篇+单元测试篇 牛津译林版Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、By the time (that) this letter reached her, she had left the country.【注意】在含有by所引导时间状语的句子中,主句的谓语动词多用完成时态。3. If breathed in, the viruses can result in illness or even death. If breathed in, 是条件状语从句的省略形式。 = If the viruses are breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.【拓展】 在if, unless, when,

2、 while, though, even if/though, as if/though, once, as, than等连词引导的状语从句中,如果主句的主语和从句的主语相同,或从句主语为it时,并且状语从句的谓语部分含有be动词的话,可以略去状语从句中的主语和谓语中的be动词,保留 “连词+V-ing/V-ed/to do/ adj/n” 的形式。 Though (she is) a beautiful girl in appearance, she is not popular among her roommates. The lecturer arrived earlier than (

3、he had been) required. While (he was) reading the passage, he met with many new word. The old man opened his mouth as if (he was) to speak something.If (it is) possible, I will visit Harbin in the coming winter holiday. He will not go traveling unless (he is) in good health.4. What is certain, thoug

4、h, is that the mystery of Tutankhamuns tomb has never been fully explained.但是,有一点仍然可以肯定,图坦卡蒙国王陵墓之谜至今还没有人能完全解释清楚。1)certain“无疑的,确定而不容怀疑的;不容争辩的”。What is certain is that every effect must have a cause.每一个结果都有一个原因,这是确定无疑的。【注意】certain的主语可以是“人”,也可以是“物”;sure的主语是“人”。 He is certain / sure to agree. It is cert

5、ain that he will agree. () It is sure that he will agree. () certain“确信的,有把握的,一定的”be certain of / about sth = be sure of / about sthbe certain to do sth = be sure to do sthbe certain that 从句 = be sure that 从句make certain of sth = make sure of sth for certain = for sure = without doubt毫无疑问地;肯定地 certa

6、in“某一;某些(不指明或不说出的)”,既可修饰单数名词,也可修饰复数名词;some作“某一”讲时,修饰单数名词。a certain magazine = some magazine 某本杂志a certain Ms. Johnson 一位约翰逊女士certain products 某些产品2)though adv. “可是,然而,不过”,常置于句中或句末,用逗号隔开。Snow is not predicted; we can expect some rain, though. 不可能下雪,但可能下雨。 She promised to phone. I heard nothing, thoug

7、h.4. Although Yang did not actually get the beat scores on every single test, it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as Chinas first astronaut. 尽管杨利伟实际上并不是每项测试都得了高分,但他各项心理测试所得的高分使他最终赢得了中国首名宇航员的席位。 It is/wasthat是强调句型,被强调部分除了谓语外,句子的其它成分都可以。强调主语时,that从句中的谓语动

8、词在人称和数上与被强调的主语保持一致。 It is I that am going to be punished. It was books that were stolen.【短语】1. make useful changes to 对做出有用的改变 2. be curious about 对好奇 curiosity n. 好奇(心)3. set sail for 起航去 4. make a discovery of sth.= discover sth 发现 5. right away = at once = immediately 立刻,立即 6. fall ill (with) a f

9、ever (因发烧) 生病 fall asleep/silent 生病/沉默7. lead sb to a place 带领某人到某地 lead sb. to do sth 导致某人做某事8. die of 死于(疾病、饥寒、情感等) die from 死于(除疾病、饥寒、情感等以外原因)9. shortly after 在以后不久 10. have something to do with 和有关 have nothing/anything/little/much to do with 11. live on 继续活下来,以为主食,靠生活 feed on (主要指动物)以为食12. resu

10、lt in = lead to 导致 result from = lie in 由产生13. pay off After ten years hard work, he finally paid off all the debts. vt. 还清(债务等); His hard work/effortspaid off. vi. (努力;付出) 等获得回报14. compare with 与比较 compare with 把与比较 compare to 把比做15. make a contribution/contributions to 对作出贡献 16. later on 稍后 17. do

11、 good (to sb./sth.) 做好事,有益于 do sb/sth good 对有益处 be good for sb/sth 对有益处 be good to sb 对某人友好18. set foot on 踏上19. at full speed (以)全速 at top speed = at a high speed (以)高速with speed 迅速,赶快20. make a note of = take notes of 作笔记 take note of = take notice of 注意到21. achieve success 取得成功 22. be related to

12、与有关 23. apply for 请求,申请 24. catch ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 25. communicate with sb 和某人沟通/交流 26. make the dream a reality = live/realize ones dream 让梦想成为现实 27. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb in sth 在某方面鼓励某人28. inspire sb with sth 用来激励某人 inspire sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事29. in control of 控制,管理,

13、掌握 in control 在控制之下30. in the end = at last = finally 最后, 终于 at the end of 在结尾,在末端31. go down in history 被载入历史 go down 下去,下沉,坠落,下降32. look up to sb as an example 把某人视为榜样look up to 尊敬,仰望;look down on/upon 轻视,看不起;look up 向上看,仰望;look down 俯视33. manage to do sth 设法做到,努力完成34. take turns to do sth /take t

14、urns at doing sth 轮流做某事 by turns 轮流地 in turn 依次,轮流;相应地,转而 二单元试题篇:译林牛津版英语M 2 Unit 3 Amazing people试题 第一部分: 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分35分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21(2013南京第一次模拟)Where was the film The Warring State made?It was in the very Movie &

15、 Television Base _ I visited last week _ the film was made.Awhere; that Bwhat; thatCthat; that Dwhich; where22Garter Druse owed his being selected for the important task to his courage, _ and knowledge of the area.Adevotion BprincipleCidentity Dguidance23(2012泰州高三模拟)His little brother is such a(n) _

16、 boy that he is always asking questions.Anervous BworriedCcurious Danxious24(2013南京高三第二次模拟)The young man was glad that his experience as a cook in the army finally _.Apaid off Bpaid forCpaid up Dpaid back25(2013苏南三校联考)The young boy, who by then _ admission to the university, decided to do some partt

17、ime work to gain more practical experience.Agained Bwas gainingChas gained Dhad gained26(2013湖北武汉适应性训练)Enormous pressure as they are faced with, the students remain _ and try hard to achieve their goals.Aconscious BoptimisticCinfluential Dcompetitive27Its important that these traditions handed down

18、from generation to generation should be _.Areserved BpreservedCdeserved Dprevented28He _ to go to Tsinghua University to study after graduating from high school, so he is working very hard.Ademands BdefendsCdesires Ddesigns29(2013连云港高三模拟)Fan Bingbing is my favorite film star.I consider her _ other s

19、tars.Amore superior to Bmore superior thanCsuperior to Dsuperior than30(2013江苏百校联考)Since most domestic job seekers cannot _ the requirements, more foreigners will be employed and work in China.Aobey BmeetCpredict Dstandardize31(2013唐山一模)The new technology, if _ to farming, will help increase the gra

20、in output.Aapplying Bto applyCapplied Dhaving applied32(2013苏北四市三调)It is reported that China will not buy the Euro debt until some thorough research _.Awill be done Bhad been doneChas been done Dwill have been done33(2012南京三中模拟)Greatly _, the students made up their minds to work at English even hard

21、er.Ainspiring BinspiredChaving inspired Dto inspire34(2013皖南八校第二次联考)The boys are still playing basketball happily on the court _ it is raining heavily.Ain case Beven thoughCas if Das long as35(2013合肥一模)Excuse me, could you tell me where I could make a call?Sorry, Im a stranger here._AThanks a lot BT

22、hanks anywayCThats a pity DIm sorry to hear that第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Can you imagine becoming the richest person in the world and then giving your money away? Thats exactly what Andrew Carnegie 36 . Carnegie had a number of different careers;

23、 he was an industrialist and a businessman and he made a lot of money. He believed that 37 people were morally obligated (有责任的) to give their 38 back to others in society. So after retirement in 1901, the worlds 39 man decided to become a philanthropist (慈善家), a person who gives money to good 40 . 4

24、1 Carnegie had made some charitable donations before 1901, he really made giving away money his new 42 after retirement. In 1902 he founded the Carnegie Institution to fund scientific research and 43 a pension fund (退休基金) for teachers with a $10 million donation. Throughout his life, Andrew Carnegie

25、 loved to read. As a result, it made 44 that he wanted to give money to 45 education and reading. When Carnegie was a young man he lived near Anderson, a rich man who 46 any working boy to use his 47 library for free. In those days, America 48 had a system of free public libraries and poor people us

26、ually had nowhere to find books to read. Carnegie never forgot Andersons 49 ; so he gave money to towns and cities to establish more than 2,000 public 50 . He also gave $125 million to a foundation called the Carnegie Corporation (卡耐基社团法人) to 51 colleges and other schools. World peace was another cause Carnegie 52 . He established the Carnegie Endowment (基金) for international peace and funded the building of the Hague Palace of Peace, which 53 the World Court with

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